Exemplo n.º 1
    def create_user(self, name, email, password):
        Creates a new user with the provided information and creates a new group and
        application for him.

        :param name: The name of the new user.
        :param email: The e-mail address of the user, this is also the username.
        :param password: The password of the user.
        :raises: UserAlreadyExist: When a user with the provided username (email)
            already exists.
        :return: The user object.
        :rtype: User

            email = normalize_email_address(email)
            user = User(first_name=name, email=email, username=email)
        except IntegrityError:
            raise UserAlreadyExist(
                f'A user with username {email} already exists.')

        # Insert some initial data for the newly created user.
        core_handler = CoreHandler()
        group_user = core_handler.create_group(user=user,
                                               name=f"{name}'s group")

        # Call the user_created method for each plugin that is un the registry.
        for plugin in plugin_registry.registry.values():
            plugin.user_created(user, group_user.group)

        return user
Exemplo n.º 2
    def create_user(self, name, email, password, group_invitation_token=None):
        Creates a new user with the provided information and creates a new group and
        application for him. If the optional group invitation is provided then the user
        joins that group without creating a new one.

        :param name: The name of the new user.
        :type name: str
        :param email: The e-mail address of the user, this is also the username.
        :type email: str
        :param password: The password of the user.
        :type password: str
        :param group_invitation_token: If provided and valid, the invitation will be
            accepted and and initial group will not be created.
        :type group_invitation_token: str
        :raises: UserAlreadyExist: When a user with the provided username (email)
            already exists.
        :raises GroupInvitationEmailMismatch: If the group invitation email does not
            match the one of the user.
        :return: The user object.
        :rtype: User

        email = normalize_email_address(email)

        if User.objects.filter(Q(email=email) | Q(username=email)).exists():
            raise UserAlreadyExist(
                f'A user with username {email} already exists.')

        core_handler = CoreHandler()
        group_invitation = None
        group_user = None

        if group_invitation_token:
            group_invitation = core_handler.get_group_invitation_by_token(

            if email != group_invitation.email:
                raise GroupInvitationEmailMismatch(
                    'The email address of the invitation does not match the one of the '

        user = User(first_name=name, email=email, username=email)

        if group_invitation_token:
            group_user = core_handler.accept_group_invitation(
                user, group_invitation)

        if not group_user:
            group_user = core_handler.create_group(user=user,
                                                   name=f"{name}'s group")

        # Call the user_created method for each plugin that is un the registry.
        for plugin in plugin_registry.registry.values():
            plugin.user_created(user, group_user.group, group_invitation)

        return user
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_create_group(data_fixture):
    user = data_fixture.create_user()

    handler = CoreHandler()
    handler.create_group(user=user, name='Test group')

    group = Group.objects.all().first()
    user_group = GroupUser.objects.all().first()

    assert group.name == 'Test group'
    assert user_group.user == user
    assert user_group.group == group
    assert user_group.order == 1

    handler.create_group(user=user, name='Test group 2')

    assert Group.objects.all().count() == 2
    assert GroupUser.objects.all().count() == 2
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_create_group(send_mock, data_fixture):
    user = data_fixture.create_user()

    handler = CoreHandler()
    group_user = handler.create_group(user=user, name='Test group')

    assert send_mock.call_args[1]['group'].id == group_user.group.id
    assert send_mock.call_args[1]['user'].id == user.id

    group = Group.objects.all().first()
    user_group = GroupUser.objects.all().first()

    assert group.name == 'Test group'
    assert user_group.user == user
    assert user_group.group == group
    assert user_group.order == 1
    assert user_group.permissions == GROUP_USER_PERMISSION_ADMIN

    handler.create_group(user=user, name='Test group 2')

    assert Group.objects.all().count() == 2
    assert GroupUser.objects.all().count() == 2
Exemplo n.º 5
    def create_user(self,
        Creates a new user with the provided information and creates a new group and
        application for him. If the optional group invitation is provided then the user
        joins that group without creating a new one.

        :param name: The name of the new user.
        :type name: str
        :param email: The e-mail address of the user, this is also the username.
        :type email: str
        :param password: The password of the user.
        :type password: str
        :param group_invitation_token: If provided and valid, the invitation will be
            accepted and and initial group will not be created.
        :type group_invitation_token: str
        :param template: If provided, that template will be installed into the newly
            created group.
        :type template: Template
        :raises: UserAlreadyExist: When a user with the provided username (email)
            already exists.
        :raises GroupInvitationEmailMismatch: If the group invitation email does not
            match the one of the user.
        :raises SignupDisabledError: If signing up is disabled.
        :return: The user object.
        :rtype: User

        core_handler = CoreHandler()

        if not core_handler.get_settings().allow_new_signups:
            raise DisabledSignupError("Sign up is disabled.")

        email = normalize_email_address(email)

        if User.objects.filter(Q(email=email) | Q(username=email)).exists():
            raise UserAlreadyExist(
                f"A user with username {email} already exists.")

        group_invitation = None
        group_user = None

        if group_invitation_token:
            group_invitation = core_handler.get_group_invitation_by_token(

            if email != group_invitation.email:
                raise GroupInvitationEmailMismatch(
                    "The email address of the invitation does not match the one of the "

        user = User(first_name=name, email=email, username=email)

        if not User.objects.exists():
            # This is the first ever user created in this baserow instance and
            # therefore the administrator user, lets give them staff rights so they
            # can set baserow wide settings.
            user.is_staff = True


        if group_invitation_token:
            group_user = core_handler.accept_group_invitation(
                user, group_invitation)

        if not group_user:
            group_user = core_handler.create_group(user=user,
                                                   name=f"{name}'s group")

        if not group_invitation_token and template:
            core_handler.install_template(user, group_user.group, template)

        # Call the user_created method for each plugin that is un the registry.
        for plugin in plugin_registry.registry.values():
            plugin.user_created(user, group_user.group, group_invitation,

        return user