def set_source_flux(self, args): """ inst.set_source_flux(flux_Jy) -> err_code This accepts a single float representing the requested source flux density in Jansky's and for right now always returns an error code of 0 meaning that the source flux was set successfully.""" self._source_flux = FLOAT.unpack(args[:4])[0] self.logger.debug('set_source_flux(%.2f)' %self._source_flux) return SBYTE.pack(0)
def operations_log(self, args): """ inst.operations_log(level, logger_name, msg) This allows any client to send log messages to the given logger at any level. """ level, logger_msg = unpack('!B%ds' %(len(args)-1), args) logger_name, msg = logger_msg.split('\r') logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.log(level, msg) return SBYTE.pack(0)
def set_integration_time(self, args): """ inst.set_integration_time(time) -> err_code Overloaded method to set the integration time on the BEE2.""" itime = unpack('!f', args)[0] PERIOD = PERIOD_SYNCSEL[self._bee2.regread('syncsel')] integ_time = round(itime / PERIOD) self._bee2.regwrite('integ_time', integ_time) self._integration_time = integ_time return SBYTE.pack(0)
def get_correlation(self, args): """ inst.get_correlation() -> single_udp_packet Gets the next correlation from the correlator client, returns -1 if there is no correlation ready. Note: it is preferable to use a direcy UDP client instead of this function but it is provided to enable secure remote operations.""" try: pkt = self._correlator_client._request('') return pack('!B%ds' % len(pkt), 0, pkt) except NoCorrelations: return SBYTE.pack(-1)
def delay_tracker(self, args): """ inst.noise_mode(bool) If bool=True, selects internally generated noise. If bool=False, selects external ADC data (normal).""" on = unpack('!B', args[0])[0] if self._delay_tracker_thread.isAlive(): if on: self.logger.warning("delay tracker already started!") return SBYTE.pack(-1) else: self.stop_delay_tracker()"delay tracker stopped") else: if not on: self.logger.warning("delay tracker has not been started!") return SBYTE.pack(-2) else: self.start_delay_tracker(1)"delay tracker started") return SBYTE.pack(0)
def load_walsh_table(self, args): try: walsh_table = self._dds.get_walsh_pattern() except: self.logger.error("problem communicating with the DDS!") return SBYTE.pack(-1) for step in range(64): cur90 = dict.fromkeys(self._ipas.values(), 0) cur180 = dict.fromkeys(self._ipas.values(), 0) for antenna, steps in walsh_table.items(): try: ibob, col = self._input_ibob_map[self._mapping[antenna]] except KeyError: self.logger.warning("antenna %d not in array" % antenna) walsh_table.pop(antenna) continue bit90 = steps[step] & 1 # extract bottom bit bit180 = (steps[step] >> 1) & 1 # extract top bit cur90[ibob] = cur90[ibob] | (bit90 << col) cur180[ibob] = cur180[ibob] | (bit180 << col) for ibob in self._ipas.values(): ibob.bramwrite('walsh/table/90', cur90[ibob], location=step) ibob.bramwrite('walsh/table/180', cur180[ibob], location=step) return SBYTE.pack(0)
def _board(self, args): """ inst._board(board, cmd) This allows the client to send commands and receive responses from the server's underlying iBOBs. Note: this should be used cautiously, if you find yourself using this often you should just write a server command.""" queues = {} board_re, sep, cmd = args.partition(' ') for name, board in self._boards.iteritems(): if re.match(board_re, name): queues[name] = board.tinysh(cmd) response = '' for name, queue in queues.iteritems(): response += queue.get(20) response += "\r### {0} {1} @({2})\n\r".format(name, cmd, asctime()) return SBYTE.pack(0) + response
def noise_mode(self, args): """ inst.noise_mode(bool) If bool=True, selects internally generated noise. If bool=False, selects external ADC data (normal).""" insel = unpack('!B', args[0])[0] seed = (randint(0, 2**16-1) << 16) + randint(0, 2**16-1) for name, ibob in self._ipas.iteritems(): ibob.regwrite('noise/seed/0', seed) ibob.regwrite('noise/seed/1', seed) ibob.regwrite('noise/seed/2', seed) ibob.regwrite('noise/seed/3', seed) for name, ibob in self._ipas.iteritems(): ibob.regwrite('noise/arm', 0) for name, ibob in self._ipas.iteritems(): ibob.regwrite('noise/arm', 0x1111) for name, ibob in self._ipas.iteritems(): ibob.regwrite('insel', insel*0x55555555) return SBYTE.pack(0)
def clear_walsh_table(self, args): for name, ibob in self._ipas.iteritems(): for step in range(64): ibob.bramwrite('walsh/table/90', 0, location=step) ibob.bramwrite('walsh/table/180', 0, location=step) return SBYTE.pack(0)