Exemplo n.º 1
    def sub_eq_constraints(self):

        # Assembles the matrix of contraints for the LP problem
        a_plus = self.A_plus()
        a_minus = self.A_minus()
        c_plus = self.C_plus()
        c_minus = self.C_minus()

        zeroFill_plus = np.zeros(c_plus.shape)
        zeroFill_minus = np.zeros(c_minus.shape)
        a_matrix = np.concatenate((a_plus, -a_minus), axis=1)
        Matrix = a_matrix
        if (c_plus.shape[0] !=
                0):  # if the c_plus matrix is not empty, then concatenate it:
            c_matrix_plus = np.concatenate((c_plus, zeroFill_plus), axis=1)
            Matrix = np.concatenate((Matrix, c_matrix_plus), axis=0)
        if (c_minus.shape[0] !=
                0):  # if the c_minus matrix is not empty, then concatenate it:
            c_matrix_mins = np.concatenate((zeroFill_minus, c_minus), axis=1)
            Matrix = np.concatenate((Matrix, c_matrix_mins), axis=0)

        nodeList = self.get_nodeList()
        b = map(attrgetter('b'), nodeList)
        b = np.asmatrix(b)
        b = np.reshape(b, (1, -1))
        size = Matrix.shape
        B = np.zeros(shape=(size[0], 1))
        b_sub_eq = placeMat(B, b.T, 0, 0)

        return (
            Matrix, b_sub_eq
        )  # the minus sign allows the inequality to be in the correct direction, e.g. the flow can be more than the minimun, but not less.
Exemplo n.º 2
def B_prop(allCommodityNames, propulsionName, phi, **kwargs):
    # Creates a default B_sup matrix if none is given in input:
    B_prop = np.identity(len(allCommodityNames))
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if (key == 'B_prop'):
            B_prop = kwargs[key]
    # Find which line we must replace for the propellant:
    p_index = findName(
         ])[0]  # need to convert the proplusion name to a string array for the
    # Get the name locations of the elements in the small matrix to the large matrix:
    subMat = B_prop[p_index, :] - np.matrix([phi] * len(allCommodityNames))
    B_prop = placeMat(B_prop, subMat, p_index, 0)

    return B_prop
Exemplo n.º 3
    def eq_constraints(self):

        # Preparatory functions:
        arcList = self.get_arcList()
        ncom = self.get_numCommodity()
        size1 = ncom * len(
        )  # size of the total A matrices: number of arcs times the number of commodities
        B = np.zeros(shape=(size1, size1))  # allocate zero matrices
        B_mat_List = map(attrgetter('B'), arcList)

        for x in range(len(self.get_arcList())):
            b = B_mat_List[x]
            B = placeMat(B, b, x * ncom, x * ncom)

        eyeFill = np.identity(B.shape[0])
        B_eq = np.concatenate((B, -eyeFill), axis=1)
        b_eq = np.zeros(shape=(B.shape[0], 1))

        return (B_eq, b_eq)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def A_minus(self):

        ncom = self.get_numCommodity()
        size1 = ncom * len(
        )  # size of the total A matrices: number of arcs times the number of commodities
        size2 = ncom * len(
        )  # size of the total A matrices: number of arcs times the number of commodities
        A_minus = np.zeros(shape=(size1, size2))  # allocate zero matrices
        arcList = self.get_arcList()
        nodeList = self.get_nodeList()
        arcIdx = -1  # initialize the arc index
        for arc in arcList:  # Sweep across all edges. Cannot use network maps because of possible multiple edges between 2 nodes.
            arcIdx = arcIdx + 1
            a_minus = arc.A_minus
            inNode = arc.get_incoming()
            nodeIdx = nodeList.index(inNode)
            A_minus = placeMat(A_minus, a_minus, nodeIdx * ncom, arcIdx * ncom)

        return A_minus
Exemplo n.º 5
    def C_minus(self):

        # Preparatory functions:
        arcList = self.get_arcList()
        ncom = self.get_numCommodity()
        size2 = ncom * len(
        )  # size of the total A matrices: number of arcs times the number of commodities
        C_mat_List = map(attrgetter('C_minus'), arcList)
        C_minus = np.zeros(
            shape=(1, size2)
        )  # creates a line of zeros to which the rest will be appended, then this is removed...

        for x in range(len(self.get_arcList())):
            C_element = C_mat_List[x]
            C_elem_size = C_element.shape
            C_line = np.zeros(shape=(C_elem_size[0], size2))
            C_line = placeMat(C_line, C_element, 0, x * ncom)
            C_minus = np.vstack((C_minus, C_line))

        C_minus = C_minus[~np.all(C_minus == 0,
                                  axis=1)]  # the zero lines are removed.

        return C_minus
Exemplo n.º 6
    def displaySol(self, x, commodity_names):

        # Classify the results into a table
        x_plus = x[0:x.shape[0] / 2]
        x_minus = x[
            x.shape[0] /
            2:x.shape[0]]  # x_minus are the incoming flows...Could be used...

        nCom = self.get_numCommodity()

        table_plus = np.zeros(shape=(nCom, len(self.get_arcList())))
        print 'table plus'
        print table_plus
        table_minus = np.zeros(shape=(nCom, len(self.get_arcList())))
        for x in range(len(self.get_arcList())):
            subMat = x_plus[x * nCom:(x + 1) * nCom]
            subMat = np.asmatrix(subMat)
            subMat = subMat.transpose()
            print 'x_plus'
            print x_plus
            print 'submat'
            print subMat
            print 'nCom'
            print nCom
            print 'x'
            print x
            print 'table plus'
            print table_plus
            table_plus = placeMat(table_plus, subMat, 0, x)

            subMat = x_minus[x * nCom:(x + 1) * nCom]
            subMat = np.asmatrix(subMat)
            subMat = subMat.transpose()
            table_minus = placeMat(table_minus, subMat, 0, x)

        # Get names of commodities for display
        # this is included in the arguments of the function...

        # make the plot
        N = nCom

        N = 5
        ind = np.arange(N)  # the x locations for the groups
        width = 0.35  # the width of the bars
        newFig = plt.figure()
        cmap = plt.get_cmap('gnuplot')
        colorses = [cmap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, nCom)]
        xaxisrange = range(1, len(self.get_arcList()) + 1)

        for i in range(nCom):

                     table_plus[i, :],

        arcList = self.get_arcList()
        out_List = map(attrgetter('outgoingNode'), arcList)
        a = map(attrgetter('name'), out_List)
        in_List = map(attrgetter('incomingNode'), arcList)
        b = map(attrgetter('name'), in_List)
        my_xticks = ["{}{}".format(b_, a_) for a_, b_ in zip(a, b)]
        print my_xticks
        plt.xticks(xaxisrange, my_xticks)

        plt.xlim(0, len(self.get_arcList()) + 1)
        plt.ylim(-1, table_plus.max() + 2)

        return table_plus, table_minus