Exemplo n.º 1
def archive_human_masks(human_directory, new_directory, work_directory):
	For a directory of hand-drawn masks, mask out everything in the accompanying bright-field file except for the worm itself and a 100-pixel surrounding area to save disk space. Also, re-compress all images to maximize compression and space efficiency.
	for a_subdir in os.listdir(human_directory):
		if os.path.isdir(human_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir):
			folderStuff.ensure_folder(new_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir)
			for a_file in os.listdir(human_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir):
				if a_file.split(' ')[-1] == 'hmask.png':
					if not os.path.isfile(new_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + a_file):
						print('Up to ' + a_subdir + ' ' + a_file + '.')
						my_stem = a_file.split(' ')[0]
						my_mask = freeimage.read(human_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + my_stem + ' ' + 'hmask.png')
						bf_path = human_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + my_stem + ' ' + 'bf.png'
						if os.path.isfile(bf_path):
							my_image = freeimage.read(bf_path)
							my_image = freeimage.read(bf_path.replace(human_directory, work_directory))
						area_mask = my_mask.copy().astype('bool')
						distance_from_mask = scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(np.invert(area_mask)).astype('uint16')
						area_mask[distance_from_mask > 0] = True
						area_mask[distance_from_mask > 100] = False
						my_image[np.invert(area_mask)] = False
						freeimage.write(my_image, new_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + my_stem + ' ' + 'bf.png', flags = freeimage.IO_FLAGS.PNG_Z_BEST_COMPRESSION)					
						freeimage.write(my_mask, new_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + my_stem + ' ' + 'hmask.png', flags = freeimage.IO_FLAGS.PNG_Z_BEST_COMPRESSION)					
				elif a_file.split('.')[-1] == 'json':					
					shutil.copyfile(human_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + a_file, new_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + a_file)
Exemplo n.º 2
def pick_full_masks(working_dir, human_dir, temporary_dir):
	Copy the bright-field images to trace (giving up on automated wormFinding) from working_dir to temporary_dir.
	my_masks = select_daily(working_dir)
	my_masks = remove_already_have(my_masks, human_dir)
	for a_mask in my_masks:
		base_folder = temporary_dir
		subdirectory_folder = os.path.sep.join(a_mask.split(os.path.sep)[:-1]).replace(working_dir, temporary_dir)
		shutil.copyfile(a_mask, a_mask.replace(working_dir, temporary_dir))
Exemplo n.º 3
def pick_masks_to_trace(working_dir, human_dir, temporary_dir):
	Copy the bright-field images to trace from working_dir to temporary_dir.
	my_masks = random_select_egg_ages(working_dir)
	my_masks = remove_already_have(my_masks, human_dir)
	for a_mask in my_masks:
		base_folder = temporary_dir
		subdirectory_folder = os.path.sep.join(a_mask.split(os.path.sep)[:-1]).replace(working_dir, temporary_dir)
		if os.path.isfile(a_mask):
			shutil.copy(a_mask, a_mask.replace(working_dir, temporary_dir))
Exemplo n.º 4
def totally_random(working_dir, human_dir, temporary_dir, image_number = 200):
	Select image_number masks from working_dir without regard for age bins.
	my_masks = random_select(working_dir, image_number)
	my_masks = remove_already_have(my_masks, human_dir)
	for a_mask in my_masks:
		base_folder = temporary_dir
		subdirectory_folder = os.path.sep.join(a_mask.split(os.path.sep)[:-1]).replace(working_dir, temporary_dir)
		if os.path.isfile(a_mask):
			shutil.copy(a_mask, a_mask.replace(working_dir, temporary_dir))
Exemplo n.º 5
def select_final_outlines(color_directory, final_directory, working_directory, egg_mode = False):
	Select the properly filled outlines from color_directory and move them into final_directory along with the appropriate metadata and bright field files from working_directory.
	mask_ending = 'hmask'
	if egg_mode:
		mask_ending = 'emask'
	for a_subdir in os.listdir(color_directory):
		folderStuff.ensure_folder(final_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir)
		for an_image in os.listdir(color_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir):
			if an_image.split(' ')[-1] == 'outline.png':
				destination_mask = final_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + an_image.replace('outline', mask_ending)
				outline_image = freeimage.read(color_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + an_image)
				my_dimensions = len(outline_image.shape)
				if my_dimensions == 2:
					shutil.copyfile(color_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + an_image.replace('outline', mask_ending), destination_mask)
				elif my_dimensions == 3:
					fixed_outline = outline_image[:, :, 0].astype('uint8')
					fixed_outline[fixed_outline > 0] = -1
					freeimage.write(fixed_outline, destination_mask)
				shutil.copyfile(working_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + an_image.replace('outline', 'bf'), destination_mask.replace(mask_ending, 'bf'))
		shutil.copyfile(working_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + 'position_metadata_extended.json', final_directory + os.path.sep + a_subdir + os.path.sep + 'position_metadata_extended.json')