def testWireframeGroup(): """ Example of how to create a group of named wireframes. """ g = wf.WireframeGroup() g.addWireframe('cube1', shape.Cuboid((100, 100, 10), (20, 30, 40))) g.addWireframe('cube2', shape.Cuboid((10, 200, 10), (10, 40, 20))) g.output()
def testWireframeDisplay3(): """ Create display with two cuboids, a plane and spheroid. """ viewer = wd.WireframeViewer(600, 400) viewer.addWireframe('grid', shape.HorizontalGrid((20, 400, 0), (40, 30), (14, 20))) viewer.addWireframe('cube1', shape.Cuboid((200, 100, 400), (20, 30, 40))) viewer.addWireframe('cube2', shape.Cuboid((100, 360, 20), (10, 40, 20))) viewer.addWireframe('sphere', shape.Spheroid((250, 300, 100), (20, 30, 40)))
def testSurfaceDisplayWithCube(): """ Create and display a cube with surfaces. """ viewer = wd.WireframeViewer(600, 400) viewer.addWireframe('cube', shape.Cuboid((225, 100, 0), (200, 200, 200))) viewer.displayEdges = False
def testWireframeDisplay(): """ Create and display a wireframe cube. """ viewer = wd.WireframeViewer(600, 400) viewer.addWireframe('cube', shape.Cuboid((80, 150, 0), (200, 200, 200))) viewer.displayFaces = False
def testScale(): """ Example of how to scale a wireframe. Creates a cuboid and scales it by 2, centred on (100,150,200). """ cuboid = shape.Cuboid((100, 100, 10), (20, 30, 40)) cuboid.outputNodes() print "\n> Scale cuboid by 2, centred at (100,150,200)" cuboid.transform(wf.scaleMatrix(2, 100, 150, 200)) cuboid.outputNodes()
def testTranslate(): """ Example of how to translate a wireframe. Creates a cuboid and translates it by vector (4,3,1). """ cuboid = shape.Cuboid((100, 100, 10), (20, 30, 40)) cuboid.outputNodes() print "\n> Translate cuboid along vector [4 3 1]" cuboid.transform(wf.translationMatrix(4, 3, 1)) cuboid.outputNodes()
def testWireframe(): """ Example of how to create wireframes node by node, and by using the basicShape module. Creates a triangle and cuboid wireframe and outputs their node, edge and face values. """ # Create a triangle by explictly passing the nodes and edges print "\nTriangle" triangle = wf.Wireframe([[100, 200, 10], [200, 200, 10], [125, 100, 500]]) triangle.addEdges([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0)]) triangle.output() # Create a cuboid using the basicShape module print "\nCuboid" cuboid = shape.Cuboid((100, 100, 10), (20, 30, 40)) cuboid.output()
def testRotate(): """ Example of how to rotate a wireframe. Creates a cuboid and rotates about its centre by pi/2 radians. """ cuboid = shape.Cuboid((100, 100, 10), (20, 30, 40)) cuboid.outputNodes() # Find rotation matrix (x, y, z) = cuboid.findCentre() translation_matrix = wf.translationMatrix(-x, -y, -z) rotation_matrix =, wf.rotateXMatrix(math.pi / 2)) rotation_matrix =, -translation_matrix) print "\n> Rotate cuboid around its centre and the x-axis" cuboid.transform(rotation_matrix) cuboid.outputNodes()