Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     for file in CONFIG_FILES:
         path = 'system_parameters/'  # always use slash
         filepath = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, path)
         if not Auth(config_dir=filepath).check_file_exists(
             sys.exit("Unable to load file %s/%s" %
                      (filepath, CONFIG_FILES[file]))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, config_dir="config", output="uem.json"):

        # If arguments are used it's passed as None
        if config_dir is None:
            config_dir = "config"

        # Create logging functions
        self.debug = logging.debug
        self.info = logging.info
        self.warning = logging.warning
        self.error = logging.error
        self.critical = logging.critical

        self.output = output
        self.auth = Auth(config_dir=config_dir)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,

        # Sort out logging
        log_level = logging.ERROR
        if debug:
            log_level = logging.INFO


        # Create logging functions
        self.debug = logging.debug
        self.info = logging.info
        self.warning = logging.warning
        self.error = logging.error
        self.critical = logging.critical

        # Show sensitve info such as auth headers
        self.show_sensitive = False

        # Set max size line to log
        self.max_log = 9000

        # Set a limit of when to swtich to bulk querys
        self.bulk_query_trigger = bulk_query_trigger

        # Get config
        self.config_dir = config_dir
        self.config = Auth(config_dir).read_config(config_file)

        if not self.config:
            self.critical("Unable to get config, run configure.py")
            self.critical("Run again to use config")

        self.info("Imported config - %s" % self.info_sensitive(self.config))

        # Create v1 API object
        headers_v1 = self.create_headers(version=1)

        self.rest_v1 = REST(url=self.config['url'],

        # Create v2 API object
        headers_v2 = self.create_headers(version=2)

        self.rest_v2 = REST(url=self.config['url'],
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_check_config_dir():
    """Test directory related operations"""
    # Check no folder exists already
    assert AUTH.check_config_dir() is False

    # Create directory
    assert AUTH.create_config_directory() is True

    # Verify directory exists
    assert AUTH.check_config_dir() is True

    # Create read only directory
    os.chmod("config/readonly", 444)

    # Test writing to read only
    assert Auth(
        config_dir="config/readonly/test").create_config_directory() is False
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_write_config():
    """Test writing config to files"""
    # Create some dummy data
    data = {}
    data[KEY] = VALUE

    # Overwrite file from previous test with random data
    assert AUTH.write_config(data, "test.json") is True

    # Try to write in a readonly folder
    assert Auth("config/readonly").write_config(data, "test.json") is False

    # Try to create a new folder
    assert Auth("config/newfolder").write_config(data, "test.json") is True

    # Create new folder in read only will sys.exit
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        Auth("config/readonly/newfolder").write_config(data, "test.json")
    assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
Exemplo n.º 6
"""Simple example of using the Basic package"""
from basic_auth import Auth

# Generate config file
Auth().basic_config("url", "username", "password")

# Read config from file
READ = Auth().read_config("basic_config.json")
Exemplo n.º 7
"""Configure Auth for WSO UEM"""
import argparse
from basic_auth import Auth

AUTH = Auth()

class Config():
    """Configure Auth for WSO UEM"""
    def __init__(self, output="uem.json"):
        self.output = output

    def interactive(self):
        """Ask the user for the information and format the config"""
        # Get data from user
        url = AUTH.ask("AirWatch URL: ")
        username = AUTH.ask("AirWatch Username: "******"AirWatch Password: "******"AirWatch Tenantcode: ")

        # Encode data into base64
        encoded = AUTH.encode(username, password)

        # Generate data structure
        data = AUTH.basic_config_generate(url, encoded)

        # Add the tentant code
        data['aw-tenant-code'] = tenant_code

        # Return the completed data
        return data
Exemplo n.º 8
"""Automated testing for configuring WSO"""
import os
import copy
import string
import random
import argparse
from io import StringIO

from basic_auth import Auth
from wso.configure import Config

CONFIG_DIR = "config-tests"

# Init package
AUTH = Auth(config_dir=CONFIG_DIR)
WSO_CONFIG = Config(config_dir=CONFIG_DIR)

# Random int / str generators
def random_string(string_length=15):
    """Generate a random string of fixed length """
    letters = string.ascii_lowercase
    return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(string_length))

def random_number():
    """Generate a random string of fixed length """
    return random.randint(0, 9999)

# Create some random values to use for testing
Exemplo n.º 9
class Config():
    """Configure Auth for WSO UEM"""
    def __init__(self, config_dir="config", output="uem.json"):

        # If arguments are used it's passed as None
        if config_dir is None:
            config_dir = "config"

        # Create logging functions
        self.debug = logging.debug
        self.info = logging.info
        self.warning = logging.warning
        self.error = logging.error
        self.critical = logging.critical

        self.output = output
        self.auth = Auth(config_dir=config_dir)

    def filter_locals(self, _locals):
        """Filter some args from local()"""
        _list = []

        for _item in _list:
                del _locals[_item]
            except KeyError:

        return _locals

    def interactive(self):
        """Ask the user for the information and format the config"""
        # Get data from user
        url = self.auth.ask("WSO UEM URL")
        username = self.auth.ask("WSO UEM Username")
        password = self.auth.ask("WSO UEM Password")
        tenant_code = self.auth.ask("WSO UEM Tenant code")
        proxyserver = self.auth.ask("Proxy server (leave blank for none)")

        if proxyserver != "":
            proxyport = self.auth.ask("Proxy port")

        config_dir = self.auth.ask("Config dir (leave blank for \"config\")")

        if config_dir == "":
            config_dir = "config"

        # TODO: Merge into one function
        # Encode data into base64
        encoded = self.auth.encode(username, password)

        # Generate data structure
        data = self.auth.basic_config_generate(url, encoded)

        # Add the tentant code
        data['aw-tenant-code'] = tenant_code

        # Add the proxy settings
        if proxyserver != "":
            data['proxyserver'] = proxyserver
            data['proxyport'] = int(proxyport)

        # Return the completed data
        return data

    def arguments(self, args):
        """Using data from the arguments format the config"""
        url = args.url
        username = args.username
        password = args.password
        tenant_code = args.tenantcode
            proxyserver = args.proxyserver
            proxyport = args.proxyport
        except AttributeError:
            proxyserver = None
            proxyport = None

        # Encode data into base64
        encoded = self.auth.encode(username, password)

        # Generate data structure
        data = self.auth.basic_config_generate(url, encoded)

        # Add the tentant code
        data['aw-tenant-code'] = tenant_code

        # Add the proxy settings
        if proxyserver is not None:
            data['proxyserver'] = proxyserver
            data['proxyport'] = proxyport

        # Return the completed data
        return data

    def write_data(self, data, filename):
        """Write the config to a file"""
        write = self.auth.write_config(data, filename)

        return write

    def get_args(self):  # pragma: no cover
        """Parse arguments and return the namespace"""
        # This is indirectly tested by the test_main_results() funtion
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        optional = parser.add_argument_group('Optional arguments')

        optional.add_argument("-url", help="WSO UEM URL")
        optional.add_argument("-username", help="WSO UEM user")
        optional.add_argument("-password", help="WSO UEM password")
        optional.add_argument("-tenantcode", help="WSO UEM tenant code")
        optional.add_argument("-proxyserver", help="Proxy server")
        optional.add_argument("-proxyport", help="Proxy port")
        optional.add_argument("-directory", help="Config dir")
        args = parser.parse_args()

        return args

    def main(self, args):
        """Main function"""
        # Check for args
        if None in (args.url, args.username, args.password, args.tenantcode):
            # Run in interactive mode
            print("No arguments found or missing arguments\n\
                Running in interactive mode")
            print("Run with -h for more info")
            data = self.interactive()
            # Use arguments
            data = self.arguments(args)

            # Set config dir
            if args.directory:
                self.directory = args.directory

        # Write the config to file
        if self.write_data(data, self.output):
            print("Config sucessfully written")
            return True

        # Issue writing to file
        print("Unable to write config")  # pragma: no cover
        return False  # pragma: no cover
Exemplo n.º 10
"""Automated testing for General BAC"""
import os
import string
import random
import argparse
from io import StringIO

from basic_auth import Auth
from Examples.general import Config

# Init package
AUTH = Auth()
CONFIG = Config()

# Random int / str generators
def random_string(string_length=15):
    """Generate a random string of fixed length """
    letters = string.ascii_lowercase
    return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(string_length))

# Create some random values to use for testing
RANDOM_URL = "%s.com" % random_string(8)
RANDOM_USERNAME = random_string(8)
RANDOM_PASSWORD = random_string()

# Build the data structure expected
Exemplo n.º 11
# Create some random values to use for testing
RANDOM_URL = "cn%i.awmdmtest.com" % random_number()
RANDOM_USERNAME = random_string(8)
RANDOM_PASSWORD = random_string()
RANDOM_TENANTCODE = random_string()
RANDOM_PROXYSERVER = random_string(8)
RANDOM_PROXYPORT = random_number()

SESSION_ID = random_chars()

print('Test session ID: %s' % SESSION_ID)

# Create globals
CONFIG = Auth().read_config("uem.json")
CONFIG_DIR = "config-wso-tests"

# Init package
AUTH = Auth(config_dir=CONFIG_DIR)

# Tests

def test_bad_config_folder():
    """Tests bad config"""
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
    assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
    assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 2
Exemplo n.º 12
"""Testing debugs"""
import sys
import wso
from basic_auth import Auth

UEM = wso.WSO(debug=True)

# Get device ID from serial
SERIAL = Auth().ask("Device serial")
DEVICE_ID = UEM.get_device(serial_number=SERIAL)['Id']['Value']

# Get user ID
USER = Auth().ask("New user")
USERNAME_ID = UEM.get_user(username=USER)['Users'][0]['Id']['Value']

# cChange users
if UEM.change_user(DEVICE_ID, USERNAME_ID):

    # Verify change completed
    new_user = UEM.get_device(serial_number=SERIAL)['UserName']

    if new_user == USER:
        print("Device %s's owner has been changed to %s" % (SERIAL, new_user))

print("Error changing owner on device %s" % SERIAL)
Exemplo n.º 13
"""Example on reading config"""
from basic_auth import Auth

# Get the config from the file
CONFIG = Auth().read_config("general.json")

    # Print the details
    print('Unable to read config')