Exemplo n.º 1
def local_gpualloc(node):
    replace = False
    if node.op == tensor.alloc:
        if node.inputs[0].owner and node.inputs[0].owner.op == host_from_gpu:
            replace = True
        elif all([c != 'output' and c.op == gpu_from_host
                  for c, idx in node.outputs[0].clients]):
            replace = True
        elif all([c != 'output' and c.op == tensor.join and
                  all([i.owner and i.owner.op in [host_from_gpu, tensor.alloc]
                       for i in c.inputs[1:]])
                  for c, idx in node.outputs[0].clients]):
            replace = True
    if replace:
        val = node.inputs[0]
        shp = node.inputs[1:]
        old_out = node.outputs[0]
        val2 = tensor.shape_padleft(val, len(shp) - val.ndim)
        new_out = host_from_gpu(gpu_alloc(val, *shp))
        if new_out.type != old_out.type:
            assert new_out.type.ndim == old_out.type.ndim
            assert new_out.type.dtype == old_out.type.dtype
            for b_old, b_new in zip(old_out.type.broadcastable,
                assert b_new or (not b_old)
            new_out = tensor.patternbroadcast(new_out. old_out.broadcastable)

        return [new_out]
Exemplo n.º 2
def local_gpu_elemwise(node):
    do_replace = False
    gpu_out = False
    # check for gpu_from_host(Elemwise)) and extract the Elemwise node
    if node.op == gpu_from_host:
        host_i, = node.inputs
        if (host_i.owner and
            isinstance(host_i.owner.op, tensor.Elemwise) and
            len(host_i.clients) == 1):
            node = host_i.owner
            do_replace = True
            gpu_out = True
    # check for elemwise(..., host_from_gpu, ...)
    if isinstance(node.op, tensor.Elemwise):
        if numpy.any([i.owner and
                      i.owner.op == host_from_gpu
                      for i in node.inputs]):
                do_replace = True
    if numpy.all([_is_scalar(i)
                  for i in node.inputs]):
            do_replace = False

    if do_replace:
        new_op = GpuElemwise(node.op.scalar_op)
        gpu_elemwise = new_op(*(gpu_from_host(i) for i in node.inputs))
        if gpu_out:
            return [gpu_elemwise]
            return [host_from_gpu(gpu_elemwise)]
        return False
Exemplo n.º 3
def local_gpualloc(node):
    replace = False
    if node.op == tensor.alloc:
        if node.inputs[0].owner and node.inputs[0].owner.op == host_from_gpu:
            replace = True
        elif all([
                c != 'output' and c.op == gpu_from_host
                for c, idx in node.outputs[0].clients
            replace = True
        elif all([
                c != 'output' and c.op == tensor.join and all([
                    i.owner and i.owner.op in [host_from_gpu, tensor.alloc]
                    for i in c.inputs[1:]
                ]) for c, idx in node.outputs[0].clients
            replace = True
    if replace:
        val = node.inputs[0]
        shp = node.inputs[1:]
        old_out = node.outputs[0]
        val2 = tensor.shape_padleft(val, len(shp) - val.ndim)
        new_out = host_from_gpu(gpu_alloc(val, *shp))
        if new_out.type != old_out.type:
            assert new_out.type.ndim == old_out.type.ndim
            assert new_out.type.dtype == old_out.type.dtype
            for b_old, b_new in zip(old_out.type.broadcastable,
                assert b_new or (not b_old)
            new_out = tensor.patternbroadcast(new_out.old_out.broadcastable)

        return [new_out]
Exemplo n.º 4
def local_gpu_elemwise(node):
    do_replace = False
    gpu_out = False
    # check for gpu_from_host(Elemwise)) and extract the Elemwise node
    if node.op == gpu_from_host:
        host_i, = node.inputs
        if (host_i.owner and isinstance(host_i.owner.op, tensor.Elemwise)
                and len(host_i.clients) == 1):
            node = host_i.owner
            do_replace = True
            gpu_out = True
    # check for elemwise(..., host_from_gpu, ...)
    if isinstance(node.op, tensor.Elemwise):
        if numpy.any(
            [i.owner and i.owner.op == host_from_gpu for i in node.inputs]):
            do_replace = True
    if numpy.all([_is_scalar(i) for i in node.inputs]):
        do_replace = False

    if do_replace:
        new_op = GpuElemwise(node.op.scalar_op)
        gpu_elemwise = new_op(*(gpu_from_host(i) for i in node.inputs))
        if gpu_out:
            return [gpu_elemwise]
            return [host_from_gpu(gpu_elemwise)]
        return False
Exemplo n.º 5
    def apply(self, fgraph):
        for input in fgraph.inputs:
            if isinstance(input.type, GpuArrayType):

            if (len(input.clients) == 1 and
                (input.clients[0][0] == 'output' or
                 input.clients[0][0].op == gpu_from_host)):

                new_input = host_from_gpu(gpu_from_host(input))
                fgraph.replace_validate(input, new_input,
            except TypeError, e:
                # This could fail if the inputs are not TensorTypes
Exemplo n.º 6
    def apply(self, fgraph):
        for input in fgraph.inputs:
            if isinstance(input.type, GpuArrayType):

            if (len(input.clients) == 1
                    and (input.clients[0][0] == 'output'
                         or input.clients[0][0].op == gpu_from_host)):

                new_input = host_from_gpu(gpu_from_host(input))
                fgraph.replace_validate(input, new_input,
            except TypeError, e:
                # This could fail if the inputs are not TensorTypes
Exemplo n.º 7
 def _as_TensorVariable(self):
     from basic_ops import host_from_gpu
     return host_from_gpu(self)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _as_TensorVariable(self):
     from basic_ops import host_from_gpu
     return host_from_gpu(self)