Exemplo n.º 1
def train_multi_dof_sparse_weights(args,
    ''' Train for only one demonstration but multiple dofs'''

    import multi_dof_lasso as lasso
    joint_dict, ball_dict = serve.run_serve_demo(args)

    # train multi task elastic net
    idx_move = joint_dict['idx_move']
    idx = np.arange(idx_move[0, ex], idx_move[1, ex])
    q = joint_dict['x'][idx, :]
    t = joint_dict['t'][idx]
    t -= t[0]
    c = np.linspace(t[0], t[-1], p)  # centers
    w = 0.1 * np.ones((p, ))  # widths
    X = basis.create_gauss_regressor(c, w, time=t)
    C, Xdot2 = basis.create_acc_weight_mat(c, w, t, include_intercept=True)  #

    # theta, res = l2_pen_regr(X, q, C)
    # theta, res = multi_task_lasso(X, q)
    # theta, res = multi_task_elastic_net(X, q)
    # theta, res = multi_task_weighted_elastic_net(X, q, Xdot2)
    X, theta, c, w, a, r, Xdot2 = iter_multi_dof_lasso(t, q, p, measure_time)

    if verbose:
        print 'Res. norm:', np.linalg.norm(q - np.dot(X, theta), 'fro')
        print 'Acc. norm:', np.linalg.norm(np.dot(Xdot2, theta), 'fro')
        print 'No. params:', theta.size

    if path:
        _, _, theta_path = lasso.multi_task_weighted_elastic_net(X,
        order = find_ordering_from_path(theta_path)
        order = None

    if plot_regr:
        plot_regression(X, theta, q)

    # last one params are the intercepts!
    if save:
        filename = "rbf_" + str(ex) + ".json"
        dump_json_regression_obj(c, w, theta, file_name=filename, order=order)
Exemplo n.º 2
def elastic_net_cost(c, w, t, q, theta, lamb1, lamb2):

    import basis_fnc as basis
    X = basis.create_gauss_regressor(c, w, t)
    _, Xdot2 = basis.create_acc_weight_mat(c, w, t)
    res = q - np.dot(X, theta)
    cost = np.linalg.norm(res, 'fro')**2

    theta_21_norm = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum(theta*theta, axis=1)))
    l2_acc_pen = np.linalg.norm(np.dot(Xdot2, theta), 'fro')**2
    cost += lamb1 * theta_21_norm
    cost += lamb2 * l2_acc_pen

    return cost
Exemplo n.º 3
def elastic_net_cost_der(c, w, t, q, theta, lamb2):
    import basis_fnc as basis
    X = basis.create_gauss_regressor(c, w, t)
    _, Xdot2 = basis.create_acc_weight_mat(c, w, t)
    res = q - np.dot(X, theta)
    M = basis.create_gauss_regressor_der(
        c, w, t, include_intercept=True, der='c')
    Mdot2 = basis.create_acc_weight_mat_der(
        c, w, t, include_intercept=True, der='c')
    grad_c = -2 * np.diag(np.dot(np.dot(theta, res.T), M))
    grad_c += 2*lamb2 * \
        np.sum(np.dot(np.dot(Xdot2, theta), theta.T)*Mdot2, axis=0)
    M = basis.create_gauss_regressor_der(
        c, w, t, include_intercept=True, der='w')
    Mdot2 = basis.create_acc_weight_mat_der(
        c, w, t, include_intercept=True, der='w')
    grad_w = -2 * np.diag(np.dot(np.dot(theta, res.T), M))
    grad_w += 2*lamb2 * \
        np.sum(np.dot(np.dot(Xdot2, theta), theta.T)*Mdot2, axis=0)
    return np.hstack((grad_c[:-1], grad_w[:-1]))
Exemplo n.º 4
def stack_regressors(c, w, t, n_dofs=7, include_intercept=True):
    For multi-demo grouping, form X matrix and its second derivative
    by stacking X's corresponding to different dofs
    n_tp = len(t)
    p = len(c) / n_dofs
    if include_intercept:
        X = np.zeros((n_dofs * n_tp, p + 1))
        Xdot2 = np.zeros((n_dofs * n_tp, p + 1))
        X = np.zeros((n_dofs * n_tp, p))
        Xdot2 = np.zeros((n_dofs * n_tp, p))

    for j in range(n_dofs):
        v = j * n_tp + np.arange(0, n_tp, 1)
        c_dof = c[j * p:(j + 1) * p]
        w_dof = w[j * p:(j + 1) * p]
        X[v, :] = basis.create_gauss_regressor(c_dof, w_dof, t,
        _, M = basis.create_acc_weight_mat(c_dof, w_dof, t, include_intercept)
        Xdot2[v, :] = M
    return X, Xdot2
Exemplo n.º 5
def train_l2_reg_regr(args,
    ''' Here we have multiple demonstrations '''
    joint_dict, ball_dict = serve.run_serve_demo(args)
    # train multi task elastic net
    idx_move = joint_dict['idx_move']
    idx = np.arange(idx_move[0, ex], idx_move[1, ex])
    q = joint_dict['x'][idx, :]
    t = joint_dict['t'][idx]
    t -= t[0]
    c = np.linspace(t[0], t[-1], p)  # centers
    w = 0.1 * np.ones((p, ))  # widths
    X = basis.create_gauss_regressor(c, w, time=t)
    C, Xdot2 = basis.create_acc_weight_mat(c, w, t, include_intercept=True)  #

    theta, res = l2_pen_regr(t, X, q, C, 1e-4)
    if verbose:
        print 'Res. norm:', np.linalg.norm(q - np.dot(X, theta), 'fro')
        print 'Acc. norm:', np.linalg.norm(np.dot(Xdot2, theta), 'fro')
        print 'No. params:', theta.size
Exemplo n.º 6
def iter_multi_dof_lasso(t, q, p, measure_time=False):
    Multi-Task grouping is performed across degrees of freedom(joints).
    Iterative MultiTaskElasticNet with nonlinear optimization(BFGS) to update BOTH the RBF
    parameters as well as the regression parameters.
    import multi_dof_lasso as lasso
    # initialize the iteration
    c = np.linspace(t[0], t[-1], p) + 0.01 * np.random.randn(p)
    w = 0.1 * np.ones((p, )) + 0.01 * np.random.rand(p)
    X = basis.create_gauss_regressor(c, w, t)
    _, Xdot2 = basis.create_acc_weight_mat(c, w, t)
    iter_max = 3
    a = 0.001  # alpha
    r = 0.99999  # rho
    N = q.shape[0]
    lamb1 = 2 * N * a * r
    lamb2 = N * a * (1 - r)

    def f_opt(x):
        c_opt = x[:p]
        w_opt = x[p:]
        f = lasso.elastic_net_cost(c_opt, w_opt, t, q, theta, lamb1, lamb2)
        df = lasso.elastic_net_cost_der(c_opt, w_opt, t, q, theta, lamb2)
        return f, df

    xopt = np.hstack((c, w))
    theta, residual, _ = lasso.multi_task_weighted_elastic_net(
        X, q, Xdot2, alpha=a, rho=r, measure_time=time)

    for i in range(iter_max):
        theta, c, w, p = lasso.prune_params(theta, c, w)
        xopt = np.hstack((c, w))
        # update RBF weights
        time_init = time.time()
        bfgs_options = {'maxiter': 1000}
        result = opt.minimize(f_opt,
        if measure_time:
            print 'Elapsed BFGS time:', time.time() - time_init
        xopt = result.x
        c = xopt[:p]
        w = xopt[p:]
        # print c, w
        X = basis.create_gauss_regressor(c, w, t)
        _, Xdot2 = basis.create_acc_weight_mat(c, w, t)
        # perform lasso
        res_last = residual
        theta, residual, _ = lasso.multi_task_weighted_elastic_net(
            X, q, Xdot2, alpha=a, rho=r, measure_time=time)
        # shrink the regularizers
        # to scale lasso throughout iterations
        a /= (np.linalg.norm(res_last, 'fro') /
              np.linalg.norm(residual, 'fro'))**2
        lamb1 = 2 * N * a * r
        lamb2 = N * a * (1 - r)

    theta, c, w, p = lasso.prune_params(theta, c, w)
    X = basis.create_gauss_regressor(c, w, t)
    Xdot2 = basis.create_gauss_regressor_der(c, w, t)
    return X, theta, c, w, a, r, Xdot2