Exemplo n.º 1
def test_read_hdf(tmpdir, test_df):
    # Write it
    out_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.h5')

    # Read it
    data = BatteryDataFrame.from_batdata_hdf(out_path)
    assert data.metadata.name == 'Test data'

    # Test reading from an already-open file
    store = HDFStore(out_path, 'r')
    data = BatteryDataFrame.from_batdata_hdf(store)
    assert data.metadata.name == 'Test data'
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_dict(test_df):
    # Test writing it
    d = test_df.to_batdata_dict()
    assert d['metadata']['name'] == 'Test data'
    assert 'data' in d

    # Test reading it
    data = BatteryDataFrame.from_batdata_dict(d)
    assert len(data) == 3
    assert data.metadata.name == 'Test data'
def compute_energy_per_cycle(df: BatteryDataFrame):
    Calculate the maximum energy and capacity on a per-cycle basis

    df : BatteryDataFrame
        Input dataframe

    cycle_ind : array
        array of cycle numbers
    energies : array
        array of maximum for each cycle. Units: W-hr
    capacities : array
        array of maximum for each cycle. Units: A-hr

    none yet


    # Initialize the output arrays
    energies = np.array([])
    capacities = np.array([])
    cycle_ind = np.array([])

    # Loop over each cycle
    for cyc, cycle_data in df.query("state=='discharging'").groupby('cycle_number'):
        # Calculate accumulated energy/capacity for each sub-segment
        ene = 0
        cap = 0
        for _, subseg in cycle_data.groupby('substep_index'):
            # Sort by test time, just in case
            subseg_sorted = subseg.sort_values('test_time')

            # Use current as always positive convention, opposite of what our standard uses
            t = subseg_sorted['test_time'].values
            i = -1 * subseg_sorted['current'].values
            v = subseg_sorted['voltage'].values

            # integrate for energy and capacity and convert to
            # Watt/hrs. and Amp/hrs. respectively
            ene += np.trapz(i * v, t) / 3600
            cap += np.trapz(i, t) / 3600

        # TODO (wardlt): This version of append re-allocates arrays, O(n). Consider using list.append instead,
        #  which uses linked lists O(1)
        energies = np.append(energies, ene)
        capacities = np.append(capacities, cap)
        cycle_ind = np.append(cycle_ind, cyc)

    return cycle_ind, energies, capacities
def compute_charging_curve(df: BatteryDataFrame, discharge: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Compute estimates for the battery capacity for each measurement
    of the charging or discharging sections of each cycle.

    The capacity for each cycle are determined independently,
    and is assumed to start at zero at the beginning of the cycle.

    df: BatteryDataFrame
        Battery dataset. Must have test_time, voltage and current columns.
        Processing will add "capacity" and "energy" columns with units
        of A-hr and W-hr, respectively
    discharge: bool
        Whether to compute the discharge or charge curve

    curves: pd.DataFrame
        Charge and discharge curves for each cycle in a single dataframe

    # Get only the [dis]charging data
    df = pd.DataFrame(df[df['state'] == (ChargingState.discharging if discharge else ChargingState.charging)])

    # Add columns for the capacity and energy
    df['capacity'] = 0
    df['energy'] = 0

    # Compute the capacity and energy for each cycle
    for cid, cycle in df.groupby('cycle_number'):

        # Compute in segments over each subset (avoid issues with rests)
        for _, subcycle in cycle.groupby('substep_index'):
            # Integrate over it
            cap = cumtrapz(subcycle['current'], subcycle['test_time'], initial=0) / 3600  # Computes capacity in A-hr
            eng = cumtrapz(subcycle['current'] * subcycle['voltage'],
                           subcycle['test_time'], initial=0) / 3600  # Energy in A-hr

            # Multiply by -1 for the discharging segment
            if discharge:
                cap *= -1
                eng *= -1
            df.loc[subcycle.index, 'capacity'] = cap
            df.loc[subcycle.index, 'energy'] = eng

    return df
    def parse_to_dataframe(
        group: List[str],
        metadata: Optional[Union[BatteryMetadata, dict]] = None
    ) -> BatteryDataFrame:
        """Parse a set of  files into a Pandas dataframe

        group: list of str
            List of files to parse as part of the same test. Ordered sequentially
        metadata: dict, optional
            Metadata for the battery, should adhere to the BatteryMetadata schema

            DataFrame containing the information from all files

        # Initialize counters for the cycle numbers, etc.. Used to determine offsets for the
        start_cycle = 0
        start_time = 0

        # Read the data for each file
        #  Keep track of the ending index and ending time
        output_dfs = []
        for file_number, file in enumerate(group):
            # Read the file
            df_out = self.generate_dataframe(file, file_number, start_cycle,

            # Increment the start cycle and time to determine starting point of next file
            start_cycle += df_out['cycle_number'].max(
            ) - df_out['cycle_number'].min() + 1
            start_time = df_out['test_time'].max()

        # Combine the data from all files
        df_out = pd.concat(output_dfs, ignore_index=True)

        # Attach the metadata and return the data
        return BatteryDataFrame(data=df_out, metadata=metadata)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_df():
    return BatteryDataFrame(data={
        'current': [1, 0, -1],
        'voltage': [2, 2, 2]
                            metadata={'name': 'Test data'})