Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, team0, team1, policy0=None, policy1=None):
     team is a list of up to 6 BattlePokemon.
     policy is a RolloutPolicy
     assert 0 < len(team0) <= 6
     assert 0 < len(team1) <= 6
     self.battlefield = BattleField(BattleSide(team0, 0), BattleSide(team1, 1))
     self.rollout_policies = (RandomRolloutPolicy(0) if policy0 is None else policy0,
                              RandomRolloutPolicy(1) if policy1 is None else policy1)
     self.event_queue = []   # pop from right
     self.faint_queue = []   # pop from right
Exemplo n.º 2
class Battle(object):
    Encapsulates the logic required to run each turn of a full battle. All battle state is
    encapsulated within the BattleField (except for intra-turn state), so it is possible to swap out
    battlefields provided they are in-between turns.

    The event_queue and faint_queue are the only members with state besides the battlefield, and
    they are always empty lists between turns.
    def __init__(self, team0, team1, policy0=None, policy1=None):
        team is a list of up to 6 BattlePokemon.
        policy is a RolloutPolicy
        assert 0 < len(team0) <= 6
        assert 0 < len(team1) <= 6
        self.battlefield = BattleField(BattleSide(team0, 0), BattleSide(team1, 1))
        self.rollout_policies = (RandomRolloutPolicy(0) if policy0 is None else policy0,
                                 RandomRolloutPolicy(1) if policy1 is None else policy1)
        self.event_queue = []   # pop from right
        self.faint_queue = []   # pop from right

    def from_battlefield(cls, battlefield, policy0=None, policy1=None):
        """ Alternate constructor from an existing battlefield. """
        battle = cls.__new__(cls)
        battle.battlefield = battlefield
        battle.rollout_policies = (RandomRolloutPolicy(0) if policy0 is None else policy0,
                                   RandomRolloutPolicy(1) if policy1 is None else policy1)
        battle.event_queue = []
        battle.faint_queue = []
        return battle

    def get_foe(self, pokemon):
        """ Return the foe opposite to `pokemon`. If the foe is fainted, return None. """
        return self.battlefield.sides[not pokemon.side.index].active_pokemon

    def get_foe_side(self, pokemon):
        """ Return the side opposite to `pokemon`. """
        return self.battlefield.sides[not pokemon.side.index]

    def run_move(self, user, move, target):
        run_move should be called 0 or 1 times for each pokemon, each turn. There should always be
        two run_move/run_switch calls in the queue at the beginning of each turn.
        assert not user.is_fainted()
        assert not user.has_moved_this_turn
        assert user.will_move_this_turn
        assert user.is_active
        assert (move == movedex['struggle'] or
                user.pp.get(move, -1) > 0 or
                move.max_pp == 0 or
                user.has_effect(Volatile.LOCKEDMOVE) or

        user.has_moved_this_turn = True
        user.will_move_this_turn = False

        if user.has_effect(Volatile.ENCORE) and move != movedex['struggle']:
            move = user.get_effect(Volatile.ENCORE).override_move_choice()

        if user.activate_effect('on_before_move', user, move, self, failfast=True) is FAIL:
            user.remove_effect(Volatile.TWOTURNMOVE) # remove bounce etc.'s invulnerability

        if (move != movedex['struggle'] and
            not user.has_effect(Volatile.LOCKEDMOVE) and
            not user.has_effect(Volatile.TWOTURNMOVE)
            user.deduct_pp(move, target)

        self.use_move(user, move, target)

        user.last_move_used = move
        if not move.calls_other_moves:
            self.battlefield.last_move_used = move

    def use_move(self, user, move, target):
        Wrap _use_move in moldbreaker handling
        if target is not None:
            ability = user.get_effect(ABILITY)
            ability.on_break_mold(target, self)

        result = self._use_move(user, move, target)

        if target is not None:
            ability.on_unbreak_mold(self.get_foe(user)) # roar, etc. could have changed the foe

        return result

    def _use_move(self, user, move, target):
        """ Return value not used (except for testing) """
        assert not user.is_fainted()
        assert user.is_active
        if __debug__: log.i('%s used %s! (target=%s)', user, move, target)

        # copy the move, so that modify_move doesn't modify the global copy in movedex
        move = move.__class__()

        move.on_modify_move(user, target, self)
        user.activate_effect('on_modify_move', move, user, self)
        if target is not None:
            target.activate_effect('on_modify_foe_move', move, user, self)

        if move.targets_user or move.targets_field:
            return self.fast_use_move(user, move) # fast path for moves not targeting opponent

        if target is None or target.is_fainted():
            if __debug__: log.i('But it failed: No target')
            if move.selfdestruct:
                self.faint(user, Cause.SELFDESTRUCT, move)
            return FAIL

        damage = self.try_move_hit(user, move, target)

        if (user.hp == 0 or move.selfdestruct) and not user.status is Status.FNT:
            if __debug__: log.d('User has no HP after using move, fainting')
            self.faint(user, Cause.SELFDESTRUCT, move)

        if damage is FAIL:
            if __debug__:
                if not user.has_effect(Volatile.TWOTURNMOVE):
                    log.i('%s: But it failed', move)
            move.on_move_fail(user, self)
            return FAIL

        if not user.has_effect(Volatile.SHEERFORCE):
            target.activate_effect('on_after_foe_move_secondary', user, move, target, self)
            user.activate_effect('on_after_move_secondary', user, move, target, self)

        return damage # for testing only

    def try_move_hit(self, user, move, target):
        assert target is not None

        if move.check_success(user, target, self) is FAIL:
            return FAIL # moves are responsible for logging their own failure

        if self.battlefield.activate_effect('on_try_hit',
                                            user, move, target, self, failfast=True) is FAIL:
            return FAIL

        for effector in (target, target.side):
            if effector.activate_effect('on_foe_try_hit', user, move, target, self,
                                        failfast=True) is FAIL:
                return FAIL

        if target.is_immune_to_move(user, move):
            if __debug__: log.i('%s is immune to %s', target, move)
            return FAIL

        if self.check_accuracy(user, move, target) is FAIL:
            return FAIL

        if move.multihit:
            hits = (move.multihit[-1] if user.ability is abilitydex['skilllink'] else

            total_damage = 0
            hit = 0
            for hit in range(hits):
                damage = self.move_hit(user, move, target)
                if damage is FAIL:
                    if __debug__: log.i('Hit %d times, and failed', hit)
                    return FAIL
                total_damage += damage or 0

                if target.hp <= 0 or user.hp <= 0 or user.status is Status.SLP:

            if __debug__: log.i('Hit %d times!', hit+1)

            damage = total_damage = self.move_hit(user, move, target)

        if damage not in (FAIL, None, 0):
            if move.recoil > 0 and not user.is_fainted():
                self.damage(user, int(round(total_damage * move.recoil / 100.0)) or 1,
                            Cause.RECOIL, move)

            target.was_attacked_this_turn = {'move': move, 'damage': damage}

        return total_damage

    def move_hit(self, user, move, target):
        assert target is not None

        user.activate_effect('on_move_hit', user, move, self)

        substitute = target.get_effect(Volatile.SUBSTITUTE)
        if substitute is not None:
            result = substitute.on_hit_substitute(user, move, target, self)
            if result is not None:
                if __debug__: log.d('Hit substitute: result=%s', result)
                return result
            elif __debug__: log.d('Bypassed substitute')

        damage = self.calculate_damage(user, move, target)
        if damage is FAIL:
            return FAIL

        if damage is not None:
            damage = self.damage(target, damage, Cause.MOVE, move, user, move.drain)
            if damage is FAIL:
                if __debug__: log.i('Move failed in Battle.damage: returned %s', damage)
                return FAIL

        user.damage_done_this_turn = damage

        if move.target_status is not None:
            if self.set_status(target, move.target_status, user) is FAIL:
                return FAIL     # all target_status moves do nothing else, so fail fast

        if move.user_boosts is not None and not user.is_fainted():
            user.apply_boosts(move.user_boosts, True)

        user.activate_effect('on_move_success', user, move, target)

        if move.on_success(user, target, self) is FAIL:
            if __debug__: log.i('Move "%s" failed in on_success', move)
            return FAIL

        target = self.get_foe(user) # roar, etc. could have changed the active foe

        if target is not None:
            target.activate_effect('on_after_foe_hit', user, move, target, self)

        for s_effect in move.secondary_effects:
            self.apply_secondary_effect(user if s_effect.affects_user else target,
                                        s_effect, user)

        user.must_switch = move.switch_user

        if __debug__: log.d('returning damage=%s', damage)
        return damage

    def check_accuracy(self, user, move, target):
        Return FAIL if the move misses.
        An accuracy value of None means to skip the accuracy check, i.e. it always hits.
        accuracy = move.accuracy
        accuracy = user.accumulate_effect('on_accuracy', user, move, target, self, accuracy)
        accuracy = target.accumulate_effect('on_foe_accuracy', user, move, target, self, accuracy)
        if accuracy is None:

        boost_factor = (1.0, 4.0/3.0, 5.0/3.0, 2.0, 7.0/3.0, 8.0/3.0, 3.0)
        if not move.ignore_accuracy_boosts:
            acc_boost = user.boosts['acc']
            if acc_boost > 0:
                accuracy *= boost_factor[acc_boost]
            elif acc_boost < 0:
                accuracy /= boost_factor[-acc_boost]

        if not move.ignore_evasion_boosts:
            evn_boost = target.boosts['evn']
            if evn_boost > 0:
                accuracy /= boost_factor[evn_boost]
            elif evn_boost < 0:
                accuracy *= boost_factor[-evn_boost]

        if __debug__: log.d('Using accuracy of %s', accuracy)
        if random.randrange(100) >= int(accuracy):
            if __debug__: log.i('But it missed!')
            return FAIL

    def fast_use_move(self, user, move):
        Fast path optimization out of self.use_move for moves not targeting an opponent
        (move.targets_user or move.targets_field). Replaces try_move_hit and move_hit and allows
        them to skip (if target is None) checks.

        Specifically skips on_foe_try_hit, {immunity,accuracy,multihit,substitute} checks,
        calculate_damage, drain check, move.target_status, move.secondary_effects,
        move.on_move_fail, move.on_after_move_secondary.
        if __debug__: log.d('%s: Fast path', move)
        if move.check_success(user, None, self) is FAIL:
            if __debug__: log.i('(check_success) But it failed')
            return FAIL

        user.damage_done_this_turn = 0

        if move.user_boosts is not None:
            if user.apply_boosts(move.user_boosts, True) is FAIL:
                if __debug__: log.i('(apply_boosts) But it failed')
                return FAIL

        if move.on_success(user, None, self) is FAIL:
            if __debug__: log.i('(on_success) But it failed')
            return FAIL

        if not move.calls_other_moves: # don't override switch moves called via copycat/sleeptalk
            user.must_switch = move.switch_user

        if (user.hp == 0 or move.selfdestruct) and not user.status is Status.FNT:
            if __debug__: log.d('User has no HP after using move, fainting')
            self.faint(user, Cause.SELFDESTRUCT, move)

    def apply_secondary_effect(self, pokemon, s_effect, user):
        if (random.randrange(100) >= s_effect.chance or
            pokemon is None or
            pokemon.is_fainted() or
            (pokemon.ability is abilitydex['shielddust'] and not s_effect.affects_user)):

        if __debug__: log.d('Applying %s to %s', s_effect, pokemon)

        if s_effect.boosts is not None:
            pokemon.apply_boosts(s_effect.boosts, s_effect.affects_user)
        elif s_effect.status is not None:
            self.set_status(pokemon, s_effect.status, user)
        elif s_effect.volatile is Volatile.FLINCH:
        elif s_effect.volatile is Volatile.CONFUSE:
            pokemon.confuse(user.ability is abilitydex['infiltrator'])
        elif s_effect.callback is not None:
            s_effect.callback(pokemon, user, self)
            assert False, 'Tried to apply secondary effect with no boosts, volatile, or status'

    def confusion_hit(self, pokemon):
        """ Cause a pokemon to hurt itself in confusion """
        assert pokemon.is_active

        damage = self.calculate_damage(pokemon, movedex['confusiondamage'], pokemon)
        self.damage(pokemon, damage, Cause.CONFUSE, movedex['confusiondamage'])

    def calculate_damage(self, user, move, target):
        Return FAIL: "But it failed!"
        Return None: Move did not attempt to do damage
        Return int: Amount of damage dealt (returning 0 still means damage for Static etc.)
        if target.is_immune_to_move(user, move):
            if __debug__: log.i('FAIL: %s is immune to %s', target, move)
            return FAIL

        if __debug__: log.d('Calculating damage for %s attacking %s with %s', user, target, move)

        damage = move.damage_callback(user, target)
        if damage is not None:
            if __debug__: log.i("Using %s damage from %s's damage_callback", damage, move)
            return damage

        base_power = move.get_base_power(user, target, self)
        if base_power is not None:
            base_power = self.modify_base_power(user, move, target, base_power)
        if not base_power:
            if __debug__: log.d('base_power=%s, returning damage=None', base_power)
            return None

        assert move.category in (PHYSICAL, SPECIAL)

        base_power = int(max(gf_round(base_power), 1))
        if __debug__: log.d('Using base_power of %s', base_power)

        crit = move.crit = ((move.always_crit or self.get_critical_hit(move.crit_ratio)) and not
                            (move.never_crit or target.ability in (abilitydex['battlearmor'],
        if __debug__:
            if crit: log.i('Critical hit!')

        defensive_category = move.defensive_category or move.category
        attacking_stat = 'atk' if move.category is PHYSICAL else 'spa'
        defending_stat = 'def' if defensive_category is PHYSICAL else 'spd'
        attack_stat_source = user if not move.use_opponent_attack else target

        attack_boosts = attack_stat_source.boosts[attacking_stat]
        defense_boosts = target.boosts[defending_stat]

        if move.ignore_offensive_boosts or (crit and attack_boosts < 0):
            attack_boosts = 0
        if move.ignore_defensive_boosts or (crit and defense_boosts > 0):
            defense_boosts = 0

        attack = attack_stat_source.calculate_stat(attacking_stat, attack_boosts)
        defense = target.calculate_stat(defending_stat, defense_boosts)

        attack = int(user.accumulate_effect('on_modify_' + attacking_stat,
                                            user, move, self, attack))

        modify = self.modify_def if defending_stat == 'def' else self.modify_spd
        defense = int(modify(defense, target, move))

        damage = int(int(int(2 * user.level / 5 + 2) * base_power * attack / defense) / 50) + 2

        if crit:
            damage = int(damage * 1.5)

        damage = int(damage * self.damage_randomizer() / 100)

        if move.type in user.types:
            damage = int(damage * move.stab)

        weather_mod = self.battlefield.get_effect(self.battlefield.weather)
        if weather_mod is not None:
            damage = gf_round(weather_mod.weather_modify_damage(move, damage))

        effectiveness = self.get_effectiveness(user, move, target)

        damage *= effectiveness
        if __debug__:
            if effectiveness != 1:
                log.i("It's %s effective", {0.25: 'barely', 0.5: 'not very',
                                            2: 'super', 4: 'super duper'}[effectiveness])

        damage = self.modify_damage(damage, user, move, target, crit, effectiveness)
        damage = gf_round(damage) or 1

        if __debug__: log.d('Returning damage=%s', damage)
        return damage

    def modify_base_power(self, user, move, target, base_power):
        for effector in (user, self.battlefield):
            base_power = effector.accumulate_effect('on_modify_base_power',
                                                    user, move, target, self, base_power)
        if target.ability is abilitydex['dryskin'] and move.type is Type.FIRE:
            base_power *= 1.25
        return base_power

    @staticmethod # for duck punching
    def get_critical_hit(crit_ratio):
        return random.randrange(CRIT_ROLL[min(crit_ratio, 3)]) == 0

    @staticmethod # for duck punching
    def damage_randomizer():
        return 100 - random.randrange(16)

    def modify_damage(self, damage, user, move, target, crit, effectiveness):
        for effector in (user, user.side, self.battlefield):
            damage = effector.accumulate_effect('on_modify_damage',
                                                user, move, effectiveness, damage)
        for effector in (target, target.side):
            damage = effector.accumulate_effect('on_modify_foe_damage',
                                                user, move, target, crit, effectiveness, damage)
        return damage

    def get_effectiveness(self, user, move, target):
        effectiveness = move.get_effectiveness(target)
        for effector in (user, self.battlefield):
            effectiveness = effector.accumulate_effect('on_modify_effectiveness',
                                                       user, move, target, effectiveness)
        return effectiveness

    def modify_def(self, def_, target, move):
        return target.accumulate_effect('on_modify_def', target, move, self, def_)

    def modify_spd(self, spd, target, move):
        for effector in (target, self.battlefield):
            spd = effector.accumulate_effect('on_modify_spd', target, move, self, spd)
        return spd

    def modify_spe(self, spe, pokemon):
        for effector in (pokemon, pokemon.side, self.battlefield):
            spe = effector.accumulate_effect('on_modify_spe', pokemon, self, spe)
        return spe

    def effective_spe(self, pokemon):
        return self.modify_spe(pokemon.calculate_stat('spe'), pokemon)

    def damage(self, pokemon, damage, cause, source=None, attacker=None, drain_pct=None):
        Return FAIL or int amount of damage done.
        If the damage is caused directly by a move then source and attacker must be set.
        Draining effects (drain moves or leechseed) pass a percent of damage to drain to attacker.
        if pokemon.is_fainted():
            if __debug__:
                log.w('Tried to damage fainted pokemon %s: cause: %s, source: %s, attacker: %s',
                      pokemon, cause, source, attacker)
            return 0

        assert pokemon is not attacker
        assert pokemon.side.active_pokemon is pokemon
        assert pokemon.is_active
        assert damage >= 0
        assert ((isinstance(attacker, BattlePokemon) and isinstance(source, Move)) if
                cause is Cause.MOVE else True)

        if damage == 0:
            if __debug__: log.w('Battle.damage called with damage=0') # this shouldn't happen
            return 0

        if cause is Cause.WEATHER and pokemon.is_immune_to(source):
            if __debug__: log.i('Weather immunity: %s / %s', pokemon, source)
            return 0

        if damage < 1:
            damage = 1 # always do at least 1 damage
            damage = int(damage)

        damage = pokemon.accumulate_effect('on_damage',
                                           pokemon, cause, source, self, damage, failfast=True)
        if damage is FAIL:
            return FAIL

        pokemon.hp -= damage
        if __debug__: log.i('%s took %s (%.1f%%) damage from %s: %s; hp=%d/%d' %
                            (pokemon, damage, 100*float(damage)/pokemon.max_hp, cause, source,
                             pokemon.hp, pokemon.max_hp))
        if pokemon.hp <= 0:
            damage += pokemon.hp

        if drain_pct and not attacker.is_fainted():
            self.heal(attacker, int(math.ceil(damage * drain_pct / 100.0)), cause=Cause.DRAIN,

        if cause is Cause.MOVE:
            pokemon.activate_effect('on_after_move_damage', self, pokemon, damage, source, attacker)

        if pokemon.hp <= 0:
            self.faint(pokemon, cause, source, attacker)

        return damage

    def heal(self, pokemon, hp, cause=None, source=None, foe=None):
        if pokemon.is_fainted():
            if __debug__: log.e('Tried to heal fainted pokemon: %s, cause=%s, source=%s, foe=%s',
                                pokemon, cause, source, foe)

        assert isinstance(hp, int)
        assert hp >= 0

        if foe is not None and foe.activate_effect('on_foe_heal',
                                                   pokemon, hp, cause, self, failfast=True) is FAIL:
            return FAIL

        if __debug__: prev_hp = pokemon.hp
        pokemon.hp = min(hp + pokemon.hp, pokemon.max_hp)
        if __debug__: log.i('%s healed %d damage; hp=%d', pokemon, pokemon.hp - prev_hp, pokemon.hp)

    def faint(self, pokemon, cause, source=None, attacker=None):
        if pokemon.status is Status.FNT:
            if __debug__: log.w('Tried to faint %s twice!', pokemon)
        pokemon.hp = 0
        pokemon.status = Status.FNT # This should be the only way to assign Status.FNT
        pokemon.side.last_fainted_on_turn = self.battlefield.turns
        pokemon.side.active_pokemon = None
        pokemon.is_active = False

        if __debug__: log.i('%s fainted: %s (source=%s)', pokemon, cause, source)
        self.faint_queue.insert(0, pokemon)

        pokemon.activate_effect('on_faint', pokemon, cause, source, self)

        if attacker is not None and not attacker.is_fainted():
            attacker.activate_effect('on_foe_faint', attacker, cause, source, pokemon, self)

        foe = self.get_foe(pokemon)
        if foe is not None:

        pokemon.boosts = Boosts()

    def direct_damage(self, pokemon, damage):
        Bypasses on_damage; is 'cause-less'.
        {substitute, bellydrum, painsplit, struggle recoil} are direct damage
        if damage < 1:
            damage = 1 # always do at least 1 damage
            damage = int(damage)

        pokemon.hp -= damage
        if pokemon.hp <= 0:
            self.faint(pokemon, Cause.DIRECT)

    def force_random_switch(self, pokemon, forcer):
        if (pokemon.is_fainted() or
            forcer.is_fainted() or
            pokemon.ability.name == 'suctioncups'
            return FAIL

        team_members = pokemon.get_switch_choices(forced=True)
        if team_members:
            incoming = random.choice(team_members)
            if __debug__: log.d('Force switching %s for %s', pokemon, incoming)
            self.run_switch(pokemon, incoming)
            forcer.get_effect(ABILITY).on_break_mold(incoming, self)
        elif __debug__:
            log.i('Tried to force random switch; %s has no remaining teammates', pokemon)

    def set_status(self, pokemon, status, setter):
        Set `status` (enums.Status) on `pokemon`.

        Fails if the pokemon is already statused, Sleep Clause activates, or if an effect or
        immunity prevents it.

        `setter` should be the pokemon causing the status (usually the foe). `setter` == `pokemon`
        in the case of rest, toxicorb, etc., or None in the case of toxicspikes, etc.
        assert not pokemon.is_fainted()
        assert setter is None or isinstance(setter, BattlePokemon)

        if status is Status.SLP and any(teammate.status is Status.SLP and not teammate.is_resting
                                        for teammate in pokemon.side.team
                                        if teammate is not pokemon):
            if __debug__: log.i('Sleep Clause Mod!')
            return FAIL

        if pokemon.status is not None or pokemon.is_immune_to(status):
            if __debug__: log.i('Failed to set status %s: ' % status +
                                ('%%s is already statused (%s)' % pokemon.status
                                 if pokemon.status is not None else
                                 '%s is immune') % pokemon)
            return FAIL

        for effector in (pokemon, pokemon.side, self.battlefield):
            if effector.activate_effect('on_set_status',
                                        status, pokemon, setter, self, failfast=True) is FAIL:
                return FAIL

        pokemon.status = status
        pokemon.activate_effect('on_after_set_status', status, pokemon, setter, self)

    def run_residual(self):
        if __debug__: log.i('Between turns')
        sides = self.battlefield.sides
        actives = sorted([sides[0].active_pokemon, sides[1].active_pokemon],
                         key=lambda p: 0 if p is None else (-self.effective_spe(p),

        residuals = []

        # First pass: decrement duration of all residual effects, and add their on_timeout handler
        # if they time out
        for thing in filter(None, (actives[0], actives[1], sides[0], sides[1], self.battlefield)):
            for effect in thing.effects:
                if effect.duration is not None:
                    assert effect.duration > 0
                    effect.duration -= 1

                    if effect.duration == 0:
                        if __debug__: log.i('%s timed out', effect)
                        if 'on_timeout' in effect.handler_names:
                            # No holder/effect for timed out effects, because they are removed so
                            # they cannot be checked for existence
                            residuals.append(Residual(None, None,
                                                      partial(effect.on_timeout, thing, self)))
                        thing.remove_effect(effect.source, self)

        # Second pass: gather all non-timed-out effects' on_residual handlers
        for pokemon, foe in ((actives[0], actives[1]), (actives[1], actives[0])):
            if pokemon is not None:
                residuals.extend(Residual(pokemon, on_residual.__self__.source,
                                          partial(on_residual, pokemon, foe, self))
                                 for on_residual in pokemon.effect_handlers['on_residual'])

        residuals.extend(Residual(self.battlefield, on_residual.__self__.source,
                                  partial(on_residual, actives[0], actives[1], self))
                         for on_residual in self.battlefield.effect_handlers['on_residual'])

        # For each residual, check first if its effect still exists on the holder, because another
        # residual may have removed it (e.g. shedskin and poison).
        for residual in sorted(residuals, key=lambda r: r.call.func.priority, reverse=True):
            if residual.holder is None or residual.holder.has_effect(residual.effect):
                if __debug__:
                    if residual.call.func.__func__ not in (effects.BaseEffect.on_residual.__func__,
                        log.i('Residual effect: %s', residual.call.func.__self__)

    def run_update(self):
        actives = (side.active_pokemon for side in self.battlefield.sides if
                   side.active_pokemon is not None)

        for pokemon in sorted(actives, key=lambda p: (-self.effective_spe(p), random.random())):
            pokemon.activate_effect('on_update', pokemon, self)

    def run_switch(self, outgoing, incoming):
        assert outgoing is None or outgoing.side == incoming.side
        assert outgoing != incoming
        assert not incoming.is_active
        assert outgoing is None or outgoing.is_active
        assert not incoming.is_fainted()
        assert outgoing is None or not outgoing.is_fainted()
        if __debug__: log.i('Switching %s for %s', outgoing, incoming)

        if outgoing is not None:
            self.switch_out(outgoing, incoming)

        # outgoing could have fainted during self.switch_out from pursuit
        if outgoing is None or not outgoing.is_fainted():

    def switch_out(self, outgoing, incoming):
        outgoing.is_switching_out = True

        outgoing.activate_effect('on_switch_out', outgoing, incoming, self)

        outgoing.boosts = Boosts()
        outgoing.types = list(outgoing.pokedex_entry.types) # protean etc. may have changed type
        outgoing.is_active = False
        outgoing.side.active_pokemon = None
        outgoing.is_switching_out = False
        outgoing.turns_out = 0

        foe = self.get_foe(outgoing)
        if foe is not None:

    def switch_in(pokemon):
        assert pokemon in pokemon.side.team
        assert (not pokemon.is_fainted()) and pokemon.hp > 0

        pokemon.side.active_pokemon = pokemon
        pokemon.is_active = True
        pokemon.has_moved_this_turn = False
        pokemon.will_move_this_turn = False
        pokemon.damage_done_this_turn = 0
        pokemon.was_attacked_this_turn = None
        pokemon.last_move_used = None
        pokemon.turns_out = 0
        pokemon.must_switch = False
        pokemon.ability = pokemon.base_ability
        pokemon.item_used_this_turn = None
        if __debug__: log.i('Switched in %s on side %s', pokemon, pokemon.side.index)

        if pokemon.item is not None:

        if pokemon.status is not None:
            pokemon.set_effect(STATUS_EFFECTS[pokemon.status](pokemon), override_immunity=True)

    def post_switch_in(self, pokemon):
        Foe may be None (e.g. was KO'd with voltswitch)
        # Assumes that all side-based on_switch_in handlers have higher priority than the
        # pokemon-based ones
        for on_switch_in in chain(pokemon.side.effect_handlers['on_switch_in'][:],
            on_switch_in(pokemon, self)
            if pokemon.is_fainted():

        pokemon.get_effect(ABILITY).start(pokemon, self)

    def get_move_decisions(self):
        decisions = []
        for policy in self.rollout_policies:
            side = self.battlefield.sides[policy.index]
            pokemon = side.active_pokemon
            assert pokemon is not None
            assert not pokemon.is_fainted()

            spe = self.effective_spe(pokemon)
            choice, is_move = policy.make_move_decision(pokemon.get_move_choices(),
            if is_move:
                event = MoveEvent(pokemon, spe, self.modify_priority(pokemon, choice), choice)
                event = SwitchEvent(pokemon, spe, choice)

            if (pokemon.can_mega_evolve and
                is_move and
                decisions.append(MegaEvoEvent(pokemon, spe))

        return decisions

    def modify_priority(self, pokemon, move):
        return pokemon.accumulate_effect('on_modify_priority', pokemon, move, self, move.priority)

    def get_switch_decision(self, side, forced=False):
        choices = side.get_switch_choices(forced=forced)
        return self.rollout_policies[side.index].make_switch_decision(choices, self.battlefield)

    def init_battle(self):
        if self.battlefield.turns > 0:
            if __debug__: log.e('Trying to initialize battle already in progress:\n\n%r',

        sides = self.battlefield.sides
        if __debug__: log.i('Starting battle: %s %s', sides[0], sides[1])
        leads = sorted([side.active_pokemon for side in sides],
                       key=lambda p: (-p.calculate_stat('spe'), random.random()))
        for lead in leads:
        for lead in leads:

    def run_new_battle(self):
        """ Return winner's side (0 or 1) """
        return self.run_battle()

    def run_battle(self):
        while self.battlefield.win is None:

        return self.battlefield.win

    def run_turn(self):
        if self.battlefield.win is not None:

    def run_initialized_turn(self):

    def queue_events_for_turn(self, decisions):
        for decision in decisions:
            if decision.move == movedex['pursuit']:


    def run_queued_events(self):
        while self.event_queue:
            if __debug__: log.d('Event Queue: %r', self.event_queue)
            if __debug__: log.d('Next event: %s', self.event_queue[-1])
            event = self.event_queue.pop()
            event.run_event(self, self.event_queue)
            if event.type is not Decision.SWITCH:

            for side in self.battlefield.sides:
                if (side.active_pokemon is not None and
                    side.active_pokemon.must_switch and # e.g. from voltswitch
                    side.remaining_pokemon_on_bench > 0


    def run_must_switch(self, side):
        if __debug__: log.d('%s must switch: requesting switch decision', side.active_pokemon)
        insort(self.event_queue, SwitchEvent(
            0, # spe calculation is unnecessary; this can't run for both sides at once
            self.get_switch_decision(side, forced=True)))

    def init_turn(self):
        Get switches if pokemon fainted, and increment turn counts
        if self.battlefield.win is not None:

    def before_turn_switches(self):
        sides = self.battlefield.sides
        # Loop until both sides have an active pokemon: (needs a loop because of the possibility of
        # having multiple pokemon faint from entry hazards in quick succession)
        while True:
            switches_needed = [None, None]
            for i, side in enumerate(sides):
                pokemon = side.active_pokemon
                if pokemon is None:
                    if side.remaining_pokemon_on_bench == 0:
                        assert self.battlefield.win is not None
                    switches_needed[i] = side
                    assert pokemon.is_active
                    assert not pokemon.is_fainted()
                    pokemon.has_moved_this_turn = False
                    pokemon.damage_done_this_turn = 0
                    pokemon.was_attacked_this_turn = None
                    pokemon.item_used_this_turn = None

            if any(switches_needed):
                switch_queue = self.get_instaswitches(switches_needed)


            if sides[0].active_pokemon is None or sides[1].active_pokemon is None:

    def resolve_switch_queue(self, switch_queue):
        while switch_queue:
            event = switch_queue.pop()
            event.run_event(self, switch_queue)
            if event.type is Decision.SWITCH:

    def before_turn(self):
        sides = self.battlefield.sides
        pokemon0, pokemon1 = sides[0].active_pokemon, sides[1].active_pokemon
        pokemon0.will_move_this_turn = True
        pokemon0.turns_out += 1
        pokemon0.activate_effect('on_before_turn', pokemon0, pokemon1)
        pokemon1.turns_out += 1
        pokemon1.will_move_this_turn = True
        pokemon1.activate_effect('on_before_turn', pokemon1, pokemon0)

        self.battlefield.turns += 1
        if __debug__:
            log.i('\nTurn %d', self.battlefield.turns)

    def get_instaswitches(self, sides):
        switch_queue = []
        for i, side in enumerate(sides):
            if side is not None:
                if __debug__: log.i('No active pokemon on side %d; requesting switch' % i)
                event = InstaSwitchEvent(None, 0, self.get_switch_decision(side, forced=True))
                insort(switch_queue, event)
        assert switch_queue
        return switch_queue

    def resolve_faint_queue(self):
        while self.faint_queue:
            pokemon = self.faint_queue.pop()
            assert pokemon.is_fainted() and pokemon.status is Status.FNT

            if pokemon.side.remaining_pokemon_on_bench == 0 and self.battlefield.win is None:
                self.battlefield.win = int(not pokemon.side.index)
                if __debug__: log.i('Side %d wins!', self.battlefield.win)

            if __debug__:
                if pokemon.effects:
                    log.w('Post-fainted pokemon has effects: %r', pokemon)

    def _debug_sanity_check(self):
        if self.battlefield.win is None:
            for side in self.battlefield.sides:
                assert not side.active_pokemon.is_fainted()
                for pokemon in side.team:
                    if pokemon.name == '<unrevealed>':
                    if pokemon.hp == 0 or pokemon.status == Status.FNT:
                        assert pokemon.hp == 0
                        assert pokemon.status == Status.FNT
                        assert not pokemon.effects
                        assert not pokemon.is_active
                        assert not pokemon.boosts
                        for effect in chain(pokemon.effects, pokemon.side.effects,
                            assert effect.duration > 0 or effect.duration is None