Exemplo n.º 1
def main():


    rs = baxter_interface.RobotEnable(CHECK_VERSION)
    init_state = rs.state().enabled
    left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
    # right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)
    gripper_pub = rospy.Publisher('cup_taken', Bool, queue_size=10)

    done = False
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
            if c == 'w':
            elif c == 'q':
Exemplo n.º 2
def map_keyboard():
    bindings = {
    #   key: (function, args, description)
        'a': (move_end_effector, ['right', 'Y',  0.1], "Y increase"),
        'd': (move_end_effector, ['right', 'Y', -0.1], "Y decrease"),
        'w': (move_end_effector, ['right', 'X',  0.1], "x increase"),
        's': (move_end_effector, ['right', 'X', -0.1], "X decrease"),
    done = False
    print("Controlling robot. Esc to quit.")
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                #expand binding to something like "set_j(right, 's0', 0.1)"
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[2],))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
def adjust_yn():
    def yes():
	done = True
        rospy.signal_shutdown("Shutting Down")
    def no():

    bindings = {
    #   key: (function, args, description)
        'y': (yes,[], "Let Robot Continue"),
        'n': (no, [], "Enter Control Mode"),
    done = False
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Shutting Down.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                print("key bindings: ")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
Exemplo n.º 4
def map_keyboard():
    bindings = {
        #   key: (function, args, description)
        'a': (move_end_effector, ['right', 'Y', 0.1], "Y increase"),
        'd': (move_end_effector, ['right', 'Y', -0.1], "Y decrease"),
        'w': (move_end_effector, ['right', 'X', 0.1], "x increase"),
        's': (move_end_effector, ['right', 'X', -0.1], "X decrease"),
    done = False
    print("Controlling robot. Esc to quit.")
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                #expand binding to something like "set_j(right, 's0', 0.1)"
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[2], ))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def grids_location_recorder(self):

        done_flag = False
        #x_counter = 0
        #y_counter = 0
        counter = 0
        self.GridLocations = []
        print "Enter Keyboard Command:"
        while not done_flag and not rospy.is_shutdown():

            c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
            if c:
                if c in ['q']:
                    print "Grid Location Recorder Stops"
                    done_flag = True
                elif c in ['r']:
                    cur_pose = self.current_poses[self.arm]
                    self.GridLocations.append(cur_pose)  # will be 9 in total
                    print "Current Pose", cur_pose
                    print len(self.GridLocations
                              ), " number of grid location recorded"
                elif c in ['u']:
        print "Saving Grid Location Data"
def rotation_keyboard():
    left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')
    right = baxter_interface.Limb('right')
    grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
    grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)
    lj = left.joint_names()
    rj = right.joint_names()

    def set_j(limb, joint_name, delta):
        current_position = limb.joint_angle(joint_name)
        joint_command = {joint_name: current_position + delta}

    def complete():
	done = True
        rospy.signal_shutdown("Shutting Down")

    bindings = {
    #   key: (function, args, description)
        'k': (set_j, [left, lj[6], 0.1], "left wrist increase"),
        'l': (set_j, [left, lj[6], -0.1], "left wrist decrease"),
        'a': (set_j, [right, rj[6], 0.1], "right wrist increase"),
        's': (set_j, [right, rj[6], -0.1], "right wrist decrease"),

	'd': (complete,[], "Quit"),
        'm': (main_menu,[], "Return To Main Menu"),

    done = False
    print("Controlling Rotational Orientation")
    print("key bindings: ")
    print("  ?: Help")
    for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
        key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
        print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
    #os.system('rosrun baxter_examples xdisplay_image.py --file ~/Pictures/key_bindings.jpg')
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Program finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                #expand binding to something like "set_j(right, 's0', 0.1)"
                print("command: %s" % (
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  d: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
def adjust_anchor(anchor):
    old_point = anchor['position']
    point = Point(x=old_point.x, y=old_point.y, z=old_point.z)
    anchor['position'] = point

    old_color = anchor['color']
    anchor['color'] = (0, 1, 0, 1)

    static_pub.publish("/alignment_markers", create_marker_array(anchor))
    STEP = 0.01

        "Move the green dot so that it is in the same position relative to the robot model as the actual marker on the physical"
    print("robot. Use the following keyboard to adjust the dot:")
    print("    w/s - Up/Down")
    print("    a/d - Left/Right")
    print("    q/e - Forward/Backward")
    print("      1 - Set step size to 10cm")
    print("      2 - Set step size to 1cm")
    print("      3 - Set step size to 1mm")
    print("    Esc - Cancel")
    print("  Enter - Save")

    while True:
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                anchor['position'] = old_point
            elif c == 'w':
                point.y = point.y - STEP
            elif c == 's':
                point.y = point.y + STEP
            elif c == 'a':
                point.x = point.x - STEP
            elif c == 'd':
                point.x = point.x + STEP
            elif c == 'q':
                point.z = point.z + STEP
            elif c == 'e':
                point.z = point.z - STEP
            elif c == '1':
                STEP = 0.1
                print("Step set to 10cm.")
            elif c == '2':
                STEP = 0.01
                print("Step set to 1cm.")
            elif c == '3':
                STEP = 0.001
                print("Step set to 1mm.")
            elif c in ['\x0d']:
    anchor['color'] = old_color
Exemplo n.º 8
def map_keyboard():
    left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')
    #    right = baxter_interface.Limb('right')
    grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
    #    grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)
    lj = left.joint_names()

    #    rj = right.joint_names()

    def set_j(limb, joint_name, delta):
        current_position = limb.joint_angle(joint_name)
        joint_command = {joint_name: current_position + delta}

    bindings = {
        #   key: (function, args, description)
        '9': (set_j, [left, lj[0], 0.1], "left_s0 increase"),
        '6': (set_j, [left, lj[0], -0.1], "left_s0 decrease"),
        '8': (set_j, [left, lj[1], 0.1], "left_s1 increase"),
        '7': (set_j, [left, lj[1], -0.1], "left_s1 decrease"),
        'o': (set_j, [left, lj[2], 0.1], "left_e0 increase"),
        'y': (set_j, [left, lj[2], -0.1], "left_e0 decrease"),
        'i': (set_j, [left, lj[3], 0.1], "left_e1 increase"),
        'u': (set_j, [left, lj[3], -0.1], "left_e1 decrease"),
        'l': (set_j, [left, lj[4], 0.1], "left_w0 increase"),
        'h': (set_j, [left, lj[4], -0.1], "left_w0 decrease"),
        'k': (set_j, [left, lj[5], 0.1], "left_w1 increase"),
        'j': (set_j, [left, lj[5], -0.1], "left_w1 decrease"),
        '.': (set_j, [left, lj[6], 0.1], "left_w2 increase"),
        'n': (set_j, [left, lj[6], -0.1], "left_w2 decrease"),
        ',': (grip_left.close, [], "left: gripper close"),
        'm': (grip_left.open, [], "left: gripper open"),
        '/': (grip_left.calibrate, [], "left: gripper calibrate")
    done = False
    print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                #expand binding to something like "set_j(right, 's0', 0.1)"
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[2], ))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
def map_keyboard():
	rospy.loginfo('press ? to print help')
	while not rospy.is_shutdown():
		c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
		if c:
			#catch Esc or ctrl-c
			if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
def map_keyboard():
	rospy.loginfo('press ? to print help')
	while not rospy.is_shutdown():
		c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
		if c:
			#catch Esc or ctrl-c
			if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
Exemplo n.º 11
    def print_endpoint_effort(self):
        limb = baxter_interface.Limb(self.limb_side)

        done = False
        while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
            wrench = limb.endpoint_effort()
            print('Force (x,y,z): ' + str(wrench['force']))
            if c:
                if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:  #check if ESC of CTRL-C pressed
                    done = True
def main_menu():
    def complete():
	done = True
        rospy.signal_shutdown("Shutting Down")
    def rotate():
    def xpos():
	xpos = raw_input("Enter x adjustment (positive or negative): ")
        xpos ='x: '+xpos
    def ypos():
	ypos = raw_input("Enter y adjustment (positive or negative): ")
        ypos ='y: '+ypos
    def zpos():
	zpos = raw_input("Enter z adjustment (positive or negative): ")
        zpos ='z: '+zpos

    bindings = {
    #   key: (function, args, description)
        'd': (complete,[], "Quit"),
        'r': (rotate,[], "Adjust Rotational Orientation"),
        'x': (xpos,[],"Input X Position Adjustment"),
        'y': (ypos,[],"Input Y Position Adjustment"),
        'z': (zpos,[],"Input Z Position Adjustment"),

    print("Main Menu for Control Mode")
    print("key bindings: ")
    for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
        key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
        print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
    print("  ?: Help")
    done = False
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Shutting Down.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                print("key bindings: ")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
def map_keyboard():
    left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')
    right = baxter_interface.Limb('right')
    grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
    grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)
    lj = left.joint_names()
    rj = right.joint_names()
    bhc = BaxterHapticControl('left', 0)

    bindings = {
        #   key: (function, args, description)
        'k': (bhc._velocity, [0, 0, 10, 0, 0,
                              0], "Velocity Controller Activated"),
        'l': (bhc._velocity, [10, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                              0], "Velocity Controller Activated"),
        'x': (bhc._delta_x_position, [0.1], "Pos X Increasing"),
        'c': (bhc._delta_x_position, [-0.1], "Pos X Decreasing"),
        'j': (bhc._determinant, [], "Determinant"),
        'f': (bhc._set_point, [
            0.75, 0.15, -0.129,
            [[-0.9987068, -0.0499725, 0.0093573],
             [-0.0498289, 0.9986452, 0.0149960],
             [-0.0100940, 0.0145103, -0.9998438]]
        ], "Setting Pose"),
        'd': (bhc._starting_position, [], "Starting Pose"),
        'e': (bhc._get_current_endpose, [], "Current EE Pose"),
        'm': (bhc._create_planned_trajectory, [], "Created Trajectory"),
        'r': (bhc._neutral_position, [], "Resetting")
    done = False
    print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
    rate = rospy.Rate(1000)  #Controls rate of the loop below.
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                #expand binding to something like "set_j(right, 's0', 0.1)"
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[2], ))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def map_keyboard(self):
        # initialize interfaces
        print("Getting robot state... ")
        rs = baxter_interface.RobotEnable(CHECK_VERSION)
        init_state = rs.state().enabled
        limb_0 = baxter_interface.Gripper(self.limb_name, CHECK_VERSION)

        done = False
        print("Enabling robot... ")
        print("Controlling grippers. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
        while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
            if c:
                if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                    done = True
                elif c == 'a':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" %c)
                elif c == 'd':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" %c)
                elif c == 'w':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" %c)
                elif c == 's':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" %c)
                elif c == 'z':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" %c)
                elif c == 'x':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" %c)

                    print("Not implement it yet...")

                    # cmd = self.bindings[c]
                    # cmd[0](*cmd[1])
                    # print("command: %s" % (cmd[2],))
                # else:
                #     print("key bindings: ")
                    # print("  Esc: Quit")
                    # print("  ?: Help")
                    # for key, val in sorted(self.bindings.items(),
                    #                        key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    #     print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
        # force shutdown call if caught by key handler
        rospy.signal_shutdown("Move.py finished.")
Exemplo n.º 15
    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._init:
            self.move_pose = copy.deepcopy(userdata.pick_object_pose)
            self._init = False

        def set_pose(direction, delta):
            move_pose = copy.deepcopy(self.move_pose)
            move_scale = self.move_scale
            if direction == 'f':
                move_scale = move_scale + 1
                if move_scale == 11:
                    move_scale = 10
                print move_scale
            elif direction == 'b':
                move_scale = move_scale - 1
                if move_scale == 0:
                    move_scale = 1
                print move_scale
            elif direction == 'x':
                move_pose.position.x = move_pose.position.x + delta * move_scale
            elif direction == 'y':
                move_pose.position.y = move_pose.position.y + delta * move_scale
            elif direction == 'z':
                move_pose.position.z = move_pose.position.z + delta * move_scale
            self.move_pose = copy.deepcopy(move_pose)
            userdata.move_pose = copy.deepcopy(move_pose)
            self.move_scale = move_scale

        bindings = {
            '2': (set_pose, ['x', -0.01], "x decrease 0.01!"),
            '8': (set_pose, ['x', 0.01], "x increase 0.01!"),
            '4': (set_pose, ['y', -0.01], "y decrease 0.01!"),
            '6': (set_pose, ['y', 0.01], "y increase 0.01!"),
            's': (set_pose, ['z', -0.01], "z decrease 0.01!"),
            'w': (set_pose, ['z', 0.01], "z increase 0.01!"),
            '1': (set_pose, ['f', 1], "Multiply scale * increase 1!"),
            '3': (set_pose, ['b', 1], "Multiply scale * decrease 1!")
        done = False
        while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
            if c:
                if c in bindings:
                    cmd = bindings[c]
                    print("command: %s" % cmd[2])
                    done = True
        return 'Succeed'
Exemplo n.º 16
def handle_keyboard(engine, mgame):
    'Funcion for allowing us to interface with processes via the keyboard'
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        # Get keyboard input only when it changes (-1 input facilitates this)
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch(-1)
        if c:
            if c == 'c':
            if c == 'x':
            if c == 's':
                mgame.waiting = False
            if c == 'f':
            if c == 'q':
Exemplo n.º 17
def talker():
    # function menu
    print("Use 1-6 to control the increment of left arm")
    print("Use Control + (1-6) to control the negative increment of left arm")
    print("Use q-y to control the right arm")
    print("Use Control + (q-y) to control the negative increment of right arm")

    #initialize node and topic
    pub = rospy.Publisher('ik', String, queue_size=10)
    rospy.init_node('ik_talker', anonymous=True)

    # mapping from key to function
    bindings = {
        'left_arm_increment': ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'],
        'left_arm_decrement': ['!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^'],
        'right_arm_increment': ['q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y'],
        'right_arm_decrement': ['Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y']

    done = False
    message = ''
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings['left_arm_increment']:
                message = "left_joint_increse " + c
            elif c in bindings['left_arm_decrement']:
                message = "left_joint_decrese " + c
            elif c in bindings['right_arm_increment']:
                message = "right_joint_increase " + c
            elif c in bindings['right_arm_decrement']:
                message = "right_joint_decrease " + c
            # test begin
            elif c == 'z':
                message = "left limb " + c
            # test end
                rospy.loginfo('key error!')

            if message != '':
                #publish message to topic
Exemplo n.º 18
def map_keyboard():
    pub = rospy.Publisher("end_effector_command", String, queue_size=10)
    keyboard_binding = {}
    keyboard_binding["w"] = "up"
    keyboard_binding["s"] = "down"
    keyboard_binding["a"] = "left"
    keyboard_binding["d"] = "right"
    keyboard_binding["q"] = "backward"
    keyboard_binding["e"] = "forward"
    keyboard_binding["f"] = "switch limb to "
    keyboard_binding["z"] = "orientation_x"
    keyboard_binding[" "] = "keep"
    keyboard_binding["k"] = "further"
    keyboard_binding["l"] = "closer"
    limb = ["right", "left"]
    current_limb = 0
    command = list()
    rate = rospy.Rate(6)
    print limb[current_limb] + " limb under control..."
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
            if (c in keyboard_binding.keys()):
                if (c == "f"):
                    current_limb = 1 - current_limb
                    print "control switch to " + limb[current_limb]
                        String(keyboard_binding[c] + limb[current_limb]))
                    print "sending command: " + limb[
                        current_limb] + " limb " + keyboard_binding[c]
                    command = list()
                    for s in range(0, 1):
                print "invalid command: " + c
            #print limb[current_limb] + " limb under control..."

        # new control type
        if (len(command)):
Exemplo n.º 19
def map_keyboard():
    pub = rospy.Publisher("end_effector_command", String, queue_size=10)
    keyboard_binding = {}
    keyboard_binding["w"] = "up"
    keyboard_binding["s"] = "down"
    keyboard_binding["a"] = "left"
    keyboard_binding["d"] = "right"
    keyboard_binding["q"] = "backward"
    keyboard_binding["e"] = "forward"
    keyboard_binding["f"] = "switch limb to "
    keyboard_binding["z"] = "orientation_x"
    keyboard_binding[" "] = "keep"
    keyboard_binding["k"] = "further"
    keyboard_binding["l"] = "closer"
    limb = ["right", "left"]
    current_limb = 0
    command = list()
    rate = rospy.Rate(6)
    rospy.loginfo(limb[current_limb] + " limb under control...")
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            # catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ["\x1b", "\x03"]:
            if c in keyboard_binding.keys():
                if c == "f":
                    current_limb = 1 - current_limb
                    rospy.loginfo("control switch to " + limb[current_limb])
                    pub.publish(String(keyboard_binding[c] + limb[current_limb]))
                    rospy.loginfo("sending command: " + limb[current_limb] + " limb " + keyboard_binding[c])
                    # pub.publish(String(keyboard_binding[c]))
                    command = list()
                    for s in range(0, 1):
                rospy.loginfo("invalid command: " + c)
                # print limb[current_limb] + " limb under control..."

                # new control type
        if len(command):
def map_keyboard():
    pub = rospy.Publisher("end_effector_command", String, queue_size=10)
    keyboard_binding = {}
    keyboard_binding["w"] = "up"
    keyboard_binding["s"] = "down"
    keyboard_binding["a"] = "left"
    keyboard_binding["d"] = "right"
    keyboard_binding["q"] = "backward"
    keyboard_binding["e"] = "forward"
    keyboard_binding["f"] = "switch limb "
    keyboard_binding["z"] = "orientation_x"
    keyboard_binding[" "] = "keep"
    keyboard_binding["k"] = "further"
    keyboard_binding["l"] = "closer"
    limb = ["right", "left"]
    current_limb = 0
    rospy.loginfo(limb[current_limb] + " limb under control...")
    rospy.loginfo('press ? to print help')
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:

            if c == '?':

            if (c in keyboard_binding.keys()):
                if (c == "f"):
                    current_limb = 1 - current_limb
                    rospy.loginfo("control switch to " + limb[current_limb])
                        String(keyboard_binding[c] + limb[current_limb]))
                    rospy.loginfo("sending command: " + limb[current_limb] +
                                  " limb " + keyboard_binding[c])
                rospy.loginfo("invalid command: " + c)
                rospy.loginfo('press ? to print help')
Exemplo n.º 21
def select_from_list(lst, allow_cancel=True):
    if allow_cancel:
        print("Select one (Esc to cancel)-")
        print("Select one-")
    for i in range(len(lst)):
        print("\t" + str(i) + ": " + str(lst[i]))

    while True:
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                if allow_cancel:
                    return -1
            elif c >= '0' and c <= '9':
                print("Selected " + str(lst[int(c)]))
                return int(c)
Exemplo n.º 22
def map_keyboard():
	pub = rospy.Publisher("end_effector_command", String, queue_size=10);
	keyboard_binding = {}
	keyboard_binding["w"] = "up"
	keyboard_binding["s"] = "down"
	keyboard_binding["a"] = "left"
	keyboard_binding["d"] = "right"
	keyboard_binding["q"] = "backward"
	keyboard_binding["e"] = "forward"
	keyboard_binding["f"] = "switch limb "
	keyboard_binding["z"] = "orientation_x"
	keyboard_binding[" "] = "keep"
	keyboard_binding["k"] = "further"
	keyboard_binding["l"] = "closer"
	limb = ["right", "left"]
	current_limb = 0
	rospy.loginfo(limb[current_limb] + " limb under control...")
	rospy.loginfo('press ? to print help')
	while not rospy.is_shutdown():
		c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
		if c:
			#catch Esc or ctrl-c
			if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
			if c == '?':
			if(c in keyboard_binding.keys()):
				if (c == "f"):
					current_limb = 1 - current_limb
					rospy.loginfo("control switch to " + limb[current_limb])
					pub.publish(String(keyboard_binding[c] + limb[current_limb]))
					rospy.loginfo("sending command: " + limb[current_limb] + " limb " + keyboard_binding[c])
				rospy.loginfo("invalid command: " + c)
				rospy.loginfo('press ? to print help')
Exemplo n.º 23
def map_keyboard():
    left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')
    right = baxter_interface.Limb('right')
    grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
    grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)
    lj = left.joint_names()
    rj = right.joint_names()
    pnp = PickAndPlace('left', 0)

    def set_j(limb, joint_name, delta):
        current_position = limb.joint_angle(joint_name)
        joint_command = {joint_name: current_position + delta}

    bindings = {
        #   key: (function, args, description)
        '9': (handle_turtle_pose, [], "increase z"),
    done = False
    print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                #expand binding to something like "set_j(right, 's0', 0.1)"
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[2], ))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
    def map_keyboard(self):
        # initialize interfaces
        print("Getting robot state... ")
        rs = baxter_intercontrollerface.RobotEnable(CHECK_VERSION)
        init_state = rs.state().enabled
        limb_0 = baxter_interface.Gripper(self.limb_name, CHECK_VERSION)

        done = False
        print("Enabling robot... ")
        print("Controlling grippers. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
        while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
            if c:
                if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                    done = True
                elif c == 'a':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" % c)
                    self.move((0, -1, 0), 0.05)
                elif c == 'd':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" % c)
                    self.move((0, 1, 0), 0.05)
                elif c == 'w':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" % c)
                    self.move((-1, 0, 0), 0.05)
                elif c == 's':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" % c)
                    self.move((1, 0, 0), 0.05)
                elif c == 'z':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" % c)
                    self.move((0, 0, -1), 0.05)
                elif c == 'x':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" % c)
                    self.move((0, 0, 1), 0.05)

                    print("Not implement it yet...")

        rospy.signal_shutdown("Move.py finished.")
Exemplo n.º 25
    def map_keyboard(self):
        # initialize interfaces
        print("Getting robot state... ")
        rs = baxter_intercontrollerface.RobotEnable(CHECK_VERSION)
        init_state = rs.state().enabled
        limb_0 = baxter_interface.Gripper(self.limb_name, CHECK_VERSION)

        done = False
        print("Enabling robot... ")
        print("Controlling grippers. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
        while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
            if c:
                if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                    done = True
                elif c == 'a':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" %c)
                elif c == 'd':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" %c)
                elif c == 'w':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" %c)
                elif c == 's':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" %c)
                elif c == 'z':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" %c)
                elif c == 'x':
                    rospy.loginfo("%s is pressed" %c)

                    print("Not implement it yet...")

        rospy.signal_shutdown("Move.py finished.")
Exemplo n.º 26
    def ask(self):
        done = False
        printed_objects = None

        while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            if printed_objects != self.objects:
                printed_objects = self.objects
                print "Which object?"
                for i, o in enumerate(self.objects):
                    print "%d.)" % (i + 1), o

            c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
            if c:
                if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                    done = True
                        idx = int(c)
                    except ValueError:
                        idx = 0
                    if idx != None and idx > 0 and idx <= len(self.objects):
                        print "Sending", self.objects[idx - 1]
                        self.command_publisher.publish(self.objects[idx - 1])
Exemplo n.º 27
    def ask(self):
        done = False
        printed_objects = None

        while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            if printed_objects != self.objects:
                printed_objects = self.objects
                print "Which object?"
                for i, o in enumerate(self.objects):
                    print "%d.)" % (i + 1), o

            c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
            if c:
                if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                    done = True
                        idx = int(c)
                    except ValueError:
                        idx = 0
                    if idx != None and idx > 0 and idx <= len(self.objects):
                        print "Sending", self.objects[idx - 1]
                        self.command_publisher.publish(self.objects[idx - 1])
Exemplo n.º 28
def input_control(speed, accuracy):
    Takes user input to move the limbs

    left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')
    right = baxter_interface.Limb('right')
    grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
    grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)
    lj = left.joint_names()
    rj = right.joint_names()

    # Set the speeds for the limbs to move

    done = False
    print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c == '?':
                TODO FILL THIS OUT!!!!
                print("Enter joints and their values in corresponding order: ")
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
def map_keyboard():
    left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')
    # left = BaxterArm('left')
    right = BaxterArm('right')

    kin = baxter_kinematics('left')

    grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
    grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)
    lj = left.joint_names()
    rj = right.joint_names()
    leftdes = []
    leftacc = []
    lefterr = []
    delta = 0.075  #was 0.05
    gain = 1.

    def IK(limb, movement):
        # current_limb= limb.angles()
        # joint_command = {joint_name: current_position + delta}
        # current_pos, curr_ori = limb.ee_pose()

        # leftacc = np.append(current_pos,quaternion.as_euler_angles(curr_ori))
        # print leftacc.shape
        joint_names = limb.joint_names()

        # curr_q = limb.joint_angles()

        def to_list(ls):
            return [ls[n] for n in joint_names]

        curr_q = np.asarray(to_list(limb.joint_angles())).reshape([7, 1])

        # print curr_q.shape, 'shape'
        # print 'ee pose', limb.endpoint_pose()

        pos = np.array(limb.endpoint_pose()['position'])

        #ori = limb.endpoint_pose()['orientation']

        #pose = np.append(pos, quaternion.as_euler_angles(quaternion.quaternion(ori.w,ori.x,ori.y,ori.z))).reshape([6,1])
        #print pose
        # print pos, ori
        # sldfjsl
        # raw_input()
        JT = kin.jacobian_transpose()

        lefterr = np.append(movement, [0, 0, 0]).reshape([6, 1])
        #lefterr = np.array(movement).reshape([3,1])
        # leftdes = leftacc+lefterr
        # print leftacc, lefterr, leftdes
        #JT = np.linalg.pinv(limb.jacobian())
        # JT = limb.jacobian().T
        des_q = curr_q + gain * JT.dot(lefterr)

        #des_q = JT.dot(lefterr + pose)
        print des_q.shape, 'shape2'
        q_dict = {}
        for i in range(len(joint_names)):

            q_dict[joint_names[i]] = des_q[i, :][0]
            # print joint_names[i], q_dict[joint_names[i]]
            # dsflasjkds

            # joint_command = current_limb + JT.dot(lefterr)
        # joint_command = JT.dot(leftdes)
        # print joint_command
        # print JT.dot(lefterr)
        # limb.exec_position_cmd(joint_command)
        # joint_command = {joint_name: curr_q + JT.dot(lefterr)}
        # print q_dict
        #print (pos[1]-np.array(limb.endpoint_pose()['position'])[1])/delta 0.91 for x, 0.82 for z
        print(pos[2] - np.array(limb.endpoint_pose()['position'])[2]) / delta

    bindings = {
        #   key: (function, args, description)
        #  's': (IK, [left, [delta,delta/100,delta/100] ], "xinc"),
        #'d': (IK, [left, [-delta,-delta/100,-delta/100] ], "xdec"),
        's': (IK, [left, [delta * 0.8, 0, 0]], "xinc"),
        'd': (IK, [left, [-delta * 0.8, 0, 0]], "xdec"),
        'w': (IK, [left, [0, delta * 0.5, 0]], "yinc"),
        'e': (IK, [left, [0, -delta * 0.5, 0]], "ydec"),
        #'w': (IK, [left, [-delta/20,delta,-delta/20] ], "yinc"),
        #   'e': (IK, [left, [delta/20,-delta,delta/20] ], "ydec"),
        'x': (IK, [left, [0, 0, delta]], "zinc"),
        'c': (IK, [left, [0, 0, -delta]], "zdec"),
        'k': (IK, [left, [0, 0, 0]], "nothing"),
        'l': (IK, [left, [delta / 100, delta, delta / 100]], "allincy"),
        ';': (IK, [left, [-delta, -delta, -delta]], "alldec"),

        #'n': (set_j, [left, lj[6], -0.1], "left_w2 decrease"),
        'b': (grip_left.close, [], "left: gripper close"),
        'n': (grip_left.open, [], "left: gripper open"),
        'm': (grip_left.calibrate, [], "left: gripper calibrate")  #comma here?

    done = False
    print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")

    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                #expand binding to something like "set_j(right, 's0', 0.1)"
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[2], ))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
def chose_configuration():
	# initialize interfaces
	print("Getting robot state... ")
	rs = baxter_interface.RobotEnable(CHECK_VERSION)
	init_state = rs.state().enabled
	left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
	right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)

	def clean_shutdown():
		global out_file
		if not init_state:
			print("Disabling robot...")
			print("Exiting manipulations script.")

	def move_left_flat_up():
		global out_file
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_reach_center\n")

		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_reach_center.rec")

		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_reach_left_flat\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_reach_left_flat.rec")

		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_pushrotate_left_flat_up\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_pushrotate_left_flat_up.rec")

		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_leave_left_up\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_leave_left_up.rec")

		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_leave_center\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_leave_center.rec")
		newConfig( a,b,d,f,e,h )
	def move_left_up_flat():
		global out_file
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_reach_center\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_reach_center.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_reach_left_up\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_reach_left_up.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_pullrotate_left_up_flat\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_pullrotate_left_up_flat.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_leave_left_flat\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_leave_left_flat.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_leave_center\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_leave_center.rec")
		newConfig( b,f,h,a,d,e )
	def move_left_flat_down():
		global out_file
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_reach_center\n")	
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_reach_center.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_reach_left_flat\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_reach_left_flat.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_rotate_left_flat_down\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_rotate_left_flat_down.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_leave_left_down\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_leave_left_down.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_leave_center\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_leave_center.rec")
		newConfig( a,d,e,c,i,g )
	def move_left_down_flat():
		global out_file
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_reach_center\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_reach_center.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_reach_left_down\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_reach_left_down.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_rotate_left_down_flat\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_rotate_left_down_flat.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_leave_left_flat\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_leave_left_flat.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_leave_center\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_leave_center.rec")
	 	newConfig( c,i,g,a,d,e )
	def move_right_flat_up():
		global out_file
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_reach_center\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_reach_center.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_reach_right_flat\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_reach_right_flat.rec")

		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_pushrotate_right_flat_up\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_pushrotate_right_flat_up.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_leave_right_up\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_leave_right_up.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_leave_center\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_leave_center.rec")
		newConfig( a,b,c,d,f,i )
	def move_right_up_flat():
		global out_file
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_reach_center\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_reach_center.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_reach_right_up\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_reach_right_up.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_pullrotate_right_up_flat\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_pullrotate_right_up_flat.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_leave_right_flat\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_leave_right_flat.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_leave_center\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_leave_center.rec")
		newConfig( d,f,i,a,b,c )
	def move_right_flat_down():
		global out_file
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_reach_center\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_reach_center.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_reach_right_flat\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_reach_right_flat.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_rotate_right_flat_down\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_rotate_right_flat_down.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_leave_right_down\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_leave_right_down.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_leave_center\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_leave_center.rec")
		newConfig( a,b,c,e,h,g )
	def move_right_down_flat():
		global out_file
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_reach_center\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_reach_center.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_reach_right_down\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_reach_right_down.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_rotate_right_down_flat\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_rotate_right_down_flat.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting right_leave_right_flat\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/right_leave_right_flat.rec")
		out_file.write("Time: "+ str(rospy.Time.now()) + ": starting left_leave_cente\n")
		os.system("rosrun baxter_examples joint_trajectory_file_playback_modified.py -f /home/berto/ros_ws/src/articulated_object_manipulation/actions/left_leave_center.rec")
		newConfig( e,h,g,a,b,c )  

	configurations_from_a = {
	#   key: (function, args, description)
		'b': (move_left_flat_up,    [], "b"),
		'c': (move_left_flat_down,  [], "c"),
		'd': (move_right_flat_up,   [], "d"),
		'e': (move_right_flat_down, [], "e"),
	configurations_from_b = {
	#   key: (function, args, description)
		'a': (move_left_up_flat,    [], "a"),
		'f': (move_right_flat_up,   [], "f"),
		'h': (move_right_flat_down, [], "h"),
	configurations_from_c = {
	#   key: (function, args, description)
		'a': (move_left_down_flat,  [], "a"),
		'g': (move_right_flat_down, [], "g"),
		'i': (move_right_flat_up,   [], "i"),
	configurations_from_d = {
	#   key: (function, args, description)
		'a': (move_right_up_flat,  [], "a"),
		'f': (move_left_flat_up,   [], "f"),
		'i': (move_left_flat_down, [], "i"),
	configurations_from_e = {
	#   key: (function, args, description)
		'a': (move_right_down_flat, [], "a"),
		'g': (move_left_flat_down,  [], "g"),
		'h': (move_left_flat_up,    [], "h"),
	configurations_from_f = {
	#   key: (function, args, description)
		'b': (move_right_up_flat, [], "b"),
		'd': (move_left_up_flat,  [], "d"),
	configurations_from_g = {
	#   key: (function, args, description)
		'c': (move_right_down_flat, [], "c"),
		'e': (move_left_down_flat,  [], "e"),
	configurations_from_h = {
	#   key: (function, args, description)
		'b': (move_right_down_flat, [], "b"),
		'e': (move_left_up_flat,    [], "e"),
	configurations_from_i = {
	#   key: (function, args, description)
		'c': (move_right_up_flat,  [], "c"),
		'd': (move_left_down_flat, [], "d"),
	done = False
	print("Enabling robot... ")
	print("Current configuration is 'a', insert the goal configuration or")
	print("press ? to see the reachable configurations, Esc to quit.")
	while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
		first_input = baxter_external_devices.getch()
		if first_input:
			if current_configuration == a:
			    if first_input in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
			        done = True
			    elif first_input in configurations_from_a:
			        cmd = configurations_from_a[first_input]
			        print("Move to configuration: %s" % (cmd[2],))			        
			        print("key bindings: ")
			        print("  Esc: Quit")
			        print("  ?: Help")
			        for key, val in sorted(configurations_from_a.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
			            print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
			elif current_configuration == b:
			    if first_input in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
			        done = True
			    elif first_input in configurations_from_b:
			        cmd = configurations_from_b[first_input]
			        print("Move to configuration: %s" % (cmd[2],))			        
			        print("key bindings: ")
			        print("  Esc: Quit")
			        print("  ?: Help")
			        for key, val in sorted(configurations_from_b.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
			            print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
			elif current_configuration == c:
			    if first_input in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
			        done = True
			    elif first_input in configurations_from_c:
			        cmd = configurations_from_c[first_input]
			        print("Move to configuration: %s" % (cmd[2],))			        
			        print("key bindings: ")
			        print("  Esc: Quit")
			        print("  ?: Help")
			        for key, val in sorted(configurations_from_c.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
			            print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
			elif current_configuration == d:
			    if first_input in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
			        done = True
			    elif first_input in configurations_from_d:
			        cmd = configurations_from_d[first_input]
			        print("Move to configuration: %s" % (cmd[2],))			        
			        print("key bindings: ")
			        print("  Esc: Quit")
			        print("  ?: Help")
			        for key, val in sorted(configurations_from_d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
			            print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
			elif current_configuration == e:
			    if first_input in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
			        done = True
			    elif first_input in configurations_from_e:
			        cmd = configurations_from_e[first_input]
			        print("Move to configuration: %s" % (cmd[2],))			        
			        print("key bindings: ")
			        print("  Esc: Quit")
			        print("  ?: Help")
			        for key, val in sorted(configurations_from_e.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
			            print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))	
			elif current_configuration == f:
			    if first_input in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
			        done = True
			    elif first_input in configurations_from_f:
			        cmd = configurations_from_f[first_input]
			        print("Move to configuration: %s" % (cmd[2],))			       
			        print("key bindings: ")
			        print("  Esc: Quit")
			        print("  ?: Help")
			        for key, val in sorted(configurations_from_f.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
			            print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
			elif current_configuration == g:
			    if first_input in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
			        done = True
			    elif first_input in configurations_from_g:
			        cmd = configurations_from_g[first_input]
			        print("Move to configuration: %s" % (cmd[2],))			        
			        print("key bindings: ")
			        print("  Esc: Quit")
			        print("  ?: Help")
			        for key, val in sorted(configurations_from_g.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
			            print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))	
			elif current_configuration == h:
			    if first_input in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
			        done = True
			    elif first_input in configurations_from_h:
			        cmd = configurations_from_h[first_input]
			        print("Move to configuration: %s" % (cmd[2],))			        
			        print("key bindings: ")
			        print("  Esc: Quit")
			        print("  ?: Help")
			        for key, val in sorted(configurations_from_h.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
			            print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))		
			elif current_configuration == i:
			    if first_input in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
			        done = True
			    elif first_input in configurations_from_i:
			        cmd = configurations_from_i[first_input]
			        print("Move to configuration: %s" % (cmd[2],))			        
			        print("key bindings: ")
			        print("  Esc: Quit")
			        print("  ?: Help")
			        for key, val in sorted(configurations_from_i.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
			            print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))		                                	                		                	                		       
	# force shutdown call if caught by key handler
	rospy.signal_shutdown("Manipulations finished.")
Exemplo n.º 31
def map_keyboard():
    left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')
    right = baxter_interface.Limb('right')
    grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
    grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)

    #These are from PyKDL and are needed for the Jacobian
    left_kin = baxter_kinematics('left')
    right_kin = baxter_kinematics('right')

    #Connect with IK service
    right_iksvc, right_ns = ik_command.connect_service('right')
    left_iksvc, left_ns = ik_command.connect_service('left')

    def command_jacobian(side, direction):
        if side == 'left':
            limb = left
            kin = left_kin
        elif side == 'right':
            limb = right
            kin = right_kin
            raise Exception("Got wrong side in command_jacobian")

        # current is the current position of end effector
        current_p = np.array(limb.endpoint_pose()['position']+limb.endpoint_pose()['orientation']) 
        current_p = current_q.reshape((7, 1))
        current = np.zeros((6, 1))
        quaternion_to_euler(current_p, current)

        # We need to convert the direction from the world frame to the hand frame
        # Rotate direction by the inverse of the rotation matrix from the angular pose in current
        R = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(current_p[3:7].flatten().tolist())
        R_inv = tf.transformations.inverse_matrix(R)
        print R_inv[0:3, 0:3]
        direction = np.array(direction).reshape((6, 1))
        print direction[0:3]
        dir_rot = np.dot(R_inv[0:3, 0:3], direction[0:3])
        print dir_rot
        #direction[0:3] = dir_rot

        # Goal is the goal position, found by adding the requested direction from the user
        goal = current + direction
        current_angles = np.array([limb.joint_angles()[name] for name in limb.joint_names()])

        # Get the Jacobian inverse and solve for the necessary change in joint angles
        jacobian_inv = kin.jacobian_transpose()
        delta = jacobian_inv*(goal-current)
        commands = current_angles.flatten() + delta.flatten()

        # Command the joints
        command_list = commands.tolist()
        joint_command = dict(zip(limb.joint_names(), command_list[0]))

    def command_ik(side, direction):
        """Use the Rethink IK service to figure out a desired joint position"""
        if side == 'left':
            limb = left
            iksvc = left_iksvc
            ns = left_ns
            limb = right
            iksvc = right_iksvc
            ns = right_ns
        current_p = np.array(limb.endpoint_pose()['position']+limb.endpoint_pose()['orientation']) 
        direction = np.array(direction)
        desired_p = current_p + direction
        ik_command.service_request(iksvc, desired_p, side)

    zeros = [0]*4
    inc = 0.1

    bindings = {
        'q': (command_ik, ['right', [inc, 0, 0]+zeros], "increase right x"),
        'a': (command_ik, ['right', [-inc, 0, 0]+zeros], "decrease right x"),
        'w': (command_ik, ['right', [0, inc, 0]+zeros], "increase right y"),
        's': (command_ik, ['right', [0, -inc, 0]+zeros], "decrease right y"),
        'e': (command_ik, ['right', [0, 0, inc]+zeros], "increase right z"),
        'd': (command_ik, ['right', [0, 0, -inc]+zeros], "decrease right z"),
        'u': (command_ik, ['left', [inc, 0, 0]+zeros],  "increase left x"),
        'j': (command_ik, ['left', [-inc, 0, 0]+zeros], "decrease left x"),
        'i': (command_ik, ['left', [0, inc, 0]+zeros],  "increase left y"),
        'k': (command_ik, ['left', [0, -inc, 0]+zeros], "decrease left y"),
        'o': (command_ik, ['left', [0, 0, inc]+zeros],  "increase left z"),
        'l': (command_ik, ['left', [0, 0, -inc]+zeros], "decrease left z"),
        'z': (grip_right.close, [], "right: gripper close"), 
        'x': (grip_right.open, [], "right: gripper open"),
        'c': (grip_right.calibrate, [], "right: gripper calibrate")

    done = False
    print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                #expand binding to something like "command_jacobian(left, [0.1, 0, 0])"
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[2],))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
Exemplo n.º 32
def map_keyboard():
    global desired_angles, inc, angle_inc
    left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')    
    grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)qqqqqqqqqqqa
    #These are from PyKDL and are needed for the Jacobian
    left_kin = baxter_kinematics('left')
    #Connect with IK service    
    left_iksvc, left_ns = ik_command.connect_service('left')
    #Initialize desired angles from current angles
    init_orient = left.endpoint_pose()['orientation']
    quat = [0,0,0,0]
    quat[3] = init_orient.w
    quat[0] = init_orient.x
    quat[1] = init_orient.y
    quat[2] = init_orient.z
    desired_angles = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat)
    #print init_orient

    def command_jacobian(side, direction):
        if side == 'left':
            limb = left
            kin = left_kin        
            raise Exception("Got wrong side in command_jacobian")

        # current is the current position of end effector
        current_p = np.array(limb.endpoint_pose()['position']+limb.endpoint_pose()['orientation']) 
        current_p = current_q.reshape((7, 1))
        current = np.zeros((6, 1))
        quaternion_to_euler(current_p, current)

        # We need to convert the direction from the world frame to the hand frame
        # Rotate direction by the inverse of the rotation matrix from the angular pose in current
        R = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(current_p[3:7].flatten().tolist())
        R_inv = tf.transformations.inverse_matrix(R)
        print R_inv[0:3, 0:3]
        direction = np.array(direction).reshape((6, 1))
        print direction[0:3]
        dir_rot = np.dot(R_inv[0:3, 0:3], direction[0:3])
        print dir_rot
        #direction[0:3] = dir_rot

        # Goal is the goal position, found by adding the requested direction from the user
        goal = current + direction
        current_angles = np.array([limb.joint_angles()[name] for name in limb.joint_names()])

        # Get the Jacobian inverse and solve for the necessary change in joint angles
        jacobian_inv = kin.jacobian_transpose()
        delta = jacobian_inv*(goal-current)
        commands = current_angles.flatten() + delta.flatten()

        # Command the joints
        command_list = commands.tolist()
        joint_command = dict(zip(limb.joint_names(), command_list[0]))

    def command_ik(side, direction):
        """Use the Rethink IK service to figure out a desired joint position"""
        if side == 'left':
            limb = left
            iksvc = left_iksvc
            ns = left_ns            
        current_p = np.array(limb.endpoint_pose()['position']+limb.endpoint_pose()['orientation']) 
        direction = np.array(direction)
        print direction
        desired_p = current_p + direction
        ik_command.service_request(iksvc, desired_p, side)

    zeros = [0]*4
    def update_angles(change_angles):
      global desired_angles
      current_angles = np.array(desired_angles)
      change_angles = np.array(change_angles)
      #Note that adding np arrays does element-wise summation, but adding python lists concatenates them 
      new_angles = current_angles + change_angles
      #Check that the angles are in bounds, angles are in radians
     #for value in new_angles:
        #Wrap crossing zero towards 2*pi
      #  if value < 0:
      #    value = (2* np.pi) + value
        #Wrap crossing 2*pi towards zero
      #  if value > (2 * np.pi):
      #    value = value - (2*np.pi)
      #Convert to a python array and store in the desired angles
      desired_angles = new_angles.tolist()
      #Convert the desired angles to a quaternion
      quat = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(desired_angles[0], desired_angles[1], desired_angles[2])
      #This only does the left side, because the scooter only has a left arm
      limb = left
      current_p = np.array(limb.endpoint_pose()['position']+limb.endpoint_pose()['orientation']) 
      current_p[3:7] = quat
      ik_command.service_request(left_iksvc, current_p, "left")
    def update_inc(isSmall = True):
        global inc, angle_inc
        if isSmall:
            inc = 0.1
            angle_inc = 0.1
            inc = 0.5
            angle_inc = 0.2

    def toggle_gripper():
        if grip_left.position() > 95:
            #gripper is open, so close it. Can be confused by a big object, though. 
            print "Closing gripper"
        elif grip_left.gripping() or grip_left.position() < 5:
            print "Opening gripper"
            #gripper is closed on something, or on nothing
            print "Unknown state, opening gripper"
            #Unknown state, so open the gripper

    done = False
    print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        #This had to be moved into the loop so the increment could be rebound when 
        #the -/= keys are used to change the increment between small and large
        bindings = {        
            'u': (command_ik, ['left', [inc, 0, 0]+zeros],  "increase left x"),
            'j': (command_ik, ['left', [-inc, 0, 0]+zeros], "decrease left x"),
            'i': (command_ik, ['left', [0, inc, 0]+zeros],  "increase left y"),
            'k': (command_ik, ['left', [0, -inc, 0]+zeros], "decrease left y"),
            'o': (command_ik, ['left', [0, 0, inc]+zeros],  "increase left z"),
            'l': (command_ik, ['left', [0, 0, -inc]+zeros], "decrease left z"),
            'q': (update_angles, [[angle_inc, 0, 0]], "increase left roll"),
            'a': (update_angles, [[-angle_inc, 0, 0]], "decrease left roll"),
            'w': (update_angles, [[0,angle_inc,0]], "increase left pitch"),
            's': (update_angles, [[0,-angle_inc,0]], "decrease left pitch"),
            'e': (update_angles, [[0,0,angle_inc]], "increase left yaw"),
            'd': (update_angles, [[0,0,-angle_inc]], "decrease left yaw"),
            '-': (update_inc, [True], "small motion increments"),
            '=': (update_inc, [False], "large motion increments"),
            ' ': (toggle_gripper, [], "toggle gripper state")        
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                #expand binding to something like "command_jacobian(left, [0.1, 0, 0])"
                print("command: %s with params %s" % (cmd[2], cmd[1]))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
Exemplo n.º 33
def run_control(joystick):
    # Initialise parameters
    kbOnly = True if joystick == None else False
    print('kbOnly: ', kbOnly)

    if kbOnly == False:
        jhi = lambda s: joystick.stick_value(s) > 0
        jlo = lambda s: joystick.stick_value(s) < 0
        bdn = joystick.button_down
        bup = joystick.button_up

    zeros = [0] * 4
    initial_inc = 0.03
    inc = initial_inc
    delta = 0.01
    incU = 0.05
    incL = 0.01
    syncErrThresh = 0.01
    vrepZdelta = 1.08220972

    # Service to call functions in V-rep (e.g. set/get joint positions)
    vrepScriptFunc = rospy.ServiceProxy('vrep/simRosCallScriptFunction',

    # Get robot interface
    robot = RobotArm(vrepScriptFunc)

    # Get appropriate bindings
    kb_b = js_b = False

    def gen_js_bindings(inc):
        bindings = (
            ((bdn, ['btnUp']), (robot.grip_l_close, []), "left gripper"),
            ((jhi, ['rightTrigger']), (inc_delta, [inc, delta, incU,
                                                   incL]), "Speed increased"),
            ((jhi, ['leftTrigger']), (inc_delta, [inc, -delta, incU,
                                                  incL]), "Speed decreased"),
            ((bdn, ['leftBumper']), (robot.pos_to_ori, ['down']),
             "Switched to orientation"),
            ((bup, ['leftBumper']), (robot.pos_to_ori, ['up']),
             "Switched to position"),
            ((bdn, ['rightBumper']), (robot.world_to_ee, ['ee']),
             "Switched to tool frame"),
            ((bup, ['rightBumper']), (robot.world_to_ee, ['world']),
             "Switched to world frame"),
            ((jlo, ['leftStickHorz']), (robot.command_ik,
                                        ['left', [0, -inc,
                                                  0]]), lambda: "left y dec "),
            ((jhi, ['leftStickHorz']),
             (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, inc, 0]]), lambda: "left y inc "),
            ((jlo, ['leftStickVert']), (robot.command_ik,
                                        ['left', [-inc, 0,
                                                  0]]), lambda: "left x dec "),
            ((jhi, ['leftStickVert']),
             (robot.command_ik, ['left', [inc, 0, 0]]), lambda: "left x inc "),
            ((jlo, ['rightStickVert']),
             (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, 0,
                                          -inc]]), lambda: "left z dec "),
            ((jhi, ['rightStickVert']),
             (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, 0, inc]]), lambda: "left z inc "),
            ((bdn, ['function1']), (print_js_bindings, [js_b]), "help"),
            ((bdn, ['function2']), (print_js_bindings, [js_b]), "help"),

        return bindings

    def gen_kb_bindings(inc):
        bindings = {
            '9': (inc_delta, [inc, delta, incU, incL], "Speed increased"),
            '0': (inc_delta, [inc, -delta, incU, incL], "Speed decreased"),
            'i': (robot.pos_to_ori, [], "Switch position/orientation"),
            # 'p': (robot.pos_to_ori, ['up'], "Switched to position"),
            'o': (robot.world_to_ee, [], "Switch world/tool frame"),
            # 'i': (robot.world_to_ee, ['world'], "Switched to world frame"),
            'w': (robot.command_ik, ['left', [inc, 0, 0]], "increase left x"),
            's': (robot.command_ik, ['left', [-inc, 0, 0]], "decrease left x"),
            'a': (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, inc, 0]], "increase left y"),
            'd': (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, -inc, 0]], "decrease left y"),
            'q': (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, 0, inc]], "increase left z"),
            'e': (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, 0, -inc]], "decrease left z"),
            'p': (robot.grip_l_close, [], "Gripper open/close"),
            'r': (robot.recordPos, ['left'], "Recorded position"),
            # 'l': (robot.grip_l_open, [], "left: gripper open"),
            # 'c': (grip_left.calibrate, [], "left: gripper calibrate")

        return bindings

    if kbOnly == False:
        js_b = []
        bindings = gen_js_bindings(inc)

    kb_b = gen_kb_bindings(inc)

    # Print bindings
    if kbOnly == False:

    # Setup data recording
    endpoint_state = EndpointState

    def on_endpoint_states(msg, endpoint_state):
        endpoint_state.header = msg.header
        endpoint_state.pose = msg.pose
        endpoint_state.twist = msg.twist
        endpoint_state.wrench = msg.wrench

    recording = False
    done_recording = False

    def record_data(filename):
        # Subscribe to endpoint state
        # _cartesian_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
        #         '/robot/limb/left/endpoint_state',
        #         EndpointState,
        #         on_endpoint_states,
        #         endpoint_state,
        #         queue_size=1,
        #         tcp_nodelay=True)

        # bag = rosbag.Bag(filename, 'w')

        def terminate_process_and_children(s):
            list_cmd = subprocess.Popen("rosnode list",
            list_output = list_cmd.stdout.read()
            retcode = list_cmd.wait()
            assert retcode == 0, "List command returned %d" % retcode
            for str in list_output.split("\n"):
                if (str.startswith(s)):
                    os.system("rosnode kill " + str)

        # while not done_recording:
        # if recording==True:
        # print('Endpoint actual: ',endpoint_state)
        # bag.write('endpoint_state',endpoint_state)

        rt = rospy.Rate(100)
        while not recording:

        p = subprocess.Popen(
            'rosbag record -j -O test.bag /robot/limb/left/endpoint_state '
        # print 'Finishing recording'
        # bag.close()
        while not done_recording:

        print 'Finishing recording'

    # thread.start_new_thread(record_data, ('test.bag',))

    # Move to start position
    move_to_start_pos(robot, syncErrThresh)
    vrepScriptFunc.call('set_ik_mode@Baxter_leftArm_target', 1, [], [], [], '')

    rate = rospy.Rate(100)
    # while loop
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        btnPressed = False
        autoMove = False

        # inputControl()
        if kbOnly == True:
            c = baxter_external_devices.getch(1)
            if c:
                # print('Pressed: ',c)
                recording = True
                #catch Esc or ctrl-c
                if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                    # terminate_process_and_children(p)
                    rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")

                if c == '\r':
                    done_recording = True

                if c == 'f':
                    autoMove = True

                # Keyboard control
                if c in kb_b:
                    btnPressed = True
                    cmd = kb_b[c]
                    if cmd[0] == inc_delta:
                        inc = cmd[0](*cmd[1])
                        kb_b = gen_kb_bindings(inc)
                    elif cmd[0] == robot.pos_to_ori:
                        kb_b = gen_kb_bindings(initial_inc)
                    # print("command: %s" % (cmd[2],))

            c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
            if c == '\r':
                done_recording = True

            # Joystick control
            for (test, cmd, doc) in bindings:
                if test[0](*test[1]):
                    recording = True
                    if cmd[0] == inc_delta:
                        inc = cmd[0](*cmd[1])
                        bindings = gen_js_bindings(inc)
                        js_b[0] = bindings
                    elif cmd[0] == robot.pos_to_ori:
                        bindings = gen_js_bindings(initial_inc)
                        js_b[0] = bindings
                    if callable(doc):

        if autoMove == True:
            wp1, wp2, wp3 = auto_move_generate_wp(robot, robot.recordedPose)
            print('Waypoint 1:', wp1)

            robot.auto_ik('left', wp1, vrepZdelta)
            resp = vrepScriptFunc.call('ikSuccess@Baxter_leftArm_target', 1,
                                       [], [], [], '')

            # Get resulting joint positions from V-rep
            resp = vrepScriptFunc.call('get_jnt_pos@Baxter_leftArm_target', 1,
                                       [], [], [], '')
            # Wrap and send joint positions to Baxter
            limb_joints = dict(
                zip(robot.left._joint_names['left'], resp.outputFloats))

            robot.auto_ik('left', wp2, vrepZdelta)
            resp = vrepScriptFunc.call('ikSuccess@Baxter_leftArm_target', 1,
                                       [], [], [], '')

            # Get resulting joint positions from V-rep
            resp = vrepScriptFunc.call('get_jnt_pos@Baxter_leftArm_target', 1,
                                       [], [], [], '')
            # Wrap and send joint positions to Baxter
            limb_joints = dict(
                zip(robot.left._joint_names['left'], resp.outputFloats))

            robot.auto_ik('left', wp3, vrepZdelta)
            resp = vrepScriptFunc.call('ikSuccess@Baxter_leftArm_target', 1,
                                       [], [], [], '')

            # Get resulting joint positions from V-rep
            resp = vrepScriptFunc.call('get_jnt_pos@Baxter_leftArm_target', 1,
                                       [], [], [], '')
            # Wrap and send joint positions to Baxter
            limb_joints = dict(
                zip(robot.left._joint_names['left'], resp.outputFloats))

        # Check if IK was a success in V-rep
        resp = vrepScriptFunc.call('ikSuccess@Baxter_leftArm_target', 1, [],
                                   [], [], '')
        # print 'Ik Success: ', resp.outputInts

        # If successful, receive & send joints to Baxter
        if resp.outputInts[0] == -1 and btnPressed == True:
            # Get resulting joint positions from V-rep
            resp = vrepScriptFunc.call('get_jnt_pos@Baxter_leftArm_target', 1,
                                       [], [], [], '')

            # Get Baxter joints
            curr_jnts = np.array([
                for name in robot.left.joint_names()

            # Compare joints
            norm = np.linalg.norm(curr_jnts)
            err = math.fabs(
                np.linalg.norm(np.array(resp.outputFloats) - curr_jnts))
            err = err / norm
            # print('Error: ',err)

            # limb_joints = dict(zip(robot.left._joint_names['left'], resp.outputFloats))
            # robot.left.set_joint_positions(limb_joints)
            # syncPos(left, vrepScriptFunc)

            if err > abs(syncErrThresh):
                # Wrap and send joint positions to Baxter
                limb_joints = dict(
                    zip(robot.left._joint_names['left'], resp.outputFloats))

                # print('V-rep Joints: ',limb_joints)
            # resp = vrepScriptFunc.call('get_pose@Baxter_leftArm_target',1,[],[],[],'')
            # print 'V-rep pose: ',resp.outputFloats
            # print('---------------------------------------------------------------------------------'/0)
            # print 'Finish pose: ',current_p
            # print('Actual joints: ', left.joint_angles())
            # print('---------------------------------------------------------------------------------')

            left_arm_sync(robot, syncErrThresh)
            vrepScriptFunc.call('set_ik_mode@Baxter_leftArm_target', 1, [], [],
                                [], '')

Exemplo n.º 34
def get_char():
    """Gets the character typed in the terminal. Useful for keyboard control."""

    return baxter_external_devices.getch()
Exemplo n.º 35
def gauge_obj_center(init_pos, vis_pub, obj_height, obj_radius_x,

    center = np.array(init_pos)

    # 1 mm
    DELTA = 0.001

    X_NEG = np.array([-DELTA, 0, 0])
    X_POS = np.array([DELTA, 0, 0])
    Y_NEG = np.array([0, -DELTA, 0])
    Y_POS = np.array([0, DELTA, 0])
    Z_NEG = np.array([0, 0, -DELTA])
    Z_POS = np.array([0, 0, DELTA])

    done = False

    # A dictionary, mapping from a character to a tuple.
    #   First element in tuple is a function, second is arguments to be
    #   unpacked and passed to the function, third is the string to display
    #   to user.
    bindings = {
        # key: (function, args, description)
        'h': (X_NEG, 'Move X by -DELTA'),
        'l': (X_POS, 'Move X by +DELTA'),
        'j': (Y_NEG, 'Move Y by -DELTA'),
        'k': (Y_POS, 'Move Y by +DELTA'),
        'm': (Z_NEG, 'Move Z by -DELTA'),
        'i': (Z_POS, 'Move Z by +DELTA'),

    # Main UI loop

    print('Welcome to interactive keyboard UI for gauging object center.')
    print('Press ? for help, Esc to quit.')

    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():

        # From baxter_examples joint_position_keyboard.py
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()

        if c:
            # Catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                print ('Done. Returning object center %f %f %f' % \
                  (center[0], center[1], center[2]))

            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[1], ))

                # Expand binding to something like "set_j(right, 's0', 0.1)"
                center = move_delta(center, vis_pub, cmd[0], obj_height,
                                    obj_radius_x, obj_radius_y)

                print('New center: %f %f %f' %
                      (center[0], center[1], center[2]))

                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[1]))

    return center
    right_pose = PoseStamped()
    right_pose.header = hdr
    right_pose.pose.position.x = 0.3
    right_pose.pose.position.y = -0.7
    right_pose.pose.position.z = 0.2
    right_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0
    right_pose.pose.orientation.y = 1
    right_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0
    right_pose.pose.orientation.w = 0

    done = False
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                # rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c == 'l':
                print "move left arm"
                move_to_pose(left_pose = left_pose, timeout = 4)

            elif c == 'r':
                print "move right arm"
                move_to_pose(right_pose = right_pose, timeout = 4)

            elif c == 's':
def map_keyboard():
    # left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')
    print "this"
    left = BaxterArm('left')
    right = BaxterArm('right')

    kin = baxter_kinematics('left')

    config = ALL_CONFIGS['position_baxter']
    ctrlr = OSPositionController(left, config)


    grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
    grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)
    lj = left.joint_names()
    rj = right.joint_names()
    leftdes = []
    leftacc = []
    lefterr = []
    delta = 0.05  #was 0.05
    gain = 1.

    def IK(limb, movement):

        current_pos, curr_ori = limb.ee_pose()

        goal_pos = current_pos + movement
        goal_ori = curr_ori


        lin_error, ang_error, success, time_elapsed = ctrlr.wait_until_goal_reached(

#print (pos[1]-np.array(limb.endpoint_pose()['position'])[1])/delta 0.91 for x, 0.82 for z
# print (pos[2]-np.array(limb.endpoint_pose()['position'])[2])/delta

    bindings = {
        #   key: (function, args, description)
        's': (IK, [left, [delta, 0, 0]], "xinc"),
        'd': (IK, [left, [-delta, 0, 0]], "xdec"),
        'w': (IK, [left, [0, delta, 0]], "yinc"),
        'e': (IK, [left, [0, -delta, 0]], "ydec"),
        'x': (IK, [left, [0, 0, delta]], "zinc"),
        'c': (IK, [left, [0, 0, -delta]], "zdec"),

        #'n': (set_j, [left, lj[6], -0.1], "left_w2 decrease"),
        'b': (grip_left.close, [], "left: gripper close"),
        'n': (grip_left.open, [], "left: gripper open"),
        'm': (grip_left.calibrate, [], "left: gripper calibrate")  #comma here?

    done = False
    print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")

    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                #expand binding to something like "set_j(right, 's0', 0.1)"
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[2], ))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
Exemplo n.º 38
    def __move(self, wp, accuracy=1.0):

        rate = rospy.Rate(10.0)

        if self.left_arm_enabled:
            if wp.lgrip < 50:

        if self.right_arm_enabled:
            if wp.rgrip < 50:

        done = False
        if self.left_arm_enabled:
                max(min(Script.MAX_VEL * wp.vel / 100.0, 1.0),
                    0.0))  #default 0.3, range 0.0 - 1.0
        if self.right_arm_enabled:
                max(min(Script.MAX_VEL * wp.vel / 100.0, 1.0),
                    0.0))  #default 0.3, range 0.0 - 1.0
        dd = [9999.0, 9999.0, 9999.0, 9999.0, 9999.0]
        while not done:
            if self.cancel_move:

            if self.left_arm_enabled:
            if self.right_arm_enabled:
            dist = 0.0
            if self.left_arm_enabled:
                for j in self.left_arm.joint_names():
                    dist = dist + (wp.ljpos[j] - self.left_arm.joint_angle(
                        j)) * (wp.ljpos[j] - self.left_arm.joint_angle(j))
            if self.right_arm_enabled:
                for j in self.right_arm.joint_names():
                    dist = dist + (wp.rjpos[j] - self.right_arm.joint_angle(
                        j)) * (wp.rjpos[j] - self.right_arm.joint_angle(j))

            dist = math.sqrt(dist)
            ss = 0.0
            for d in dd:
                ss = ss + math.fabs(d - dist)
            if ss / (wp.vel / 100.0) < 0.1 / accuracy:
                done = True
            elif rospy.is_shutdown():
                print("ROS shutdown, cancelled movement")
                done = True
            elif baxter_external_devices.getch() in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                del dd[0]
        if self.left_arm_enabled:
        if self.right_arm_enabled:
def map_keyboard():
    left = baxter_interface.Limb("left")
    right = baxter_interface.Limb("right")
    grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper("left")
    grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper("right")
    lj = left.joint_names()
    rj = right.joint_names()

    def set_j(limb, joint_name, delta):
        current_position = limb.joint_angle(joint_name)
        joint_command = {joint_name: current_position + delta}

    bindings = {
        #   key: (function, args, description)
        "9": (set_j, [left, lj[0], 0.1], "left_s0 increase"),
        "6": (set_j, [left, lj[0], -0.1], "left_s0 decrease"),
        "8": (set_j, [left, lj[1], 0.1], "left_s1 increase"),
        "7": (set_j, [left, lj[1], -0.1], "left_s1 decrease"),
        "o": (set_j, [left, lj[2], 0.1], "left_e0 increase"),
        "y": (set_j, [left, lj[2], -0.1], "left_e0 decrease"),
        "i": (set_j, [left, lj[3], 0.1], "left_e1 increase"),
        "u": (set_j, [left, lj[3], -0.1], "left_e1 decrease"),
        "l": (set_j, [left, lj[4], 0.1], "left_w0 increase"),
        "h": (set_j, [left, lj[4], -0.1], "left_w0 decrease"),
        "k": (set_j, [left, lj[5], 0.1], "left_w1 increase"),
        "j": (set_j, [left, lj[5], -0.1], "left_w1 decrease"),
        ".": (set_j, [left, lj[6], 0.1], "left_w2 increase"),
        "n": (set_j, [left, lj[6], -0.1], "left_w2 decrease"),
        ",": (grip_left.close, [], "left: gripper close"),
        "m": (grip_left.open, [], "left: gripper open"),
        "/": (grip_left.calibrate, [], "left: gripper calibrate"),
        "4": (set_j, [right, rj[0], 0.1], "right_s0 increase"),
        "1": (set_j, [right, rj[0], -0.1], "right_s0 decrease"),
        "3": (set_j, [right, rj[1], 0.1], "right_s1 increase"),
        "2": (set_j, [right, rj[1], -0.1], "right_s1 decrease"),
        "r": (set_j, [right, rj[2], 0.1], "right_e0 increase"),
        "q": (set_j, [right, rj[2], -0.1], "right_e0 decrease"),
        "e": (set_j, [right, rj[3], 0.1], "right_e1 increase"),
        "w": (set_j, [right, rj[3], -0.1], "right_e1 decrease"),
        "f": (set_j, [right, rj[4], 0.1], "right_w0 increase"),
        "a": (set_j, [right, rj[4], -0.1], "right_w0 decrease"),
        "d": (set_j, [right, rj[5], 0.1], "right_w1 increase"),
        "s": (set_j, [right, rj[5], -0.1], "right_w1 decrease"),
        "v": (set_j, [right, rj[6], 0.1], "right_w2 increase"),
        "z": (set_j, [right, rj[6], -0.1], "right_w2 decrease"),
        "c": (grip_right.close, [], "right: gripper close"),
        "x": (grip_right.open, [], "right: gripper open"),
        "b": (grip_right.calibrate, [], "right: gripper calibrate"),
    done = False
    print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            # catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ["\x1b", "\x03"]:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                # expand binding to something like "set_j(right, 's0', 0.1)"
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[2],))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
Exemplo n.º 40
def map_keyboard():
    # initialize interfaces
    print("Getting robot state... ")
    rs = baxter_interface.RobotEnable(CHECK_VERSION)
    init_state = rs.state().enabled
    left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
    right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)

    def clean_shutdown():
        if not init_state:
            print("Disabling robot...")
        print("Exiting example.")

    def capability_warning(gripper, cmd):
        msg = ("%s %s - not capable of '%s' command" %
               (gripper.name, gripper.type(), cmd))

    def offset_position(gripper, offset):
        if gripper.type() != 'electric':
            capability_warning(gripper, 'command_position')
        current = gripper.position()
        gripper.command_position(current + offset)

    def offset_holding(gripper, offset):
        if gripper.type() != 'electric':
            capability_warning(gripper, 'set_holding_force')
        current = gripper.parameters()['holding_force']
        gripper.set_holding_force(current + offset)

    def offset_moving(gripper, offset):
        if gripper.type() != 'electric':
            capability_warning(gripper, 'set_moving_force')
        current = gripper.parameters()['moving_force']
        gripper.set_moving_force(current + offset)

    def offset_velocity(gripper, offset):
        if gripper.type() != 'electric':
            capability_warning(gripper, 'set_velocity')
        current = gripper.parameters()['velocity']
        gripper.set_velocity(current + offset)

    def offset_dead_band(gripper, offset):
        if gripper.type() != 'electric':
            capability_warning(gripper, 'set_dead_band')
        current = gripper.parameters()['dead_zone']
        gripper.set_dead_band(current + offset)

    bindings = {
    #   key: (function, args, description)
        'r': (left.reboot, [], "left: reboot"),
        'R': (right.reboot, [], "right: reboot"),
        'c': (left.calibrate, [], "left: calibrate"),
        'C': (right.calibrate, [], "right: calibrate"),
        'q': (left.close, [], "left: close"),
        'Q': (right.close, [], "right: close"),
        'w': (left.open, [], "left: open"),
        'W': (right.open, [], "right: open"),
        '[': (left.set_velocity, [100.0], "left:  set 100% velocity"),
        '{': (right.set_velocity, [100.0], "right:  set 100% velocity"),
        ']': (left.set_velocity, [30.0], "left:  set 30% velocity"),
        '}': (right.set_velocity, [30.0], "right:  set 30% velocity"),
        's': (left.stop, [], "left: stop"),
        'S': (right.stop, [], "right: stop"),
        'z': (offset_dead_band, [left, -1.0], "left:  decrease dead band"),
        'Z': (offset_dead_band, [right, -1.0], "right:  decrease dead band"),
        'x': (offset_dead_band, [left, 1.0], "left:  increase dead band"),
        'X': (offset_dead_band, [right, 1.0], "right:  increase dead band"),
        'f': (offset_moving, [left, -5.0], "left:  decrease moving force"),
        'F': (offset_moving, [right, -5.0], "right:  decrease moving force"),
        'g': (offset_moving, [left, 5.0], "left:  increase moving force"),
        'G': (offset_moving, [right, 5.0], "right:  increase moving force"),
        'h': (offset_holding, [left, -5.0], "left:  decrease holding force"),
        'H': (offset_holding, [right, -5.0], "right:  decrease holding force"),
        'j': (offset_holding, [left, 5.0], "left:  increase holding force"),
        'J': (offset_holding, [right, 5.0], "right:  increase holding force"),
        'v': (offset_velocity, [left, -5.0], "left:  decrease velocity"),
        'V': (offset_velocity, [right, -5.0], "right:  decrease velocity"),
        'b': (offset_velocity, [left, 5.0], "left:  increase velocity"),
        'B': (offset_velocity, [right, 5.0], "right:  increase velocity"),
        'u': (offset_position, [left, -15.0], "left:  decrease position"),
        'U': (offset_position, [right, -15.0], "right:  decrease position"),
        'i': (offset_position, [left, 15.0], "left:  increase position"),
        'I': (offset_position, [right, 15.0], "right:  increase position"),

    done = False
    print("Enabling robot... ")
    print("Controlling grippers. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[2],))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
    # force shutdown call if caught by key handler
    rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
Exemplo n.º 41
def run_control(joystick):
    # Initialise parameters
    kbOnly = True if joystick==None else False
    print('kbOnly: ', kbOnly)

    if kbOnly == False:
        jhi = lambda s: joystick.stick_value(s) > 0
        jlo = lambda s: joystick.stick_value(s) < 0
        bdn = joystick.button_down
        bup = joystick.button_up

    zeros = [0]*4
    initial_inc = 0.03
    inc = initial_inc
    delta = 0.01
    incU = 0.02
    incL = 0.01
    syncErrThresh = 0.003
    vrepZdelta = 1.08220972

    # Service to call functions in V-rep (e.g. set/get joint positions)
    vrepScriptFunc = rospy.ServiceProxy('vrep/simRosCallScriptFunction', simRosCallScriptFunction)

    # Get robot interface
    robot = RobotArm(vrepScriptFunc)

    # Get appropriate bindings
    kb_b= js_b = False

    def gen_js_bindings(inc):
        bindings = (
            ((bdn, ['btnUp']),
             (robot.grip_l_close, []), "left gripper"),
            ((jhi, ['rightTrigger']),
             (inc_delta, [inc, delta, incU, incL]), "Speed increased"),
            ((jhi, ['leftTrigger']),
             (inc_delta, [inc, -delta, incU, incL]), "Speed decreased"),
            ((bdn, ['leftBumper']),
             (robot.pos_to_ori, ['down']), "Switched to orientation"),
            ((bup, ['leftBumper']),
             (robot.pos_to_ori, ['up']), "Switched to position"),
            ((bdn, ['rightBumper']),
             (robot.world_to_ee, ['ee']), "Switched to tool frame"),
            ((bup, ['rightBumper']),
             (robot.world_to_ee, ['world']), "Switched to world frame"),
            ((jlo, ['leftStickHorz']),
             (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, -inc, 0]]), lambda: "left y dec "),
            ((jhi, ['leftStickHorz']),
             (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, inc, 0]]), lambda: "left y inc "),
            ((jlo, ['leftStickVert']),
             (robot.command_ik, ['left', [-inc, 0, 0]]), lambda: "left x dec "),
            ((jhi, ['leftStickVert']),
             (robot.command_ik, ['left', [inc, 0, 0]]), lambda: "left x inc "),
            ((jlo, ['rightStickVert']),
             (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, 0, -inc]]), lambda: "left z dec "),
            ((jhi, ['rightStickVert']),
             (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, 0, inc]]), lambda: "left z inc "),
            ((bdn, ['function1']),
             (print_js_bindings, [js_b]), "help"),
            ((bdn, ['function2']),
             (print_js_bindings, [js_b]), "help"),

        return bindings
    def gen_kb_bindings(inc):
        bindings = {
            '9': (inc_delta, [inc, delta, incU, incL], "Speed increased"),
            '0': (inc_delta, [inc, -delta, incU, incL], "Speed decreased"),
            'i': (robot.pos_to_ori, [], "Switch position/orientation"),
            # 'o': (robot.world_to_ee, [], "Switch world/tool frame"),
            'w': (robot.command_ik, ['left', [inc, 0, 0]], "increase left x"),
            's': (robot.command_ik, ['left', [-inc, 0, 0]], "decrease left x"),
            'a': (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, inc, 0]], "increase left y"),
            'd': (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, -inc, 0]], "decrease left y"),
            'q': (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, 0, inc]], "increase left z"),
            'e': (robot.command_ik, ['left', [0, 0, -inc]], "decrease left z"),
            'p': (robot.grip_l_close, [], "Gripper open/close"),
            # 'l': (robot.grip_l_open, [], "left: gripper open"),
            # 'c': (grip_left.calibrate, [], "left: gripper calibrate")

        return bindings

    if kbOnly == False:
        js_b = []
        bindings = gen_js_bindings(inc)

    kb_b = gen_kb_bindings(inc)

    # Print bindings
    if kbOnly == False:

    # Setup data recording
    def on_endpoint_states(msg,endpoint_state):
        endpoint_state.header= msg.header
        endpoint_state.pose= msg.pose
        endpoint_state.twist= msg.twist
        endpoint_state.wrench= msg.wrench

    def record_data(filename):
        # Subscribe to endpoint state
        # _cartesian_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
        #         '/robot/limb/left/endpoint_state',
        #         EndpointState,
        #         on_endpoint_states,
        #         endpoint_state,
        #         queue_size=1,
        #         tcp_nodelay=True)

        # bag = rosbag.Bag(filename, 'w')

        def terminate_process_and_children(s):
            list_cmd = subprocess.Popen("rosnode list", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            list_output = list_cmd.stdout.read()
            retcode = list_cmd.wait()
            assert retcode == 0, "List command returned %d" % retcode
            for str in list_output.split("\n"):
                if (str.startswith(s)):
                    os.system("rosnode kill " + str)

        # while not done_recording:
            # if recording==True:
                # print('Endpoint actual: ',endpoint_state)
                # bag.write('endpoint_state',endpoint_state)

        rt = rospy.Rate(100)
        while not recording:

        p = subprocess.Popen('rosbag record -j -O 5.bag /robot/limb/left/endpoint_state '
                             '/camera1/rgb/image_color /camera2/rgb/image_color ',
                             # '/cameras/left_hand_camera/image',
                             stdin=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True, cwd='/home/domenico/talha_ws/src/baxter_ik/data/id_7/')
                                # /home/talha/test_ws/src/baxter_ik/scripts/
        # print 'Finishing recording'
        # bag.close()
        while not done_recording:

        print 'Finishing recording'

    # thread.start_new_thread(record_data, ('test.bag',))

    then = rospy.get_rostime()

    # Move to start position

    prevPosVrep = None

    rate = rospy.Rate(100)
    # while loop
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():

        # inputControl()
        if kbOnly == True:
            c = baxter_external_devices.getch(-1)
            if c:
                # print('Pressed: ',c)
                #catch Esc or ctrl-c
                if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                    # terminate_process_and_children(p)
                    rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")

                if c == '\r':

                # Keyboard control
                if c in kb_b:
                    cmd = kb_b[c]
                    if cmd[0] == inc_delta:
                        inc = cmd[0](*cmd[1])
                        kb_b = gen_kb_bindings(inc)
                    elif cmd[0] == robot.pos_to_ori:
                        # kb_b = gen_kb_bindings(initial_inc)
                    # print("command: %s" % (cmd[2],))

            # Joystick control
            for (test, cmd, doc) in bindings:
                then = rospy.get_rostime()
                if test[0](*test[1]):
                    if cmd[0] == inc_delta:
                        inc = cmd[0](*cmd[1])
                        bindings = gen_js_bindings(inc)
                        js_b[0] = bindings
                    elif cmd[0] == robot.pos_to_ori:
                        # bindings = gen_js_bindings(initial_inc)
                        # js_b[0] = bindings
                    if callable(doc):

        # Check if IK was a success in V-rep
        resp = vrepScriptFunc.call('ikSuccess@Baxter_leftArm_target',1,[],[],[],'')
        # print 'Ik Success: ', resp.outputInts

        # If successful, receive & send joints to Baxter
        if resp.outputInts[0] == -1:
            # Get resulting joint positions from V-rep
            resp = vrepScriptFunc.call('get_jnt_pos@Baxter_leftArm_target',1,[],[],[],'')

            if prevPosVrep is None:
                prevPosVrep = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
            err2 = np.linalg.norm(np.array(resp.outputFloats) - np.array(prevPosVrep))
            # print(resp.outputFloats)
            # print(prevPosVrep)
            prevPosVrep = copy.deepcopy(resp.outputFloats)

            # Get Baxter joints
            curr_jnts = np.array([robot.left.joint_angles()[name] for name in robot.left.joint_names()])

            # Compare joints
            norm = np.linalg.norm(curr_jnts)
            err = math.fabs(np.linalg.norm(np.array(resp.outputFloats)-curr_jnts))
            err = err/norm
            # print('Error: ',err)
            # print('ErrorVrep: ', err2)

            # limb_joints = dict(zip(robot.left._joint_names['left'], resp.outputFloats))
            # robot.left.set_joint_positions(limb_joints)
            # robot.syncPos('left')

            if err > abs(syncErrThresh):
                if err2 > 0.0001:
                    # print('Position updated')
                    # Wrap and send joint positions to Baxter
                    limb_joints = dict(zip(robot.left._joint_names['left'], resp.outputFloats))
                    diff = rospy.get_rostime() - then
                    # print ('Time taken:', diff.to_sec())

                    curr_jnts = np.array([robot.left.joint_angles()[name] for name in robot.left.joint_names()])
                    jnt_err = np.zeros((7, 1))
                    for x in range(curr_jnts.size):
                        jnt_err[x] = curr_jnts[x] - resp.outputFloats[x]

                    # print('Joint difference: ', jnt_err.tolist())

                # print('V-rep Joints: ',limb_joints)
            # resp = vrepScriptFunc.call('get_pose@Baxter_leftArm_target',1,[],[],[],'')
            # print 'V-rep pose: ',resp.outputFloats
            # print('---------------------------------------------------------------------------------'/0)
            # print 'Finish pose: ',current_p
            #     print('Actual joints: ', robot.left.joint_angles())
            # print('---------------------------------------------------------------------------------')

Exemplo n.º 42
def map_keyboard():
    #user set joint angles
    theta['right_s0'] = np.float32(raw_input("Enter joint1: "))
    theta['right_s1'] = np.float32(raw_input("Enter joint2: "))
    theta['right_e0'] = np.float32(raw_input("Enter joint3: "))
    theta['right_e1'] = np.float32(raw_input("Enter joint4: "))
    theta['right_w0'] = np.float32(raw_input("Enter joint5: "))
    theta['right_w1'] = np.float32(raw_input("Enter joint6: "))
    theta['right_w2'] = np.float32(raw_input("Enter joint7: "))

    def judge(dict):
        if (abs(limb.joint_angle(joints[0])-theta['right_s0'])>0.1 or
                abs(limb.joint_angle(joints[1])-theta['right_s1'])>0.1 or
                abs(limb.joint_angle(joints[2])-theta['right_e0'])>0.1 or
                abs(limb.joint_angle(joints[3])-theta['right_e1'])>0.1 or
                abs(limb.joint_angle(joints[4])-theta['right_w0'])>0.1 or
                abs(limb.joint_angle(joints[5])-theta['right_w1'])>0.1 or
            return True
            return False


    limb = intera_interface.Limb(side)

    left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')
    right = baxter_interface.Limb('right')
    grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
    grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)
    lj = left.joint_names()
    rj = right.joint_names()

    def set_j(limb, joint_name, delta):
        current_position = limb.joint_angle(joint_name)
        joint_command = {joint_name: current_position + delta}

    bindings = {
    #   key: (function, args, description)
        '9': (set_j, [left, lj[0], 0.1], "left_s0 increase"),
        '6': (set_j, [left, lj[0], -0.1], "left_s0 decrease"),
        '8': (set_j, [left, lj[1], 0.1], "left_s1 increase"),
        '7': (set_j, [left, lj[1], -0.1], "left_s1 decrease"),
        'o': (set_j, [left, lj[2], 0.1], "left_e0 increase"),
        'y': (set_j, [left, lj[2], -0.1], "left_e0 decrease"),
        'i': (set_j, [left, lj[3], 0.1], "left_e1 increase"),
        'u': (set_j, [left, lj[3], -0.1], "left_e1 decrease"),
        'l': (set_j, [left, lj[4], 0.1], "left_w0 increase"),
        'h': (set_j, [left, lj[4], -0.1], "left_w0 decrease"),
        'k': (set_j, [left, lj[5], 0.1], "left_w1 increase"),
        'j': (set_j, [left, lj[5], -0.1], "left_w1 decrease"),
        '.': (set_j, [left, lj[6], 0.1], "left_w2 increase"),
        'n': (set_j, [left, lj[6], -0.1], "left_w2 decrease"),
        ',': (grip_left.close, [], "left: gripper close"),
        'm': (grip_left.open, [], "left: gripper open"),
        '/': (grip_left.calibrate, [], "left: gripper calibrate"),

        '4': (set_j, [right, rj[0], 0.1], "right_s0 increase"),
        '1': (set_j, [right, rj[0], -0.1], "right_s0 decrease"),
        '3': (set_j, [right, rj[1], 0.1], "right_s1 increase"),
        '2': (set_j, [right, rj[1], -0.1], "right_s1 decrease"),
        'r': (set_j, [right, rj[2], 0.1], "right_e0 increase"),
        'q': (set_j, [right, rj[2], -0.1], "right_e0 decrease"),
        'e': (set_j, [right, rj[3], 0.1], "right_e1 increase"),
        'w': (set_j, [right, rj[3], -0.1], "right_e1 decrease"),
        'f': (set_j, [right, rj[4], 0.1], "right_w0 increase"),
        'a': (set_j, [right, rj[4], -0.1], "right_w0 decrease"),
        'd': (set_j, [right, rj[5], 0.1], "right_w1 increase"),
        's': (set_j, [right, rj[5], -0.1], "right_w1 decrease"),
        'v': (set_j, [right, rj[6], 0.1], "right_w2 increase"),
        'z': (set_j, [right, rj[6], -0.1], "right_w2 decrease"),
        'c': (grip_right.close, [], "right: gripper close"),
        'x': (grip_right.open, [], "right: gripper open"),
        'b': (grip_right.calibrate, [], "right: gripper calibrate"),
    done = False
    print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                #expand binding to something like "set_j(right, 's0', 0.1)"
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[2],))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
def map_keyboard():
    left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')
    right = baxter_interface.Limb('right')
    grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
    grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)
    lj = left.joint_names()
    rj = right.joint_names()

    def set_j(limb, joint_name, delta):
        current_position = limb.joint_angle(joint_name)
        joint_command = {joint_name: current_position + delta}

    bindings = {
    #   key: (function, args, description)
        '9': (set_j, [left, lj[0], 0.005], "left_s0 increase"),
        '6': (set_j, [left, lj[0], -0.005], "left_s0 decrease"),
        '8': (set_j, [left, lj[1], 0.005], "left_s1 increase"),
        '7': (set_j, [left, lj[1], -0.005], "left_s1 decrease"),
        'o': (set_j, [left, lj[2], 0.005], "left_e0 increase"),
        'y': (set_j, [left, lj[2], -0.005], "left_e0 decrease"),
        'i': (set_j, [left, lj[3], 0.005], "left_e1 increase"),
        'u': (set_j, [left, lj[3], -0.005], "left_e1 decrease"),
        'l': (set_j, [left, lj[4], 0.005], "left_w0 increase"),
        'h': (set_j, [left, lj[4], -0.005], "left_w0 decrease"),
        'k': (set_j, [left, lj[5], 0.005], "left_w1 increase"),
        'j': (set_j, [left, lj[5], -0.005], "left_w1 decrease"),
        '.': (set_j, [left, lj[6], 0.005], "left_w2 increase"),
        'n': (set_j, [left, lj[6], -0.005], "left_w2 decrease"),
        ',': (grip_left.close, [], "left: gripper close"),
        'm': (grip_left.open, [], "left: gripper open"),
        '/': (grip_left.calibrate, [], "left: gripper calibrate"),

        '4': (set_j, [right, rj[0], 0.005], "right_s0 increase"),
        '1': (set_j, [right, rj[0], -0.005], "right_s0 decrease"),
        '3': (set_j, [right, rj[1], 0.005], "right_s1 increase"),
        '2': (set_j, [right, rj[1], -0.005], "right_s1 decrease"),
        'r': (set_j, [right, rj[2], 0.005], "right_e0 increase"),
        'q': (set_j, [right, rj[2], -0.005], "right_e0 decrease"),
        'e': (set_j, [right, rj[3], 0.005], "right_e1 increase"),
        'w': (set_j, [right, rj[3], -0.005], "right_e1 decrease"),
        'f': (set_j, [right, rj[4], 0.005], "right_w0 increase"),
        'a': (set_j, [right, rj[4], -0.005], "right_w0 decrease"),
        'd': (set_j, [right, rj[5], 0.005], "right_w1 increase"),
        's': (set_j, [right, rj[5], -0.005], "right_w1 decrease"),
        'v': (set_j, [right, rj[6], 0.005], "right_w2 increase"),
        'z': (set_j, [right, rj[6], -0.005], "right_w2 decrease"),
        'c': (grip_right.close, [], "right: gripper close"),
        'x': (grip_right.open, [], "right: gripper open"),
        'b': (grip_right.calibrate, [], "right: gripper calibrate"),
    done = False
    print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                #expand binding to something like "set_j(right, 's0', 0.005)"
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[2],))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
Exemplo n.º 44
def map_keyboard():
    left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')
    right = baxter_interface.Limb('right')
    grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
    grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)

    #These are from PyKDL and are needed for the Jacobian
    left_kin = baxter_kinematics('left')
    right_kin = baxter_kinematics('right')

    #Connect with IK service
    right_iksvc, right_ns = ik_command.connect_service('right')
    left_iksvc, left_ns = ik_command.connect_service('left')

    def command_jacobian(side, direction):
        if side == 'left':
            limb = left
            kin = left_kin
        elif side == 'right':
            limb = right
            kin = right_kin
            raise Exception("Got wrong side in command_jacobian")

        # current is the current position of end effector
        current_p = np.array(limb.endpoint_pose()['position'] +
        current_p = current_q.reshape((7, 1))
        current = np.zeros((6, 1))
        quaternion_to_euler(current_p, current)

        # We need to convert the direction from the world frame to the hand frame
        # Rotate direction by the inverse of the rotation matrix from the angular pose in current
        R = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(
        R_inv = tf.transformations.inverse_matrix(R)
        print R_inv[0:3, 0:3]
        direction = np.array(direction).reshape((6, 1))
        print direction[0:3]
        dir_rot = np.dot(R_inv[0:3, 0:3], direction[0:3])
        print dir_rot
        #direction[0:3] = dir_rot

        # Goal is the goal position, found by adding the requested direction from the user
        goal = current + direction
        current_angles = np.array(
            [limb.joint_angles()[name] for name in limb.joint_names()])

        # Get the Jacobian inverse and solve for the necessary change in joint angles
        jacobian_inv = kin.jacobian_transpose()
        delta = jacobian_inv * (goal - current)
        commands = current_angles.flatten() + delta.flatten()

        # Command the joints
        command_list = commands.tolist()
        joint_command = dict(zip(limb.joint_names(), command_list[0]))

    def command_ik(side, direction):
        """Use the Rethink IK service to figure out a desired joint position"""
        if side == 'left':
            limb = left
            iksvc = left_iksvc
            ns = left_ns
            limb = right
            iksvc = right_iksvc
            ns = right_ns
        current_p = np.array(limb.endpoint_pose()['position'] +
        direction = np.array(direction)
        desired_p = current_p + direction
        ik_command.service_request(iksvc, desired_p, side, False)

    zeros = [0] * 4
    inc = 0.1

    bindings = {
        'q': (command_ik, ['right', [inc, 0, 0] + zeros], "increase right x"),
        'a': (command_ik, ['right', [-inc, 0, 0] + zeros], "decrease right x"),
        'w': (command_ik, ['right', [0, inc, 0] + zeros], "increase right y"),
        's': (command_ik, ['right', [0, -inc, 0] + zeros], "decrease right y"),
        'e': (command_ik, ['right', [0, 0, inc] + zeros], "increase right z"),
        'd': (command_ik, ['right', [0, 0, -inc] + zeros], "decrease right z"),
        'u': (command_ik, ['left', [inc, 0, 0] + zeros], "increase left x"),
        'j': (command_ik, ['left', [-inc, 0, 0] + zeros], "decrease left x"),
        'i': (command_ik, ['left', [0, inc, 0] + zeros], "increase left y"),
        'k': (command_ik, ['left', [0, -inc, 0] + zeros], "decrease left y"),
        'o': (command_ik, ['left', [0, 0, inc] + zeros], "increase left z"),
        'l': (command_ik, ['left', [0, 0, -inc] + zeros], "decrease left z"),
        'z': (grip_right.close, [], "right: gripper close"),
        'x': (grip_right.open, [], "right: gripper open"),
        'c': (grip_right.calibrate, [], "right: gripper calibrate")

    done = False
    print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.")
            elif c in bindings:
                cmd = bindings[c]
                #expand binding to something like "command_jacobian(left, [0.1, 0, 0])"
                print("command: %s" % (cmd[2], ))
                print("key bindings: ")
                print("  Esc: Quit")
                print("  ?: Help")
                for key, val in sorted(bindings.items(),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1][2]):
                    print("  %s: %s" % (key, val[2]))
Exemplo n.º 45

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #print("Getting Baxter's state... ")
    rs = baxter_interface.RobotEnable()
    print("Attempting to enable Baxter")

    task_completer = Mover('both')

    print("Completing tasks. Press Esc to quit.")
    done = False
    while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        c = baxter_external_devices.getch()
        if c:
            #catch Esc or ctrl-c
            if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']:
                done = True
                print("Press Esc to quit.")

    print("All tasks completed.")
    print("Disabling Baxter... ")
Exemplo n.º 46
    def run(self):

        #print "Recording Grids Location..."
        #print "Recording Grid Roi..."

        cur_arm = 'left'

        step = 0.004
        print "Input: "
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            c = baxter_external_devices.getch(1.0)

            if c:
                if c in ['w']:

                    pose = self.current_poses['left']
                    x = pose.pose.position.x
                    y = pose.pose.position.y
                    z = -0.0247  #pose.pose.position.z
                    ox = 0.0
                    oy = 1.0
                    oz = 0.0
                    ow = 0.0

                    print " "
                    print "Get w"
                    x = x + step
                    cur_arm = 'left'

                elif c in ['z']:

                    pose = self.current_poses['left']
                    x = pose.pose.position.x
                    y = pose.pose.position.y
                    z = -0.0247  #pose.pose.position.z
                    ox = 0.0
                    oy = 1.0
                    oz = 0.0
                    ow = 0.0
                    print " "
                    print "Get z"
                    x = x - step
                    cur_arm = 'left'

                elif c in ['a']:
                    pose = self.current_poses['left']
                    x = pose.pose.position.x
                    y = pose.pose.position.y
                    z = -0.0247  #pose.pose.position.z
                    ox = 0.0
                    oy = 1.0
                    oz = 0.0
                    ow = 0.0
                    print " "
                    print "Get a"
                    y = y + step
                    cur_arm = 'left'

                elif c in ['s']:

                    pose = self.current_poses['left']
                    x = pose.pose.position.x
                    y = pose.pose.position.y
                    z = -0.0247  #pose.pose.position.z
                    ox = 0.0
                    oy = 1.0
                    oz = 0.0
                    ow = 0.0

                    print " "
                    print "Get s"
                    y = y - step
                    cur_arm = 'left'

                if c in ['i']:

                    pose = self.current_poses['right']
                    x = pose.pose.position.x
                    y = pose.pose.position.y
                    z = -0.0247  #pose.pose.position.z
                    ox = 0.0
                    oy = 1.0
                    oz = 0.0
                    ow = 0.0
                    print " "
                    print "Get i"
                    x = x + step
                    cur_arm = 'right'

                elif c in ['m']:

                    pose = self.current_poses['right']
                    x = pose.pose.position.x
                    y = pose.pose.position.y
                    z = -0.0247  #pose.pose.position.z
                    ox = 0.0
                    oy = 1.0
                    oz = 0.0
                    ow = 0.0
                    print " "
                    print "Get m"
                    x = x - step
                    cur_arm = 'right'

                elif c in ['j']:

                    pose = self.current_poses['right']
                    x = pose.pose.position.x
                    y = pose.pose.position.y
                    z = -0.0247  #pose.pose.position.z
                    ox = 0.0
                    oy = 1.0
                    oz = 0.0
                    ow = 0.0
                    print " "
                    print "Get j"
                    y = y + step
                    cur_arm = 'right'

                elif c in ['k']:

                    pose = self.current_poses['right']
                    x = pose.pose.position.x
                    y = pose.pose.position.y
                    z = -0.0247  #pose.pose.position.z
                    ox = 0.0
                    oy = 1.0
                    oz = 0.0
                    ow = 0.0
                    y = y - step
                    cur_arm = 'right'
                    print " "
                    print "Get k"


            msg_string = cur_arm + ':move_to:' + \
                      str(x) + \
                      ',' + \
                      str(y) + \
                      ',' + \
                      str(z) + \
                      ',' + \
                      str(ox) + \
                      ',' + \
                      str(oy) + \
                      ',' + \
                      str(oz) + \
                      ',' + \
