Exemplo n.º 1
def main(argv=None):
    r"""Main routine for post-processing data from COCO.

    Depending on the number of data path input arguments, this routine will:

    * call sub-routine :py:func:`bbob_pproc.rungeneric1.main` for each
      input arguments; each input argument will be used as output
      sub-folder relative to the main output folder,
    * call either sub-routines :py:func:`bbob_pproc.rungeneric2.main`
      (2 input arguments) or :py:func:`bbob_pproc.rungenericmany.main`
      (more than 2) for the input arguments altogether.

    The output figures and tables written by default to the output folder 
    :file:`ppdata` are used in latex templates:

    * :file:`template1generic.tex`, :file:`noisytemplate1generic.tex`
      for results with a **single** algorithm on the noise-free and noisy
      testbeds respectively
    * :file:`template2generic.tex`, :file:`noisytemplate2generic.tex`, 
      for showing the comparison of **2** algorithms
    * :file:`template3generic.tex`, :file:`noisytemplate3generic.tex` 
      for showing the comparison of **more than 2** algorithms.

    These latex templates need to be copied in the current working directory 
    and possibly edited so that the LaTeX commands ``\bbobdatapath`` and
    ``\algfolder`` point to the correct output folders of the post-processing. 
    Compiling the template file with LaTeX should then produce a document.

    Keyword arguments:

    *argv* -- list of strings containing options and arguments. If not
       provided, sys.argv is accessed.

    *argv* must list folders containing COCO data files. Each of these
    folders should correspond to the data of ONE algorithm.

    Furthermore, argv can begin with facultative option flags.

        -h, --help

            displays this message.

        -v, --verbose

            verbose mode, prints out operations.

        -o, --output-dir=OUTPUTDIR

            changes the default output directory (:file:`ppdata`) to
            omit calling :py:func:`bbob_pproc.rungeneric1.main`, if
            more than one data path argument is provided. 
            generate also runlength distribution figures for each
            single function. Works only if more than two algorithms are given. 
            These figures are not (yet) used in the LaTeX templates. 
            all folder/file arguments are prepended with the given value
            which must be a valid path. 
            takes values between 0 (default) and 1000, fast processing that 
            does not write eps files and uses a small number of bootstrap samples

    Exceptions raised:
    *Usage* -- Gives back a usage message.


    * Calling the rungeneric.py interface from the command line::

        $ python bbob_pproc/rungeneric.py -v AMALGAM BIPOP-CMA-ES

    * Loading this package and calling the main from the command line
      (requires that the path to this package is in python search path)::

        $ python -m bbob_pproc.rungeneric -h

      This will print out this help message.

    * From the python interpreter (requires that the path to this
      package is in python search path)::

        >> import bbob_pproc as bb
        >> bb.rungeneric.main('-o outputfolder folder1 folder2'.split())

      This will execute the post-processing on the data found in
      :file:`folder1` and :file:`folder2`. The ``-o`` option changes the
      output folder from the default :file:`ppdata` to


    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]

            opts, args = getopt.getopt(
                argv, shortoptlist,
                longoptlist + ['omit-single', 'in-a-hurry=', 'input-path='])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

        if not (args):

        verbose = False
        outputdir = 'ppdata'
        inputdir = '.'

        #Process options
        shortoptlist1 = list(
            "-" + i.rstrip(":")
            for i in _splitshortoptlist(rungeneric1.shortoptlist))
        shortoptlist2 = list(
            "-" + i.rstrip(":")
            for i in _splitshortoptlist(rungeneric2.shortoptlist))
        shortoptlistmany = list(
            "-" + i.rstrip(":")
            for i in _splitshortoptlist(rungenericmany.shortoptlist))
        longoptlist1 = list("--" + i.rstrip("=")
                            for i in rungeneric1.longoptlist)
        longoptlist2 = list("--" + i.rstrip("=")
                            for i in rungeneric2.longoptlist)
        longoptlistmany = list("--" + i.rstrip("=")
                               for i in rungenericmany.longoptlist)

        genopts1 = []
        genopts2 = []
        genoptsmany = []
        for o, a in opts:
            if o in ("-h", "--help"):
            elif o in ("-o", "--output-dir"):
                outputdir = a
            elif o in ("--in-a-hurry", ):
                genericsettings.in_a_hurry = int(a)
            elif o in ("--input-path", ):
                inputdir = a
                isAssigned = False
                if o in longoptlist1 or o in shortoptlist1:
                    # Append o and then a separately otherwise the list of
                    # command line arguments might be incorrect
                    if a:
                    isAssigned = True
                if o in longoptlist2 or o in shortoptlist2:
                    if a:
                    isAssigned = True
                if o in longoptlistmany or o in shortoptlistmany:
                    if a:
                    isAssigned = True
                if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
                    verbose = True
                    isAssigned = True
                if o in ('--omit-single', '--in-a-hurry'):
                    isAssigned = True
                if not isAssigned:
                    assert False, "unhandled option"

        if (not verbose):
            warnings.filterwarnings('module', '.*', UserWarning, '.*')
                'ignore')  # that is bad, but otherwise to many warnings appear

        print("Post-processing: will generate output " +
              "data in folder %s" % outputdir)
        print "  this might take several minutes."

        if not os.path.exists(outputdir):
            if verbose:
                print 'Folder %s was created.' % (outputdir)

            os.path.join(outputdir, 'bbob_pproc_commands.tex'))

        for i in range(len(args)):  # prepend common path inputdir to all names
            args[i] = os.path.join(inputdir, args[i])

        for i, alg in enumerate(args):
            # remove '../' from algorithm output folder
            if len(args) == 1 or '--omit-single' not in dict(opts):
                tmpoutputdir = os.path.join(
                    alg.replace('..' + os.sep, '').lstrip(os.sep))
                rungeneric1.main(genopts1 + ["-o", tmpoutputdir, alg])
                    os.path.join(outputdir, 'bbob_pproc_commands.tex'), [
                        '\\providecommand{\\algfolder}{' +
                        alg.replace('..' + os.sep, '').rstrip(os.sep).replace(
                            os.sep, '/') + '/}'

        if len(args) == 2:
            rungeneric2.main(genopts2 + ["-o", outputdir] + args)
        elif len(args) > 2:
            rungenericmany.main(genoptsmany + ["-o", outputdir] + args)

        open(os.path.join(outputdir, 'bbob_pproc_commands.tex'), 'a').close()

Exemplo n.º 2
def main(argv=None):
    r"""Main routine for post-processing data from COCO.

    Depending on the number of data path input arguments, this routine will:

    * call sub-routine :py:func:`bbob_pproc.rungeneric1.main` for each
      input arguments; each input argument will be used as output
      sub-folder relative to the main output folder,
    * call either sub-routines :py:func:`bbob_pproc.rungeneric2.main`
      (2 input arguments) or :py:func:`bbob_pproc.rungenericmany.main`
      (more than 2) for the input arguments altogether.

    The output figures and tables written by default to the output folder 
    :file:`ppdata` are used in latex templates:

    * :file:`template1generic.tex`, :file:`noisytemplate1generic.tex`
      for results with a **single** algorithm on the noise-free and noisy
      testbeds respectively
    * :file:`template2generic.tex`, :file:`noisytemplate2generic.tex`, 
      for showing the comparison of **2** algorithms
    * :file:`template3generic.tex`, :file:`noisytemplate3generic.tex` 
      for showing the comparison of **more than 2** algorithms.

    These latex templates need to be copied in the current working directory 
    and possibly edited so that the LaTeX commands ``\bbobdatapath`` and
    ``\algfolder`` point to the correct output folders of the post-processing. 
    Compiling the template file with LaTeX should then produce a document.

    Keyword arguments:

    *argv* -- list of strings containing options and arguments. If not
       provided, sys.argv is accessed.

    *argv* must list folders containing COCO data files. Each of these
    folders should correspond to the data of ONE algorithm.

    Furthermore, argv can begin with facultative option flags.

        -h, --help

            displays this message.

        -v, --verbose

            verbose mode, prints out operations.

        -o, --output-dir=OUTPUTDIR

            changes the default output directory (:file:`ppdata`) to
            omit calling :py:func:`bbob_pproc.rungeneric1.main`, if
            more than one data path argument is provided. 
            generate also runlength distribution figures for each
            single function. Works only if more than two algorithms are given. 
            These figures are not (yet) used in the LaTeX templates. 
            all folder/file arguments are prepended with the given value
            which must be a valid path. 
            takes values between 0 (default) and 1000, fast processing that 
            does not write eps files and uses a small number of bootstrap samples

    Exceptions raised:
    *Usage* -- Gives back a usage message.


    * Calling the rungeneric.py interface from the command line::

        $ python bbob_pproc/rungeneric.py -v AMALGAM BIPOP-CMA-ES

    * Loading this package and calling the main from the command line
      (requires that the path to this package is in python search path)::

        $ python -m bbob_pproc.rungeneric -h

      This will print out this help message.

    * From the python interpreter (requires that the path to this
      package is in python search path)::

        >> import bbob_pproc as bb
        >> bb.rungeneric.main('-o outputfolder folder1 folder2'.split())

      This will execute the post-processing on the data found in
      :file:`folder1` and :file:`folder2`. The ``-o`` option changes the
      output folder from the default :file:`ppdata` to


    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]

            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, shortoptlist, longoptlist + ['omit-single', 'in-a-hurry=', 'input-path='])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

        if not (args):

        verbose = False
        outputdir = 'ppdata'
        inputdir = '.'

        #Process options
        shortoptlist1 = list("-" + i.rstrip(":")
                             for i in _splitshortoptlist(rungeneric1.shortoptlist))
        shortoptlist2 = list("-" + i.rstrip(":")
                             for i in _splitshortoptlist(rungeneric2.shortoptlist))
        shortoptlistmany = list("-" + i.rstrip(":")
                                for i in _splitshortoptlist(rungenericmany.shortoptlist))
        longoptlist1 = list( "--" + i.rstrip("=") for i in rungeneric1.longoptlist)
        longoptlist2 = list( "--" + i.rstrip("=") for i in rungeneric2.longoptlist)
        longoptlistmany = list( "--" + i.rstrip("=") for i in rungenericmany.longoptlist)

        genopts1 = []
        genopts2 = []
        genoptsmany = []
        for o, a in opts:
            if o in ("-h", "--help"):
            elif o in ("-o", "--output-dir"):
                outputdir = a
            elif o in ("--in-a-hurry", ):
                genericsettings.in_a_hurry = int(a)
            elif o in ("--input-path", ):
                inputdir = a
                isAssigned = False
                if o in longoptlist1 or o in shortoptlist1:
                    # Append o and then a separately otherwise the list of
                    # command line arguments might be incorrect
                    if a:
                    isAssigned = True
                if o in longoptlist2 or o in shortoptlist2:
                    if a:
                    isAssigned = True
                if o in longoptlistmany or o in shortoptlistmany:
                    if a:
                    isAssigned = True
                if o in ("-v","--verbose"):
                    verbose = True
                    isAssigned = True
                if o in ('--omit-single', '--in-a-hurry'):
                    isAssigned = True
                if not isAssigned:
                    assert False, "unhandled option"

        if (not verbose):
            warnings.filterwarnings('module', '.*', UserWarning, '.*')
            warnings.simplefilter('ignore')  # that is bad, but otherwise to many warnings appear 

        print ("Post-processing: will generate output " +
               "data in folder %s" % outputdir)
        print "  this might take several minutes."

        if not os.path.exists(outputdir):
            if verbose:
                print 'Folder %s was created.' % (outputdir)
        truncate_latex_command_file(os.path.join(outputdir, 'bbob_pproc_commands.tex'))

        for i in range(len(args)):  # prepend common path inputdir to all names
            args[i] = os.path.join(inputdir, args[i])

        for i, alg in enumerate(args):
            # remove '../' from algorithm output folder
            if len(args) == 1 or '--omit-single' not in dict(opts):
                tmpoutputdir = os.path.join(outputdir, alg.replace('..' + os.sep, '').lstrip(os.sep))
                                + ["-o", tmpoutputdir, alg])
                prepend_to_file(os.path.join(outputdir, 'bbob_pproc_commands.tex'), 
                                ['\\providecommand{\\algfolder}{' + alg.replace('..' + os.sep, '').rstrip(os.sep).replace(os.sep, '/') + '/}'])

        if len(args) == 2:
            rungeneric2.main(genopts2 + ["-o", outputdir] + args)
        elif len(args) > 2:
            rungenericmany.main(genoptsmany + ["-o", outputdir] + args)

        open(os.path.join(outputdir, 'bbob_pproc_commands.tex'), 'a').close() 