Exemplo n.º 1
def _get_samples_to_process(fn, out_dir, config, force_single):
    """parse csv file with one line per file. It will merge
    all files that have the same description name"""
    out_dir = os.path.abspath(out_dir)
    samples = defaultdict(list)
    with open(fn) as handle:
        for l in handle:
            cols = l.strip().split(",")
            if len(cols) > 0:
                if len(cols) < 2:
                    raise ValueError("Line needs 2 values: file and name.")
                if utils.file_exists(cols[0]) or is_gsm(cols[0]):
                    if cols[0].find(" ") > -1:
                        new_name = os.path.abspath(cols[0].replace(" ", "_"))
                        logger.warning("Space finds in %s. Linked to %s." % (cols[0], new_name))
                        logger.warning("Please, avoid names with spaces in the future.")
                        utils.symlink_plus(os.path.abspath(cols[0]), new_name)
                        cols[0] = new_name
                    logger.info("skipping %s, File doesn't exist." % cols[0])
    for sample, items in samples.items():
        if is_fastq(items[0][0], True):
            fn = "fq_merge"
            ext = ".fastq.gz"
        elif is_bam(items[0][0]):
            fn = "bam_merge"
            ext = ".bam"
        elif is_gsm(items[0][0]):
            fn = "query_gsm"
            ext = ".fastq.gz"
        files = [os.path.abspath(fn_file[0]) if not is_gsm(fn_file[0]) else fn_file[0] for fn_file in items]
        samples[sample] = [{'files': _check_paired(files, force_single), 'out_file': os.path.join(out_dir, sample + ext), 'fn': fn, 'anno': items[0][2:], 'config': config, 'name': sample, 'out_dir': out_dir}]
    return [samples[sample] for sample in samples]
Exemplo n.º 2
def filter_multimappers(align_file, data):
    It does not seem like bowtie2 has a corollary to the -m 1 flag in bowtie,
    there are some options that are close but don't do the same thing. Bowtie2
    sets the XS flag for reads mapping in more than one place, so we can just
    filter on that. This will not work for other aligners.
    config = dd.get_config(data)
    type_flag = "" if bam.is_bam(align_file) else "S"
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(align_file)
    out_file = base + ".unique" + ext
    if file_exists(out_file):
        return out_file
    base_filter = '-F "[XS] == null and not unmapped {paired_filter}"'
    if bam.is_paired(align_file):
        paired_filter = "and paired and proper_pair"
        paired_filter = ""
    filter_string = base_filter.format(paired_filter=paired_filter)
    sambamba = config_utils.get_program("sambamba", config)
    num_cores = dd.get_num_cores(data)
    with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
        cmd = ('{sambamba} view -h{type_flag} '
               '--nthreads {num_cores} '
               '-f bam '
               '{filter_string} '
               '{align_file} '
               '> {tx_out_file}')
        message = "Removing multimapped reads from %s." % align_file
        do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), message)
    return out_file
def _get_samples_to_process(fn, out_dir, config):
    """parse csv file with one line per file. It will merge
    all files that have the same description name"""
    samples = defaultdict(list)
    with open(fn) as handle:
        for l in handle:
            cols = l.strip().split(",")
            if len(cols) < 2:
                raise ValueError("Line needs 2 values: file and name.")
            if utils.file_exists(cols[0]):
                logger.info("skipping %s, File doesn't exist." % cols[0])
    for sample, items in samples.iteritems():
        if is_fastq(items[0][0], True):
            fn = "fq_merge"
            ext = ".fastq.gz"
        elif is_bam(items[0][0]):
            fn = "bam_merge"
            ext = ".bam"
        files = [os.path.abspath(fn_file[0]) for fn_file in items]
        samples[sample] = [{
            'files': _check_paired(files),
            'out_file': os.path.join(out_dir, sample + ext),
            'fn': fn,
            'anno': items[0][2:],
            'config': config,
            'name': sample,
            'out_dir': out_dir
    return [samples[sample] for sample in samples]
Exemplo n.º 4
def filter_multimappers(align_file, data):
    It does not seem like bowtie2 has a corollary to the -m 1 flag in bowtie,
    there are some options that are close but don't do the same thing. Bowtie2
    sets the XS flag for reads mapping in more than one place, so we can just
    filter on that. This will not work for other aligners.
    config = dd.get_config(data)
    type_flag = "" if bam.is_bam(align_file) else "S"
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(align_file)
    out_file = base + ".unique" + ext
    bed_file = dd.get_variant_regions(data)
    bed_cmd = '-L {0}'.format(bed_file) if bed_file else " "
    if utils.file_exists(out_file):
        return out_file
    base_filter = '-F "[XS] == null and not unmapped {paired_filter} and not duplicate" '
    if bam.is_paired(align_file):
        paired_filter = "and paired and proper_pair"
        paired_filter = ""
    filter_string = base_filter.format(paired_filter=paired_filter)
    sambamba = config_utils.get_program("sambamba", config)
    num_cores = dd.get_num_cores(data)
    with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
        cmd = ('{sambamba} view -h{type_flag} '
               '--nthreads {num_cores} '
               '-f bam {bed_cmd} '
               '{filter_string} '
               '{align_file} '
               '> {tx_out_file}')
        message = "Removing multimapped reads from %s." % align_file
        do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), message)
    bam.index(out_file, config)
    return out_file
Exemplo n.º 5
def filter_multimappers(align_file, data):
    Filtering a BWA alignment file for uniquely mapped reads, from here:
    config = dd.get_config(data)
    type_flag = "" if bam.is_bam(align_file) else "S"
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(align_file)
    out_file = base + ".unique" + ext
    bed_file = dd.get_variant_regions(data) or dd.get_sample_callable(data)
    bed_cmd = '-L {0}'.format(bed_file) if bed_file else " "
    if utils.file_exists(out_file):
        return out_file
    base_filter = '-F "not unmapped {paired_filter} and not duplicate and [XA] == null and [SA] == null and not supplementary " '
    if bam.is_paired(align_file):
        paired_filter = "and paired and proper_pair"
        paired_filter = ""
    filter_string = base_filter.format(paired_filter=paired_filter)
    sambamba = config_utils.get_program("sambamba", config)
    num_cores = dd.get_num_cores(data)
    with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
        cmd = ('{sambamba} view -h{type_flag} '
               '--nthreads {num_cores} '
               '-f bam {bed_cmd} '
               '{filter_string} '
               '{align_file} '
               '> {tx_out_file}')
        message = "Removing multimapped reads from %s." % align_file
        do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), message)
    bam.index(out_file, config)
    return out_file
Exemplo n.º 6
def filter_multimappers(align_file, data):
    Filtering a BWA alignment file for uniquely mapped reads, from here:
    config = dd.get_config(data)
    type_flag = "" if bam.is_bam(align_file) else "S"
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(align_file)
    out_file = base + ".unique" + ext
    bed_file = dd.get_variant_regions(data) or dd.get_sample_callable(data)
    bed_cmd = '-L {0}'.format(bed_file) if bed_file else " "
    if utils.file_exists(out_file):
        return out_file
    base_filter = '-F "not unmapped {paired_filter} and [XA] == null and [SA] == null and not supplementary " '
    if bam.is_paired(align_file):
        paired_filter = "and paired and proper_pair"
        paired_filter = ""
    filter_string = base_filter.format(paired_filter=paired_filter)
    sambamba = config_utils.get_program("sambamba", config)
    num_cores = dd.get_num_cores(data)
    with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
        cmd = ('{sambamba} view -h{type_flag} '
               '--nthreads {num_cores} '
               '-f bam {bed_cmd} '
               '{filter_string} '
               '{align_file} '
               '> {tx_out_file}')
        message = "Removing multimapped reads from %s." % align_file
        do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), message)
    bam.index(out_file, config)
    return out_file
Exemplo n.º 7
def _get_samples_to_process(fn, out_dir, config):
    """parse csv file with one line per file. It will merge
    all files that have the same description name"""
    samples = defaultdict(list)
    with open(fn) as handle:
        for l in handle:
            if not l.startswith("samplename"):
                cols = l.strip().split(",")
    for sample, items in samples.iteritems():
        if is_fastq(items[0][0], True):
            fn = "fq_merge"
            ext = ".fastq.gz"
        elif is_bam(items[0][0]):
            fn = "bam_merge"
            ext = ".bam"
        files = [os.path.abspath(fn_file[0]) for fn_file in items]
        samples[sample] = [{
            'files': _check_paired(files),
            'out_file': os.path.join(out_dir, sample + ext),
            'fn': fn,
            'anno': items[0][2:],
            'config': config,
            'name': sample,
            'out_dir': out_dir
    return [samples[sample] for sample in samples]
Exemplo n.º 8
def htseq_reader(align_file):
    returns a read-by-read sequence reader for a BAM or SAM file
    if bam.is_sam(align_file):
        read_seq = HTSeq.SAM_Reader(align_file)
    elif bam.is_bam(align_file):
        read_seq = HTSeq.BAM_Reader(align_file)
        logger.error("%s is not a SAM or BAM file" % (align_file))
    return read_seq
Exemplo n.º 9
def htseq_reader(align_file):
    returns a read-by-read sequence reader for a BAM or SAM file
    if bam.is_sam(align_file):
        read_seq = HTSeq.SAM_Reader(align_file)
    elif bam.is_bam(align_file):
        read_seq = HTSeq.BAM_Reader(align_file)
        logger.error("%s is not a SAM or BAM file" % (align_file))
    return read_seq
Exemplo n.º 10
def process_lane(item):
    """Prepare lanes, potentially splitting based on barcodes and reducing the
    number of reads for a test run
    NUM_DOWNSAMPLE = 10000
    logger.debug("Preparing %s" % item["rgnames"]["lane"])
    file1, file2 = get_fastq_files(item)
    if item.get("test_run", False):
        if bam.is_bam(file1):
            file1 = bam.downsample(file1, item, NUM_DOWNSAMPLE)
            file1, file2 = fastq.downsample(file1, file2, item, NUM_DOWNSAMPLE, quick=True)
    item["files"] = (file1, file2)
    return [item]
Exemplo n.º 11
def prepare_sample(data):
    """Prepare a sample to be run, potentially converting from BAM to
    FASTQ and/or downsampling the number of reads for a test run
    NUM_DOWNSAMPLE = 10000
    logger.debug("Preparing %s" % data["rgnames"]["sample"])
    file1, file2 = get_fastq_files(data)
    if data.get("test_run", False):
        if bam.is_bam(file1):
            file1 = bam.downsample(file1, data, NUM_DOWNSAMPLE)
            file2 = None
            file1, file2 = fastq.downsample(file1, file2, data, NUM_DOWNSAMPLE, quick=True)
    data["files"] = [file1, file2]
    return [[data]]
Exemplo n.º 12
def process_lane(item):
    """Prepare lanes, potentially splitting based on barcodes and reducing the
    number of reads for a test run
    NUM_DOWNSAMPLE = 10000
    logger.debug("Preparing %s" % item["rgnames"]["lane"])
    file1, file2 = get_fastq_files(item)
    if item.get("test_run", False):
        if bam.is_bam(file1):
            file1 = bam.downsample(file1, item, NUM_DOWNSAMPLE)
            file2 = None
            file1, file2 = fastq.downsample(file1, file2, item,
                                            NUM_DOWNSAMPLE, quick=True)
    item["files"] = [file1, file2]
    return [[item]]
Exemplo n.º 13
def pick_kmersize(fq):
    pick an appropriate kmer size based off of https://www.biostars.org/p/201474/
    tl;dr version: pick 31 unless the reads are very small, if not then guess
    that readlength / 2 is about right.
    if bam.is_bam(fq):
        readlength = bam.estimate_read_length(fq)
        readlength = fastq.estimate_read_length(fq)
    halfread = int(round(readlength / 2))
    if halfread >= 31:
        kmersize = 31
        kmersize = halfread
    if kmersize % 2 == 0:
        kmersize += 1
    return kmersize
Exemplo n.º 14
def pick_kmersize(fq):
    pick an appropriate kmer size based off of https://www.biostars.org/p/201474/
    tl;dr version: pick 31 unless the reads are very small, if not then guess
    that readlength / 2 is about right.
    if bam.is_bam(fq):
        readlength = bam.estimate_read_length(fq)
        readlength = fastq.estimate_read_length(fq)
    halfread = int(round(readlength / 2))
    if halfread >= 31:
        kmersize = 31
        kmersize = halfread
    if kmersize % 2 == 0:
        kmersize += 1
    return kmersize
Exemplo n.º 15
def prepare_sample(data):
    """Prepare a sample to be run, potentially converting from BAM to
    FASTQ and/or downsampling the number of reads for a test run
    NUM_DOWNSAMPLE = 10000
    logger.debug("Preparing %s" % data["rgnames"]["sample"])
    file1, file2 = get_fastq_files(data)
    if data.get("test_run", False):
        if bam.is_bam(file1):
            file1 = bam.downsample(file1, data, NUM_DOWNSAMPLE)
            file2 = None
            file1, file2 = fastq.downsample(file1,
    data["files"] = [file1, file2]
    return [[data]]
Exemplo n.º 16
def _get_samples_to_process(fn, out_dir, config):
    """parse csv file with one line per file. It will merge
    all files that have the same description name"""
    samples = defaultdict(list)
    with open(fn) as handle:
        for l in handle:
            if not l.startswith("samplename"):
                cols = l.strip().split(",")
    for sample, items in samples.iteritems():
        if is_fastq(items[0][0], True):
            fn = "fq_merge"
            ext = ".fastq.gz"
        elif is_bam(items[0][0]):
            fn = "bam_merge"
            ext = ".bam"
        files = [os.path.abspath(fn_file[0]) for fn_file in items]
        samples[sample] = [{'files': _check_paired(files), 'out_file': os.path.join(out_dir, sample + ext), 'fn': fn, 'anno': items[0][2:], 'config': config, 'name': sample, 'out_dir': out_dir}]
    return [samples[sample] for sample in samples]
Exemplo n.º 17
def run_salmon_reads(data):
    data = utils.to_single_data(data)
    files = dd.get_input_sequence_files(data)
    if bam.is_bam(files[0]):
        files = fastq.convert_bam_to_fastq(files[0], data["dirs"]["work"],
                                           data, data["dirs"], data["config"])
    samplename = dd.get_sample_name(data)
    work_dir = dd.get_work_dir(data)
    salmon_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "salmon", samplename)
    gtf_file = dd.get_gtf_file(data)
    if len(files) == 2:
        fq1, fq2 = files
        fq1, fq2 = files[0], None
    fasta_file = dd.get_ref_file(data)
    out_file = salmon_quant_reads(fq1, fq2, salmon_dir, gtf_file, fasta_file,
    data = dd.set_salmon(data, out_file)
    data = dd.set_salmon_dir(data, salmon_dir)
    return [[data]]
Exemplo n.º 18
def run_salmon_reads(data):
    data = utils.to_single_data(data)
    files = dd.get_input_sequence_files(data)
    if bam.is_bam(files[0]):
        files = fastq.convert_bam_to_fastq(files[0], data["dirs"]["work"],
                                           data, data["dirs"], data["config"])
    samplename = dd.get_sample_name(data)
    work_dir = dd.get_work_dir(data)
    salmon_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "salmon", samplename)
    gtf_file = dd.get_gtf_file(data)
    if len(files) == 2:
        fq1, fq2 = files
        fq1, fq2 = files[0], None
    fasta_file = dd.get_ref_file(data)
    out_file = salmon_quant_reads(fq1, fq2, salmon_dir, gtf_file, fasta_file, data)
    data = dd.set_salmon(data, out_file)
    data = dd.set_salmon_dir(data, salmon_dir)
    data = dd.set_salmon_fraglen_file(data, _get_fraglen_file(salmon_dir))
    return [[data]]
Exemplo n.º 19
def get_files(target_files, config):
    out = []
    for fname_in in target_files.keys():
        if isinstance(fname_in, (list, tuple)):
            fnames = fname_in
            fnames = fname_in.split(";")
        for fname in fnames:
            if os.path.exists(fname):
                added = False
                for dirname in config["inputs"]:
                    for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, fname) + "*"):
                        if bam.is_bam(f) or fastq.is_fastq(f):
                            if os.path.exists(f):
                                added = True
                assert added, "Did not find files %s in directories %s" % (
                    fname, config["inputs"])
    return out
Exemplo n.º 20
def filter_multimappers(align_file):
    It does not seem like bowtie2 has a corollary to the -m 1 flag in bowtie,
    there are some options that are close but don't do the same thing. Bowtie2
    sets the XS flag for reads mapping in more than one place, so we can just
    filter on that. This will not work for other aligners.
    type_flag = "b" if bam.is_bam(align_file) else ""
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(align_file)
    align_handle = pysam.Samfile(align_file, "r" + type_flag)
    tmp_out_file = os.path.splitext(align_file)[0] + ".tmp"
    def keep_fn(read):
        return _is_properly_mapped(read) and _is_unique(read)
    keep = ifilter(keep_fn, align_handle)
    with pysam.Samfile(tmp_out_file, "w" + type_flag, template=align_handle) as out_handle:
        for read in keep:
    os.rename(tmp_out_file, align_file)
    return align_file
Exemplo n.º 21
def run_salmon_decoy(data):
    data = utils.to_single_data(data)
    files = dd.get_input_sequence_files(data)
    if bam.is_bam(files[0]):
        files = fastq.convert_bam_to_fastq(files[0], data["dirs"]["work"],
                                           data, data["dirs"], data["config"])
    samplename = dd.get_sample_name(data)
    work_dir = dd.get_work_dir(data)
    salmon_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "salmon", samplename)
    gtf_file = dd.get_gtf_file(data)
    if len(files) == 2:
        fq1, fq2 = files
        fq1, fq2 = files[0], None
    index = salmon_decoy_index(gtf_file, data, os.path.dirname(salmon_dir))
    out_file = salmon_quant_reads(fq1, fq2, salmon_dir, gtf_file, data, index)
    data = dd.set_salmon(data, out_file)
    data = dd.set_salmon_dir(data, salmon_dir)
    data = dd.set_salmon_fraglen_file(data, _get_fraglen_file(salmon_dir))
    data = dd.update_summary_qc(data, "salmon", base=dd.get_salmon_fraglen_file(data))
    return [[data]]
Exemplo n.º 22
def filter_multimappers(align_file):
    It does not seem like bowtie2 has a corollary to the -m 1 flag in bowtie,
    there are some options that are close but don't do the same thing. Bowtie2
    sets the XS flag for reads mapping in more than one place, so we can just
    filter on that. This will not work for other aligners.
    type_flag = "b" if bam.is_bam(align_file) else ""
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(align_file)
    align_handle = pysam.Samfile(align_file, "r" + type_flag)
    tmp_out_file = os.path.splitext(align_file)[0] + ".tmp"
    def keep_fn(read):
        return _is_properly_mapped(read) and _is_unique(read)
    keep = ifilter(keep_fn, align_handle)
    with pysam.Samfile(tmp_out_file, "w" + type_flag, template=align_handle) as out_handle:
        for read in keep:
    os.rename(tmp_out_file, align_file)
    return align_file
def _get_samples_to_process(fn, out_dir, config):
    """parse csv file with one line per file. It will merge
    all files that have the same description name"""
    samples = defaultdict(list)
    with open(fn) as handle:
        for l in handle:
            cols = l.strip().split(",")
            if len(cols) < 2:
                raise ValueError("Line needs 2 values: file and name.")
            if utils.file_exists(cols[0]):
                logger.info("skipping %s, File doesn't exist." % cols[0])
    for sample, items in samples.iteritems():
        if is_fastq(items[0][0], True):
            fn = "fq_merge"
            ext = ".fastq.gz"
        elif is_bam(items[0][0]):
            fn = "bam_merge"
            ext = ".bam"
        files = [os.path.abspath(fn_file[0]) for fn_file in items]
        samples[sample] = [{'files': _check_paired(files), 'out_file': os.path.join(out_dir, sample + ext), 'fn': fn, 'anno': items[0][2:], 'config': config, 'name': sample, 'out_dir': out_dir}]
    return [samples[sample] for sample in samples]
Exemplo n.º 24
def htseq_count(data):
    """ adapted from Simon Anders htseq-count.py script

    sam_filename, gff_filename, out_file, stats_file = _get_files(data)
    stranded = _get_stranded_flag(data["config"])
    overlap_mode = "union"
    feature_type = "exon"
    id_attribute = "gene_id"
    minaqual = 0

    if file_exists(out_file):
        return out_file

    logger.info("Counting reads mapping to exons in %s using %s as the "
                    "annotation and strandedness as %s." % (os.path.basename(sam_filename),
                    os.path.basename(gff_filename), _get_strandedness(data["config"])))

    features = HTSeq.GenomicArrayOfSets("auto", stranded != "no")
    counts = {}

    # Try to open samfile to fail early in case it is not there

    gff = HTSeq.GFF_Reader(gff_filename)
    i = 0
        for f in gff:
            if f.type == feature_type:
                    feature_id = f.attr[id_attribute]
                except KeyError:
                    sys.exit("Feature %s does not contain a '%s' attribute" %
                             (f.name, id_attribute))
                if stranded != "no" and f.iv.strand == ".":
                    sys.exit("Feature %s at %s does not have strand "
                             "information but you are running htseq-count "
                             "in stranded mode. Use '--stranded=no'." %
                             (f.name, f.iv))
                features[f.iv] += feature_id
                counts[f.attr[id_attribute]] = 0
            i += 1
            if i % 100000 == 0:
                sys.stderr.write("%d GFF lines processed.\n" % i)
        sys.stderr.write("Error occured in %s.\n"
                         % gff.get_line_number_string())

    sys.stderr.write("%d GFF lines processed.\n" % i)

    if len(counts) == 0:
        sys.stderr.write("Warning: No features of type '%s' found.\n"
                         % feature_type)

        if bam.is_sam(sam_filename):
            read_seq = HTSeq.SAM_Reader(sam_filename)
        elif bam.is_bam(sam_filename):
            read_seq = HTSeq.BAM_Reader(sam_filename)
        first_read = iter(read_seq).next()
        pe_mode = first_read.paired_end
        sys.stderr.write("Error occured when reading first line of sam "

        if pe_mode:
            read_seq_pe_file = read_seq
            read_seq = HTSeq.pair_SAM_alignments(read_seq)
        empty = 0
        ambiguous = 0
        notaligned = 0
        lowqual = 0
        nonunique = 0
        i = 0
        for r in read_seq:
            i += 1
            if not pe_mode:
                if not r.aligned:
                    notaligned += 1
                    if r.optional_field("NH") > 1:
                        nonunique += 1
                except KeyError:
                if r.aQual < minaqual:
                    lowqual += 1
                if stranded != "reverse":
                    iv_seq = (co.ref_iv for co in r.cigar if co.type == "M"
                              and co.size > 0)
                    iv_seq = (invert_strand(co.ref_iv) for co in r.cigar if
                              co.type == "M" and co.size > 0)
                if r[0] is not None and r[0].aligned:
                    if stranded != "reverse":
                        iv_seq = (co.ref_iv for co in r[0].cigar if
                                  co.type == "M" and co.size > 0)
                        iv_seq = (invert_strand(co.ref_iv) for co in r[0].cigar if
                                  co.type == "M" and co.size > 0)
                    iv_seq = tuple()
                if r[1] is not None and r[1].aligned:
                    if stranded != "reverse":
                        iv_seq = itertools.chain(iv_seq,
                                                 (invert_strand(co.ref_iv) for co
                                                  in r[1].cigar if co.type == "M"
                                                  and co.size > 0))
                        iv_seq = itertools.chain(iv_seq,
                                                 (co.ref_iv for co in r[1].cigar
                                                  if co.type == "M" and co.size
                                                  > 0))
                    if (r[0] is None) or not (r[0].aligned):
                        notaligned += 1
                    if (r[0] is not None and r[0].optional_field("NH") > 1) or \
                       (r[1] is not None and r[1].optional_field("NH") > 1):
                        nonunique += 1
                except KeyError:
                if (r[0] and r[0].aQual < minaqual) or (r[1] and
                                                        r[1].aQual < minaqual):
                    lowqual += 1

                if overlap_mode == "union":
                    fs = set()
                    for iv in iv_seq:
                        if iv.chrom not in features.chrom_vectors:
                            raise UnknownChrom
                        for iv2, fs2 in features[iv].steps():
                            fs = fs.union(fs2)
                elif (overlap_mode == "intersection-strict" or
                      overlap_mode == "intersection-nonempty"):
                    fs = None
                    for iv in iv_seq:
                        if iv.chrom not in features.chrom_vectors:
                            raise UnknownChrom
                        for iv2, fs2 in features[iv].steps():
                            if (len(fs2) > 0 or overlap_mode == "intersection-strict"):
                                if fs is None:
                                    fs = fs2.copy()
                                    fs = fs.intersection(fs2)
                    sys.exit("Illegal overlap mode.")
                if fs is None or len(fs) == 0:
                    empty += 1
                elif len(fs) > 1:
                    ambiguous += 1
                    counts[list(fs)[0]] += 1
            except UnknownChrom:
                if not pe_mode:
                    rr = r
                    rr = r[0] if r[0] is not None else r[1]
                empty += 1

            if i % 100000 == 0:
                sys.stderr.write("%d sam %s processed.\n" % ( i, "lines " if not pe_mode else "line pairs"))

        if not pe_mode:
            sys.stderr.write("Error occured in %s.\n" % read_seq.get_line_number_string())
            sys.stderr.write("Error occured in %s.\n" % read_seq_pe_file.get_line_number_string() )

    sys.stderr.write("%d sam %s processed.\n" % (i, "lines " if not pe_mode else "line pairs"))

    with file_transaction(out_file) as tmp_out_file:
        with open(tmp_out_file, "w") as out_handle:
            on_feature = 0
            for fn in sorted(counts.keys()):
                on_feature += counts[fn]
                out_handle.write("%s\t%d\n" % (fn, counts[fn]))

    with file_transaction(stats_file) as tmp_stats_file:
        with open(tmp_stats_file, "w") as out_handle:
            out_handle.write("on_feature\t%d\n" % on_feature)
            out_handle.write("no_feature\t%d\n" % empty)
            out_handle.write("ambiguous\t%d\n" % ambiguous)
            out_handle.write("too_low_aQual\t%d\n" % lowqual)
            out_handle.write("not_aligned\t%d\n" % notaligned)
            out_handle.write("alignment_not_unique\t%d\n" % nonunique)

    return out_file
Exemplo n.º 25
def process_alignment(data, alt_input=None):
    """Do an alignment of fastq files, preparing a sorted BAM output file.
    data = cwlutils.normalize_missing(utils.to_single_data(data))
    data = cwlutils.unpack_tarballs(data, data)
    fastq1, fastq2 = dd.get_input_sequence_files(data)
    if alt_input:
        fastq1, fastq2 = alt_input
    config = data["config"]
    aligner = config["algorithm"].get("aligner", None)
    if fastq1 and objectstore.file_exists_or_remote(fastq1) and aligner:
        if dd.get_umi_type(data) == "dragen":
            assert bam.is_bam(
                fastq1), f"umi_type: dragen needs a BAM file as input."
            data = dragen.fix_umi_dragen_bam(data, bam=fastq1)

#            fastq1 = bam.sort(fastq1, dd.get_config(data))
#            bam.index(fastq1, dd.get_config(data))
#            data["work_bam"] = fastq1
            logger.info("Aligning lane %s with %s aligner" %
                        (data["rgnames"]["lane"], aligner))
            data = align_to_sort_bam(fastq1, fastq2, aligner, data)
        if dd.get_correct_umis(data):
            data["work_bam"] = postalign.correct_umis(data)
        if dd.get_umi_consensus(data):
            data["umi_bam"] = dd.get_work_bam(data)
            if fastq2 or dd.get_umi_type(data) == "dragen":
                f1, f2, avg_cov = postalign.umi_consensus(data)
                data["config"]["algorithm"]["rawumi_avg_cov"] = avg_cov
                del data["config"]["algorithm"]["umi_type"]
                data["config"]["algorithm"]["mark_duplicates"] = False
                data = align_to_sort_bam(f1, f2, aligner, data)
                raise ValueError(
                    "Single fastq input for UMI processing; fgbio needs paired reads: %s"
                    % dd.get_sample_name(data))
        data = _add_supplemental_bams(data)
    elif fastq1 and objectstore.file_exists_or_remote(
            fastq1) and fastq1.endswith(".bam"):
        sort_method = config["algorithm"].get("bam_sort")
        bamclean = config["algorithm"].get("bam_clean")
        if bamclean is True or bamclean == "picard":
            if sort_method and sort_method != "coordinate":
                raise ValueError(
                    "Cannot specify `bam_clean: picard` with `bam_sort` other than coordinate: %s"
                    % sort_method)
            ref_file = dd.get_ref_file(data)
            out_bam = cleanbam.picard_prep(fastq1, data["rgnames"], ref_file,
                                           data["dirs"], data)
        elif bamclean == "fixrg":
            out_bam = cleanbam.fixrg(fastq1, data["rgnames"],
                                     dd.get_ref_file(data), data["dirs"], data)
        elif bamclean == "remove_extracontigs":
            out_bam = cleanbam.remove_extracontigs(fastq1, data)
        elif sort_method:
            runner = broad.runner_from_path("picard", config)
            out_file = os.path.join(
                data["dirs"]["work"], "{}-sort.bam".format(
            if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
                work_dir = utils.safe_makedir(
                    os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "bamclean",
                out_file = os.path.join(
                    work_dir, "{}-sort.bam".format(dd.get_sample_name(data)))
            out_bam = runner.run_fn("picard_sort", fastq1, sort_method,
            out_bam = _link_bam_file(
                os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "prealign",
                             dd.get_sample_name(data)), data)
        bam.index(out_bam, data["config"])
        bam.check_header(out_bam, data["rgnames"], dd.get_ref_file(data),
        dedup_bam = postalign.dedup_bam(out_bam, data)
        bam.index(dedup_bam, data["config"])
        data["work_bam"] = dedup_bam
    elif fastq1 and objectstore.file_exists_or_remote(
            fastq1) and fastq1.endswith(".cram"):
        data["work_bam"] = fastq1
    elif fastq1 is None and not dd.get_aligner(data):
        data["config"]["algorithm"]["variantcaller"] = False
        data["work_bam"] = None
    elif not fastq1:
        raise ValueError("No 'files' specified for input sample: %s" %
    elif "kraken" in config["algorithm"]:  # kraken doesn's need bam
        raise ValueError(
            "Could not process input file from sample configuration. \n" +
            fastq1 + "\nIs the path to the file correct or is empty?\n" +
            "If it is a fastq file (not pre-aligned BAM or CRAM), "
            "is an aligner specified in the input configuration?")
    if data.get("work_bam"):
        # Add stable 'align_bam' target to use for retrieving raw alignment
        data["align_bam"] = data["work_bam"]
        data = _add_hla_files(data)
    return [[data]]