Exemplo n.º 1
 def create_booking(self, order, cart_data, uid, count, comment):
     brain = get_catalog_brain(self.context, uid)
     # brain could be None if uid for item in cookie which no longer exists.
     if not brain:
     buyable = brain.getObject()
     item_state = get_item_state(buyable, self.request)
     if not item_state.validate_count(count):
         msg = u'Item no longer available {0}'.format(buyable.id)
         raise CheckoutError(msg)
     item_stock = get_item_stock(buyable)
     # stock not applied, state new
     if item_stock is None:
         available = None
         state = ifaces.STATE_NEW
     # calculate state from stock
         if item_stock.available is not None:
             item_stock.available -= float(count)
         available = item_stock.available
         state = ifaces.STATE_NEW if available is None or available >= 0.0\
             else ifaces.STATE_RESERVED
     item_data = get_item_data_provider(buyable)
     vendor = acquire_vendor_or_shop_root(buyable)
     booking = OOBTNode()
     booking.attrs['email'] = order.attrs['personal_data.email']
     booking.attrs['uid'] = uuid.uuid4()
     booking.attrs['buyable_uid'] = uid
     booking.attrs['buyable_count'] = count
     booking.attrs['buyable_comment'] = comment
     booking.attrs['order_uid'] = order.attrs['uid']
     booking.attrs['vendor_uid'] = uuid.UUID(IUUID(vendor))
     booking.attrs['creator'] = order.attrs['creator']
     booking.attrs['created'] = order.attrs['created']
     booking.attrs['exported'] = False
     booking.attrs['title'] = brain and brain.Title or 'unknown'
     booking.attrs['net'] = item_data.net
     booking.attrs['vat'] = item_data.vat
     booking.attrs['discount_net'] = item_data.discount_net(count)
     booking.attrs['currency'] = cart_data.currency
     booking.attrs['quantity_unit'] = item_data.quantity_unit
     booking.attrs['remaining_stock_available'] = available
     booking.attrs['state'] = state
     booking.attrs['salaried'] = ifaces.SALARIED_NO
     booking.attrs['tid'] = 'none'
     shipping_info = queryAdapter(buyable, IShippingItem)
     if shipping_info:
         booking.attrs['shippable'] = shipping_info.shippable
         booking.attrs['shippable'] = False
     trading_info = queryAdapter(buyable, ifaces.ITrading)
     if trading_info:
         booking.attrs['item_number'] = trading_info.item_number
         booking.attrs['gtin'] = trading_info.gtin
         booking.attrs['item_number'] = None
         booking.attrs['gtin'] = None
     return booking
Exemplo n.º 2
 def create_booking(self, order, cart_data, uid, count, comment):
     brain = get_catalog_brain(self.context, uid)
     # brain could be None if uid for item in cookie which no longer exists.
     if not brain:
     buyable = brain.getObject()
     item_state = get_item_state(buyable, self.request)
     if not item_state.validate_count(count):
         msg = u'Item no longer available {0}'.format(buyable.id)
         raise CheckoutError(msg)
     item_stock = get_item_stock(buyable)
     # stock not applied, state new
     if item_stock is None:
         available = None
         state = ifaces.STATE_NEW
     # calculate state from stock
         if item_stock.available is not None:
             item_stock.available -= float(count)
         available = item_stock.available
         state = ifaces.STATE_NEW if available is None or available >= 0.0\
             else ifaces.STATE_RESERVED
     item_data = get_item_data_provider(buyable)
     vendor = acquire_vendor_or_shop_root(buyable)
     booking = OOBTNode()
     booking.attrs['email'] = order.attrs['personal_data.email']
     booking.attrs['uid'] = uuid.uuid4()
     booking.attrs['buyable_uid'] = uid
     booking.attrs['buyable_count'] = count
     booking.attrs['buyable_comment'] = comment
     booking.attrs['order_uid'] = order.attrs['uid']
     booking.attrs['vendor_uid'] = uuid.UUID(IUUID(vendor))
     booking.attrs['creator'] = order.attrs['creator']
     booking.attrs['created'] = order.attrs['created']
     booking.attrs['exported'] = False
     booking.attrs['title'] = brain and brain.Title or 'unknown'
     booking.attrs['net'] = item_data.net
     booking.attrs['vat'] = item_data.vat
     booking.attrs['discount_net'] = item_data.discount_net(count)
     booking.attrs['currency'] = cart_data.currency
     booking.attrs['quantity_unit'] = item_data.quantity_unit
     booking.attrs['remaining_stock_available'] = available
     booking.attrs['state'] = state
     booking.attrs['salaried'] = ifaces.SALARIED_NO
     booking.attrs['tid'] = 'none'
     shipping_info = queryAdapter(buyable, IShippingItem)
     if shipping_info:
         booking.attrs['shippable'] = shipping_info.shippable
         booking.attrs['shippable'] = False
     trading_info = queryAdapter(buyable, ifaces.ITrading)
     if trading_info:
         booking.attrs['item_number'] = trading_info.item_number
         booking.attrs['gtin'] = trading_info.gtin
         booking.attrs['item_number'] = None
         booking.attrs['gtin'] = None
     return booking
Exemplo n.º 3
 def overbook_available_message(self):
     state = get_item_state(self.context, self.request)
     overbook = self.stock.overbook
     if overbook is None:
         reservable = ''
         reservable = int(overbook - state.reserved)
     message = _(u'ticket_overbook_available_message',
                 default=u'Tickets are sold out. You can add ${reservable} '
                         u'tickets on a reservations list. If some tickets '
                         u'gets refused, you\'ll get informed.',
                 mapping={'reservable': reservable})
     return message
Exemplo n.º 4
 def overbook_available_message(self):
     state = get_item_state(self.context, self.request)
     overbook = self.stock.overbook
     if overbook is None:
         reservable = ''
         reservable = int(overbook - state.reserved)
     message = _(u'ticket_overbook_available_message',
                 default=u'Tickets are sold out. You can add ${reservable} '
                 u'tickets on a reservations list. If some tickets '
                 u'gets refused, you\'ll get informed.',
                 mapping={'reservable': reservable})
     return message
Exemplo n.º 5
    def validate_count(self, uid, count):
        """Validate setting cart item count for uid.

        uid - Is the cart item UID.
        count - If count is 0, it means that a cart item is going to be
        deleted, which is always allowed. If count is > 0, it's the aggregated
        item count in cart.
        count = float(count)
        # count is 0, return
        if not count:
            return {'success': True, 'error': ''}
        cart_item = get_object_by_uid(self.context, uid)
        item_data = get_item_data_provider(cart_item)
        buyable_event = self.acquire_event(cart_item)
        buyable_event_data = IBuyableEventData(buyable_event)
        # cart count limit is set for all event tickets
        if buyable_event_data.cart_count_limit:
            related_uids = IEventTickets(cart_item).related_uids
            aggregated_count = count
            items = extractitems(readcookie(self.request))
            for ticket_uid in related_uids:
                # we already have count for item to validate
                if uid == ticket_uid:
                aggregated_count += float(
                    aggregate_cart_item_count(ticket_uid, items))
            if aggregated_count > buyable_event_data.cart_count_limit:
                message = translate(
                      default="Limit of tickets for this event reached"),
                return {'success': False, 'error': message}
        # cart count limit is set for ticket
        elif item_data.cart_count_limit:
            if count > item_data.cart_count_limit:
                message = translate(
                      default="Limit for this ticket reached"),
                return {'success': False, 'error': message}
        # stock check
        item_state = get_item_state(cart_item, self.request)
        if item_state.validate_count(count):
            return {'success': True, 'error': ''}
        # out of stock
        message = translate(_('trying_to_add_more_tickets_than_available',
                              default="Not enough tickets available, abort."),
        return {'success': False, 'error': message}
Exemplo n.º 6
    def validate_count(self, uid, count):
        """Validate setting cart item count for uid.

        uid - Is the cart item UID.
        count - If count is 0, it means that a cart item is going to be
        deleted, which is always allowed. If count is > 0, it's the aggregated
        item count in cart.
        count = float(count)
        # count is 0, return
        if not count:
            return {'success': True, 'error': ''}
        cart_item = get_object_by_uid(self.context, uid)
        item_data = get_item_data_provider(cart_item)
        buyable_event = self.acquire_event(cart_item)
        buyable_event_data = IBuyableEventData(buyable_event)
        # cart count limit is set for all event tickets
        if buyable_event_data.cart_count_limit:
            related_uids = IEventTickets(cart_item).related_uids
            aggregated_count = count
            items = extractitems(readcookie(self.request))
            for ticket_uid in related_uids:
                # we already have count for item to validate
                if uid == ticket_uid:
                aggregated_count += float(
                    aggregate_cart_item_count(ticket_uid, items))
            if aggregated_count > buyable_event_data.cart_count_limit:
                message = translate(_(
                    default="Limit of tickets for this event reached"),
                return {'success': False, 'error': message}
        # cart count limit is set for ticket
        elif item_data.cart_count_limit:
            if count > item_data.cart_count_limit:
                message = translate(_('ticket_limit_reached',
                                      default="Limit for this ticket reached"),
                return {'success': False, 'error': message}
        # stock check
        item_state = get_item_state(cart_item, self.request)
        if item_state.validate_count(count):
            return {'success': True, 'error': ''}
        # out of stock
        message = translate(_('trying_to_add_more_tickets_than_available',
                              default="Not enough tickets available, abort."),
        return {'success': False, 'error': message}
Exemplo n.º 7
 def overbook_available_message(self):
     state = get_item_state(self.context, self.request)
     overbook = self.stock.overbook
     if overbook is None:
         reservable = ''
         reservable = overbook - state.reserved
         if not get_item_data_provider(self.context).quantity_unit_float:
             reservable = int(reservable)
     message = _(u'overbook_available_message',
                 default=u'Item is sold out. You can pre-order '
                         u'${reservable} items. As soon as item is '
                         u'available again, it gets delivered.',
                 mapping={'reservable': reservable})
     return message
Exemplo n.º 8
 def overbook_available_message(self):
     state = get_item_state(self.context, self.request)
     overbook = self.stock.overbook
     if overbook is None:
         reservable = ''
         reservable = overbook - state.reserved
         if not get_item_data_provider(self.context).quantity_unit_float:
             reservable = int(reservable)
     message = _(u'overbook_available_message',
                 default=u'Item is sold out. You can pre-order '
                 u'${reservable} items. As soon as item is '
                 u'available again, it gets delivered.',
                 mapping={'reservable': reservable})
     return message
Exemplo n.º 9
 def cart_items(self, items):
     ret = list()
     sm = getSecurityManager()
     for uid, count, comment in items:
             obj = api.content.get(UID=uid)
         except ValueError:
             remove_item_from_cart(self.request, uid)
         if obj is None:
             remove_item_from_cart(self.request, uid)
         if not sm.checkPermission(permissions.BuyItems, obj):
             remove_item_from_cart(self.request, uid)
         buyable_period = queryAdapter(obj, IBuyablePeriod)
         if buyable_period:
             now = datetime.now()
             effective = buyable_period.effective
             if effective and now < effective:
                 remove_item_from_cart(self.request, uid)
             expires = buyable_period.expires
             if expires and now > expires:
                 remove_item_from_cart(self.request, uid)
         data = get_item_data_provider(obj)
         title = data.title
         discount_net = data.discount_net(count)
         price = (Decimal(str(data.net)) - discount_net) * count
         if data.display_gross:
             price = price + price / Decimal(100) * Decimal(str(data.vat))
         url = obj.absolute_url()
         description = obj.Description()
         comment_required = data.comment_required
         quantity_unit_float = data.quantity_unit_float
         quantity_unit = translate(data.quantity_unit, context=self.request)
         preview_image_url = get_item_preview(obj).url
         item_state = get_item_state(obj, self.request)
         no_longer_available = not item_state.validate_count(count)
         alert = item_state.alert(count)
         item = self.item(
             uid, title, count, price, url, comment, description,
             comment_required, quantity_unit_float, quantity_unit,
             preview_image_url, no_longer_available, alert)
     return ret
Exemplo n.º 10
 def cart_items(self, items):
     ret = list()
     sm = getSecurityManager()
     for uid, count, comment in items:
             obj = api.content.get(UID=uid)
         except ValueError:
             remove_item_from_cart(self.request, uid)
         if obj is None:
             remove_item_from_cart(self.request, uid)
         if not sm.checkPermission(permissions.BuyItems, obj):
             remove_item_from_cart(self.request, uid)
         buyable_period = queryAdapter(obj, IBuyablePeriod)
         if buyable_period:
             now = datetime.now()
             effective = buyable_period.effective
             if effective and now < effective:
                 remove_item_from_cart(self.request, uid)
             expires = buyable_period.expires
             if expires and now > expires:
                 remove_item_from_cart(self.request, uid)
         data = get_item_data_provider(obj)
         title = data.title
         discount_net = data.discount_net(count)
         price = (Decimal(str(data.net)) - discount_net) * count
         if data.display_gross:
             price = price + price / Decimal(100) * Decimal(str(data.vat))
         url = obj.absolute_url()
         description = obj.Description()
         comment_required = data.comment_required
         quantity_unit_float = data.quantity_unit_float
         quantity_unit = translate(data.quantity_unit, context=self.request)
         preview_image_url = get_item_preview(obj).url
         item_state = get_item_state(obj, self.request)
         no_longer_available = not item_state.validate_count(count)
         alert = item_state.alert(count)
         item = self.item(uid, title, count, price, url, comment,
                          description, comment_required,
                          quantity_unit_float, quantity_unit,
                          preview_image_url, no_longer_available, alert)
     return ret
Exemplo n.º 11
 def create_booking(self, order, cart_data, uid, count, comment):
     brain = get_catalog_brain(self.context, uid)
     # brain could be None if uid for item in cookie which no longer exists.
     if not brain:
     buyable = brain.getObject()
     item_state = get_item_state(buyable, self.request)
     if not item_state.validate_count(item_state.aggregated_count):
         raise CheckoutError(u'Item no longer available')
     item_stock = get_item_stock(buyable)
     if item_stock.available is not None:
         item_stock.available -= float(count)
     available = item_stock.available
     state = (available is None or available >= 0) and ifaces.STATE_NEW\
         or ifaces.STATE_RESERVED
     item_data = get_item_data_provider(buyable)
     vendor = acquire_vendor_or_shop_root(buyable)
     booking = OOBTNode()
     booking.attrs['uid'] = uuid.uuid4()
     booking.attrs['buyable_uid'] = uid
     booking.attrs['buyable_count'] = count
     booking.attrs['buyable_comment'] = comment
     booking.attrs['order_uid'] = order.attrs['uid']
     booking.attrs['vendor_uid'] = uuid.UUID(IUUID(vendor))
     booking.attrs['creator'] = order.attrs['creator']
     booking.attrs['created'] = order.attrs['created']
     booking.attrs['exported'] = False
     booking.attrs['title'] = brain and brain.Title or 'unknown'
     booking.attrs['net'] = item_data.net
     booking.attrs['vat'] = item_data.vat
     booking.attrs['discount_net'] = item_data.discount_net(count)
     booking.attrs['currency'] = cart_data.currency
     booking.attrs['quantity_unit'] = item_data.quantity_unit
     booking.attrs['remaining_stock_available'] = available
     booking.attrs['state'] = state
     booking.attrs['salaried'] = ifaces.SALARIED_NO
     booking.attrs['tid'] = 'none'
     return booking