Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, parse_yaml=True, **kwargs):

        if parse_yaml is True:
                parse_yaml = __import__('yaml').load
            except ImportError:
                logging.error('Failed to load PyYAML, will not parse YAML')
                parse_yaml = False
        self._parse_yaml = parse_yaml or (lambda x: x)
        self._connection_pool = ConnectionPool(**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=11300, **kwargs):

        self._connection_pool = ConnectionPool(host=host, port=port, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
class Beanstalkc(object):
    def __init__(self, parse_yaml=True, **kwargs):

        if parse_yaml is True:
                parse_yaml = __import__('yaml').load
            except ImportError:
                logging.error('Failed to load PyYAML, will not parse YAML')
                parse_yaml = False
        self._parse_yaml = parse_yaml or (lambda x: x)
        self._connection_pool = ConnectionPool(**kwargs)

    def _interact(self, command, expected_ok, expected_err=[]):
        connection = self._connection_pool.get_connection()
        SocketError.wrap(connection.socket.sendall, command)
        status, results = self._read_response(connection)
        if status in expected_ok:
            return results
        elif status in expected_err:
            raise CommandFailed(command.split()[0], status, results)
            raise UnexpectedResponse(command.split()[0], status, results)

    def _read_response(self, connection):
        line = SocketError.wrap(connection.socket_file.readline)
        if not line:
            raise SocketError()
        response = line.split()
        return response[0], response[1:]

    def _read_body(self, connection, size):
        body = SocketError.wrap(connection.socket_file.read, size)
        SocketError.wrap(connection.socket_file.read, 2)  # trailing crlf
        if size > 0 and not body:
            raise SocketError()
        return body

    def _interact_value(self, command, expected_ok, expected_err=[]):
        return self._interact(command, expected_ok, expected_err)[0]

    def _interact_job(self, command, expected_ok, expected_err, reserved=True):
        jid, size = self._interact(command, expected_ok, expected_err)
        body = self._read_body(int(size))
        return Job(self, int(jid), body, reserved)

    def _interact_yaml(self, command, expected_ok, expected_err=[]):
        size, = self._interact(command, expected_ok, expected_err)
        body = self._read_body(int(size))
        return self._parse_yaml(body)

    def _interact_peek(self, command):
            return self._interact_job(command, ['FOUND'], ['NOT_FOUND'], False)
        except CommandFailed:
            return None

    # -- public interface --

    def put(self, body, priority=DEFAULT_PRIORITY, delay=0, ttr=DEFAULT_TTR):
        """Put a job into the current tube. Returns job id."""
        assert isinstance(body, str), 'Job body must be a str instance'
        jid = self._interact_value('put %d %d %d %d\r\n%s\r\n' % (
                                   priority, delay, ttr, len(body), body),
                                   ['JOB_TOO_BIG', 'BURIED', 'DRAINING'])
        return int(jid)

    def reserve(self, timeout=None):
        """Reserve a job from one of the watched tubes, with optional timeout
        in seconds. Returns a Job object, or None if the request times out."""
        if timeout is not None:
            command = 'reserve-with-timeout %d\r\n' % timeout
            command = 'reserve\r\n'
            return self._interact_job(command,
                                      ['DEADLINE_SOON', 'TIMED_OUT'])
        except CommandFailed:
            exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
            _, status, results = exc.args
            if status == 'TIMED_OUT':
                return None
            elif status == 'DEADLINE_SOON':
                raise DeadlineSoon(results)

    def kick(self, bound=1):
        """Kick at most bound jobs into the ready queue."""
        return int(self._interact_value('kick %d\r\n' % bound, ['KICKED']))

    def kick_job(self, jid):
        """Kick a specific job into the ready queue."""
        self._interact('kick-job %d\r\n' % jid, ['KICKED'], ['NOT_FOUND'])

    def peek(self, jid):
        """Peek at a job. Returns a Job, or None."""
        return self._interact_peek('peek %d\r\n' % jid)

    def peek_ready(self):
        """Peek at next ready job. Returns a Job, or None."""
        return self._interact_peek('peek-ready\r\n')

    def peek_delayed(self):
        """Peek at next delayed job. Returns a Job, or None."""
        return self._interact_peek('peek-delayed\r\n')

    def peek_buried(self):
        """Peek at next buried job. Returns a Job, or None."""
        return self._interact_peek('peek-buried\r\n')

    def tubes(self):
        """Return a list of all existing tubes."""
        return self._interact_yaml('list-tubes\r\n', ['OK'])

    def using(self):
        """Return the tube currently being used."""
        return self._interact_value('list-tube-used\r\n', ['USING'])

    def use(self, name):
        """Use a given tube."""
        return self._interact_value('use %s\r\n' % name, ['USING'])

    def watching(self):
        """Return a list of all tubes being watched."""
        return self._interact_yaml('list-tubes-watched\r\n', ['OK'])

    def watch(self, name):
        """Watch a given tube."""
        return int(self._interact_value('watch %s\r\n' % name, ['WATCHING']))

    def ignore(self, name):
        """Stop watching a given tube."""
            return int(self._interact_value('ignore %s\r\n' % name,
        except CommandFailed:
            return 1

    def stats(self):
        """Return a dict of beanstalkd statistics."""
        return self._interact_yaml('stats\r\n', ['OK'])

    def stats_tube(self, name):
        """Return a dict of stats about a given tube."""
        return self._interact_yaml('stats-tube %s\r\n' % name,

    def pause_tube(self, name, delay):
        """Pause a tube for a given delay time, in seconds."""
        self._interact('pause-tube %s %d\r\n' % (name, delay),

    # -- job interactors --

    def delete(self, jid):
        """Delete a job, by job id."""
        self._interact('delete %d\r\n' % jid, ['DELETED'], ['NOT_FOUND'])

    def release(self, jid, priority=DEFAULT_PRIORITY, delay=0):
        """Release a reserved job back into the ready queue."""
        self._interact('release %d %d %d\r\n' % (jid, priority, delay),
                       ['RELEASED', 'BURIED'],

    def bury(self, jid, priority=DEFAULT_PRIORITY):
        """Bury a job, by job id."""
        self._interact('bury %d %d\r\n' % (jid, priority),

    def touch(self, jid):
        """Touch a job, by job id, requesting more time to work on a reserved
        job before it expires."""
        self._interact('touch %d\r\n' % jid, ['TOUCHED'], ['NOT_FOUND'])

    def stats_job(self, jid):
        """Return a dict of stats about a job, by job id."""
        return self._interact_yaml('stats-job %d\r\n' % jid,
Exemplo n.º 4
class Beanstalk(object):

    def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=11300, **kwargs):

        self._connection_pool = ConnectionPool(host=host, port=port, **kwargs)

    def _request(self, connection, command, oks, errs):

        line = connection.socket_file.readline()
        if not line:
            raise BeanstalkConnectionError()
        response = line.split()
        status = response[0]
        results = response[1:]

        if status in oks:
            return results
        elif status in errs:
            raise BeanstalkCommandFailed(command.split()[0], status, response)
            raise BeanstalkUnknownError(command.split()[0], status, results)

    def _response(self, connection, size):
        body = connection.socket_file.read(size)
        if size > 0 and not body:
            raise BeanstalkConnectionError()
        return body

    def _request_value(self, command, oks, errs=()):
        connection = self._connection_pool.pick_connection()
        value = self._request(connection, command, oks, errs)
        return value[0]

    def _request_job(self, command, oks, errs=(), reserved=True):
        connection = self._connection_pool.pick_connection()
        job_id, size = self._request(connection, command, oks, errs)
        body = self._response(connection, int(size))
        return Job(self, int(job_id), body, reserved)

    def _request_yaml(self, command, oks, errs=()):
        connection = self._connection_pool.pick_connection()
        job_id, size = self._request(connection, command, oks, errs)
        body = self._response(connection, int(size))
        return yaml.load(body)

    def _request_peek(self, command):
            return self._request_job(command, [Response.FOUND], [Response.NOT_FOUND], False)
        except BeanstalkCommandFailed:
            return None

    def put(self, body, priority=macro.PRIORITY, delay=0, ttr=macro.TTR):
        """Put a job into the current tube. Returns job id."""
        assert isinstance(body, str), 'Job body must be a str instance'
        jid = self._request_value(Command.PUT % (priority, delay, ttr, len(body), body),
                                  (Response.INSERTED, ),
                                  (Response.JOB_TOO_BIG, Response.BURIED, Response.DRAINING))
        return int(jid)

    def reserve(self, timeout=None):
        """Reserve a job from one of the watched tubes, with optional timeout
        in seconds. Returns a Job object, or None if the request times out."""
        if timeout is not None:
            command = Command.RESERVE_WITH_TIMEOUT % timeout
            command = Command.RESERVE
            return self._request_job(command,
                                     (Response.RESERVED, ),
                                     (Response.DEADLINE_SOON, Response.TIMED_OUT))
        except BeanstalkCommandFailed:
            exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
            _, status, results = exc.args
            if status == Response.TIMED_OUT:
                return None
            elif status == Response.DEADLINE_SOON:
                raise BeanstalkJobDeadlineSoon(results)

    def kick(self, bound=1):
        """Kick at most bound jobs into the ready queue."""
        return int(self._request_value(Command.KICK % bound, (Response.KICKED, )))

    def kick_job(self, jid):
        """Kick a specific job into the ready queue."""
        self._request_value(Command.KICK_JOB % jid, (Response.KICKED, ), (Response.NOT_FOUND, ))

    def peek(self, jid):
        """Peek at a job. Returns a Job, or None."""
        return self._request_peek(Command.PEEK % jid)

    def peek_ready(self):
        """Peek at next ready job. Returns a Job, or None."""
        return self._request_peek(Command.PEEK_READY)

    def peek_delayed(self):
        """Peek at next delayed job. Returns a Job, or None."""
        return self._request_peek(Command.PEEK_DELAYED)

    def peek_buried(self):
        """Peek at next buried job. Returns a Job, or None."""
        return self._request_peek(Command.PEEK_BURIED)

    def tubes(self):
        """Return a list of all existing tubes."""
        return self._request_yaml(Command.LIST_TUBES, (Response.OK, ))

    def using(self):
        """Return the tube currently being used."""
        return self._request_value(Command.LIST_TUBE_USED, (Response.USING, ))

    def use(self, name):
        """Use a given tube."""
        return self._request_value(Command.USE % name, (Response.USING, ))

    def watching(self):
        """Return a list of all tubes being watched."""
        return self._request_yaml(Command.LIST_TUBES_WATCHED, (Response.OK, ))

    def watch(self, name):
        """Watch a given tube."""
        return int(self._request_value(Command.WATCH % name, (Response.WATCHING, )))

    def ignore(self, name):
        """Stop watching a given tube."""
            return int(self._request_value(Command.IGNORE % name,
                                           (Response.WATCHING, ),
                                           (Response.NOT_IGNORED, )))
        except BeanstalkCommandFailed:
            return 1

    def stats(self):
        """Return a dict of beanstalkd statistics."""
        return self._request_yaml(Command.STATS, (Response.OK, ))

    def stats_tube(self, name):
        """Return a dict of stats about a given tube."""
        return self._request_yaml(Command.STATS_TUBE % name,
                                  (Response.OK, ),
                                  (Response.NOT_FOUND, ))

    def pause_tube(self, name, delay):
        """Pause a tube for a given delay time, in seconds."""
        self._request_value(Command.PAUSE_TUBE % (name, delay),
                            (Response.PAUSED, ),
                            (Response.NOT_FOUND, ))

    # -- job interactors --

    def delete(self, jid):
        """Delete a job, by job id."""
        self._request_value(Command.DELETE_JOB % jid, (Response.DELETED, ), (Response.NOT_FOUND, ))

    def release(self, jid, priority=macro.PRIORITY, delay=0):
        """Release a reserved job back into the ready queue."""
        self._request_value(Command.RELEASE_JOB % (jid, priority, delay),
                            (Response.RELEASED, Response.BURIED, ),
                            (Response.NOT_FOUND, ))

    def bury(self, jid, priority=macro.PRIORITY):
        """Bury a job, by job id."""
        self._request_value(Command.BURY_JOB % (jid, priority),
                            (Response.BURIED, ),
                            (Response.NOT_FOUND, ))

    def touch(self, jid):
        """Touch a job, by job id, requesting more time to work on a reserved
        job before it expires."""
        self._request_value(Command.TOUCH_JOB % jid, (Response.TOUCHED, ), (Response.NOT_FOUND, ))

    def stats_job(self, jid):
        """Return a dict of stats about a job, by job id."""
        return self._request_yaml(Command.STATS_JOB % jid,
                                  (Response.OK, ),
                                  (Response.NOT_FOUND, ))