Exemplo n.º 1
def test_decor_noop_unhinted() -> None:
    Test that the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator efficiently reduces to a
    noop on **unannotated callables** (i.e., callables with *no* annotations).

    # Defer heavyweight imports.
    from beartype import beartype

    # Undecorated unannotated function.
    def khorne(gork, mork):
        return gork + mork

    # Decorated unannotated function.
    khorne_typed = beartype(khorne)

    # Assert that @beartype efficiently reduces to a noop (i.e., the identity
    # decorator) when decorating this function.
    assert khorne_typed is khorne

    # Call this function and assert the expected return value.
    assert khorne_typed('WAAAGH!', '!HGAAAW') == 'WAAAGH!!HGAAAW'
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_pep484_decor_no_type_check() -> None:
    Test the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator against all edge cases of the
    `PEP 484`_-compliant :attr:`typing.no_type_check` decorator.

    .. _PEP 484:

    # Defer heavyweight imports.
    from beartype import beartype

    # Callable decorated by @typing.no_type_check whose otherwise PEP-compliant
    # type hints *SHOULD* be subsequently ignored by @beartype.
    def of_beechen_green(and_shadows_numberless: Union[int, str]) -> str:
        return and_shadows_numberless

    # The same callable additionally decorated by @beartype.
    of_beechen_green_beartyped = beartype(of_beechen_green)

    # Assert these two callables to be the same, implying @beartype silently
    # reduced to a noop by returning this callable undecorated.
    assert of_beechen_green is of_beechen_green_beartyped
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_codemain() -> None:
    Test the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator with respect to type-checking
    code dynamically generated by the :mod:`beartype._decor._code.codemain`

    This unit test effectively acts as a functional test and is thus the core
    test exercising decorator functionality from the end user perspective --
    the only perspective that matters in the end. Unsurprisingly, this test is
    mildly more involved than most. *Whatevah.*

    This test additionally attempts to avoid similar issues to a `prior issue
    <issue #5_>`__ of this decorator induced by repeated
    :func:`beartype.beartype` decorations of different callables annotated by
    one or more of the same PEP-compliant type hints.

    .. _issue #5:

    # Defer heavyweight imports.
    from beartype import beartype
    from beartype.roar import (
        # BeartypeDecorHintPepDeprecatedWarning,
    from beartype._util.utilobject import is_object_context_manager
    from beartype._util.hint.data.pep.utilhintdatapep import (
    from beartype_test.a00_unit.data.hint.data_hintmeta import (
    from beartype_test.a00_unit.data.hint.nonpep.data_hintnonpep import (
    from beartype_test.a00_unit.data.hint.pep.data_hintpep import HINTS_PEP_META

    # Tuple of all PEP-compliant type hint metadata to be tested -- regardless
    # of whether those hints are uniquely identifiable by a sign or not.

    # Tuple of two arbitrary values used to trivially iterate twice below.
    RANGE_2 = (None, None)

    # For each predefined PEP-compliant type hint and associated metadata...
    for hint_meta in HINTS_META:
        # If this hint is currently unsupported, continue to the next.
        if not hint_meta.is_supported:
        # Else, this hint is currently supported.

        # Repeat the following logic twice. Why? To exercise memoization across
        # repeated @beartype decorations on different callables annotated by
        # the same PEP hints.
        for _ in RANGE_2:
            # Undecorated callable both accepting a single parameter and
            # returning a value annotated by this hint whose implementation
            # trivially reduces to the identity function.
            def func_untyped(hint_param: hint_meta.hint) -> hint_meta.hint:
                return hint_param

            # Decorated callable declared below.
            func_typed = None

            # If this is a deprecated PEP-compliant type hint, declare this
            # decorated callable under a context manager asserting this
            # declaration to emit non-fatal deprecation warnings.
            if (
                isinstance(hint_meta, PepHintMetadata) and
                hint_meta.pep_sign in HINT_PEP_SIGNS_DEPRECATED
                #FIXME: For unknown and probably uninteresting reasons, the
                #pytest.warns() context manager appears to be broken on our
                #local machine. We have no recourse but to unconditionally
                #ignore this warning at the module level. So much rage!
                #FIXME: It's likely this has something to do with the fact that
                #Python filters deprecation warnings by default. This is almost
                #certainly a pytest issue. Since this has become fairly
                #unctuous, we should probably submit a pytest issue report.
                # with pytest.warns(BeartypeDecorHintPepDeprecatedWarning):
                #     func_typed = beartype(func_untyped)
                func_typed = beartype(func_untyped)
            # Else, this is *NOT* a deprecated PEP-compliant type hint. In this
            # case, declare this decorated callable as is.
                func_typed = beartype(func_untyped)

            # For each pith satisfying this hint...
            for pith_satisfied_meta in hint_meta.piths_satisfied_meta:
                # Assert this metadata is an instance of the desired dataclass.
                assert isinstance(
                    pith_satisfied_meta, PepHintPithSatisfiedMetadata)
                # print('PEP-testing {!r} against {!r}...'.format(hint_pep, pith_satisfied))

                # Pith to be type-checked against this hint, defined as...
                pith = (
                    # If this pith is actually a pith factory (i.e., callable
                    # accepting *NO* parameters and dynamically creating and
                    # returning the value to be used as the desired pith), call
                    # this factory and localize its return value.
                    if pith_satisfied_meta.is_pith_factory else
                    # Else, localize this pith as is.

                # If...
                if (
                    # This pith is a context manager *AND*...
                    is_object_context_manager(pith) and
                    # This pith should be safely opened and closed as a
                    # context rather than preserved as a context manager...
                    not pith_satisfied_meta.is_context_manager
                # Then with this pith safely opened and closed as a context...
                    with pith as pith_context:
                        # Assert this wrapper function successfully type-checks
                        # this context against this hint *WITHOUT* modifying
                        # this context.
                        assert func_typed(pith_context) is pith_context
                # Else, this object is *NOT* a context manager and thus safely
                # passable and returnable as is.
                    # Assert this wrapper function successfully type-checks
                    # this object against this hint *WITHOUT* modifying this
                    # object.
                    assert func_typed(pith) is pith

            # For each pith *NOT* satisfying this hint...
            for pith_unsatisfied_meta in hint_meta.piths_unsatisfied_meta:
                # Assert this metadata is an instance of the desired dataclass.
                assert isinstance(
                    pith_unsatisfied_meta, PepHintPithUnsatisfiedMetadata)

                # Assert that iterables of uncompiled regular expression
                # expected to match and *NOT* match this message are *NOT*
                # strings, as commonly occurs when accidentally omitting a
                # trailing comma in tuples containing only one string: e.g.,
                # * "('This is a tuple, yo.',)" is a 1-tuple containing one
                #   string.
                # * "('This is a string, bro.')" is a string *NOT* contained in
                #   a 1-tuple.
                assert not isinstance(
                    pith_unsatisfied_meta.exception_str_match_regexes, str)
                assert not isinstance(
                    pith_unsatisfied_meta.exception_str_not_match_regexes, str)

                # Assert this wrapper function raises the expected exception
                # when type-checking this pith against this hint.
                with raises_uncached(BeartypeCallHintPepException) as (

                # Exception message raised by this wrapper function.
                exception_str = str(exception_info.value)
                # print('exception message: {}'.format(exception_str))

                # Exception type localized for debuggability. Sadly, the
                # pytest.ExceptionInfo.__repr__() dunder method fails to
                # usefully describe its exception metadata.
                exception_type = exception_info.type

                # Assert this exception metadata describes the expected
                # exception as a sanity check against upstream pytest issues
                # and/or issues with our raises_uncached() context manager.
                assert issubclass(exception_type, BeartypeCallHintPepException)

                # For each uncompiled regular expression expected to match this
                # message, assert this expression actually does so.
                # Note that the re.search() rather than re.match() function is
                # called. The latter is rooted at the start of the string and
                # thus *ONLY* matches prefixes, while the former is *NOT*
                # rooted at any string position and thus matches arbitrary
                # substrings as desired.
                for exception_str_match_regex in (
                    assert search(
                        exception_str_match_regex, exception_str) is not None

                # For each uncompiled regular expression expected to *NOT*
                # match this message, assert this expression actually does so.
                for exception_str_not_match_regex in (
                    assert search(
                        exception_str_not_match_regex, exception_str) is None