Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, locale, *args, **kwargs):
        regions = product_details.get_regions(locale)
        regions = sorted(regions.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1])

        lang = country = locale.lower()
        if '-' in lang:
            lang, country = lang.split('-', 1)
        lang_choices = get_lang_choices()
        languages = [x[0] for x in lang_choices]
        if lang not in languages:
            # The lang from their locale is not one that our newsletters
            # are translated into. Initialize the language field to no
            # choice, to force the user to pick one of the languages that
            # we do support.
            lang = ''
            lang_choices.insert(0, (lang, lang))

        super(NewsletterFooterForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['country'] = forms.ChoiceField(choices=regions,
        # TypedChoiceField knows that '' is an empty choice, and with
        # required=True, will not accept '' as valid input.
        select_widget = widgets.Select(attrs={'required': 'required'})
        self.fields['lang'] = forms.TypedChoiceField(widget=select_widget,
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, locale, *args, **kwargs):
        regions = product_details.get_regions(locale)
        regions = sorted(regions.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1])

        lang = country = locale.lower()
        if '-' in lang:
            lang, country = lang.split('-', 1)
        lang_choices = get_lang_choices()
        languages = [x[0] for x in lang_choices]
        if lang not in languages:
            # The lang from their locale is not one that our newsletters
            # are translated into. Initialize the language field to no
            # choice, to force the user to pick one of the languages that
            # we do support.
            lang = ''
            lang_choices.insert(0, (lang, lang))

        super(NewsletterFooterForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['country'] = forms.ChoiceField(choices=regions,
        # TypedChoiceField knows that '' is an empty choice, and with
        # required=True, will not accept '' as valid input.
        select_widget = widgets.Select(attrs={'required': 'required'})
        self.fields['lang'] = forms.TypedChoiceField(widget=select_widget,
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, locale, *args, **kwargs):
        regions = product_details.get_regions(locale)
        regions = sorted(regions.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1])
        lang_choices = get_lang_choices()
        languages = [x[0] for x in lang_choices]

        lang = country = locale.lower()
        if '-' in lang:
            lang, country = lang.split('-', 1)
        lang = lang if lang in languages else 'en'

        self.newsletters = kwargs.pop('newsletters', [])

        # Get initial - work with a copy so we're not modifying the
        # data that was passed to us
        initial = kwargs.get('initial', {}).copy()
        if not initial.get('country', None):
            initial['country'] = country
        if not initial.get('lang', None):
            initial['lang'] = lang
            lang = initial['lang']

        # Sometimes people are in ET with a language that is spelled a
        # little differently from our list. E.g. we have 'es' on our
        # list, but in ET their language is 'es-ES'. Try to find a match
        # for their current lang in our list and use that. If we can't
        # find one, then fall back to guessing from their locale,
        # ignoring what they had in ET.  (This is just for the initial
        # value on the form; they can always change to another valid
        # language before submitting.)
        if lang not in languages:
            for valid_lang, _unused in lang_choices:
                # if the first two chars match, close enough
                if lang.lower()[:2] == valid_lang.lower()[:2]:
                    lang = valid_lang
                # No luck - guess from the locale
                lang = locale.lower()
                if '-' in lang:
                    lang, _unused = lang.split('-', 1)
            initial['lang'] = lang

        kwargs['initial'] = initial
        super(ManageSubscriptionsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['country'].choices = regions
        self.fields['lang'].choices = lang_choices

        self.already_subscribed = initial.get('newsletters', [])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, locale, *args, **kwargs):
        regions = product_details.get_regions(locale)
        regions = sorted(regions.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1])
        lang_choices = get_lang_choices()
        languages = [x[0] for x in lang_choices]

        lang = country = locale.lower()
        if '-' in lang:
            lang, country = lang.split('-', 1)
        lang = lang if lang in languages else 'en'

        self.newsletters = kwargs.pop('newsletters', [])

        # Get initial - work with a copy so we're not modifying the
        # data that was passed to us
        initial = kwargs.get('initial', {}).copy()
        if not initial.get('country', None):
            initial['country'] = country
        if not initial.get('lang', None):
            initial['lang'] = lang
            lang = initial['lang']

        # Sometimes people are in ET with a language that is spelled a
        # little differently from our list. E.g. we have 'es' on our
        # list, but in ET their language is 'es-ES'. Try to find a match
        # for their current lang in our list and use that. If we can't
        # find one, then fall back to guessing from their locale,
        # ignoring what they had in ET.  (This is just for the initial
        # value on the form; they can always change to another valid
        # language before submitting.)
        if lang not in languages:
            for valid_lang, _unused in lang_choices:
                # if the first two chars match, close enough
                if lang.lower()[:2] == valid_lang.lower()[:2]:
                    lang = valid_lang
                # No luck - guess from the locale
                lang = locale.lower()
                if '-' in lang:
                    lang, _unused = lang.split('-', 1)
            initial['lang'] = lang

        kwargs['initial'] = initial
        super(ManageSubscriptionsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['country'].choices = regions
        self.fields['lang'].choices = lang_choices

        self.already_subscribed = initial.get('newsletters', [])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, locale, *args, **kwargs):
        regions = product_details.get_regions(locale)
        regions = sorted(regions.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1])

        lang = locale.lower()
        if '-' in lang:
            lang, country = lang.split('-', 1)
            country = ''
            regions.insert(0, ('', _lazy('Select country')))
        lang_choices = get_lang_choices()
        languages = [x[0] for x in lang_choices]
        if lang not in languages:
            # The lang from their locale is not one that our newsletters
            # are translated into. Initialize the language field to no
            # choice, to force the user to pick one of the languages that
            # we do support.
            lang = ''
            lang_choices.insert(0, ('', _lazy('Available Languages')))

        super(NewsletterFooterForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        required_args = {
            'required': 'required',
            'aria-required': 'true',
        country_widget = widgets.Select(attrs=required_args)
        self.fields['country'] = forms.ChoiceField(widget=country_widget,
        lang_widget = widgets.Select(attrs=required_args)
        self.fields['lang'] = forms.TypedChoiceField(widget=lang_widget,