Exemplo n.º 1
    def bestBeeQuality(self):

        distance = 0
        i = 0
        pos = -1
        while (i < self.bees_number):
            max_val = self.beeList[i].fitness
            nbUn = Solution.nbrUn(self.beeList[i].solution.get_state())
            while ((i < self.bees_number)
                   and (self.beeList[i].solution.get_accuracy(
                       self.beeList[i].solution.get_state()) == max_val)):
                distanceTemp = self.distanceTabou(self.beeList[i])
                nbUnTemp = Solution.nbrUn(self.beeList[i].solution.get_state())
                if (distanceTemp > distance) or ((distanceTemp == distance) and
                                                 (nbUnTemp < nbUn)):
                    if ((distanceTemp == distance) and (nbUnTemp < nbUn)):
                        print("We pick the solution with less features")
                    nbUn = nbUnTemp
                    distance = distanceTemp
                    pos = i
                i += 1
            if (pos != -1):
                return self.beeList[pos]
        bee = Bee(-1, self.data, self.locIterations,
        return bee
Exemplo n.º 2
    def searchArea(self):
        i = 0
        h = 0

        self.beeList = []
        while ((i < self.bees_number) and (i < self.flip)):
            #print ("First method to generate")

            solution = self.refSolution.solution.get_state()
            k = 0
            while ((self.flip * k + h) < len(solution)):
                solution[self.flip * k +
                         h] = ((solution[self.flip * k + h] + 1) % 2)
                k += 1
            newBee = Bee(i, self.data, self.locIterations, solution)

            i += 1
            h = h + 1
        h = 0

        while ((i < self.bees_number) and (i < 2 * self.flip)):
            #print("Second method to generate")

            solution = self.refSolution.solution.get_state()
            k = 0
            while ((k < int(len(solution) / self.flip))
                   and (self.flip * k + h < len(solution))):
                solution[int(self.data.nb_attribs / self.flip) * h + k] = (
                    (solution[int(self.data.nb_attribs / self.flip) * h + k] +
                     1) % 2)
                k += 1
            newBee = Bee(i, self.data, self.locIterations, solution)

            i += 1
            h = h + 1
        while (i < self.bees_number):
            #print("Random method to generate")
            solution = self.refSolution.solution.get_state()
            indice = random.randint(0, len(solution) - 1)
            solution[indice] = ((solution[indice] + 1) % 2)
            newBee = Bee(i, self.data, self.locIterations, solution)
            i += 1
        for bee in (self.beeList):
            lista = [
                j for j, n in enumerate(bee.solution.get_state()) if n == 1
            if (len(lista) == 0):
Exemplo n.º 3
 def bestBeeDiversity(self):
     max_val = 0
     for i in range(len(self.beeList)):
         if (self.distanceTabou(self.beeList[i]) > max_val):
             max_val = self.distanceTabou(self.beeList[i])
     if (max_val == 0):
         bee = Bee(-1, self.data, self.locIterations,
         return bee
     i = 0
     while (i < len(self.beeList)
            and self.distanceTabou(self.beeList[i]) != max_val):
         i += 1
     return self.beeList[i]
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, problem, flip, max_chance, bees_number, maxIterations,
     self.data = problem
     self.flip = flip
     self.max_chance = max_chance
     self.nbChance = max_chance
     self.bees_number = bees_number
     self.maxIterations = maxIterations
     self.locIterations = locIterations
     self.beeList = []
     self.refSolution = Bee(-1, self.data, self.locIterations,
     self.bestSolution = self.refSolution
     self.tabou = []
     self.feature_count = {i: 0 for i in range(self.data.nb_attribs)}