Exemplo n.º 1
class EmberRf4ceApplicationInfo(EzspStruct):
    # The RF4CE application information block.
    # The application capabilities field shall contain information relating
    # to the capabilities of the application of the node.
    capabilities: named.EmberRf4ceApplicationCapabilities
    # The user string field shall contain the user specified identification
    # string.
    userString: basic.fixed_list(15, basic.uint8_t)
    # The device type list field shall contain the list of device types
    # supported by the node.
    deviceTypeList: basic.fixed_list(3, basic.uint8_t)
    # The profile ID list field shall contain the list of profile
    # identifiers disclosed as supported by the node.
    profileIdList: basic.fixed_list(7, basic.uint8_t)
Exemplo n.º 2
class EmberGpProxyTableEntry(EzspStruct):
    """The internal representation of a proxy table entry."""

    # The link key to be used to secure this pairing link.
    securityLinkKey: named.EmberKeyData
    # Internal status of the proxy table entry.
    status: named.EmberGpProxyTableEntryStatus
    # The tunneling options
    # (this contains both options and extendedOptions from the spec).
    options: basic.uint32_t
    # The addressing info of the GPD.
    gpd: EmberGpAddress
    # The assigned alias for the GPD.
    assignedAlias: named.EmberNodeId
    # The security options field.
    securityOptions: basic.uint8_t
    # The security frame counter of the GPD.
    gpdSecurityFrameCounter: named.EmberGpSecurityFrameCounter
    # The key to use for GPD.
    gpdKey: named.EmberKeyData
    # The list of sinks (hardcoded to 2 which is the spec minimum).
    sinkList: basic.fixed_list(2, EmberGpSinkListEntry)
    # The groupcast radius.
    groupcastRadius: basic.uint8_t
    # The search counter
    searchCounter: basic.uint8_t
Exemplo n.º 3
class EmberRf4cePairingTableEntry(EzspStruct):
    # The internal representation of an RF4CE pairing table entry.
    # The link key to be used to secure this pairing link.
    securityLinkKey: named.EmberKeyData
    # The IEEE address of the destination device.
    destLongId: named.EmberEUI64
    # The frame counter last received from the recipient node.
    frameCounter: basic.uint32_t
    # The network address to be assumed by the source device.
    sourceNodeId: named.EmberNodeId
    # The PAN identifier of the destination device.
    destPanId: named.EmberPanId
    # The network address of the destination device.
    destNodeId: named.EmberNodeId
    # The vendor ID of the destination device.
    destVendorId: basic.uint16_t
    # The list of profiles supported by the destination device.
    destProfileIdList: basic.fixed_list(7, basic.uint8_t)
    # The length of the list of supported profiles.
    destProfileIdListLength: basic.uint8_t
    # Info byte.
    info: basic.uint8_t
    # The expected channel of the destination device.
    channel: basic.uint8_t
    # The node capabilities of the recipient node.
    capabilities: basic.uint8_t
    # Last MAC sequence number seen on this pairing link.
    lastSeqn: basic.uint8_t
Exemplo n.º 4
class EmberRf4ceVendorInfo(EzspStruct):
    # The RF4CE vendor information block.
    # The vendor identifier field shall contain the vendor identifier of
    # the node.
    vendorId: basic.uint16_t
    # The vendor string field shall contain the vendor string of the node.
    vendorString: basic.fixed_list(7, basic.uint8_t)
Exemplo n.º 5
class EmberDutyCycleLimits(EzspStruct):
    """A structure containing duty cycle limit configurations.

    All limits are absolute, and are required to be as follows:
    suspLimit > critThresh > limitThresh
    For example:
    suspLimit = 250 (2.5%), critThresh = 180 (1.8%), limitThresh 100 (1.00%).

    # The vendor identifier field shall contain the vendor identifier of the node.
    vendorId: basic.uint16_t
    # The vendor string field shall contain the vendor string of the node.
    vendorString: basic.fixed_list(7, basic.uint8_t)
Exemplo n.º 6
class SecureEzspSessionId(basic.fixed_list(8, basic.uint8_t)):
    """Generated 64-bit Session ID, using random numbers from Host and NCP.
Exemplo n.º 7
class SecureEzspRandomNumber(basic.fixed_list(16, basic.uint8_t)):
    """Randomly generated 64-bit number.