Exemplo n.º 1
    def PULSEV(self, channel, initial_value, pulsed_value, pulse_width, period,
        frequency = (1 / u(period)) @ u_Hz
        offset = (pulsed_value / 2) + initial_value
        amplitude = pulsed_value
        duty_cycle = (u(pulse_width) / u(period)) * 100

        self.set_channel(channel, 'pulse', amplitude, frequency, offset,
Exemplo n.º 2
    def willMount(self, color='green'):
        V_min -- Minimal voltage that could be applied
        self.Power = u(self['I_load']) @ u_A
        self.V_j = u(self['V_drop']) @ u_V

        self.Z = (self.V_j * self.V_j) / self.P
        self.load(self.V - self.V_j)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def willMount(self, f_3db=500e3 @ u_Hz):
            f_3db -- Frequencies of interest are passed by the highpass filter
            C_in -- Blocking capacitor is chosen so that all frequencies of interest are passed by the highpass filter `C_(i\\n) >= 1 / (2 pi f_(3db) (R_s∥R_g))`

        self.V_split = self.V / 6


        self.I_b = self.I_load
        self.R_out = (u(self.V_split) / u(self.I_b) * 100) @ u_Ohm
Exemplo n.º 4
    def willMount(self, R_in = 0 @ u_Ohm, R_out = 0 @ u_Ohm):
            R_in -- The input voltage and upper resistance might represent the output of an amplifier
            R_out -- The lower resistance might represent the input of the following stage

        # Find right values
        A = np.array([[u(self.V_out), u(self.V_out - self.V) ], [1, 1]])
        B = np.array([[0], [u(self.V / self.I_load)]]) # + (1 * params_tolerance)))]])
        X = np.linalg.inv(A) @ B

        self.R_in = X[0][0] @ u_Ohm - self.R_in
        self.R_out = X[1][0] @ u_Ohm - self.R_out
Exemplo n.º 5
 def set_channel(self,
                 amplitude=5 @ u_V,
                 frequency=100 @ u_Hz,
                 offset=0 @ u_V,
     print(channel, waveform, frequency, amplitude, offset, duty_cycle)
     channel = int(channel)
     self.device.setfrequency(channel, u(frequency))
     self.device.setwaveform(channel, waveform)
     self.device.setamplitude(channel, u(amplitude))
     self.device.setoffset(channel, u(offset))
     self.device.setdutycycle(channel, duty_cycle)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def EXPV(self,
             initial_value=0 @ u_V,
             pulsed_value=5 @ u_V,
             rise_delay_time=0 @ u_s,
             rise_time_constant=0.1 @ u_s,
             fall_delay_time=0.1 @ u_s,
             fall_time_constant=0.1 @ u_s):
        period = u(rise_time_constant) + u(fall_time_constant)
        frequency = (1 / period) @ u_Hz
        offset = initial_value
        amplitude = pulsed_value
        duty_cycle = (u(rise_time_constant) / period) * 100

        self.set_channel(channel, 'exp-rize', amplitude, frequency, offset,
Exemplo n.º 7
 def set_channel(self,
                 value=0 @ u_V,
                 current=0 @ u_A):
     """ 200 ms time for channel setting """
     channel = self.device.channels[0]
     channel.voltage = u(value)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def circuit(self):
        period = 1 / self.Frequency
        quant = period / 4
        rate = self.V / quant

        self.tau = u(self.V / rate)

        current_sensing = Resistor()(self.R_load * 2)
        differetiator = Capacitor()((self.tau / current_sensing.value) @ u_F)

        self.input & self.v_ref & differetiator & self.output & current_sensing & self.gnd
Exemplo n.º 9
    def circuit(self):
        period = 1 / self.Frequency
        quant = period / 4
        rate = self.V / quant

        self.tau = u(self.V / rate)

        discharger = Resistor()(self.R_load / 10)
        integrator = Capacitor()((self.tau / discharger.value) @ u_F)

        self.input & self.v_ref & discharger & self.output & integrator & self.gnd
Exemplo n.º 10
    def circuit(self):
        c = speed_of_light * (1 @ u_m) / (1 @ u_s)
        frequency = self.frequency #self.input.signal.frequency
        self.wave_length = c / frequency
        self.normalized_length = u(self.length / self.wave_length)

        self.element = self.part(impedance=self.Z, frequency=frequency, normalized_length=self.normalized_length)
        # ip, op -- positive line in Spice Transmmittion element
        self.input & (self.element['ip'] or self.element[1])
        self.output & (self.element['op'] or self.element[2])

        # in, on -- negative line, used for ground
        if self.element['in']:
            self.gnd += self.element['in', 'on']
Exemplo n.º 11
    def circuit(self):
        R = Resistor()

        self.R_c = self.V / 2 / self.I_quiescent
        self.R_e = self.R_load
        self.R_out = (0 @ u_V - self.V_inv) / (self.I_quiescent * 2)
        self.r_e = 0.026 @ u_V / self.I_quiescent
        self.G_diff = u(self.R_c / (2 * (self.r_e + self.R_e)))
        self.G_cm = u(-1 * self.R_c / (2 * self.R_out + self.R_e + self.r_e))
        self.CMMR = u(self.R_out / (self.R_e + self.r_e))

        amplifier = Bipolar(type='npn', common='emitter', follow='collector')

        # First amplifier INVERTING
        left = amplifier(
            emitter=R(self.R_e)  # Emitter resistore conected to bipolar
        right = amplifier(collector=R(self.R_c), emitter=R(self.R_e))
        power = self.v_ref & left.v_ref & right.v_ref
        left_input = self.input & left & self.output_n
        right_input = self.input_n & right & self.output

        sink = left.gnd & right.gnd & R(self.R_out) & self.v_inv
Exemplo n.º 12
    def circuit(self, **kwargs):
        generator = Bipolar(type='npn', follow='emitter')()

        self.V_e = generator.V_je + randint(1, int(u(self.V) / 2)) @ u_V
        self.V_b = self.V_e + generator.V_je
        self.R_e = self.V_e / self.I_load

        generator.collector += self.output_n

        controller = Divider(type='resistive')(V=self.V,

        controller.input += self.v_ref
        controller.gnd += self.gnd

        source = controller.output & generator & Resistor()(
            self.R_e) & self.gnd
Exemplo n.º 13
    def willMount(self):
            I_load --  That current puts the collector at `V_(ref)`

            V_je -- Base-emitter built-in potential
            V_e -- `V_e = 1V` selected for temperature stability and maximum voltage swing
            V_c -- `V_c = V_(ref) / 2`
            R_c -- `R_c = (V_(ref) - V_c) / I_(load)`
            R_in -- `1/R_(i\\n) = 1/R_s + 1/R_g + 1 / R_(i\\n(base))`
            R_e -- `R_e = V_e / I_(load)`

            R_in_base_dc -- `R_(i\\n(base),dc) = beta * R_e`
            R_in_base_ac -- `R_(i\\n(base),ac) = beta * (r_e + R_(load))`

            G_v -- Amplifier gain `G_v = v_(out) / v_(i\\n) = - g_m * R_c = -R_c/R_e`
            g_m -- The inverse of resistance is called conductance. An amplifier whose gain has units of conductance is called a transconductance amplifier. `g_m = i_(out)/v_(i\\n) = - G_v / R_c `
            r_e -- Transresistance `r_e = V_T / I_e = ((kT) / q) / I_e = (0.0253 V) / I_e`

        self.props['follow'] = 'collector'
        self.props['common'] = 'emitter'

        self.V_c = self.V / 2
        self.R_c = (self.V - self.V_c) / self.I_load

        self.V_e = 1.0 @ u_V  # For temperature stability
        self.R_e = self.V_e / self.I_load

        # TODO: Make it temperature dependent
        self.r_e = 0.026 @ u_V / self.I_load

        self.G_v = -1 * u(self.R_c / (self.R_e + self.r_e))
        self.R_3 = (-1 * self.R_c - self.r_e * self.G_v) / self.G_v

        self.g_m = self.G_v / self.R_c * -1

        self.R_in_base_dc = self.Beta * self.R_e
        self.R_in_base_ac = self.Beta * (self.r_e + self.R_3)

        self.Power = (self.V_c - self.V_e) * self.I_load
Exemplo n.º 14
    def LoadLineQPoint(self, args, temperature=[25] @ u_Degree):
            The Q-point can be found by plotting the graph of the load line on the i-v characteristic for the diode. The intersection of the two curves represents the quiescent operating point, or Q-point, for the diode.
        voltage_sweep = slice(0, self.block.V, .1)
        data = self.characteristics(args, temperature, voltage_sweep)
        data[0]['Load_Line'] = u(self.block.I_load)
        data[len(data) - 1]['Load_Line'] = 0

        return {
            'x': {
                'field': 'V_input',
                'label': 'Volt',
                'unit': 'V'
            'y': {
                'label': 'Current',
                'unit': 'A',
                'scale': 'sqrt',
                'domain': [-1e-3, 1e-3]
            'data': data