Exemplo n.º 1
def listplayer(userid: UserID) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    frontend = BishiBashiFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
    djinfo = frontend.get_all_player_info([userid])[userid]

    return {
        'player': djinfo,
Exemplo n.º 2
def viewplayers() -> Response:
    frontend = BishiBashiFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
    return render_react(
        'All BishiBashi Players',
        {'players': frontend.get_all_players()},
            'refresh': url_for('bishi_pages.listplayers'),
            'player': url_for('bishi_pages.viewplayer', userid=-1),
Exemplo n.º 3
def viewsettings() -> Response:
    frontend = BishiBashiFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
    userid = g.userID
    djinfo = frontend.get_all_player_info([userid])[userid]
    if not djinfo:

    return render_react(
        'BishiBashi Game Settings',
            'player': djinfo,
            'versions': {version: name for (game, version, name) in frontend.all_games()},
            'updatename': url_for('bishi_pages.updatename'),
Exemplo n.º 4
def viewplayer(userid: UserID) -> Response:
    frontend = BishiBashiFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
    djinfo = frontend.get_all_player_info([userid])[userid]
    if not djinfo:
    latest_version = sorted(djinfo.keys(), reverse=True)[0]

    return render_react(
        f'{djinfo[latest_version]["name"]}\'s BishiBashi Profile',
            'playerid': userid,
            'own_profile': userid == g.userID,
            'player': djinfo,
            'versions': {version: name for (game, version, name) in frontend.all_games()},
            'refresh': url_for('bishi_pages.listplayer', userid=userid),
Exemplo n.º 5
def listplayers() -> Dict[str, Any]:
    frontend = BishiBashiFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
    return {
        'players': frontend.get_all_players(),
Exemplo n.º 6
def updatename() -> Dict[str, Any]:
    frontend = BishiBashiFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
    version = int(request.get_json()['version'])
    name = request.get_json()['name']
    user = g.data.local.user.get_user(g.userID)
    if user is None:
        raise Exception('Unable to find user to update!')

    # Grab profile and update dj name
    profile = g.data.local.user.get_profile(GameConstants.BISHI_BASHI, version,
    if profile is None:
        raise Exception('Unable to find profile to update!')
    if len(name) == 0 or len(name) > 6:
        raise Exception('Invalid profile name!')

    # Convert lowercase to uppercase. We allow lowercase widetext in
    # the JS frontend to allow for Windows IME input of hiragana/katakana.
    def conv(char: str) -> str:
        i = ord(char)
        if i >= 0xFF41 and i <= 0xFF5A:
            return chr(i - (0xFF41 - 0xFF21))
            return char

    name = ''.join([conv(a) for a in name])

    if re.match(
            "^[" + "\uFF20-\uFF3A" +  # widetext A-Z, @
            "\uFF10-\uFF19" +  # widetext 0-9
            "\u3041-\u308D\u308F\u3092\u3093" +  # hiragana
            "\u30A1-\u30ED\u30EF\u30F2\u30F3\u30FC" +  # katakana
            "\u3000" +  # widetext blank space
            "\u301C" +  # widetext ~
            "\u30FB" +  # widetext middot
            "\u30FC" +  # widetext long dash
            "\u2212" +  # widetext short dash
            "\u2605" +  # widetext heavy star
            "\uFF01" +  # widetext !
            "\uFF03" +  # widetext #
            "\uFF04" +  # widetext $
            "\uFF05" +  # widetext %
            "\uFF06" +  # widetext &
            "\uFF08" +  # widetext (
            "\uFF09" +  # widetext )
            "\uFF0A" +  # widetext *
            "\uFF0B" +  # widetext +
            "\uFF0F" +  # widetext /
            "\uFF1C" +  # widetext <
            "\uFF1D" +  # widetext =
            "\uFF1E" +  # widetext >
            "\uFF1F" +  # widetext ?
            "\uFFE5" +  # widetext Yen symbol
    ) is None:
        raise Exception('Invalid profile name!')
    profile = frontend.update_name(profile, name)
    g.data.local.user.put_profile(GameConstants.BISHI_BASHI, version, user.id,

    # Return that we updated
    return {
        'version': version,
        'name': frontend.sanitize_name(name),