Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
  description = "Produce visualisations and find optimal parameters of compression algorithms"
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
  parser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
                      help='produce detailed output showing work performed.')
  parser.add_argument('--paranoia', dest='paranoia', action='store_true',
                      help='verify correct operation of compression algorithms by decompressing ' +
                           'their output and comparing to the original file.')
  parser.add_argument('--rerun', dest='rerun', action='store_true',
                      help='regenerate the data, even if there is a cached result.')
  parser.add_argument('--include', dest='include', nargs='+',
                      help='paths which match the specified regex are included; ' +
                           'if unspecified, defaults to *.')
  parser.add_argument('--exclude', dest='exclude', nargs='+',
                      help='paths which match the specified regex are excluded.')
  parser.add_argument('--num-workers', dest='num_workers', default=config.NUM_WORKERS,
                      help='number of local processes (default: {0})'.format(config.NUM_WORKERS))
  parser.add_argument('--style', dest='style')
  parser.add_argument('tests', nargs='*',
                      help='list of tests to conduct; format is test_name[:parameter1=value1[:...]]')

  args = vars(parser.parse_args())
  global verbose, paranoia, use_cache
  verbose = args['verbose']
  paranoia = args['paranoia']
  use_cache = not args['rerun']
  num_workers = int(args['num_workers'])
  if args['style']:

  files = general.include_exclude_files(args['include'], args['exclude'])
  if verbose:
    print("Operating on: {0}".format(files))

  pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_workers)
  if verbose:
    print("Splitting work across {0} processes".format(num_workers))

  if not args['tests']:
    print("WARNING: no tests specified", file=sys.stderr)
  for test in args['tests']:
    if not test: # empty string
      print("ERROR: test name cannot be an empty string", file=sys.stderr)
    test_name, *test_args = test.split(":")
    test_kwargs = to_kwargs(test_args)
    test_id = canonical_name(test_name, test_kwargs)

    if test_name in TESTS:
      test_runner = TESTS[test_name]
      if verbose:
        print("Running " + test_id)
      test_runner(pool, files, test_id, **test_kwargs)
      print("ERROR: unrecognised test '" + test_name + "'")

  print("All tests finished.")
Exemplo n.º 2
  csv_fname = None
  if args['csv_fname']:
    table_type = ''
    csv_fname = args['csv_fname']
  if args['table_type']:
    table_type = args['table_type']
    if table_type not in {"bits", "per", "size", "time"}:
      parser.error("Unrecognised table type: " + table_type)

  verbose = args['verbose']

  compressors = general.find_compressors(args['compressor'])
  if verbose:
    print("Using compressors: " + str(compressors))

  files = general.include_exclude_files(args['include'], args['exclude'])
  if verbose:
    print("Compressing files: " + str(files))

  results = {'Size': {}}
  for fname in files:
    input_fname = os.path.join(config.CORPUS_DIR, fname)
    results['Size'][fname] = os.path.getsize(input_fname)

  work = []
  for compressor_name in compressors:
    compressor, kwargs = config.COMPRESSORS[compressor_name]
    for fname in files:
      kwargs.update({'fname': fname, 'paranoia': True})
      work += [compressor.s(**kwargs)]