Exemplo n.º 1
def main():

    ss = Preferences()

    torrentlist = bencode.decode_from_file(ss.get("utresumedat"))
    partiallist = []    # set up an empty container for desired data to get put into for later

    fileguarduseless = torrentlist.pop(b".fileguard",None)
    rec = torrentlist.pop(b"rec",None)   #Remove this. 
    #(dict. comprehension expects only dicts as the root keys)
    #create a reverse lookup dict with "Dict comprehension". nice and simple eh? ;-)
    reverselookup={base64.b16encode(value[b"info"]):[value[b"path"],value[b"caption"],origkey] for origkey,value in torrentlist.items()}
    for thehash,value in reverselookup.items():
    #Those 3 lines replace all of this:
    # for key,value in torrentlist.items():
    #     sentinel = False    # reset before each while-loop
    #     if b"path" in value:
    #         path = value[b"path"].decode('utf-8')
    #     if b"caption" in value:
    #         caption = value[b"caption"].decode('utf-8')
    #     if b"info" in value:
    #         infoHash = base64.b16encode(value[b"info"]).decode('utf-8')
    #         sentinel = True  # need this because theres other dictionaries INside each file-entries' dict...
    #                          # and this will trigger the partiallist.append to write only file-entry dicts.
    #     if sentinel == True:
    #         partiallist.append([path,caption,infoHash])

    writelistfile = open(os.path.join(ss.get("maindir"),"TorrentList.txt"),'w',encoding='utf-8') # write-out a text file with one entry per line.
    for eachline in partiallist:
        writelistfile.write(eachline[0] + " / " + eachline[1] + " / " + eachline[2] + "\n")
        					#path 			/	#caption		  /		#infohash
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():

    ss = Preferences()

    torrentlist = bencode.decode_from_file(ss.get("utresumedat"))
    partiallist = [
    ]  # set up an empty container for desired data to get put into for later

    fileguarduseless = torrentlist.pop(".fileguard", None)
    rec = torrentlist.pop("rec", None)  #Remove this.
    #(dict. comprehension expects only dicts as the root keys)
    #create a reverse lookup dict with "Dict comprehension". nice and simple eh? ;-)
    reverselookup = {
        [value["path"], value["caption"], origkey]
        for origkey, value in torrentlist.iteritems()
    for thehash, value in reverselookup.iteritems():
        partiallist.append([value[0], value[1], thehash])

    writelistfile = open(
        os.path.join(ss.get("maindir"), "TorrentList.txt"),
        'wb')  # write-out a text file with one entry per line.
    for eachline in partiallist:
        writelistfile.write(eachline[0] + " / " + eachline[1] + " / " +
                            eachline[2] + "\n")
        #path           /   #caption          /     #infohash
    print "Finished writing: TorrentList.txt"
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    ss = Preferences()
    script1sourcedir = ss.getwpath(
    ) + u''  #("seeding\"), needs unicode u for file opening.
    files = [
        os.path.join(script1sourcedir, filename)
        for filename in next(os.walk(script1sourcedir))[2]
    ]  #gives absolute paths + names

    currentfile = 0

    container = [
    ]  #set up an empty container for desired data to get put into for later
    for eachfile in files:

        metainfo = bencode.decode_from_file(eachfile)
        # #need to manually SHA1 hash the torrent file's info-dict to get the info-hash
        infodict = metainfo['info']
        info_hash = hashlib.sha1(bencode.bencode(infodict)).hexdigest().upper()

        internalname = infodict['name']
        torrentfilename = eachfile[eachfile.rfind("\\") + 1:]
        locextension = torrentfilename.find(
            ".torrent")  #location of extension (char position)
        locid = torrentfilename.rfind(
            "-") + 1  #location of torrentID (char position)
        torrentid = torrentfilename[locid:locextension]  #grab torrentID

        container.append([torrentfilename, internalname, info_hash, torrentid])
        currentfile += 1
        print currentfile, torrentfilename.encode(
            'ascii', errors='ignore'
        )  #console output is ascii only, cannot print unicode - chars are omitted

    writelistfile = codecs.open(
        ss.getwpath("outpath1"), 'wb', "utf-8"
    )  # write-out a text file with torrentID and Hash (on one line) ("1seeding_ID+Hash+Filename.txt")
    for eachline in container:
        writelistfile.write(eachline[3] + " / " + eachline[2] + " / " +
                            eachline[0] +
                            "\n")  #output torrentID / Hash / torrentfilename
def main():

    ss = Preferences()

    torrentlist = bencode.decode_from_file(ss.get("utresumedat"))
    partiallist = []    # set up an empty container for desired data to get put into for later

    fileguarduseless = torrentlist.pop(".fileguard",None)
    rec = torrentlist.pop("rec",None)   #Remove this. 
    #(dict. comprehension expects only dicts as the root keys)
    #create a reverse lookup dict with "Dict comprehension". nice and simple eh? ;-)
    reverselookup={base64.b16encode(value["info"]):[value["path"],value["caption"],origkey] for origkey,value in torrentlist.iteritems()}
    for thehash,value in reverselookup.iteritems():

    writelistfile = open(os.path.join(ss.get("maindir"),"TorrentList.txt"),'wb') # write-out a text file with one entry per line.
    for eachline in partiallist:
        writelistfile.write(eachline[0] + " / " + eachline[1] + " / " + eachline[2] + "\n")
                            #path           /   #caption          /     #infohash
    print "Finished writing: TorrentList.txt"
def main():
    ss = Preferences()
    script1sourcedir = ss.getwpath(u"script1sourcedir") + u""  # ("seeding\"), needs unicode u for file opening.
    files = [
        os.path.join(script1sourcedir, filename) for filename in next(os.walk(script1sourcedir))[2]
    ]  # gives absolute paths + names

    currentfile = 0

    container = []  # set up an empty container for desired data to get put into for later
    for eachfile in files:

        metainfo = bencode.decode_from_file(eachfile)
        # #need to manually SHA1 hash the torrent file's info-dict to get the info-hash
        infodict = metainfo["info"]
        info_hash = hashlib.sha1(bencode.bencode(infodict)).hexdigest().upper()

        internalname = infodict["name"]
        torrentfilename = eachfile[eachfile.rfind("\\") + 1 :]
        locextension = torrentfilename.find(".torrent")  # location of extension (char position)
        locid = torrentfilename.rfind("-") + 1  # location of torrentID (char position)
        torrentid = torrentfilename[locid:locextension]  # grab torrentID

        container.append([torrentfilename, internalname, info_hash, torrentid])
        currentfile += 1
        print currentfile, torrentfilename.encode(
            "ascii", errors="ignore"
        )  # console output is ascii only, cannot print unicode - chars are omitted

    # WRITE FILE 1
    writelistfile = codecs.open(
        ss.getwpath("outpath1"), "wb", "utf-8"
    )  # write-out a text file with torrentID and Hash (on one line) ("1seeding_ID+Hash+Filename.txt")
    for eachline in container:
            eachline[3] + " / " + eachline[2] + " / " + eachline[0] + "\n"
        )  # output torrentID / Hash / torrentfilename
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():
    ss = Preferences()
    script1sourcedir = ss.getwpath(
    ) + u''  #("seeding\"), needs unicode u for file opening.
    files = [
        os.path.join(script1sourcedir, filename)
        for filename in next(os.walk(script1sourcedir))[2]
    ]  #gives absolute paths + names

    currentfile = 0

    container = [
    ]  #set up an empty container for desired data to get put into for later
    for eachfile in files:

        metainfo = bencode.decode_from_file(eachfile)
        # #need to manually SHA1 hash the torrent file's info-dict to get the info-hash
        infodict = metainfo['info']
        info_hash = hashlib.sha1(bencode.bencode(infodict)).hexdigest().upper()

        internalname = infodict['name']
        torrentfilename = eachfile[eachfile.rfind("\\") + 1:]
        locextension = torrentfilename.find(
            ".torrent")  #location of extension (char position)
        locid = torrentfilename.rfind(
            "-") + 1  #location of torrentID (char position)
        torrentid = torrentfilename[locid:locextension]  #grab torrentID

        torrentfilename = torrentfilename[:locid - 1]

        #####-------------replace banned characters with unicode section-----------------######
        # Forward slashes are strange. "FullWidth" is very wide and would be too wide if theres already spaces around it.
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace(
            " / ", u"/")  # U+FFOF  (wide)       FULLWIDTH SOLIDUS
        # "Division" slash is too narrow and needs spaces inserted surrounding it (and is still less width than the fullwidth)
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace(
            "/", u" ∕ ")  # U+2215  (narrow)     DIVISION SLASH
        # Backslash (requires two slashes in python)
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace(
            "\\", u"\")  # U+FF3C               FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS
        # Colon
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace(
            ":", u"꞉")  # U+A789               MODIFIER LETTER COLON
        # asterisk
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace(
            "*", u"※")  # U+203B               REFERENCE MARK
        # question mark (replacement is backwards, sorry)
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace(
            "?", u"؟")  # U+061F               ARABIC QUESTION MARK
        # Double-quote
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace(
            '"', u"ʺ")  # U+02BA               MODIFIER LETTER DOUBLE PRIME
        # Left angle bracket
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace(
            "<", u"˂")  # U+02C2               MODIFIER LETTER LEFT ARROWHEAD
        # right angle bracket
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace(
            ">", u"˃")  # U+02C3               MODIFIER LETTER RIGHT ARROWHEAD
        # Pipe
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace(
            "|", u"ǀ")  # U+01C0               LATIN LETTER DENTAL CLICK
        #####----------windows filename banned chars replacement with unicode-----------######

        container.append([torrentfilename, internalname, info_hash, torrentid])
        currentfile += 1
        print currentfile, torrentfilename.encode('ascii', errors='ignore')

    print "\nReminder: Console output is ascii only, Cannot Print Unicode. (chars omitted)"
    ##File Output. The Master List file of everything.##
    # when the loop exits, Sort it, and write it to the file.
    writelistfile = codecs.open(
        ss.getwpath("outpath3"), 'wb', "utf-8"
    )  # write-out a text file with one entry per line. main output file (3propernames.txt)
    for eachline in container:
        writelistfile.write(eachline[0] + " / " + eachline[2] +
                            "\n")  #torrentname  / infohash
    print "Completed. Unicode File Written to: ", os.path.basename(
def main():
    ss = Preferences()

    newfile = open(os.path.join(ss.get("maindir"), "NEWDAT.dat"), 'wb')
    namesandhashfile = open(
        ss.getwpath("outpath3"), 'r',
        encoding='utf-8').readlines()  #("3propernames.txt")

    beforeafterpath = ss.getwpath(
    )  #this holds the intermediate changes to happen before actually renaming so you have a chance to edit/change it. (4beforepath-afterpath.txt)

    #torrentlist = decoder.decode_from_file(ss.get("utresumedat"))  #works   10.645s 12315181 function calls
    #torrentlist = bencode2en.decode_from_file(ss.get("utresumedat")) #works 8.462s 13745202 function calls
    torrentlist = bencode.decode_from_file(
        ss.get("utresumedat"))  #works  8.057ss 10908143 function calls

    #These two things interfere with the processing on the next line
    fileguarduseless = torrentlist.pop(b".fileguard", None)
    rec = torrentlist.pop(b"rec", None)  #Remove this.
    #(dict. comprehension expects only dicts as the root keys)
    #create a reverse lookup dict with "Dict comprehension". nice and simple eh? ;-)
    reverselookup = {
        [key, value[b"caption"], value[b"path"]]
        for key, value in torrentlist.items()

    listofbeforeafter = []
    #to modify paths in reverse lookup dict, start by getting the names and hash out of the namesandhashfile
    for eachline in namesandhashfile:
        nameandhash = eachline.strip().split(
            ' / '
        )  #strip out the \n with strip() and split on the " / " i put there as a seperator.
        theNewname = nameandhash[0]
        thehash = nameandhash[1]
        #searches the dict's keys for a Hash, if exists. and if so, can be used as the [indexid]
        if bytes(thehash, 'utf-8') in reverselookup:
            key = reverselookup[bytes(thehash, 'utf-8')][0]
            theOldPath = torrentlist[key][b"path"].decode('utf-8')
            theNewPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(theOldPath), theNewname)
            if theOldPath != theNewPath:
                    [theOldPath, theNewPath, thehash]
                )  # make a list of a list (stringtoOutputtoFile=[0], hash=[1])

    #sort, then write file detailing changes to path (before / after)
    beforeafterfile = open(beforeafterpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
    for eachline in listofbeforeafter:
            eachline[0] + " / " + eachline[2] + "\n"
        )  #write oldpath + hash on 1st line    /The hash is duplicated for error checking in case the user accidentally bungles a character while editing...
        beforeafterfile.write(eachline[1] + " / " + eachline[2] +
                              "\n")  #write newpath + hash on 2nd line   /

    #At this point the script pauses, and asks the user to confirm changes shown in the beforepath-afterpath.txt file
    input("Press Enter to begin Renaming files.......\\> "
          )  #wait for the user to press Enter before continuing with anything.

    beforeafterfile = open(beforeafterpath, 'r', encoding='utf-8').readlines()
    for i in range(0, len(beforeafterfile), 2):
        beforeandhash = beforeafterfile[i].strip().split(' / ')
        afterandhash = beforeafterfile[i + 1].strip().split(' / ')
        before = beforeandhash[0]
        beforehash = beforeandhash[1]
        after = afterandhash[0]
        afterhash = afterandhash[1]
        if beforehash == afterhash:
            thehash = beforehash
                "Error. You have inadvertently modified one of the hash files, and there is a hash mismatch between before/after entries."
                "Cannot continue. Exiting. Please save your changes into a new file, locate your error, and re-run and fix it..."
                "Another possibility is you were missing a / (with 1 character of whitespace on each side surrounding it) as a seperator."
        #searches the dict's keys for a Hash, if exists. and if so, can be used as the [indexid]
        if bytes(thehash, 'utf-8') in reverselookup:
            key = reverselookup[bytes(thehash, 'utf-8')][0]
            torrentlist[key][b"caption"] = bytes(after[after.rfind("\\") + 1:],
                # prints a number to console to show progress. corresponds to the numbers in the file (every-two-lines).  (tip:) to show incremental numbers use (((i+1)/2)+1)
                # filenames printed to console, will be missing any unicode chars because the windows console is not unicode compatible!!!! (annoying)
                print(i, before.encode('ascii', errors='ignore').decode())
                print(i + 1, after.encode('ascii', errors='ignore').decode())
                os.rename(before, after)
            except Exception as e:
                )  #will output any errors to console but keep going
            torrentlist[key][b"path"] = bytes(after, 'utf-8')
            if after.endswith(".mp3") or after.endswith(
            ):  #.mp3 .flac = I personally didnt have any "Single file" .ogg, .aac, etc that needed special handling in this manner
                if b"targets" in torrentlist[
                        key]:  #these lines are a quick fix, for an oversight in the uTorrent process. changing path is not enough
                    torrentlist[key][b"targets"][0][1] = torrentlist[key][
                        b"caption"]  #single-file-mode torrents have a "targets" list that controls the filename

            b"rec"] = rec  #add the thing we removed back in so we dont break anything (not sure what this is)
        #fileguard does not need to go back, in fact, purposefully needs to stay out.
    #newfile.write(encode.encode(torrentlist))       #works    10.295s 15361310 function calls
    #newfile.write(bencode2en.bencode2(torrentlist)) #v.slow  31.872s 12452142 function calls
    #newfile.write(bencode2en.bencode4(torrentlist))  #works   7.864s 10906619 function calls
        bencode.bencode(torrentlist))  #works    7.699s 10906619 function calls
        "\nPlease note that the filenames shown are missing any unicode characters due to Windows Command Prompt limitations."
    print("Finished writing: ", newfile.name)
def main():
    ss = Preferences()

    newfile = open(os.path.join(ss.get("maindir"),"NEWDAT.dat"),'wb')
    namesandhashfile = open(ss.getwpath("outpath3"),'r',encoding='utf-8').readlines()       #("3propernames.txt")

    beforeafterpath = ss.getwpath("outpath4")   #this holds the intermediate changes to happen before actually renaming so you have a chance to edit/change it. (4beforepath-afterpath.txt)

    #torrentlist = decoder.decode_from_file(ss.get("utresumedat"))  #works   10.645s 12315181 function calls
    #torrentlist = bencode2en.decode_from_file(ss.get("utresumedat")) #works 8.462s 13745202 function calls
    torrentlist = bencode.decode_from_file(ss.get("utresumedat"))  #works  8.057ss 10908143 function calls

    #These two things interfere with the processing on the next line 
    fileguarduseless = torrentlist.pop(b".fileguard",None)
    rec = torrentlist.pop(b"rec",None)   #Remove this. 
    #(dict. comprehension expects only dicts as the root keys)
    #create a reverse lookup dict with "Dict comprehension". nice and simple eh? ;-)
    reverselookup={base64.b16encode(value[b"info"]):[key,value[b"caption"],value[b"path"]] for key,value in torrentlist.items()}

    listofbeforeafter = []
    #to modify paths in reverse lookup dict, start by getting the names and hash out of the namesandhashfile   
    for eachline in namesandhashfile:
        nameandhash = eachline.strip().split(' / ')   #strip out the \n with strip() and split on the " / " i put there as a seperator.
        theNewname = nameandhash[0]
        thehash = nameandhash[1]
        #searches the dict's keys for a Hash, if exists. and if so, can be used as the [indexid]
        if bytes(thehash,'utf-8') in reverselookup:
            key = reverselookup[bytes(thehash,'utf-8')][0]
            theOldPath = torrentlist[key][b"path"].decode('utf-8')
            theNewPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(theOldPath),theNewname)
            if theOldPath != theNewPath:
                listofbeforeafter.append([theOldPath,theNewPath,thehash])   # make a list of a list (stringtoOutputtoFile=[0], hash=[1])            

    #sort, then write file detailing changes to path (before / after)
    beforeafterfile = open(beforeafterpath,'w',encoding='utf-8')
    for eachline in listofbeforeafter:
        beforeafterfile.write(eachline[0] + " / " + eachline[2] + "\n")         #write oldpath + hash on 1st line    /The hash is duplicated for error checking in case the user accidentally bungles a character while editing...
        beforeafterfile.write(eachline[1] + " / " + eachline[2] + "\n")         #write newpath + hash on 2nd line   /

    #At this point the script pauses, and asks the user to confirm changes shown in the beforepath-afterpath.txt file
    input("Press Enter to begin Renaming files.......\\> ")  #wait for the user to press Enter before continuing with anything.

    beforeafterfile = open(beforeafterpath,'r',encoding='utf-8').readlines()
    for i in range(0, len(beforeafterfile), 2):
        beforeandhash = beforeafterfile[i].strip().split(' / ')
        afterandhash = beforeafterfile[i+1].strip().split(' / ')
        before = beforeandhash[0]
        beforehash = beforeandhash[1]
        after = afterandhash[0]
        afterhash = afterandhash[1]
        if beforehash == afterhash:
            thehash = beforehash
            print("Error. You have inadvertently modified one of the hash files, and there is a hash mismatch between before/after entries.")
            print("Cannot continue. Exiting. Please save your changes into a new file, locate your error, and re-run and fix it...")
            print("Another possibility is you were missing a / (with 1 character of whitespace on each side surrounding it) as a seperator.")
        #searches the dict's keys for a Hash, if exists. and if so, can be used as the [indexid]
        if bytes(thehash,'utf-8') in reverselookup:
            key = reverselookup[bytes(thehash,'utf-8')][0]
            torrentlist[key][b"caption"] = bytes(after[after.rfind("\\")+1:],'utf-8')
               # prints a number to console to show progress. corresponds to the numbers in the file (every-two-lines).  (tip:) to show incremental numbers use (((i+1)/2)+1) 
               # filenames printed to console, will be missing any unicode chars because the windows console is not unicode compatible!!!! (annoying)
                print(i,before.encode('ascii', errors='ignore').decode())
                print(i+1,after.encode('ascii', errors='ignore').decode())
                os.rename(before, after)
            except Exception as e:
                traceback.print_exc()       #will output any errors to console but keep going
            torrentlist[key][b"path"] = bytes(after,'utf-8')
            if after.endswith(".mp3") or after.endswith(".flac"):     #.mp3 .flac = I personally didnt have any "Single file" .ogg, .aac, etc that needed special handling in this manner
                if b"targets" in torrentlist[key]:                     #these lines are a quick fix, for an oversight in the uTorrent process. changing path is not enough
                    torrentlist[key][b"targets"][0][1] = torrentlist[key][b"caption"]           #single-file-mode torrents have a "targets" list that controls the filename

        torrentlist[b"rec"]=rec   #add the thing we removed back in so we dont break anything (not sure what this is)
                                #fileguard does not need to go back, in fact, purposefully needs to stay out.
    #newfile.write(encode.encode(torrentlist))       #works    10.295s 15361310 function calls
    #newfile.write(bencode2en.bencode2(torrentlist)) #v.slow  31.872s 12452142 function calls
    #newfile.write(bencode2en.bencode4(torrentlist))  #works   7.864s 10906619 function calls
    newfile.write(bencode.bencode(torrentlist))     #works    7.699s 10906619 function calls
    print("\nPlease note that the filenames shown are missing any unicode characters due to Windows Command Prompt limitations.")
    print("Finished writing: ", newfile.name)
def main():
    ss = Preferences()
    script1sourcedir = ss.getwpath(u"script1sourcedir")+u''            #("seeding\"), needs unicode u for file opening.
    files = [os.path.join(script1sourcedir,filename) for filename in next(os.walk(script1sourcedir))[2]]        #gives absolute paths + names

    currentfile = 0

    container = []    #set up an empty container for desired data to get put into for later
    for eachfile in files:

        metainfo = bencode.decode_from_file(eachfile)
        # #need to manually SHA1 hash the torrent file's info-dict to get the info-hash
        infodict = metainfo['info']
        info_hash = hashlib.sha1(bencode.bencode(infodict)).hexdigest().upper()

        internalname = infodict['name']
        torrentfilename = eachfile[eachfile.rfind("\\")+1:]
        locextension = torrentfilename.find(".torrent")           #location of extension (char position)
        locid = torrentfilename.rfind("-")+1                      #location of torrentID (char position)
        torrentid = torrentfilename[locid:locextension]           #grab torrentID 
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename[:locid-1]

        #####-------------replace banned characters with unicode section-----------------######
        # Forward slashes are strange. "FullWidth" is very wide and would be too wide if theres already spaces around it.
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace(" / ",u"/")  # U+FFOF  (wide)       FULLWIDTH SOLIDUS
        # "Division" slash is too narrow and needs spaces inserted surrounding it (and is still less width than the fullwidth)
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace("/",u" ∕ ")  # U+2215  (narrow)     DIVISION SLASH
        # Backslash (requires two slashes in python)
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace("\\",u"\")  # U+FF3C               FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS
        # Colon
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace(":",u"꞉")  # U+A789               MODIFIER LETTER COLON
        # asterisk
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace("*",u"※")  # U+203B               REFERENCE MARK
        # question mark (replacement is backwards, sorry)
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace("?",u"؟")  # U+061F               ARABIC QUESTION MARK
        # Double-quote
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace('"',u"ʺ")  # U+02BA               MODIFIER LETTER DOUBLE PRIME
        # Left angle bracket
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace("<",u"˂")  # U+02C2               MODIFIER LETTER LEFT ARROWHEAD
        # right angle bracket
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace(">",u"˃")  # U+02C3               MODIFIER LETTER RIGHT ARROWHEAD
        # Pipe
        torrentfilename = torrentfilename.replace("|",u"ǀ")  # U+01C0               LATIN LETTER DENTAL CLICK
        #####----------windows filename banned chars replacement with unicode-----------######

        container.append([torrentfilename, internalname, info_hash, torrentid])
        currentfile += 1 
        print currentfile, torrentfilename.encode('ascii', errors='ignore')

    print "\nReminder: Console output is ascii only, Cannot Print Unicode. (chars omitted)"
    ##File Output. The Master List file of everything.##                    
    # when the loop exits, Sort it, and write it to the file.
    writelistfile = codecs.open(ss.getwpath("outpath3"), 'wb', "utf-8")  # write-out a text file with one entry per line. main output file (3propernames.txt)
    for eachline in container:
        writelistfile.write(eachline[0] + " / " + eachline[2] + "\n")   #torrentname  / infohash
    print "Completed. Unicode File Written to: ", os.path.basename(ss.getwpath("outpath3"))