Exemplo n.º 1
class CIPLocationInfo(betterproto.Message):
    ip: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    latitude: float = betterproto.float_field(2)
    longitude: float = betterproto.float_field(3)
    country: str = betterproto.string_field(4)
    state: str = betterproto.string_field(5)
    city: str = betterproto.string_field(6)
Exemplo n.º 2
class CMsgClientToGCGetPlayerCardRosterResponse(betterproto.Message):
    result: "CMsgClientToGCGetPlayerCardRosterResponseResult" = betterproto.enum_field(
    player_card_item_id: List[int] = betterproto.uint64_field(2)
    score: float = betterproto.float_field(3)
    finalized: bool = betterproto.bool_field(4)
    percentile: float = betterproto.float_field(5)
Exemplo n.º 3
class CDOTAMatchMetadataTeam(betterproto.Message):
    dota_team: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    players: List["CDOTAMatchMetadataTeamPlayer"] = betterproto.message_field(
    graph_experience: List[float] = betterproto.float_field(3)
    graph_gold_earned: List[float] = betterproto.float_field(4)
    graph_net_worth: List[float] = betterproto.float_field(5)
    cm_first_pick: bool = betterproto.bool_field(6)
    cm_captain_player_id: int = betterproto.uint32_field(7)
    cm_bans: List[int] = betterproto.uint32_field(8)
    cm_picks: List[int] = betterproto.uint32_field(9)
    cm_penalty: int = betterproto.uint32_field(10)
Exemplo n.º 4
class BackupTracking(betterproto.Message):
    sync_id: int = betterproto.int32_field(1)
    library_id: int = betterproto.uint64_field(2)
    media_id: int = betterproto.int32_field(3)
    tracking_url: str = betterproto.string_field(4)
    title: str = betterproto.string_field(5)
    last_chapter_read: float = betterproto.float_field(6)
    total_chapter: int = betterproto.int32_field(7)
    score: float = betterproto.float_field(8)
    status: int = betterproto.int32_field(9)
    started_reading_date: int = betterproto.uint64_field(10)
    finished_reading_date: int = betterproto.uint64_field(11)
Exemplo n.º 5
class CMsgDOTAFantasyTeamStandingsResponseCMsgTeamScore(betterproto.Message):
    fantasy_league_id: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    owner_account_id: int = betterproto.uint32_field(2)
    fantasy_team_index: int = betterproto.uint32_field(3)
    fantasy_team_logo: int = betterproto.uint64_field(4)
    owner_name: str = betterproto.string_field(5)
    fantasy_team_name: str = betterproto.string_field(6)
    score: float = betterproto.float_field(7)
    score_against: float = betterproto.float_field(8)
    wins: int = betterproto.uint32_field(9)
    losses: int = betterproto.uint32_field(10)
    streak: int = betterproto.int32_field(11)
Exemplo n.º 6
class UsabilityClientUsabilityMetricsNotificationVoiceSettings(
    voice_input_gain: float = betterproto.float_field(1)
    voice_output_gain: float = betterproto.float_field(2)
    noise_gate_level: int = betterproto.int32_field(3)
    voice_use_echo_cancellation: bool = betterproto.bool_field(4)
    voice_use_noise_cancellation: bool = betterproto.bool_field(5)
    voice_use_auto_gain_control: bool = betterproto.bool_field(6)
    selected_non_default_mic: bool = betterproto.bool_field(7)
    selected_non_default_output: bool = betterproto.bool_field(8)
    push_to_talk_enabled: bool = betterproto.bool_field(9)
    push_to_mute_enabled: bool = betterproto.bool_field(10)
    play_ptt_sounds: bool = betterproto.bool_field(11)
Exemplo n.º 7
class GetAchievementsProgressResponseAchievementProgress(betterproto.Message):
    appid: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    unlocked: int = betterproto.uint32_field(2)
    total: int = betterproto.uint32_field(3)
    percentage: float = betterproto.float_field(4)
    all_unlocked: bool = betterproto.bool_field(5)
    cache_time: int = betterproto.uint32_field(6)
Exemplo n.º 8
class TypedValue(betterproto.Message):
    TypedValue is used to encode a value being sent between the client and
    target (originated by either entity).

    string_val: str = betterproto.string_field(1, group="value")
    int_val: int = betterproto.int64_field(2, group="value")
    uint_val: int = betterproto.uint64_field(3, group="value")
    bool_val: bool = betterproto.bool_field(4, group="value")
    bytes_val: bytes = betterproto.bytes_field(5, group="value")
    float_val: float = betterproto.float_field(6, group="value")
    decimal_val: "Decimal64" = betterproto.message_field(7, group="value")
    leaflist_val: "ScalarArray" = betterproto.message_field(8, group="value")
    any_val: "betterproto_lib_google_protobuf.Any" = betterproto.message_field(
        9, group="value")
    json_val: bytes = betterproto.bytes_field(10, group="value")
    json_ietf_val: bytes = betterproto.bytes_field(11, group="value")
    ascii_val: str = betterproto.string_field(12, group="value")
    # Protobuf binary encoded bytes. The message type is not included. See the
    # specification at
    # github.com/openconfig/reference/blob/master/rpc/gnmi/protobuf-vals.md for a
    # complete specification.
    proto_bytes: bytes = betterproto.bytes_field(13, group="value")

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
Exemplo n.º 9
class LogEvent(betterproto.Message):
    id: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    time: int = betterproto.uint32_field(2)
    code: "LogEventCode" = betterproto.enum_field(3)
    type: "LogEventType" = betterproto.enum_field(4)
    alarm_limits: "Range" = betterproto.message_field(5)
    old_float: float = betterproto.float_field(6)
    new_float: float = betterproto.float_field(7)
    old_uint32: int = betterproto.uint32_field(8)
    new_uint32: int = betterproto.uint32_field(9)
    old_bool: bool = betterproto.bool_field(10)
    new_bool: bool = betterproto.bool_field(11)
    old_range: "Range" = betterproto.message_field(12)
    new_range: "Range" = betterproto.message_field(13)
    old_mode: "VentilationMode" = betterproto.enum_field(14)
    new_mode: "VentilationMode" = betterproto.enum_field(15)
Exemplo n.º 10
class CMsgDOTAFantasyTeamScoreResponse(betterproto.Message):
    result: "CMsgDOTAFantasyTeamScoreResponseEResult" = betterproto.enum_field(
    fantasy_team_score: float = betterproto.float_field(2)
    fantasy_player_score: List[
        "CMsgDOTAFantasyTeamScoreResponseCMsgPlayerScore"] = betterproto.message_field(
Exemplo n.º 11
class CMsgDOTAFantasyPlayerScoreResponse(betterproto.Message):
    result: "CMsgDOTAFantasyPlayerScoreResponseEResult" = betterproto.enum_field(
    fantasy_league_id: int = betterproto.uint32_field(2)
    player_account_id: int = betterproto.uint32_field(3)
    player_name: str = betterproto.string_field(4)
    score: float = betterproto.float_field(5)
Exemplo n.º 12
class Action(betterproto.Message):
    source_id: int = betterproto.int32_field(1)
    type: "ActionType" = betterproto.enum_field(2)
    direction: "Vector2D" = betterproto.message_field(3)
    power: float = betterproto.float_field(4)
    target_pos: "Vector2D" = betterproto.message_field(5)
    target_id: "Vector2D" = betterproto.message_field(6)
Exemplo n.º 13
class Position(betterproto.Message):
    """A position."""

    # Degrees North, in the WGS-84 coordinate system.
    latitude: float = betterproto.float_field(1)
    # Degrees East, in the WGS-84 coordinate system.
    longitude: float = betterproto.float_field(2)
    # Bearing, in degrees, clockwise from North, i.e., 0 is North and 90 is East.
    # This can be the compass bearing, or the direction towards the next stop or
    # intermediate location. This should not be direction deduced from the
    # sequence of previous positions, which can be computed from previous data.
    bearing: float = betterproto.float_field(3)
    # Odometer value, in meters.
    odometer: float = betterproto.double_field(4)
    # Momentary speed measured by the vehicle, in meters per second.
    speed: float = betterproto.float_field(5)
Exemplo n.º 14
class CMsgCraftStatue(betterproto.Message):
    heroid: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    sequencename: str = betterproto.string_field(2)
    cycle: float = betterproto.float_field(3)
    description: str = betterproto.string_field(4)
    pedestal_itemdef: int = betterproto.uint32_field(5)
    toolid: int = betterproto.uint64_field(6)
Exemplo n.º 15
class CSourceTVGameSmall(betterproto.Message):
    activate_time: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    deactivate_time: int = betterproto.uint32_field(2)
    server_steam_id: int = betterproto.uint64_field(3)
    lobby_id: int = betterproto.uint64_field(4)
    league_id: int = betterproto.uint32_field(5)
    lobby_type: int = betterproto.uint32_field(6)
    game_time: int = betterproto.int32_field(7)
    delay: int = betterproto.uint32_field(8)
    spectators: int = betterproto.uint32_field(9)
    game_mode: int = betterproto.uint32_field(10)
    average_mmr: int = betterproto.uint32_field(11)
    match_id: int = betterproto.uint64_field(12)
    series_id: int = betterproto.uint32_field(13)
    team_name_radiant: str = betterproto.string_field(15)
    team_name_dire: str = betterproto.string_field(16)
    team_logo_radiant: float = betterproto.fixed64_field(24)
    team_logo_dire: float = betterproto.fixed64_field(25)
    team_id_radiant: int = betterproto.uint32_field(30)
    team_id_dire: int = betterproto.uint32_field(31)
    sort_score: int = betterproto.uint32_field(17)
    last_update_time: float = betterproto.float_field(18)
    radiant_lead: int = betterproto.int32_field(19)
    radiant_score: int = betterproto.uint32_field(20)
    dire_score: int = betterproto.uint32_field(21)
    players: List["CSourceTVGameSmallPlayer"] = betterproto.message_field(22)
    building_state: float = betterproto.fixed32_field(23)
    weekend_tourney_tournament_id: int = betterproto.uint32_field(26)
    weekend_tourney_division: int = betterproto.uint32_field(27)
    weekend_tourney_skill_level: int = betterproto.uint32_field(28)
    weekend_tourney_bracket_round: int = betterproto.uint32_field(29)
    custom_game_difficulty: int = betterproto.uint32_field(32)
Exemplo n.º 16
class CMsgSQLAddDropRateBonus(betterproto.Message):
    account_id: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    item_id: int = betterproto.uint64_field(2)
    item_def: int = betterproto.uint32_field(3)
    drop_rate_bonus: float = betterproto.float_field(4)
    booster_type: int = betterproto.uint32_field(5)
    seconds_duration: int = betterproto.uint32_field(6)
    end_time_stamp: int = betterproto.uint32_field(7)
Exemplo n.º 17
class ModifyItemsRequestItemPropertyUpdate(betterproto.Message):
    itemid: int = betterproto.uint64_field(1)
    remove_property: bool = betterproto.bool_field(2)
    property_name: str = betterproto.string_field(3)
    property_value_bool: bool = betterproto.bool_field(4)
    property_value_int: int = betterproto.int64_field(5)
    property_value_string: str = betterproto.string_field(6)
    property_value_float: float = betterproto.float_field(7)
Exemplo n.º 18
class FloatRules(betterproto.Message):
    """FloatRules describes the constraints applied to `float` values"""

    # Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    const: float = betterproto.float_field(1)
    # Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
    # exclusive
    lt: float = betterproto.float_field(2)
    # Lte specifies that this field must be less than or equal to the specified
    # value, inclusive
    lte: float = betterproto.float_field(3)
    # Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
    # exclusive. If the value of Gt is larger than a specified Lt or Lte, the
    # range is reversed.
    gt: float = betterproto.float_field(4)
    # Gte specifies that this field must be greater than or equal to the
    # specified value, inclusive. If the value of Gte is larger than a specified
    # Lt or Lte, the range is reversed.
    gte: float = betterproto.float_field(5)
    # In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified values
    in_: List[float] = betterproto.float_field(6)
    # NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
    # values
    not_in: List[float] = betterproto.float_field(7)
    # IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
    # evaluated only if the field is not empty
    ignore_empty: bool = betterproto.bool_field(8)
Exemplo n.º 19
class CSOEconItemDropRateBonus(betterproto.Message):
    account_id: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    expiration_date: float = betterproto.fixed32_field(2)
    bonus: float = betterproto.float_field(3)
    bonus_count: int = betterproto.uint32_field(4)
    item_id: int = betterproto.uint64_field(5)
    def_index: int = betterproto.uint32_field(6)
    seconds_left: int = betterproto.uint32_field(7)
    booster_type: int = betterproto.uint32_field(8)
Exemplo n.º 20
class CMsgClientMMSGetLobbyListResponseLobby(betterproto.Message):
    steam_id: float = betterproto.fixed64_field(1)
    max_members: int = betterproto.int32_field(2)
    lobby_type: int = betterproto.int32_field(3)
    lobby_flags: int = betterproto.int32_field(4)
    metadata: bytes = betterproto.bytes_field(5)
    num_members: int = betterproto.int32_field(6)
    distance: float = betterproto.float_field(7)
    weight: int = betterproto.int64_field(8)
Exemplo n.º 21
class RecommendationDetails(betterproto.Message):
    recommendationid: int = betterproto.uint64_field(1)
    steamid: int = betterproto.uint64_field(2)
    appid: int = betterproto.uint32_field(3)
    review: str = betterproto.string_field(4)
    time_created: int = betterproto.uint32_field(5)
    time_updated: int = betterproto.uint32_field(6)
    votes_up: int = betterproto.uint32_field(7)
    votes_down: int = betterproto.uint32_field(8)
    vote_score: float = betterproto.float_field(9)
    language: str = betterproto.string_field(10)
    comment_count: int = betterproto.uint32_field(11)
    voted_up: bool = betterproto.bool_field(12)
    is_public: bool = betterproto.bool_field(13)
    moderator_hidden: bool = betterproto.bool_field(14)
    flagged_by_developer: int = betterproto.int32_field(15)
    report_score: int = betterproto.uint32_field(16)
    steamid_moderator: int = betterproto.uint64_field(17)
    steamid_developer: int = betterproto.uint64_field(18)
    steamid_dev_responder: int = betterproto.uint64_field(19)
    developer_response: str = betterproto.string_field(20)
    time_developer_responded: int = betterproto.uint32_field(21)
    developer_flag_cleared: bool = betterproto.bool_field(22)
    written_during_early_access: bool = betterproto.bool_field(23)
    votes_funny: int = betterproto.uint32_field(24)
    received_compensation: bool = betterproto.bool_field(25)
    unverified_purchase: bool = betterproto.bool_field(26)
    review_quality: int = betterproto.int32_field(27)
    weighted_vote_score: float = betterproto.float_field(28)
    moderation_note: str = betterproto.string_field(29)
    payment_method: int = betterproto.int32_field(30)
    playtime_2weeks: int = betterproto.int32_field(31)
    playtime_forever: int = betterproto.int32_field(32)
    last_playtime: int = betterproto.int32_field(33)
    comments_disabled: bool = betterproto.bool_field(34)
    playtime_at_review: int = betterproto.int32_field(35)
    approved_for_china: bool = betterproto.bool_field(36)
    ban_check_result: int = betterproto.int32_field(37)
    refunded: bool = betterproto.bool_field(38)
    account_score_spend: int = betterproto.int32_field(39)
    reactions: List[
        "RecommendationLoyaltyReaction"] = betterproto.message_field(40)
    ipaddress: str = betterproto.string_field(41)
Exemplo n.º 22
class BackupChapter(betterproto.Message):
    url: str = betterproto.string_field(1)
    name: str = betterproto.string_field(2)
    scanlator: str = betterproto.string_field(3)
    read: bool = betterproto.bool_field(4)
    bookmark: bool = betterproto.bool_field(5)
    last_page_read: int = betterproto.int32_field(6)
    date_fetch: int = betterproto.uint64_field(7)
    date_upload: int = betterproto.uint64_field(8)
    chapter_number: float = betterproto.float_field(9)
    source_order: int = betterproto.int32_field(10)
Exemplo n.º 23
class MapLayout(betterproto.Message):
    # Map center latitude and longitude
    center: "Point" = betterproto.message_field(1)
    # The starting Zoom level
    zoom: float = betterproto.float_field(2)
    # Show map as faded on start
    fade: bool = betterproto.bool_field(3)
    # Show routes on start
    show_routes: bool = betterproto.bool_field(4)
    # Show power as circle on start
    show_power: bool = betterproto.bool_field(5)
    # Ratio of random locations diameter to tower grid width
    locations_scale: float = betterproto.float_field(9)
    # FIXME: These are deprecated; remove Max number of UEs for complete
    # simulation
    min_ues: int = betterproto.uint32_field(6)
    # Max number of UEs for complete simulation
    max_ues: int = betterproto.uint32_field(7)
    # the current number of routes
    current_routes: int = betterproto.uint32_field(8)
Exemplo n.º 24
class Neoantigen(betterproto.Message):
    """*A neoantigen minimal definition"""

    # *Patient identifier
    patient_identifier: str = betterproto.string_field(1)
    # *The HGNC gene symbol or gene identifier
    gene: str = betterproto.string_field(2)
    # *The mutation
    mutation: "Mutation" = betterproto.message_field(3)
    # *Expression value of the transcript from RNA data. Range [0, +inf].
    rna_expression: float = betterproto.float_field(4)
    # *Expression value of the transcript from TCGA data. Range [0, +inf].
    imputed_gene_expression: float = betterproto.float_field(5)
    # *Variant allele frequency from the DNA. Range [0.0, 1.0]
    dna_variant_allele_frequency: float = betterproto.float_field(6)
    # *Variant allele frequency from the RNA. Range [0.0, 1.0]
    rna_variant_allele_frequency: float = betterproto.float_field(7)
    # *The NeoFox neoantigen annotations
    neofox_annotations: "NeoantigenAnnotations" = betterproto.message_field(8)
    # *List of external annotations
    external_annotations: List["Annotation"] = betterproto.message_field(9)
Exemplo n.º 25
class CDOTAMatchPrivateMetadataCDOTAMatchPrivateMetadataTeamPlayer(
    account_id: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    player_slot: int = betterproto.uint32_field(2)
    position_stream: bytes = betterproto.bytes_field(3)
    combat_segments: List[
        "CDOTAMatchPrivateMetadataTeamPlayerCombatSegment"] = betterproto.message_field(
    damage_unit_names: List[str] = betterproto.string_field(5)
    buff_records: List[
        "CDOTAMatchPrivateMetadataTeamPlayerBuffRecord"] = betterproto.message_field(
    graph_kills: List[float] = betterproto.float_field(7)
    graph_deaths: List[float] = betterproto.float_field(8)
    graph_assists: List[float] = betterproto.float_field(9)
    graph_lasthits: List[float] = betterproto.float_field(10)
    graph_denies: List[float] = betterproto.float_field(11)
    gold_received: "CDOTAMatchPrivateMetadataTeamPlayerGoldReceived" = (
    xp_received: "CDOTAMatchPrivateMetadataTeamPlayerXPReceived" = (
Exemplo n.º 26
class ParametersRequest(betterproto.Message):
    time: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    ventilating: bool = betterproto.bool_field(2)
    mode: "VentilationMode" = betterproto.enum_field(3)
    fio2: float = betterproto.float_field(4)
    flow: float = betterproto.float_field(5)
    pip: float = betterproto.float_field(6)
    peep: float = betterproto.float_field(7)
    vt: float = betterproto.float_field(8)
    rr: float = betterproto.float_field(9)
    ie: float = betterproto.float_field(10)
Exemplo n.º 27
class CycleMeasurements(betterproto.Message):
    time: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    vt: float = betterproto.float_field(2)
    rr: float = betterproto.float_field(3)
    peep: float = betterproto.float_field(4)
    pip: float = betterproto.float_field(5)
    ip: float = betterproto.float_field(6)
    ve: float = betterproto.float_field(7)
Exemplo n.º 28
class TileValue(betterproto.Message):
    Variant type encoding The use of values is described in section 4.1 of the

    # Exactly one of these values must be present in a valid message
    string_val: str = betterproto.string_field(1, group="val")
    float_val: float = betterproto.float_field(2, group="val")
    double_val: float = betterproto.double_field(3, group="val")
    int_val: int = betterproto.int64_field(4, group="val")
    uint_val: int = betterproto.uint64_field(5, group="val")
    sint_val: int = betterproto.sint64_field(6, group="val")
    bool_val: bool = betterproto.bool_field(7, group="val")
Exemplo n.º 29
class SensorMeasurements(betterproto.Message):
    time: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    cycle: int = betterproto.uint32_field(2)
    fio2: float = betterproto.float_field(3)
    spo2: float = betterproto.float_field(4)
    hr: float = betterproto.float_field(5)
    paw: float = betterproto.float_field(6)
    flow: float = betterproto.float_field(7)
    volume: float = betterproto.float_field(8)
Exemplo n.º 30
class ServerInfo(betterproto.Message):
    type: str = betterproto.string_field(1)
    source_id: int = betterproto.int32_field(2)
    cell_id: int = betterproto.int32_field(3)
    load: int = betterproto.int32_field(4)
    weighted_load: float = betterproto.float_field(5)
    num_entries_in_client_list: int = betterproto.int32_field(6)
    steam_china_only: bool = betterproto.bool_field(7)
    host: str = betterproto.string_field(8)
    vhost: str = betterproto.string_field(9)
    use_as_proxy: bool = betterproto.bool_field(10)
    proxy_request_path_template: str = betterproto.string_field(11)
    https_support: str = betterproto.string_field(12)
    allowed_app_ids: List[int] = betterproto.uint32_field(13)
    preferred_server: bool = betterproto.bool_field(14)