Exemplo n.º 1
class BezierPath(BooleanOperationsMixin,SampleMixin,object):
  """`BezierPath` represents a collection of `Segment` objects - the
  curves and lines that make up a path.

  One of the really fiddly things about manipulating Bezier paths in
  a computer is that there are various ways to represent them.
  Different applications prefer different representations. For instance,
  when you're drawing a path on a canvas, you often want a list of nodes
  like so::

    { "x":255.0, "y":20.0, "type":"curve"},
    { "x":385.0, "y":20.0, "type":"offcurve"},
    { "x":526.0, "y":79.0, "type":"offcurve"},
    { "x":566.0, "y":135.0, "type":"curve"},
    { "x":585.0, "y":162.0, "type":"offcurve"},
    { "x":566.0, "y":260.0, "type":"offcurve"},
    { "x":484.0, "y":281.0, "type":"curve"},

  But when you're doing Clever Bezier Mathematics, you generally want
  a list of segments instead::

    [ (255.0,20.0), (385.0,20.0), (526.0,79.0), (566.0,135.0)],
    [ (566.0,135.0), (585.0,162.0), (566.0,260.0), (484.0,281.0)],

  The Beziers module is designed to allow you to move fluidly between these
  different representations depending on what you're wanting to do.


  def __init__(self):
    self.activeRepresentation = None
    self.closed = True

  def fromPoints(self, points, error = 50.0, cornerTolerance = 20.0, maxSegments = 20):
    """Fit a poly-bezier curve to the points given. This operation should be familiar
    from 'pencil' tools in a vector drawing application: the application samples points
    where your mouse pointer has been dragged, and then turns the sketch into a Bezier
    path. The goodness of fit can be controlled by tuning the `error` parameter. Corner
    detection can be controlled with `cornerTolerance`.

    Here are some points fit with `error=100.0`:

..  figure:: curvefit1.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: curvefit1

    And with `error=10.0`:

..  figure:: curvefit2.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: curvefit1

    from beziers.utils.curvefitter import CurveFit
    segs = CurveFit.fitCurve(points, error, cornerTolerance, maxSegments)
    path = BezierPath()
    path.closed = False
    path.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(path,segs)
    return path

  def fromSegments(klass, array):
    """Construct a path from an array of Segment objects."""
    self = klass()
    for a in array: assert(isinstance(a, Segment))
    self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self,array)
    return self

  def fromNodelist(klass, array, closed=True):
    """Construct a path from an array of Node objects."""
    self = klass()
    for a in array: assert(isinstance(a, Node))
    self.closed = closed
    self.activeRepresentation = NodelistRepresentation(self,array)
    self.asSegments() # Resolves a few problems
    return self

  def fromFonttoolsGlyph(klass, glyph, glyphset, glyfTable):
    """Returns an *array of BezierPaths* from a FontTools glyph object.
    You must also provide the glyphset and glyf table objects to allow glyph decomposition."""

    from fontTools.pens.basePen import BasePen
    class MyPen(BasePen):
      def __init__(self, glyphSet=None):
        super(MyPen, self).__init__(glyphSet)
        self.paths = []
        self.path = BezierPath()
        self.nodeList = []
      def _moveTo(self, p):
        self.nodeList = [Node(p[0], p[1], "move")]
      def _lineTo(self, p):
        self.nodeList.append(Node(p[0], p[1], "line"))
      def _curveToOne(self, p1, p2, p3):
        self.nodeList.append(Node(p1[0], p1[1], "offcurve"))
        self.nodeList.append(Node(p2[0], p2[1], "offcurve"))
        self.nodeList.append(Node(p3[0], p3[1], "curve"))
      def _qCurveToOne(self, p1, p2):
        self.nodeList.append(Node(p1[0], p1[1], "offcurve"))
        self.nodeList.append(Node(p2[0], p2[1], "curve"))
      def _closePath(self):
        self.path.closed = True
        self.path.activeRepresentation = NodelistRepresentation(self.path, self.nodeList)
        self.path = BezierPath()
    pen = MyPen(glyphset)
    glyph.draw(pen, glyfTable)
    return pen.paths

  def asSegments(self):
    """Return the path as an array of segments (either Line, CubicBezier,
    or, if you are exceptionally unlucky, QuadraticBezier objects)."""
    if not isinstance(self.activeRepresentation, SegmentRepresentation):
      nl = self.activeRepresentation.toNodelist()
      assert isinstance(nl, list)
      self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation.fromNodelist(self,nl)
    return self.activeRepresentation.data()

  def asNodelist(self):
    """Return the path as an array of Node objects."""
    if not isinstance(self.activeRepresentation, NodelistRepresentation):
      nl = self.activeRepresentation.toNodelist()
      assert isinstance(nl, list)
      self.activeRepresentation = NodelistRepresentation(self,nl)
    return self.activeRepresentation.data()

  def asMatplot(self):
    from matplotlib.path import Path
    nl = self.asNodelist()
    verts = [(nl[0].x,nl[0].y)]
    codes = [Path.MOVETO]

    for i in range(1,len(nl)):
      n = nl[i]
      if n.type == "offcurve":
        if nl[i+1].type == "offcurve" or nl[i-1].type == "offcurve":
      elif n.type == "curve":
        if nl[i-1].type == "offcurve" and i >2 and nl[i-2].type == "offcurve":
      elif n.type == "line":
        raise "Unknown node type"
    if self.closed:
    return Path(verts, codes)

  def plot(self,ax, **kwargs):
    """Plot the path on a Matplot subplot which you supply


          import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
          fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
    from matplotlib.path import Path
    import matplotlib.patches as patches
    path = self.asMatplot()
    if not "lw" in kwargs:
      kwargs["lw"] = 2
    if not "fill" in kwargs:
      kwargs["fill"] = False
    drawNodes = (not("drawNodes" in kwargs) or kwargs["drawNodes"] != False)
    if "drawNodes" in kwargs:
    patch = patches.PathPatch(path, **kwargs)
    left, right = ax.get_xlim()
    top, bottom = ax.get_ylim()
    bounds = self.bounds()
    if not (left == 0.0 and right == 1.0 and top == 0.0 and bottom == 1.0):
    if drawNodes:
      nl = self.asNodelist()
      for i in range(0,len(nl)):
        n = nl[i]
        if n.type =="offcurve":
          circle = plt.Circle((n.x, n.y), 1, fill=False)
          if i+1 < len(nl) and nl[i+1].type != "offcurve":
            l = Line2D([n.x, nl[i+1].x], [n.y, nl[i+1].y])
          if i-0 >= 0 and nl[i-1].type != "offcurve":
            l = Line2D([n.x, nl[i-1].x], [n.y, nl[i-1].y])
          circle = plt.Circle((n.x, n.y), 2)

  def clone(self):
    """Return a new path which is an exact copy of this one"""
    return BezierPath.fromSegments(self.asSegments())

  def round(self):
    """Rounds the points of this path to integer coordinates."""
    segs = self.asSegments()
    for s in segs: s.round()
    self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self,segs)

  def bounds(self):
    """Determine the bounding box of the path, returned as a
    `BoundingBox` object."""
    bbox = BoundingBox()
    for seg in self.asSegments():
    return bbox

  def splitAtPoints(self,splitlist):
    def mapx(v,ds): return (v-ds)/(1-ds)
    segs = self.asSegments()
    newsegs = []
    # Cluster splitlist by seg
    newsplitlist = {}
    for (seg,t) in splitlist:
      if not seg in newsplitlist: newsplitlist[seg] = []
    for k in newsplitlist:
      newsplitlist[k] = sorted(newsplitlist[k])
    # Now walk the path
    for seg in segs:
      if seg in newsplitlist:
        tList = newsplitlist[seg]
        while len(tList) > 0:
          t = tList.pop(0)
          if t < 1e-8: continue
          seg1,seg2 = seg.splitAtTime(t)
          seg = seg2
          for i in range(0,len(tList)): tList[i] = mapx(tList[i],t)
    self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self,newsegs)

  def addExtremes(self):
    """Add extreme points to the path."""
    def mapx(v,ds): return (v-ds)/(1-ds)
    segs = self.asSegments()
    splitlist = []
    for seg in segs:
      for t in seg.findExtremes():

  def length(self):
    """Returns the length of the whole path."""
    segs = self.asSegments()
    length = 0
    for s in segs: length += s.length
    return length

  def pointAtTime(self,t):
    """Returns the point at time t (0->1) along the curve, where 1 is the end of the whole curve."""
    segs = self.asSegments()
    if t == 1.0:
      return segs[-1].pointAtTime(1)
    t *= len(segs)
    seg = segs[int(math.floor(t))]
    return seg.pointAtTime(t-math.floor(t))

  def lengthAtTime(self,t):
    """Returns the length of the subset of the path from the start
    up to the point t (0->1), where 1 is the end of the whole curve."""
    segs = self.asSegments()
    t *= len(segs)
    length = 0
    for s in segs[:int(math.floor(t))]: length += s.length
    seg = segs[int(math.floor(t))]
    s1,s2 = seg.splitAtTime(t-math.floor(t))
    length += s1.length
    return length

  def offset(self, vector, rotateVector = True):
    """Returns a new BezierPath which approximates offsetting the
    current Bezier path by the given vector. Note that the vector
    will be rotated around the normal of the curve so that the
    offsetting always happens on the same 'side' of the curve:

..  figure:: offset1.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: offset1

    If you don't want that and you want 'straight' offsetting instead
    (which may intersect with the original curve), pass

..  figure:: offset2.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: offset1

    # Method 1 - curve fit
    newsegs = []
    points = []
    def finishPoints(newsegs, points):
      if len(points) > 0:
        bp = BezierPath.fromPoints(points, error=0.1, cornerTolerance= 1)
      while len(points)>0:points.pop()

    for seg in self.asSegments():
      if isinstance(seg,Line):
        t = 0.0
        while t <1.0:
          if rotateVector:
            points.append( seg.pointAtTime(t) + vector.rotated(Point(0,0), seg.normalAtTime(t).angle))
            points.append( seg.pointAtTime(t) + vector)
          step = max(abs(seg.curvatureAtTime(t)),0.1)
          t = t + min(seg.length / step,0.1)
    newpath = BezierPath()
    newpath.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(newpath, newsegs)
    return newpath

  def append(self, other, joinType="line"):
    """Append another path to this one. If the end point of the first
    path is not the same as the start point of the other path, a line
    will be drawn between them."""
    segs1 = self.asSegments()
    segs2 = other.asSegments()
    if len(segs1) < 1:
      self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs2)
    if len(segs2) < 1:
      self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs1)

    # Which way around should they go?
    dist1 = segs1[-1].end.distanceFrom(segs2[0].start)
    dist2 = segs1[-1].end.distanceFrom(segs2[-1].end)
    if dist2 > 2 * dist1:
      segs2 = list(reversed([ x.reversed() for x in segs2]))

    # Add a line between if they don't match up
    if segs1[-1].end != segs2[0].start:

    # XXX Check for discontinuities and harmonize if needed

    self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs1)

  def reverse(self):
    """Reverse this path (mutates path)."""
    seg2 = [ x.reversed() for x in self.asSegments()]
    self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, list(reversed(seg2)))

  def translate(self, vector):
    """Translates the path by a given vector."""
    seg2 = [ x.translated(vector) for x in self.asSegments()]
    self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, seg2)

  def rotate(self, about, angle):
    """Rotate the path by a given vector."""
    seg2 = [ x.rotated(about, angle) for x in self.asSegments()]
    self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, seg2)

  def scale(self, by):
    """Scales the path by a given magnitude."""
    seg2 = [ x.scaled(by) for x in self.asSegments()]
    self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, seg2)

  def balance(self):
    """Performs Tunni balancing on the path."""
    segs = self.asSegments()
    for x in segs:
      if isinstance(x, CubicBezier): x.balance()
    self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs)

  def findDiscontinuities(self):
    """Not implemented yet"""

  def harmonize(self):
    """Not implemented yet"""

  def roundCorners(self):
    """Not implemented yet"""

  def dash(self, lineLength = 50, gapLength = None):
    """Returns a list of BezierPath objects created by chopping
    this path into a dashed line::

      paths = path.dash(lineLength = 20, gapLength = 50)

..  figure:: dash.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: path.dash(lineLength = 20, gapLength = 50)

    if not gapLength:
      gapLength = lineLength
    granularity = self.length
    newpaths = []
    points = []
    for t in self.regularSampleTValue(granularity):
      lenSoFar = self.lengthAtTime(t) # Super inefficient. But simple!
      lenSoFar = lenSoFar % (lineLength + gapLength)
      if lenSoFar >= lineLength and len(points) > 0:
        # When all you have is a hammer...
        bp = BezierPath.fromPoints(points, error=1, cornerTolerance= 1)
        points = []
        if len(bp.asSegments()) > 0: newpaths.append(bp)
      elif lenSoFar <= lineLength:
    return newpaths

  def segpairs(self):
    segs = self.asSegments()
    for i in range(0,len(segs)-1):
      yield (segs[i],segs[i+1])

  def harmonize(self, seg1, seg2):
    if seg1.end.x != seg2.start.x or seg1.end.y != seg2.start.y: return
    a1, a2 = seg1[1], seg1[2]
    b1, b2 = seg2[1], seg2[2]
    intersections = Line(a1,a2).intersections(Line(b1,b2),limited=False)
    if not intersections[0]: return
    p0 = a1.distanceFrom(a2) / a2.distanceFrom(intersections[0].point)
    p1 = b1.distanceFrom(intersections[0].point) / b1.distanceFrom(b2)
    r = math.sqrt(p0 * p1)
    t = r / (r+1)
    newA3 = a2.lerp(b1, t)
    fixup = seg2.start - newA3
    seg1[2] += fixup
    seg2[1] += fixup

  def flatten(self,degree=8):
    segs = []
    for s in self.asSegments():
    return BezierPath.fromSegments(segs)

  def windingNumberOfPoint(self,pt):
    bounds = self.bounds()
    ray1 = Line(Point(bounds.left,pt.y),pt)
    ray2 = Line(Point(bounds.right,pt.y),pt)
    leftIntersections = {}
    rightIntersections = {}
    leftWinding = 0
    rightWinding = 0
    for s in self.asSegments():
      for i in s.intersections(ray1):
        # print("Found left intersection with %s: %s" % (ray1, i.point))
        leftIntersections[i.point] = i

      for i in s.intersections(ray2):
        rightIntersections[i.point] = i

    for i in leftIntersections.values():
      # XXX tangents here are all positive? Really?
      # print(i.seg1, i.t1, i.point)
      tangent = s.tangentAtTime(i.t1)
      # print("Tangent at left intersection %s is %f" % (i.point,tangent.y))
      leftWinding += int(math.copysign(1,tangent.y))

    for i in rightIntersections.values():
      tangent = s.tangentAtTime(i.t1)
      # print("Tangent at right intersection %s is %f" % (i.point,tangent.y))
      rightWinding += int(math.copysign(1,tangent.y))

    # print("Left winding: %i right winding: %i " % (leftWinding,rightWinding))
    return max(abs(leftWinding),abs(rightWinding))

  def pointIsInside(self,pt):
    """Returns true if the given point lies on the "inside" of the path,
    assuming an 'even-odd' winding rule where self-intersections are considered
    li = self.windingNumberOfPoint(pt)
    return li % 2 == 1

  def area(self):
    """Approximates the area under a closed path by flattening and treating as a polygon."""
    flat = self.flatten()
    area = 0
    for s in flat.asSegments():
      area = area + (s.start.x+s.end.x) * (s.end.y - s.start.y)
    area = area / 2.0
    return abs(area)
Exemplo n.º 2
class BezierPath(BooleanOperationsMixin, SampleMixin, object):
    """`BezierPath` represents a collection of `Segment` objects - the
  curves and lines that make up a path.

  One of the really fiddly things about manipulating Bezier paths in
  a computer is that there are various ways to represent them.
  Different applications prefer different representations. For instance,
  when you're drawing a path on a canvas, you often want a list of nodes
  like so::

    { "x":255.0, "y":20.0, "type":"curve"},
    { "x":385.0, "y":20.0, "type":"offcurve"},
    { "x":526.0, "y":79.0, "type":"offcurve"},
    { "x":566.0, "y":135.0, "type":"curve"},
    { "x":585.0, "y":162.0, "type":"offcurve"},
    { "x":566.0, "y":260.0, "type":"offcurve"},
    { "x":484.0, "y":281.0, "type":"curve"},

  But when you're doing Clever Bezier Mathematics, you generally want
  a list of segments instead::

    [ (255.0,20.0), (385.0,20.0), (526.0,79.0), (566.0,135.0)],
    [ (566.0,135.0), (585.0,162.0), (566.0,260.0), (484.0,281.0)],

  The Beziers module is designed to allow you to move fluidly between these
  different representations depending on what you're wanting to do.

    def __init__(self):
        self.activeRepresentation = None
        self.closed = True

    def fromPoints(self,
        """Fit a poly-bezier curve to the points given. This operation should be familiar
    from 'pencil' tools in a vector drawing application: the application samples points
    where your mouse pointer has been dragged, and then turns the sketch into a Bezier
    path. The goodness of fit can be controlled by tuning the `error` parameter. Corner
    detection can be controlled with `cornerTolerance`.

    Here are some points fit with `error=100.0`:

..  figure:: curvefit1.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: curvefit1

    And with `error=10.0`:

..  figure:: curvefit2.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: curvefit1

        from beziers.utils.curvefitter import CurveFit
        segs = CurveFit.fitCurve(points, error, cornerTolerance, maxSegments)
        path = BezierPath()
        path.closed = False
        path.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(path, segs)
        return path

    def fromSegments(klass, array):
        """Construct a path from an array of Segment objects."""
        self = klass()
        for a in array:
            assert (isinstance(a, Segment))
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, array)
        return self

    def fromNodelist(klass, array, closed=True):
        """Construct a path from an array of Node objects."""
        self = klass()
        for a in array:
            assert (isinstance(a, Node))
        self.closed = closed
        self.activeRepresentation = NodelistRepresentation(self, array)
        self.asSegments()  # Resolves a few problems
        return self

    def fromFonttoolsGlyph(klass, font, glyphname):
        """Returns an *array of BezierPaths* from a FontTools font object and glyph name."""
        glyphset = font.getGlyphSet()

        from fontTools.pens.basePen import BasePen

        class MyPen(BasePen):
            def __init__(self, glyphSet=None):
                super(MyPen, self).__init__(glyphSet)
                self.paths = []
                self.path = BezierPath()
                self.nodeList = []

            def _moveTo(self, p):
                self.nodeList = [Node(p[0], p[1], "move")]

            def _lineTo(self, p):
                self.nodeList.append(Node(p[0], p[1], "line"))

            def _curveToOne(self, p1, p2, p3):
                self.nodeList.append(Node(p1[0], p1[1], "offcurve"))
                self.nodeList.append(Node(p2[0], p2[1], "offcurve"))
                self.nodeList.append(Node(p3[0], p3[1], "curve"))

            def _qCurveToOne(self, p1, p2):
                self.nodeList.append(Node(p1[0], p1[1], "offcurve"))
                self.nodeList.append(Node(p2[0], p2[1], "curve"))

            def _closePath(self):
                self.path.closed = True
                self.path.activeRepresentation = NodelistRepresentation(
                    self.path, self.nodeList)
                self.path = BezierPath()

        pen = MyPen(glyphset)
        _glyph = font.getGlyphSet()[glyphname]._glyph
        if "glyf" in font:
            _glyph.draw(pen, font["glyf"])
        return pen.paths

    def asSegments(self):
        """Return the path as an array of segments (either Line, CubicBezier,
    or, if you are exceptionally unlucky, QuadraticBezier objects)."""
        if not isinstance(self.activeRepresentation, SegmentRepresentation):
            nl = self.activeRepresentation.toNodelist()
            assert isinstance(nl, list)
            self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation.fromNodelist(
                self, nl)
        return self.activeRepresentation.data()

    def asNodelist(self):
        """Return the path as an array of Node objects."""
        if not isinstance(self.activeRepresentation, NodelistRepresentation):
            nl = self.activeRepresentation.toNodelist()
            assert isinstance(nl, list)
            self.activeRepresentation = NodelistRepresentation(self, nl)
        return self.activeRepresentation.data()

    def asSVGPath(self):
        """Return the path as a string suitable for a SVG <path d="..."? element."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        pathParts = ["M %f %f" % (segs[0][0].x, segs[0][0].y)]

        operators = "xxLQC"
        for s in segs:
            op = operators[len(s)] + " "
            for pt in s[1:]:
                op = op + "%f %f " % (pt.x, pt.y)
        if self.closed:

        return " ".join(pathParts)

    def asMatplot(self):
        from matplotlib.path import Path
        nl = self.asNodelist()
        verts = [(nl[0].x, nl[0].y)]
        codes = [Path.MOVETO]

        for i in range(1, len(nl)):
            n = nl[i]
            verts.append((n.x, n.y))
            if n.type == "offcurve":
                if nl[i + 1].type == "offcurve" or nl[i -
                                                      1].type == "offcurve":
            elif n.type == "curve":
                if nl[i - 1].type == "offcurve" and i > 2 and nl[
                        i - 2].type == "offcurve":
            elif n.type == "line":
                raise "Unknown node type"
        if self.closed:
            verts.append((nl[0].x, nl[0].y))
        return Path(verts, codes)

    def plot(self, ax, **kwargs):
        """Plot the path on a Matplot subplot which you supply


          import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
          fig, ax = plt.subplots()

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
        from matplotlib.path import Path
        import matplotlib.patches as patches
        path = self.asMatplot()
        if not "lw" in kwargs:
            kwargs["lw"] = 2
        if not "fill" in kwargs:
            kwargs["fill"] = False
        drawNodes = (not ("drawNodes" in kwargs)
                     or kwargs["drawNodes"] != False)
        if "drawNodes" in kwargs:
        patch = patches.PathPatch(path, **kwargs)
        left, right = ax.get_xlim()
        top, bottom = ax.get_ylim()
        bounds = self.bounds()
        if not (left == 0.0 and right == 1.0 and top == 0.0 and bottom == 1.0):
            bounds.extend(Point(left, top))
            bounds.extend(Point(right, bottom))
        ax.set_xlim(bounds.left, bounds.right)
        ax.set_ylim(bounds.bottom, bounds.top)
        if drawNodes:
            nl = self.asNodelist()
            for i in range(0, len(nl)):
                n = nl[i]
                if n.type == "offcurve":
                    circle = plt.Circle((n.x, n.y),
                    if i + 1 < len(nl) and nl[i + 1].type != "offcurve":
                        l = Line2D([n.x, nl[i + 1].x], [n.y, nl[i + 1].y],
                    if i - 0 >= 0 and nl[i - 1].type != "offcurve":
                        l = Line2D([n.x, nl[i - 1].x], [n.y, nl[i - 1].y],
                    circle = plt.Circle((n.x, n.y),

    def clone(self):
        """Return a new path which is an exact copy of this one"""
        p = BezierPath.fromSegments(self.asSegments())
        p.closed = self.closed
        return p

    def round(self):
        """Rounds the points of this path to integer coordinates."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        for s in segs:
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs)

    def bounds(self):
        """Determine the bounding box of the path, returned as a
    `BoundingBox` object."""
        bbox = BoundingBox()
        for seg in self.asSegments():
        return bbox

    def splitAtPoints(self, splitlist):
        def mapx(v, ds):
            return (v - ds) / (1 - ds)

        segs = self.asSegments()
        newsegs = []
        # Cluster splitlist by seg
        newsplitlist = {}
        for (seg, t) in splitlist:
            if not seg in newsplitlist: newsplitlist[seg] = []
        for k in newsplitlist:
            newsplitlist[k] = sorted(newsplitlist[k])
        # Now walk the path
        for seg in segs:
            if seg in newsplitlist:
                tList = newsplitlist[seg]
                while len(tList) > 0:
                    t = tList.pop(0)
                    if t < 1e-8: continue
                    seg1, seg2 = seg.splitAtTime(t)
                    seg = seg2
                    for i in range(0, len(tList)):
                        tList[i] = mapx(tList[i], t)
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, newsegs)

    def addExtremes(self):
        """Add extreme points to the path."""
        def mapx(v, ds):
            return (v - ds) / (1 - ds)

        segs = self.asSegments()
        splitlist = []
        for seg in segs:
            for t in seg.findExtremes():
                splitlist.append((seg, t))

    def length(self):
        """Returns the length of the whole path."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        length = 0
        for s in segs:
            length += s.length
        return length

    def pointAtTime(self, t):
        """Returns the point at time t (0->1) along the curve, where 1 is the end of the whole curve."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        if t == 1.0:
            return segs[-1].pointAtTime(1)
        t *= len(segs)
        seg = segs[int(math.floor(t))]
        return seg.pointAtTime(t - math.floor(t))

    def lengthAtTime(self, t):
        """Returns the length of the subset of the path from the start
    up to the point t (0->1), where 1 is the end of the whole curve."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        t *= len(segs)
        length = 0
        for s in segs[:int(math.floor(t))]:
            length += s.length
        seg = segs[int(math.floor(t))]
        s1, s2 = seg.splitAtTime(t - math.floor(t))
        length += s1.length
        return length

    def offset(self, vector, rotateVector=True):
        """Returns a new BezierPath which approximates offsetting the
    current Bezier path by the given vector. Note that the vector
    will be rotated around the normal of the curve so that the
    offsetting always happens on the same 'side' of the curve:

..  figure:: offset1.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: offset1

    If you don't want that and you want 'straight' offsetting instead
    (which may intersect with the original curve), pass

..  figure:: offset2.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: offset1

        # Method 1 - curve fit
        newsegs = []
        points = []

        def finishPoints(newsegs, points):
            if len(points) > 0:
                bp = BezierPath.fromPoints(points,
            while len(points) > 0:

        for seg in self.asSegments():
            if isinstance(seg, Line):
                finishPoints(newsegs, points)
                t = 0.0
                while t < 1.0:
                    if rotateVector:
                            seg.pointAtTime(t) +
                            vector.rotated(Point(0, 0),
                        points.append(seg.pointAtTime(t) + vector)
                    step = max(abs(seg.curvatureAtTime(t)), 0.1)
                    t = t + min(seg.length / step, 0.1)
        finishPoints(newsegs, points)
        newpath = BezierPath()
        newpath.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(newpath, newsegs)
        return newpath

    def append(self, other, joinType="line"):
        """Append another path to this one. If the end point of the first
    path is not the same as the start point of the other path, a line
    will be drawn between them."""
        segs1 = self.asSegments()
        segs2 = other.asSegments()
        if len(segs1) < 1:
            self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs2)
        if len(segs2) < 1:
            self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs1)

        # Which way around should they go?
        dist1 = segs1[-1].end.distanceFrom(segs2[0].start)
        dist2 = segs1[-1].end.distanceFrom(segs2[-1].end)
        if dist2 > 2 * dist1:
            segs2 = list(reversed([x.reversed() for x in segs2]))

        # Add a line between if they don't match up
        if segs1[-1].end != segs2[0].start:
            segs1.append(Line(segs1[-1].end, segs2[0].start))

        # XXX Check for discontinuities and harmonize if needed

        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs1)
        return self

    def reverse(self):
        """Reverse this path (mutates path)."""
        seg2 = [x.reversed() for x in self.asSegments()]
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(
            self, list(reversed(seg2)))
        return self

    def translate(self, vector):
        """Translates the path by a given vector."""
        seg2 = [x.translated(vector) for x in self.asSegments()]
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, seg2)
        return self

    def rotate(self, about, angle):
        """Rotate the path by a given vector."""
        seg2 = [x.rotated(about, angle) for x in self.asSegments()]
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, seg2)
        return self

    def scale(self, by):
        """Scales the path by a given magnitude."""
        seg2 = [x.scaled(by) for x in self.asSegments()]
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, seg2)
        return self

    def balance(self):
        """Performs Tunni balancing on the path."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        for x in segs:
            if isinstance(x, CubicBezier): x.balance()
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs)
        return self

    def findDiscontinuities(self):
        """Not implemented yet"""

    def harmonize(self):
        """Not implemented yet"""

    def roundCorners(self):
        """Not implemented yet"""

    def dash(self, lineLength=50, gapLength=None):
        """Returns a list of BezierPath objects created by chopping
    this path into a dashed line::

      paths = path.dash(lineLength = 20, gapLength = 50)

..  figure:: dash.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: path.dash(lineLength = 20, gapLength = 50)

        if not gapLength:
            gapLength = lineLength
        granularity = self.length
        newpaths = []
        points = []
        for t in self.regularSampleTValue(granularity):
            lenSoFar = self.lengthAtTime(t)  # Super inefficient. But simple!
            lenSoFar = lenSoFar % (lineLength + gapLength)
            if lenSoFar >= lineLength and len(points) > 0:
                # When all you have is a hammer...
                bp = BezierPath.fromPoints(points, error=1, cornerTolerance=1)
                points = []
                if len(bp.asSegments()) > 0: newpaths.append(bp)
            elif lenSoFar <= lineLength:
        return newpaths

    def segpairs(self):
        segs = self.asSegments()
        for i in range(0, len(segs) - 1):
            yield (segs[i], segs[i + 1])

    def harmonize(self, seg1, seg2):
        if seg1.end.x != seg2.start.x or seg1.end.y != seg2.start.y: return
        a1, a2 = seg1[1], seg1[2]
        b1, b2 = seg2[1], seg2[2]
        intersections = Line(a1, a2).intersections(Line(b1, b2), limited=False)
        if not intersections[0]: return
        p0 = a1.distanceFrom(a2) / a2.distanceFrom(intersections[0].point)
        p1 = b1.distanceFrom(intersections[0].point) / b1.distanceFrom(b2)
        r = math.sqrt(p0 * p1)
        t = r / (r + 1)
        newA3 = a2.lerp(b1, t)
        fixup = seg2.start - newA3
        seg1[2] += fixup
        seg2[1] += fixup

    def flatten(self, degree=8):
        segs = []
        for s in self.asSegments():
        return BezierPath.fromSegments(segs)

    def windingNumberOfPoint(self, pt):
        bounds = self.bounds()
        ray1 = Line(Point(bounds.left, pt.y), pt)
        ray2 = Line(Point(bounds.right, pt.y), pt)
        leftIntersections = {}
        rightIntersections = {}
        leftWinding = 0
        rightWinding = 0
        for s in self.asSegments():
            for i in s.intersections(ray1):
                # print("Found left intersection with %s: %s" % (ray1, i.point))
                leftIntersections[i.point] = i

            for i in s.intersections(ray2):
                rightIntersections[i.point] = i

        for i in leftIntersections.values():
            # XXX tangents here are all positive? Really?
            # print(i.seg1, i.t1, i.point)
            tangent = s.tangentAtTime(i.t1)
            # print("Tangent at left intersection %s is %f" % (i.point,tangent.y))
            leftWinding += int(math.copysign(1, tangent.y))

        for i in rightIntersections.values():
            tangent = s.tangentAtTime(i.t1)
            # print("Tangent at right intersection %s is %f" % (i.point,tangent.y))
            rightWinding += int(math.copysign(1, tangent.y))

        # print("Left winding: %i right winding: %i " % (leftWinding,rightWinding))
        return max(abs(leftWinding), abs(rightWinding))

    def pointIsInside(self, pt):
        """Returns true if the given point lies on the "inside" of the path,
    assuming an 'even-odd' winding rule where self-intersections are considered
        li = self.windingNumberOfPoint(pt)
        return li % 2 == 1

    def area(self):
        """Approximates the area under a closed path by flattening and treating as a polygon."""
        flat = self.flatten()
        area = 0
        for s in flat.asSegments():
            area = area + (s.start.x * s.end.y) - (s.start.y * s.end.x)
        area = area / 2.0
        return abs(area)

    def centroid(self):
        if not self.closed: return None
        return self.bounds().centroid  # Really?

    def drawWithBrush(self,
        """Assuming that `other` is a closed Bezier path representing a pen or
    brush of a certain shape and that `self` is an open path, this method
    traces the brush along the path, returning an array of Bezier paths.

    `other` may also be a function which, given a time `t` (0-1), returns a closed
    path representing the shape of the brush at the given time.

    This requires the `shapely` and `scipy` libraries to be installed, and is very,
    very slow.

        samples = self.sample(int(self.length * (pathSmoothness / 100.0)))
        self.closed = False

        def constantBrush(t):
            return other

        brush = other
        if not callable(brush):
            brush = constantBrush

        c = brush(0).centroid

        points = []
        from shapely.geometry import Point as ShapelyPoint

        t = 0
        for n in samples:
            brushHere = brush(t).clone()
            brushHere.translate(n - brushHere.centroid)
            brushsamples = brushHere.sample(
                int(brushHere.length * (brushSmoothness / 100.0)))
            points.extend([ShapelyPoint(s.x, s.y) for s in brushsamples])
            t = t + 1.0 / len(samples)

        from beziers.utils.alphashape import alpha_shape
        concave_hull, edge_points = alpha_shape(points, alpha=alpha)
        points = [Point(p[0], p[1]) for p in concave_hull.exterior.coords]
        path = BezierPath.fromPoints(points, error=5, maxSegments=100)
        return path

    def quadraticsToCubics(self):
        """Converts all quadratic segments in the path to cubic Beziers."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        for i, s in enumerate(segs):
            if len(s) == 3:
                segs[i] = s.toCubicBezier()
        return self
Exemplo n.º 3
class BezierPath(BooleanOperationsMixin, SampleMixin, object):
    """`BezierPath` represents a collection of `Segment` objects - the
  curves and lines that make up a path.

  One of the really fiddly things about manipulating Bezier paths in
  a computer is that there are various ways to represent them.
  Different applications prefer different representations. For instance,
  when you're drawing a path on a canvas, you often want a list of nodes
  like so::

    { "x":255.0, "y":20.0, "type":"curve"},
    { "x":385.0, "y":20.0, "type":"offcurve"},
    { "x":526.0, "y":79.0, "type":"offcurve"},
    { "x":566.0, "y":135.0, "type":"curve"},
    { "x":585.0, "y":162.0, "type":"offcurve"},
    { "x":566.0, "y":260.0, "type":"offcurve"},
    { "x":484.0, "y":281.0, "type":"curve"},

  But when you're doing Clever Bezier Mathematics, you generally want
  a list of segments instead::

    [ (255.0,20.0), (385.0,20.0), (526.0,79.0), (566.0,135.0)],
    [ (566.0,135.0), (585.0,162.0), (566.0,260.0), (484.0,281.0)],

  The Beziers module is designed to allow you to move fluidly between these
  different representations depending on what you're wanting to do.

    def __init__(self):
        self.activeRepresentation = None
        self.closed = True

    def fromPoints(self,
        """Fit a poly-bezier curve to the points given. This operation should be familiar
    from 'pencil' tools in a vector drawing application: the application samples points
    where your mouse pointer has been dragged, and then turns the sketch into a Bezier
    path. The goodness of fit can be controlled by tuning the `error` parameter. Corner
    detection can be controlled with `cornerTolerance`.

    Here are some points fit with `error=100.0`:

..  figure:: curvefit1.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: curvefit1

    And with `error=10.0`:

..  figure:: curvefit2.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: curvefit1

        from beziers.utils.curvefitter import CurveFit
        segs = CurveFit.fitCurve(points, error, cornerTolerance, maxSegments)
        path = BezierPath()
        path.closed = False
        path.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(path, segs)
        return path

    def fromSegments(klass, array):
        """Construct a path from an array of Segment objects."""
        self = klass()
        for a in array:
            assert (isinstance(a, Segment))
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, array)
        return self

    def fromNodelist(klass, array, closed=True):
        """Construct a path from an array of Node objects."""
        self = klass()
        for a in array:
            assert (isinstance(a, Node))
        self.closed = closed
        self.activeRepresentation = NodelistRepresentation(self, array)
        self.asSegments()  # Resolves a few problems
        return self

    def fromGlyphsLayer(klass, layer):
        """Returns an *array of BezierPaths* from a Glyphs GSLayer object."""
        from beziers.path.representations.GSPath import GSPathRepresentation

        bezpaths = []
        for p in layer.paths:
            path = BezierPath()
            path.activeRepresentation = GSPathRepresentation(path, p)
        return bezpaths

    def fromDrawable(klass, layer, *penArgs, **penKwargs):
        """Returns an *array of BezierPaths* from any object conforming to the pen protocol."""
        from beziers.utils.pens import BezierPathCreatingPen
        pen = BezierPathCreatingPen(*penArgs, **penKwargs)
        return pen.paths

    def fromFonttoolsGlyph(klass, font, glyphname):
        """Returns an *array of BezierPaths* from a FontTools font object and glyph name."""
        glyphset = font.getGlyphSet()
        from beziers.utils.pens import BezierPathCreatingPen
        pen = BezierPathCreatingPen(glyphset)
        _glyph = font.getGlyphSet()[glyphname]._glyph
        if "glyf" in font:
            _glyph.draw(pen, font["glyf"])
        return pen.paths

    def asSegments(self):
        """Return the path as an array of segments (either Line, CubicBezier,
    or, if you are exceptionally unlucky, QuadraticBezier objects)."""
        if not isinstance(self.activeRepresentation, SegmentRepresentation):
            nl = self.activeRepresentation.toNodelist()
            assert isinstance(nl, list)
            self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation.fromNodelist(
                self, nl)
        return self.activeRepresentation.data()

    def asNodelist(self):
        """Return the path as an array of Node objects."""
        if not isinstance(self.activeRepresentation, NodelistRepresentation):
            nl = self.activeRepresentation.toNodelist()
            assert isinstance(nl, list)
            self.activeRepresentation = NodelistRepresentation(self, nl)
        return self.activeRepresentation.data()

    def asSVGPath(self):
        """Return the path as a string suitable for a SVG <path d="..."? element."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        pathParts = ["M %f %f" % (segs[0][0].x, segs[0][0].y)]

        operators = "xxLQC"
        for s in segs:
            op = operators[len(s)] + " "
            for pt in s[1:]:
                op = op + "%f %f " % (pt.x, pt.y)
        if self.closed:

        return " ".join(pathParts)

    def asMatplot(self):
        from matplotlib.path import Path
        nl = self.asNodelist()
        verts = [(nl[0].x, nl[0].y)]
        codes = [Path.MOVETO]

        for i in range(1, len(nl)):
            n = nl[i]
            verts.append((n.x, n.y))
            if n.type == "offcurve":
                if nl[i + 1].type == "offcurve" or nl[i -
                                                      1].type == "offcurve":
            elif n.type == "curve":
                if nl[i - 1].type == "offcurve" and i > 2 and nl[
                        i - 2].type == "offcurve":
            elif n.type == "line":
                raise "Unknown node type"
        if self.closed:
            verts.append((nl[0].x, nl[0].y))
        return Path(verts, codes)

    def plot(self, ax, **kwargs):
        """Plot the path on a Matplot subplot which you supply


          import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
          fig, ax = plt.subplots()

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
        from matplotlib.path import Path
        import matplotlib.patches as patches
        path = self.asMatplot()
        if not "lw" in kwargs:
            kwargs["lw"] = 2
        if not "fill" in kwargs:
            kwargs["fill"] = False
        drawNodes = (not ("drawNodes" in kwargs)
                     or kwargs["drawNodes"] != False)
        if "drawNodes" in kwargs:
        patch = patches.PathPatch(path, **kwargs)
        left, right = ax.get_xlim()
        top, bottom = ax.get_ylim()
        bounds = self.bounds()
        if not (left == 0.0 and right == 1.0 and top == 0.0 and bottom == 1.0):
            bounds.extend(Point(left, top))
            bounds.extend(Point(right, bottom))
        ax.set_xlim(bounds.left, bounds.right)
        ax.set_ylim(bounds.bottom, bounds.top)
        if drawNodes:
            nl = self.asNodelist()
            for i in range(0, len(nl)):
                n = nl[i]
                if n.type == "offcurve":
                    circle = plt.Circle((n.x, n.y),
                    if i + 1 < len(nl) and nl[i + 1].type != "offcurve":
                        l = Line2D([n.x, nl[i + 1].x], [n.y, nl[i + 1].y],
                    if i - 0 >= 0 and nl[i - 1].type != "offcurve":
                        l = Line2D([n.x, nl[i - 1].x], [n.y, nl[i - 1].y],
                    circle = plt.Circle((n.x, n.y),

    def clone(self):
        """Return a new path which is an exact copy of this one"""
        p = BezierPath.fromSegments(self.asSegments())
        p.closed = self.closed
        return p

    def round(self):
        """Rounds the points of this path to integer coordinates."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        for s in segs:
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs)

    def bounds(self):
        """Determine the bounding box of the path, returned as a
    `BoundingBox` object."""
        bbox = BoundingBox()
        for seg in self.asSegments():
        return bbox

    def splitAtPoints(self, splitlist):
        def mapx(v, ds):
            return (v - ds) / (1 - ds)

        segs = self.asSegments()
        newsegs = []
        # Cluster splitlist by seg
        newsplitlist = {}
        for (seg, t) in splitlist:
            if not seg in newsplitlist: newsplitlist[seg] = []
        for k in newsplitlist:
            newsplitlist[k] = sorted(newsplitlist[k])
        # Now walk the path
        for seg in segs:
            if seg in newsplitlist:
                tList = newsplitlist[seg]
                while len(tList) > 0:
                    t = tList.pop(0)
                    if t < 1e-8: continue
                    seg1, seg2 = seg.splitAtTime(t)
                    seg = seg2
                    for i in range(0, len(tList)):
                        tList[i] = mapx(tList[i], t)
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, newsegs)

    def addExtremes(self):
        """Add extreme points to the path."""
        def mapx(v, ds):
            return (v - ds) / (1 - ds)

        segs = self.asSegments()
        splitlist = []
        for seg in segs:
            for t in seg.findExtremes():
                splitlist.append((seg, t))
        return self

    def length(self):
        """Returns the length of the whole path."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        length = 0
        for s in segs:
            length += s.length
        return length

    def pointAtTime(self, t):
        """Returns the point at time t (0->1) along the curve, where 1 is the end of the whole curve."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        if t == 1.0:
            return segs[-1].pointAtTime(1)
        t *= len(segs)
        seg = segs[int(math.floor(t))]
        return seg.pointAtTime(t - math.floor(t))

    def lengthAtTime(self, t):
        """Returns the length of the subset of the path from the start
    up to the point t (0->1), where 1 is the end of the whole curve."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        t *= len(segs)
        length = 0
        for s in segs[:int(math.floor(t))]:
            length += s.length
        seg = segs[int(math.floor(t))]
        s1, s2 = seg.splitAtTime(t - math.floor(t))
        length += s1.length
        return length

    def offset(self, vector, rotateVector=True):
        """Returns a new BezierPath which approximates offsetting the
    current Bezier path by the given vector. Note that the vector
    will be rotated around the normal of the curve so that the
    offsetting always happens on the same 'side' of the curve:

..  figure:: offset1.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: offset1

    If you don't want that and you want 'straight' offsetting instead
    (which may intersect with the original curve), pass

..  figure:: offset2.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: offset1

        # Method 1 - curve fit
        newsegs = []
        points = []

        def finishPoints(newsegs, points):
            if len(points) > 0:
                bp = BezierPath.fromPoints(points,
            while len(points) > 0:

        for seg in self.asSegments():
            if isinstance(seg, Line):
                finishPoints(newsegs, points)
                t = 0.0
                while t < 1.0:
                    if rotateVector:
                            seg.pointAtTime(t) +
                            vector.rotated(Point(0, 0),
                        points.append(seg.pointAtTime(t) + vector)
                    step = max(abs(seg.curvatureAtTime(t)), 0.1)
                    t = t + min(seg.length / step, 0.1)
        finishPoints(newsegs, points)
        newpath = BezierPath()
        newpath.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(newpath, newsegs)
        return newpath

    def append(self, other, joinType="line"):
        """Append another path to this one. If the end point of the first
    path is not the same as the start point of the other path, a line
    will be drawn between them."""
        segs1 = self.asSegments()
        segs2 = other.asSegments()
        if len(segs1) < 1:
            self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs2)
        if len(segs2) < 1:
            self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs1)

        # Which way around should they go?
        dist1 = segs1[-1].end.distanceFrom(segs2[0].start)
        dist2 = segs1[-1].end.distanceFrom(segs2[-1].end)
        if dist2 > 2 * dist1:
            segs2 = list(reversed([x.reversed() for x in segs2]))

        # Add a line between if they don't match up
        if segs1[-1].end != segs2[0].start:
            segs1.append(Line(segs1[-1].end, segs2[0].start))

        # XXX Check for discontinuities and harmonize if needed

        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs1)
        return self

    def reverse(self):
        """Reverse this path (mutates path)."""
        seg2 = [x.reversed() for x in self.asSegments()]
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(
            self, list(reversed(seg2)))
        return self

    def translate(self, vector):
        """Translates the path by a given vector."""
        seg2 = [x.translated(vector) for x in self.asSegments()]
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, seg2)
        return self

    def rotate(self, about, angle):
        """Rotate the path by a given vector."""
        seg2 = [x.rotated(about, angle) for x in self.asSegments()]
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, seg2)
        return self

    def scale(self, by):
        """Scales the path by a given magnitude."""
        seg2 = [x.scaled(by) for x in self.asSegments()]
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, seg2)
        return self

    def balance(self):
        """Performs Tunni balancing on the path."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        for x in segs:
            if isinstance(x, CubicBezier): x.balance()
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs)
        return self

    def findDiscontinuities(self):
        """Not implemented yet"""

    def harmonize(self):
        """Not implemented yet"""

    def roundCorners(self):
        """Not implemented yet"""

    def dash(self, lineLength=50, gapLength=None):
        """Returns a list of BezierPath objects created by chopping
    this path into a dashed line::

      paths = path.dash(lineLength = 20, gapLength = 50)

..  figure:: dash.png
    :scale: 75 %
    :alt: path.dash(lineLength = 20, gapLength = 50)

        if not gapLength:
            gapLength = lineLength
        granularity = self.length
        newpaths = []
        points = []
        for t in self.regularSampleTValue(granularity):
            lenSoFar = self.lengthAtTime(t)  # Super inefficient. But simple!
            lenSoFar = lenSoFar % (lineLength + gapLength)
            if lenSoFar >= lineLength and len(points) > 0:
                # When all you have is a hammer...
                bp = BezierPath.fromPoints(points, error=1, cornerTolerance=1)
                points = []
                if len(bp.asSegments()) > 0: newpaths.append(bp)
            elif lenSoFar <= lineLength:
        return newpaths

    def segpairs(self):
        segs = self.asSegments()
        for i in range(0, len(segs) - 1):
            yield (segs[i], segs[i + 1])

    def harmonize(self, seg1, seg2):
        if seg1.end.x != seg2.start.x or seg1.end.y != seg2.start.y: return
        a1, a2 = seg1[1], seg1[2]
        b1, b2 = seg2[1], seg2[2]
        intersections = Line(a1, a2).intersections(Line(b1, b2), limited=False)
        if not intersections[0]: return
        p0 = a1.distanceFrom(a2) / a2.distanceFrom(intersections[0].point)
        p1 = b1.distanceFrom(intersections[0].point) / b1.distanceFrom(b2)
        r = math.sqrt(p0 * p1)
        t = r / (r + 1)
        newA3 = a2.lerp(b1, t)
        fixup = seg2.start - newA3
        seg1[2] += fixup
        seg2[1] += fixup

    def flatten(self, degree=8):
        segs = []
        for s in self.asSegments():
        return BezierPath.fromSegments(segs)

    def windingNumberOfPoint(self, pt):
        bounds = self.bounds()
        ray1 = Line(Point(bounds.left, pt.y), pt)
        ray2 = Line(Point(bounds.right, pt.y), pt)
        leftIntersections = {}
        rightIntersections = {}
        leftWinding = 0
        rightWinding = 0
        for s in self.asSegments():
            for i in s.intersections(ray1):
                # print("Found left intersection with %s: %s" % (ray1, i.point))
                leftIntersections[i.point] = i

            for i in s.intersections(ray2):
                rightIntersections[i.point] = i

        for i in leftIntersections.values():
            # XXX tangents here are all positive? Really?
            # print(i.seg1, i.t1, i.point)
            tangent = s.tangentAtTime(i.t1)
            # print("Tangent at left intersection %s is %f" % (i.point,tangent.y))
            leftWinding += int(math.copysign(1, tangent.y))

        for i in rightIntersections.values():
            tangent = s.tangentAtTime(i.t1)
            # print("Tangent at right intersection %s is %f" % (i.point,tangent.y))
            rightWinding += int(math.copysign(1, tangent.y))

        # print("Left winding: %i right winding: %i " % (leftWinding,rightWinding))
        return max(abs(leftWinding), abs(rightWinding))

    def pointIsInside(self, pt):
        """Returns true if the given point lies on the "inside" of the path,
    assuming an 'even-odd' winding rule where self-intersections are considered
        li = self.windingNumberOfPoint(pt)
        return li % 2 == 1

    def signed_area(self):
        """Approximates the area under a closed path by flattening and treating as a polygon.
    Returns the signed area; positive means the path is counter-clockwise,
    negative means it is clockwise."""
        flat = self.flatten()
        area = 0
        for s in flat.asSegments():
            area = area + (s.start.x * s.end.y) - (s.start.y * s.end.x)
        area = area / 2.0
        return area

    def area(self):
        """Approximates the area under a closed path by flattening and treating as a
    polygon. Returns the unsigned area. Use :py:meth:`signed_area` if you want
    the signed area."""
        return abs(self.signed_area)

    def direction(self):
        """Returns the direction of the path: -1 for clockwise and 1 for counterclockwise."""
        return math.copysign(1, self.signed_area)

    def centroid(self):
        if not self.closed: return None
        return self.bounds().centroid  # Really?

    def drawWithBrush(self, other):
        """Assuming that `other` is a closed Bezier path representing a pen or
    brush of a certain shape and that `self` is an open path, this method
    traces the brush along the path, returning an array of Bezier paths.

    `other` may also be a function which, given a time `t` (0-1), returns a closed
    path representing the shape of the brush at the given time.

    This requires the `shapely` library to be installed.
        from shapely.geometry import Polygon
        from shapely.ops import unary_union
        polys = []
        samples = self.sample(self.length / 2)

        def constantBrush(t):
            return other

        brush = other
        if not callable(brush):
            brush = constantBrush

        c = brush(0).centroid

        from itertools import tee

        def pairwise(iterable):
            "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
            a, b = tee(iterable)
            next(b, None)
            return zip(a, b)

        t = 0
        for n in samples:
            brushHere = brush(t).clone().flatten()
            brushHere.translate(n - brushHere.centroid)
                Polygon([(x[0].x, x[0].y) for x in brushHere.asSegments()]))
            t = t + 1.0 / len(samples)
        concave_hull = unary_union(polys)
        ll = []
        for x, y in pairwise(concave_hull.exterior.coords):
            l = Line(Point(x[0], x[1]), Point(y[0], y[1]))
        paths = [BezierPath.fromSegments(ll)]

        for interior in concave_hull.interiors:
            ll = []
            for x, y in pairwise(interior.coords):
                l = Line(Point(x[0], x[1]), Point(y[0], y[1]))

        return paths

    def quadraticsToCubics(self):
        """Converts all quadratic segments in the path to cubic Beziers."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        for i, s in enumerate(segs):
            if len(s) == 3:
                segs[i] = s.toCubicBezier()
        return self

    def thicknessAtX(path, x):
        """Returns the thickness of the path at x-coordinate ``x``."""
        bounds = path.bounds()
        ray = Line(Point(x - 0.1, bounds.bottom), Point(x + 0.1, bounds.top))
        intersections = []
        for seg in path.asSegments():
        if len(intersections) < 2:
            return None
        intersections = list(sorted(intersections, key=lambda i: i.point.y))
        i1, i2 = intersections[0:2]
        inorm1 = i1.seg1.normalAtTime(i1.t1)
        ray1 = Line(i1.point + (inorm1 * 1000), i1.point + (inorm1 * -1000))
        iii = i2.seg1.intersections(ray1)
        if iii:
            ll1 = i1.point.distanceFrom(iii[0].point)
            # Simple, vertical version
            return abs(i1.point.y - i2.point.y)

        inorm2 = i2.seg1.normalAtTime(i2.t1)
        ray2 = Line(i2.point + (inorm2 * 1000), i2.point + (inorm2 * -1000))
        iii = i1.seg1.intersections(ray2)
        if iii:
            ll2 = i2.point.distanceFrom(iii[0].point)
            return (ll1 + ll2) * 0.5
            return ll1

        # midpoint = (i1.point + i2.point) / 2
        # # Find closest path to midpoint
        # # Find the tangent at that time
        # inorm2 = i2.seg1.normalAtTime(i2.t1)

    def distanceToPath(self, other, samples=10):
        """Finds the distance to the other curve at its closest point,
    along with the t values for the closest point at each segment
    and the relevant segments.

    Returns: ``distance, t1, t2, seg1, seg2``."""
        from beziers.utils.curvedistance import curveDistance
        segs1 = self.asSegments()
        segs2 = other.asSegments()
        minDistance = None
        # Find closest segment pair.
        for s1 in segs1:
            samples1 = s1.sample(samples)
            for s2 in segs2:
                samples2 = s2.sample(samples)
                d = min([
                    p1.squareDistanceFrom(p2) for p1 in samples1
                    for p2 in samples2
                if not minDistance or d < minDistance:
                    minDistance = d
                    closestPair = (s1, s2)
        c = curveDistance(closestPair[0], closestPair[1])
        return (c[0], c[1], c[2], closestPair[0], closestPair[1])

    def tidy(self, **kwargs):
        """Tidies a curve by adding extremes, and then running
    ``removeIrrelevantSegments`` and ``smooth``. ``relLength``,
    ``absLength``, ``maxCollectionSize``, ``lengthLimit`` and
    ``cornerTolerance`` parameters are passed to the relevant routine."""
            k: v
            for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in ["relLength", "absLength"]
                k: v
                for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in
                ["maxCollectionSize", "lengthLimit", "cornerTolerance"]

    def removeIrrelevantSegments(self, relLength=1 / 50000, absLength=0):
        """Removes small and collinear line segments. Collinear line
    segments are adjacent line segments which are heading in the same
    direction, and hence can be collapsed into a single segment.
    Small segments (those less than ``absLength`` units, or less than
    ``relLength`` as a fraction of the path's total length) are
    removed entirely."""
        segs = self.asSegments()
        newsegs = [segs[0]]
        smallLength = self.length * relLength
        for i in range(1, len(segs)):
            prev = newsegs[-1]
            this = segs[i]
            if this.length < smallLength or this.length < absLength:
                this[0] = prev[0]
                newsegs[-1] = this
            if len(prev) == 2 and len(this) == 2:
                if math.isclose(
                    this[0] = prev[0]
                    newsegs[-1] = this
        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, newsegs)
        return self

    def smooth(self, maxCollectionSize=30, lengthLimit=20, cornerTolerance=10):
        """Smooths a curve, by collating lists of small (at most ``lengthLimit``
    units long) segments at most ``maxCollectionSize`` segments at a time,
    and running them through a curve fitting algorithm. The list collation
    also stops when one segment turns more than ``cornerTolerance`` degrees
    away from the previous one, so that corners are not smoothed."""
        smallLineLength = lengthLimit
        segs = self.asSegments()
        i = 0
        collection = []
        while i < len(segs):
            s = segs[i]
            if s.length < smallLineLength and len(
                    collection) <= maxCollectionSize:
                corner = False
                if len(collection) > 1:
                    last = collection[-1]
                    if abs(
                            last.tangentAtTime(1).angle -
                            s.tangentAtTime(0).angle) > math.radians(
                        corner = True
                if len(collection
                       ) > maxCollectionSize or corner or i == len(segs) - 2:
                    points = [x.start for x in collection]
                    bp = BezierPath.fromPoints(points)
                    if len(bp.asSegments()) > 0:
                        segs[i - len(collection):i] = bp.asSegments()
                        i -= len(collection)
                    collection = []
            i += 1
        if len(collection) > 0:
            points = [x.start for x in collection]
            bp = BezierPath.fromPoints(points)
            if len(bp.asSegments()) > 0:
                segs[i - (1 + len(collection)):i - 1] = bp.asSegments()

        self.activeRepresentation = SegmentRepresentation(self, segs)
        return self