Exemplo n.º 1
    def read_data(self, level=2, sieve=None, strict=True, onlyid=False):
        bcg2.read_bcg2_numpy returns 3 numpy Record Arrays for header, halos, and particles.
        Header and halos are single dimensional Record Arrays containing data and halo information.
        Particle is a Record Array of Record Arrays for each halo id and for each particle axis.
        Schema for arrays can be found in halos/config.py.
        :level reads either header(0), halo metadata(1) or particle data (2). Should be 2.
        :sieve a set of ids to keep. All others discarded. If None, all data are kept.
        :strict[DEPRACATED]=False creates empty halo instances just with metadata, True does not create instances
        :onlyid=True reads only halo and particle ids, default is False for full data
        if onlyid != self.onlyid:  # reset storage w/ appropriate types if different onlyid value
            self.onlyid = onlyid
            self.header = np.array([], dtype=config.DT_HEADER)
            self.halos = []
            if not onlyid: self.h = np.array([], dtype=config.DT_GROUPS)
            if onlyid: self.h = np.array([], dtype=config.DT_ID)

        for file in self.files:
            header, h, particles = bgc2.read_bgc2_numpy(file,

            if level >= 0:  # appending header data, level=0

            if level >= 1:  # appending halo group meta data, level=1
                self._add_groups(h, onlyid)

            if level >= 2:  # appending particle data, level=2
                if not onlyid:
                    for i in xrange(len(h)):
                            Halo(h[i].id, (h[i].x, h[i].y, h[i].z),
                    for i in xrange(len(h)):
                            Halo(h[i], (None, None, None), particles[i]))
            # if level==1 and strict==False:
            #     for i in xrange(len(h)):
            #         self.halos.append(Halo(h[i].id, (h[i].x, h[i].y, h[i].z), ()))
        if self.verbose:
            print "data file(s) read"
Exemplo n.º 2
    def read_data(self, level=2, sieve=None, strict=True, onlyid=False):
        bcg2.read_bcg2_numpy returns 3 numpy Record Arrays for header, halos, and particles.
        Header and halos are single dimensional Record Arrays containing data and halo information.
        Particle is a Record Array of Record Arrays for each halo id and for each particle axis.
        Schema for arrays can be found in halos/config.py.
        :level reads either header(0), halo metadata(1) or particle data (2). Should be 2.
        :sieve a set of ids to keep. All others discarded. If None, all data are kept.
        :strict[DEPRACATED]=False creates empty halo instances just with metadata, True does not create instances
        :onlyid=True reads only halo and particle ids, default is False for full data
        if onlyid != self.onlyid:  # reset storage w/ appropriate types if different onlyid value
            self.onlyid = onlyid
            self.header = np.array([], dtype=config.DT_HEADER)
            self.halos = []
            if not onlyid:
                self.h = np.array([], dtype=config.DT_GROUPS)
            if onlyid:
                self.h = np.array([], dtype=config.DT_ID)

        for file in self.files:
            header, h, particles = bgc2.read_bgc2_numpy(file, level=level, sieve=sieve, onlyid=onlyid)

            if level >= 0:  # appending header data, level=0

            if level >= 1:  # appending halo group meta data, level=1
                self._add_groups(h, onlyid)

            if level >= 2:  # appending particle data, level=2
                if not onlyid:
                    for i in xrange(len(h)):
                        self.halos.append(Halo(h[i].id, (h[i].x, h[i].y, h[i].z), particles[i]))
                    for i in xrange(len(h)):
                        self.halos.append(Halo(h[i], (None, None, None), particles[i]))
            # if level==1 and strict==False:
            #     for i in xrange(len(h)):
            #         self.halos.append(Halo(h[i].id, (h[i].x, h[i].y, h[i].z), ()))
        if self.verbose:
            print "data file(s) read"
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
	This program reads in halo and particle data from bgc2 files and halo shape
	data from the Rockstar's ASCII output.  Halo shape information generated
	from Rockstar is used to fit halos with appropriately-rotated ellipsoidal
	shells, and the half-mass radius is found from the ellipsoidal radius of
	the (n/2)th particle.

	The halo IDs and resulting half-mass radii are saved to disk to be added as
	an additional column in the master halo database.  Optionally, plots are
	generated to demonstrate the ellipsoid halo fitting.

	Requires bgc2.py as a dependency.

	#opts, args = get_args(sys.argv[1:])
	#output_file, bgc2_files, ascii_files = parse_args(opts, args)
	ascii_files = [sys.argv[1]]
	bgc2_files = [sys.argv[2]]

	for (ascii_file, bgc2_file) in zip(ascii_files, bgc2_files):
		#  read in halo ID, shape data, etc. from Rockstar output
		ascii_header, ascii_data = read_files(ascii_file, header_line=0, rec_array=True)
		#  read in bgc2 files and make arrays of halo and particle data
		bgc2_header, halos, particles = bgc2.read_bgc2_numpy(bgc2_file)

		#  find array to sort halos by number of particles to work from the biggest down
		halo_indices = np.argsort(halos.npart)
		halo_indices = halo_indices[::-1]
		if start_halo > 0:
			halo_indices = halo_indices[start_halo:]

		#  loop through halos to work on one halo and particle list at a time
		for iteration, halo_index in enumerate(halo_indices):
			#  exit loop if max iteration reached
			if (max_iteration > 0) and (iteration >= max_iteration):

			#  get data for current halo
			halo = np.array(halos[halo_index]).view(np.recarray)
			halo_particles = particles[halo_index]
			ascii_halo = ascii_data[ascii_data.id == halo.id]

			#  check for id match and duplicate halos
			if len(ascii_halo) != 1:
				print "Error:  found %d ASCII halo matches for halo ID %d." % (len(ascii_halo), ascii_halo.id[0])

			#  skip halos with fewer than specified number of particles
			if (npart_threshold > 0) and (halo.npart < npart_threshold):
				print "Skipping remaining halos with fewer than %d particles." % npart_threshold

			#  convert Mpc to kpc for halo and particle positions
			print "Converting units to kpc..."
			halo.radius = halo.radius * dist_scale
			for pos in halo.x, halo.y, halo.z, halo_particles.x, halo_particles.y, halo_particles.z:
				pos[...] = pos * dist_scale

			#  make particle positions relative to halo center
			print "Making particle positions relative to halo center..."
			for particle_pos, halo_pos in zip([halo_particles.x, halo_particles.y, halo_particles.z], [halo.x, halo.y, halo.z]):
				particle_pos[...] = particle_pos - halo_pos

			#  optionally, generate simplified fake halo data for testing/debugging
			if test_fake_halo:
				ascii_halo, halo, halo_particles = make_fake_halo(ascii_halo, halo, halo_particles)

			#  convert particle cartesian coordinates to (spherical or ellipsoidal) radii
			print "Converting particle positions to spherical radii..."
			r_sphere = np.sqrt((halo_particles.x)**2 + (halo_particles.y)**2 + (halo_particles.z)**2)
			if method == 'sphere':
				r = r_sphere
			elif method == 'ellipsoid':
				print "Rotating eigenvalue matrix of axis ratios..."
				ratios = get_rotated_ratios_matrix(ascii_halo)
				#ratios = get_best_minor_rotation(ascii_halo.rvir, ratios, \
				ratios = get_best_minor_rotation(ascii_halo.Rs, ratios, \
				                                 np.array([ascii_halo.Ax[0], ascii_halo.Ay[0], ascii_halo.Az[0]]), \
				                                 np.column_stack((halo_particles.x, halo_particles.y, halo_particles.z)))
				print "Converting particle positions to ellipsoidal radii..."
				r = get_ellipsoid_r(ratios, np.column_stack((halo_particles.x, halo_particles.y, halo_particles.z)))

			#  find half-mass radius
			r_half_mass_sphere, r_half_mass_ell = get_half_mass_r(r, r_sphere)

			#  save result to array for later output to file
			#  !! todo -- add this

			#  make plots
			if (iteration < num_halos_to_plot) and (generate_testing_plots or generate_paper_plots):
				print "Making plot set %d for halo ID %d..." % (iteration, halo.id)
				make_plots(iteration, halo, ascii_halo, halo_particles, ratios, r, r_half_mass_ell)

		#  save results to file
		#  !! todo -- add this

	print 'Finished.'