Exemplo n.º 1
def load_dict(meta_dict):
    if "rec_class" not in meta_dict:
        return Common(meta_dict)
    elif meta_dict["rec_class"] == "Document":
        return Document(meta_dict)
    elif meta_dict["rec_class"] == "Person":
        return Person(meta_dict)
    elif meta_dict["rec_class"] == "Orgunit":
        return Orgunit(meta_dict)
    elif meta_dict["rec_class"] == "Project":
        return Project(meta_dict)
    elif meta_dict["rec_class"] == "Event":
        return Event(meta_dict)
    elif meta_dict["rec_class"] == "Family":
        return Family(meta_dict)
    elif meta_dict["rec_class"] == "Field":
        return Field(meta_dict)
    elif meta_dict["rec_class"] == "Resource":
        return Resource(meta_dict)
    elif meta_dict["rec_class"] == "Target":
        return Target(meta_dict)
    elif meta_dict["rec_class"] == "Type":
        return Type(meta_dict)
    elif meta_dict["rec_class"] == "Collection":
        return Collection(meta_dict)
        logging.warning("Unknown rec_class: {O}".format(meta_dict["rec_class"]))
        return Common(meta_dict)
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_rml_teachings(rml):
    """ teaching -> teachings """
    result = {}
    rml_teachings = rml.findall(xmletree.prefixtag("rml", "teaching"))
    if rml_teachings is not None:
        teachings = []
        for rml_teaching in rml_teachings:
            if rml_teaching is not None:
                teaching = {}

                # dateBegin -> date_begin
                teaching.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_teaching, "dateBegin", "date_begin"))

                # dateEnd -> date_end
                teaching.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_teaching, "dateEnd", "date_end"))

                # description -> descriptions[i]
                teaching.update(get_rml_textlangs_and_set_key(rml_teaching, "description", "descriptions"))

                # level -> level
                teaching.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_teaching, "level", "level"))

                # title -> title
                teaching.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_teaching, "title", "title"))

                # creators
                # name -> creators[0].agent.name
                name = get_rml_element_text(rml_teaching, "name")
                creator = creator_service.formatted_name_to_creator(name, constants.REC_CLASS_ORGUNIT, "dgg")
                if creator is None:
                    creator = Creator()
                    creator["agent"] = Orgunit()
                    creator["roles"] = "dgg"

                # identifiers -> creators[0].agent.rec_id or creators[0].agent.identifiers

                if "name" in creator["agent"] or "rec_id" in creator["agent"] or "identifiers" in creator["agent"]:
                    teaching["creators"] = [creator]

                if teaching is not None:
        if teachings:
            result["teachings"] = teachings
    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_rml_degrees(rml):
    """ degree -> degrees """
    result = {}
    rml_degrees = rml.findall(xmletree.prefixtag("rml", "degree"))
    if rml_degrees is not None:
        degrees = []
        for rml_degree in rml_degrees:
            if rml_degree is not None:
                degree = {}

                # dateBegin -> date_begin
                degree.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_degree, "dateBegin", "date_begin"))

                # dateEnd -> date_end
                degree.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_degree, "dateEnd", "date_end"))

                # description -> descriptions
                degree.update(get_rml_textlangs_and_set_key(rml_degree, "description", "descriptions"))

                # level -> level
                degree.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_degree, "level", "level"))

                # title -> title
                degree.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_degree, "title", "title"))

                # creators
                # name -> creators[0].agent.name
                name = get_rml_element_text(rml_degree, "name")
                creator = creator_service.formatted_name_to_creator(name, constants.REC_CLASS_ORGUNIT, "dgg")
                if creator is None:
                    creator = Creator()
                    creator["agent"] = Orgunit()
                    creator["roles"] = ["dgg"]

                # identifiers -> creators[0].agent.rec_id or creators[0].agent.identifiers

                if "name" in creator["agent"] or "rec_id" in creator["agent"] or "identifiers" in creator["agent"]:
                    degree["creators"] = [creator]

                if degree is not None:
        if degrees:
            result["degrees"] = degrees
    return result
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_rml_call(rml):
    """ call -> call """
    result = {}
    rml_call = rml.find(xmletree.prefixtag("rml", "call"))
    if rml_call is not None:
        call = Call()

        # funding -> funding
        rml_funding = rml_call.find(xmletree.prefixtag("rml", "funding"))
        if rml_funding is not None:
            # name -> agent.name
            name = get_rml_element_text(rml_funding, "name")
            funding = creator_service.formatted_name_to_creator(name, constants.REC_CLASS_ORGUNIT, None)
            if funding is None:
                funding = Creator()
                funding["agent"] = Orgunit()

            # identifier -> agent.rec_id & agent.identifiers

            # programme -> programme
            funding.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_funding, "programme", "programme"))

            # scheme -> scheme
            funding.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_funding, "scheme", "scheme"))

            # contribution -> contribution
            funding.update(get_rml_money_and_set_key(rml_funding, "contribution", "contribution"))

            if funding:     
                call["funding"] = funding

        # identifier -> rec_id
        call.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_call, "identifier", "rec_id"))

        # title -> title
        call.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_call, "title", "title"))

        # year -> date_issued
        call.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_call, "year", "date_issued"))

        if call:
            result["call"] = call
    return result
Exemplo n.º 5
def create_affiliation(rec_id, name, role=None, date_begin=None, date_end=None, preferred=False, descriptions=None):
    affiliation = {}
    if date_begin:
        affiliation["date_begin"] = date_begin
    if date_end:
        affiliation["date_end"] = date_end
    if descriptions:
        affiliation["descriptions"] = descriptions
    if preferred:
        affiliation["preferred"] = preferred
    if role:
        affiliation["role"] = role
    # agent
    agent = Orgunit()
    if rec_id:
        agent["rec_id"] = rec_id
    if name:
        agent["name"] = name
    affiliation["agent"] = agent

    return affiliation
Exemplo n.º 6
def formatted_name_to_creator(formatted_name, rec_class, role):
    #logging.debug("formatted_name_to_creator formatted_name: {}".format(formatted_name))
    if formatted_name:
        formatted_name = formatted_name.strip()
        event = None
        family = None
        orgunit = None
        person = None

        #logging.debug("formatted_name: {}".format(formatted_name))
        # rec_class determination
        if rec_class is None or rec_class not in [
                constants.REC_CLASS_EVENT, constants.REC_CLASS_FAMILY,
                constants.REC_CLASS_ORGUNIT, constants.REC_CLASS_PERSON
            for event_term in creator_event_terms:
                if event_term in formatted_name.lower():
                    rec_class = constants.REC_CLASS_EVENT
            for orgunit_term in creator_orgunit_terms:
                if orgunit_term in formatted_name.lower():
                    rec_class = constants.REC_CLASS_ORGUNIT
            if rec_class is None:
                rec_class = constants.REC_CLASS_PERSON

        creator = Creator()
        if role:
            creator["roles"] = [role]

        if rec_class == constants.REC_CLASS_EVENT:
            event = Event()
            event["title"] = formatted_name
            creator["agent"] = event

        elif rec_class == constants.REC_CLASS_ORGUNIT:
            orgunit = Orgunit()
            orgunit["name"] = formatted_name
            creator["agent"] = orgunit

        elif rec_class == constants.REC_CLASS_PERSON or rec_class == constants.REC_CLASS_FAMILY:
            # class is "Person" or "Family"

            name_given = ""
            name_middle = ""
            name_family = ""
            name_prefix = ""
            name_terms_of_address = ""
            date_birth = ""
            date_death = ""

            parenthesis_index = formatted_name.rfind("(")
            if parenthesis_index != -1:
                #may be like: name (date_birth-date_death)
                dates_part = formatted_name[parenthesis_index + 1:-1].strip()
                date_birth = dates_part[:4]
                date_death = dates_part[5:]
                if date_death == "....":
                    date_death = ""
                formatted_name = formatted_name[:parenthesis_index].strip()

            slash_index = formatted_name.find("/")
            if slash_index != -1:
                #like: name/affiliation
                affiliation_name = formatted_name[slash_index + 1:].strip()
                formatted_name = formatted_name[:slash_index].strip()

            commaspacejrdot_index = formatted_name.rfind(", Jr.")
            if (commaspacejrdot_index != -1):
                #like "Paul B. Harvey, Jr."
                formatted_name = formatted_name[:commaspacejrdot_index].strip()
                name_middle = "Jr."

            #Is it formatted like "Family, Given" or "Given Family" ?
            comma_index = formatted_name.find(",")
            if comma_index == -1:
                space_index = formatted_name.rfind(" ")
                if space_index != -1:
                    #like Given Family
                    name_given = formatted_name[:space_index].strip()
                    name_family = formatted_name[space_index + 1:].strip()
                    #like Family
                    name_family = formatted_name.strip()

                #like Family, Given
                name_family = formatted_name[:comma_index].strip()
                name_given = formatted_name[comma_index + 1:].strip()

            # manage the terms_of_address and particule
            for term_of_address in creator_person_terms_of_address:
                if name_family and name_family.lower().startswith(
                        term_of_address + " "):
                    name_terms_of_address = name_family[:len(term_of_address)]
                    name_family = name_family[len(term_of_address):].strip()
                if name_given:
                    if name_given.lower().endswith(" " + term_of_address):
                        name_terms_of_address = name_given[-len(term_of_address
                        name_given = name_given[:-len(term_of_address)].strip()
                    if name_given.lower().startswith(term_of_address + " "):
                        name_terms_of_address = name_given[:len(term_of_address
                        name_given = name_given[len(term_of_address):].strip()
                    if name_given.lower() == term_of_address:
                        name_terms_of_address = name_given
                        name_given = None

            # Be careful with a particule inside the name like: Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo
            for particule in creator_particule:
                if name_family and name_family.lower().startswith(particule +
                                                                  " "):
                    name_prefix = name_family[0:len(particule)]
                    name_family = name_family[len(particule):].strip()
                if name_given:
                    if name_given.lower().endswith(" " + particule):
                        name_prefix = name_given[-len(particule):]
                        name_given = name_given[:-len(particule)].strip()
                    if name_given.lower().startswith(particule + " "):
                        name_prefix = name_given[:len(particule)]
                        name_given = name_given[len(particule):].strip()
                    if name_given.lower() == particule:
                        name_prefix = name_given
                        name_given = None

            if rec_class == constants.REC_CLASS_PERSON:
                person = Person()
                person.set_key_if_not_none("name_family", name_family)
                person.set_key_if_not_none("name_given", name_given)
                person.set_key_if_not_none("name_middle", name_middle)
                person.set_key_if_not_none("name_prefix", name_prefix)
                person.set_key_if_not_none("date_birth", date_birth)
                person.set_key_if_not_none("date_death", date_death)

                creator["agent"] = person

                if 'affiliation_name' in vars() and affiliation_name:
                    #todo manage as an object
                    affiliation = Orgunit()
                    affiliation["name"] = affiliation_name
                    creator["affiliation"] = affiliation

            elif rec_class == constants.REC_CLASS_FAMILY:
                family = Family()
                family.set_key_if_not_none("name_family", name_family)
                creator["agent"] = family

        #logging.debug(jsonbson.dumps_json(creator, True))
        return creator
Exemplo n.º 7
def org_laboratory_to_metajson(org_laboratory):
    orgunit = Orgunit()
    return orgunit
Exemplo n.º 8
def rml_orgunit_to_metajson(rml_orgunit, source, rec_id_prefix):
    """ orgUnit -> orgunit """
    orgunit = Orgunit()

    # source
    if source:
        orgunit["rec_source"] = source

    # acronym -> acronym
    orgunit.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_orgunit, "acronym", "acronym"))

    # address -> addresses

    # affiliation -> affiliations

    # award -> awards
    orgunit.update(get_rml_textlangs_and_set_key(rml_orgunit, "award", "awards"))

    # ckbData -> self_archiving_policy

    # dateOfDissolution -> date_dissolution
    orgunit.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_orgunit, "dateOfDissolution", "date_dissolution"))

    # dateOfFoundation -> date_foundation
    orgunit.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_orgunit, "dateOfFoundation", "date_foundation"))

    # description -> descriptions
    orgunit.update(get_rml_textlangs_and_set_key(rml_orgunit, "description", "descriptions"))

    # email -> emails

    # headcount -> headcounts

    # identifier -> identifiers

    # image -> resources[0]
    orgunit.update(get_rml_images(rml_orgunit, "logo"))

    # name -> name
    orgunit.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_orgunit, "name", "name"))

    # nameAlternative -> name_alternatives
    orgunit.update(get_rml_textlangs_and_set_key(rml_orgunit, "nameAlternative", "name_alternatives"))

    # nationality -> nationality
    orgunit.update(get_rml_element_text_and_set_key(rml_orgunit, "nationality", "nationality"))

    # note -> notes
    orgunit.update(get_rml_textlangs_and_set_key(rml_orgunit, "note", "notes"))

    # olDescription -> descriptions_short
    orgunit.update(get_rml_textlangs_and_set_key(rml_orgunit, "olDescription", "descriptions_short"))

    # ongoingResearch -> ongoing_researches

    # phone -> phones

    # researchCoverage -> research_coverages

    # skill -> skills
    orgunit.update(get_rml_textlangs_and_set_key(rml_orgunit, "skill", "skills"))

    # turnover -> turnovers

    # @type -> rec_type
    orgunit.update(xmletree.get_element_attribute_and_set_key(rml_orgunit, "type", "rec_type"))

    # uri -> urls

    return orgunit