Exemplo n.º 1
def _ingest_citations(rc):
    import bibtexparser
    from bibtexparser.bparser import BibTexParser
    from bibtexparser.customization import getnames

    parser = BibTexParser()
    parser.ignore_nonstandard_types = False

    def customizations(record):
        for n in ['author', 'editor']:
            if n in record:
                a = [i for i in record[n].replace('\n', ' ').split(', ')]
                b = [i.split(" and ") for i in a]
                c = [item for sublist in b for item in sublist]
                d = [i.strip() for i in c]
                record[n] = getnames(d)

        return record

    parser.customization = customizations
    with open(rc.filename, 'r') as f:
        bibs = bibtexparser.load(f, parser=parser)
    coll = rc.client[rc.db][rc.coll]
    for bib in bibs.entries:
        bibid = bib.pop('ID')
        bib['entrytype'] = bib.pop('ENTRYTYPE')
        if 'author' in bib:
            bib['author'] = [a.strip() for b in bib['author'] for a in
        if 'title' in bib:
            bib['title'] = RE_SPACE.sub(' ', bib['title'])
        rc.client.update_one(rc.db, rc.coll, {'_id': bibid},
                             bib, upsert=True)
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: fetch.py Projeto: siudej/Cite
 def _bibtexQuery(self, query):
     """ Turn query into bibtex dictionary. """
     import bibtexparser
     from bibtexparser.bparser import BibTexParser
     parser = BibTexParser()
     parser.customization = homogeneize_latex_encoding
     bib = bibtexparser.loads(query, parser=parser)
     if bib.entries:
         # only the first record
         record = bib.entries[0]
         # clean up entries
         if "author" in record:
             # just last name
             record["author"] = re.sub(r',.*?(and\s*|$)', ' ',
         if "title" in record:
             record["title"] = self._citationQuery(record["title"])[0][1]
         if "journal" in record:
             record["journal"] = self._citationQuery(record["journal"])[0][1]
         if "year" in record:
             record["date"] = record["year"]
         # only use a few fields
         # TODO add numbers
         return [(k, v) for k, v in record.items() if k in
                 {"author", "title", "journal", "mrnumber", "date",
                  "arxiv", "zbl"}]
         return []
Exemplo n.º 3
def parseEntry(s):
    # normalize unicode by reparsing
    parser = BibTexParser()
    parser.customization = convert_to_unicode
    db1 = bibtexparser.loads(s, parser=parser)
    es = db1.entries
    return es[0]
Exemplo n.º 4
        def save(self):

            bibfile = self.cleaned_data['file'].file
            bp = BibTexParser(bibfile, customization=convert_to_unicode)

            good = 0
            bad = 0
            results = []

            for item in bp.get_entry_list():
                # find the common keys
                keys = set(Reference._meta.get_all_field_names()).intersection(

                # populate the common fields
                r = Reference()
                for k in keys:

                    if k == 'id':
                        setattr(r, 'slug', item[k])
                        setattr(r, k, item[k])

                except Exception as e:
                    bad += 1
                    results.append("![{0}]: {1}".format(r.slug, e.message))
                    good += 1
                    results.append("[{0}]: {1}".format(r.slug, r.title))

            return good, bad, results
Exemplo n.º 5
def annotes_dicts(bibfile, pdfdir, filters, include_all=False):

    with open(bibfile, encoding="utf-8") as bibtex_file:
        bibtex_str = bibtex_file.read()
    parser = BibTexParser()
    parser.ignore_nonstandard_types = False
    bib_database = bibtexparser.loads(bibtex_str, parser)

    annotes_list = []

    for entry in bib_database.entries:
        match = True
        for key, pattern in filters:
            if key not in entry or not re.search(pattern, entry[key]):
                match = False
        filepath = ''
        if match and (entry.get('file') or entry.get('review') or include_all):
            if entry.get('file'):
                filepath = os.path.join(pdfdir, entry['file'][1:-4])
                sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % filepath)
                annotes = get_annotes(filepath)
                annotes = []
            if annotes or entry.get('review') is not None or include_all:
                info = {'file': filepath}
                for k in 'author', 'year', 'title', 'journal', 'review', 'ID', 'doi':
                    info[k] = _to_utf(entry.get(k, None))
                info['annotations'] = [{k:_to_utf(v) for k,v in j._asdict().items()} for j in annotes]

    annotes_list.sort(key=lambda x: x['ID'])
    return annotes_list
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_article_cust_latex(self):
     with codecs.open('bibtexparser/tests/data/article.bib', 'r',
                      'utf-8') as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read(),
         res = bib.get_entry_list()
     expected = [{
         'This is an abstract. This line should be long enough to test\nmultilines... and with a french {\\\'e}rudit word',
         'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
         'pages': '12--23',
         'volume': '12',
         'ID': 'Cesar2013',
         'year': '2013',
         'author': ['C{\\\'e}sar, Jean'],
         'journal': {
             'ID': 'NiceJournal',
             'name': 'Nice Journal'
         'comments': 'A comment',
         'month': 'jan',
         'keyword': ['keyword1', 'keyword2'],
         'title': '{A}n amazing title'
     self.assertEqual(res, expected)
Exemplo n.º 7
def import_bibtex(request):
    review_id = request.POST['review-id']
    source_id = request.POST['source-id']

    review = Review.objects.get(pk=review_id)
    source = Source.objects.get(pk=source_id)

    bibtex_file = request.FILES['bibtex']
    list_bibtex_file = fix_bibtex_file(bibtex_file.readlines())
    str_bibtex_file = '\r\n'.join(list_bibtex_file)

    ext = os.path.splitext(bibtex_file.name)[1]
    valid_extensions = ['.bib', '.bibtex']

    if ext in valid_extensions or bibtex_file.content_type == 'application/x-bibtex':
        parser = BibTexParser()
        parser.customization = convert_to_unicode
        bib_database = bibtexparser.loads(str_bibtex_file, parser=parser)
        articles = bibtex_to_article_object(bib_database, review, source)
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        _import_articles(request, source, articles)
        messages.error(request, u'Invalid file type. Only .bib or .bibtex files are accepted.')

    return redirect(r('import_studies', args=(review.author.username, review.name)))
Exemplo n.º 8
def load_bibtex(bib_file_name):
    # Open and parse the BibTeX file in `bib_file_name` using
    # `bibtexparser`
    with open(bib_file_name, 'r') as bib_file:
        bp = BibTexParser(bib_file.read(), customization=convert_to_unicode)

    # Get a dictionary of dictionaries of key, value pairs from the
    # BibTeX file. The structure is
    # {ID:{authors:...},ID:{authors:...}}.
    refsdict = bp.get_entry_dict()

    # Create a list of all the types of documents found in the BibTeX
    # file, typically `article`, `inproceedings`, and `phdthesis`.
    # Dedupe the list.
    entry_types = []
    for k, ref in refsdict.items():
    entry_types = set(entry_types)

    # For each of the types of reference, we need to sort each by month
    # then year. We store the dictionary representing each reference in
    # a sorted list for each type of reference. Then we store each of
    # these sorted lists in a dictionary whose key is the type of
    # reference and value is the list of dictionaries.
    sort_dict = {}
    for t in entry_types:
        temp = sorted(
            [val for key, val in refsdict.items() if val["ENTRYTYPE"] == t],
            key=lambda l: datetime.strptime(l["month"], '%b').month,
        sort_dict[t] = sorted(temp, key=lambda k: k["year"], reverse=True)

    return sort_dict
Exemplo n.º 9
    def run(self):
        sort_type = self.options.get('sort', 'date')

        # Load the publications template
        if 'template' in self.options:
            template_path = self.options['template']
            template_dir, template_name = os.path.split(template_path)
            env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir))
            template = env.get_template(template_name)
            # Use template from the Pelican theme
            template = pelican_generator.get_template('publications')

        parser = BibTexParser(common_strings=True)
        parser.customization = customize

        if self.arguments:
            bibtex_path = self.arguments[0].strip()
            with open(bibtex_path, 'r') as bibtex_file:
                bib = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file, parser=parser)
            bib = bibtexparser.loads('\n'.join(self.content), parser=parser)

        entries_to_select = self.options.get('entries', [])
        if entries_to_select:
            d = bib.entries_dict
            entries = [d[e] for e in entries_to_select]
            entries = bib.entries
        entries = sort_entries(entries, sort_type)

        rendered_template = template.render(publications=entries)
        return [nodes.raw('', rendered_template, format='html')]
Exemplo n.º 10
def getentries(filename):
    except IOError as e:
        logg.error("bibtex import: save import file failed: {}".format(e))
        raise IOError("save import file failed")

    # use utf-8-sig instead of utf-8 to get rid of BOM_UTF8, which confuses bibtex parser
    for encoding in ('utf-8-sig', 'utf-16', None):
            error = None
            fi = codecs.open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding)
            parser = BibTexParser(common_strings=True)
            # accept also non standard records like @SCIENCEREPORT
            parser.ignore_nonstandard_types = False
            parser.customization = _bibteximport_customize
            bibtex = bibtex_load(fi, parser=parser)
            # seems to be the correct encoding, don't try other encodings
        except Exception as e:
            # check if there is a utf-encoding error, then try other encoding
            if (encoding is 'utf-8-sig' and str(e).lower().find('utf8') >= 0) or \
                (encoding is 'utf-16' and str(e).lower().find('utf-16') >= 0):
            error = e

    if error:
        logg.error("bibtex import: bibtexparser failed: {}".format(e))
        raise ValueError("bibtexparser failed")

    return bibtex.entries
Exemplo n.º 11
def convert(inpath):
    Convert from bibtex to bibjson.
    One argument expected: path to bibtex file.
    import bibtexparser
    from bibtexparser.bparser import BibTexParser
    import json

    parser = BibTexParser()
    with open(inpath) as bibtex_file:
        parser.customization = customizations
        bib_database = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file, parser=parser)
    myRecords = list()
    num = 1
    records = dict()
    for record in bib_database.entries:
        record1 = dict()
        record1 = record
        record1["_id"] = num
        record1["collection"] = "test01"
        num = num + 1
        #temp = json.dumps(record, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
    records["records"] = myRecords
    return records
Exemplo n.º 12
def import_bibtex(bibtex,
    """Import publications from BibTeX file"""

    # Check BibTeX file exists.
    if not Path(bibtex).is_file():
        err = "Please check the path to your BibTeX file and re-run"
        raise AcademicError(err)

    # Load BibTeX file for parsing.
    with open(bibtex, "r", encoding="utf-8") as bibtex_file:
        parser = BibTexParser(common_strings=True)
        parser.customization = convert_to_unicode
        parser.ignore_nonstandard_types = False
        bib_database = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file, parser=parser)
        for entry in bib_database.entries:
Exemplo n.º 13
def updateArXiv(entry):
    """Look for new versions of arXiv entry `entry`

    Returns False if no new versions or not an arXiv entry,
    Returns the new bibtex otherwise.
    bibtex = getBibtex(entry)
    # Check arXiv
    if('archiveprefix' not in bibtex or
       'arXiv' not in bibtex['archiveprefix']):
        return False

    arxiv_id = bibtex['eprint']
    arxiv_id_no_v = re.sub(r'v\d+\Z', '', arxiv_id)
    ids = set(arxiv_id)

    for entry in getEntries():
        if('archiveprefix' not in bibtex or
           'arXiv' not in bibtex['archiveprefix']):

    last_bibtex = BibTexParser(fetcher.arXiv2Bib(arxiv_id_no_v))
    last_bibtex = last_bibtex.get_entry_dict()
    last_bibtex = last_bibtex[list(last_bibtex.keys())[0]]

    if last_bibtex['eprint'] not in ids:
        return last_bibtex
        return False
Exemplo n.º 14
def getBibtex(entry, file_id='both', clean=False):
    """Returns the bibtex entry corresponding to entry, as a dict

    entry is either a filename or a bibtex ident
    file_id is file or id or both to search for a file / id / both
    clean is to clean the ignored fields specified in config
        with open(config.get("folder")+'index.bib', 'r', encoding='utf-8') \
                as fh:
            bibtex = BibTexParser(fh.read())
        bibtex = bibtex.get_entry_dict()
    except (TypeError, IOError):
        tools.warning("Unable to open index file.")
        return False

    bibtex_entry = False
    if file_id == 'both' or file_id == 'id':
            bibtex_entry = bibtex[entry]
        except KeyError:
    if file_id == 'both' or file_id == 'file':
        if os.path.isfile(entry):
            for key in bibtex.keys():
                if os.path.samefile(bibtex[key]['file'], entry):
                    bibtex_entry = bibtex[key]
    if clean:
        for field in config.get("ignore_fields"):
            except KeyError:
    return bibtex_entry
Exemplo n.º 15
def diffFilesIndex():
    """Compute differences between Bibtex index and PDF files

    Returns a dict with bibtex entry:
        * full bibtex entry with file='' if file is not found
        * only file entry if file with missing bibtex entry
    files = tools.listDir(config.get("folder"))
    files = [i for i in files if tools.getExtension(i) in ['.pdf', '.djvu']]
        with open(config.get("folder")+'index.bib', 'r', encoding='utf-8') \
                as fh:
            index = BibTexParser(fh.read())
        index_diff = index.get_entry_dict()
    except (TypeError, IOError):
        tools.warning("Unable to open index file.")
        return False

    for key in index_diff.keys():
        if index_diff[key]['file'] not in files:
            index_diff[key]['file'] = ''

    for filename in files:
        index_diff[filename] = {'file': filename}

    return index.get_entry_dict()
    def _FindBibEntriesParser(self):
        ret = []
        parser = BibTexParser()
        parser.customization = bib_customizations
        for filename in self._Walk(self._main_directory, ".bib"):
            skip, cache = self._CacheDataAndSkip(filename)
            if skip:

            resp = []
            with open(filename) as bibtex_file:
                bib_database = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file, parser=parser)
                for entry in bib_database.entries:
                    if 'ID' not in entry:
                    title = entry['title']
                    author = entry['author']
                        "%s (%s)" % (title, author)

            self._cached_data[filename] = resp
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_article_comma_first(self):
     with open('bibtexparser/tests/data/article_comma_first.bib',
               'r') as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read())
         res = bib.get_entry_list()
     expected = [{
         'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
         'journal': 'Nice Journal',
         'volume': '12',
         'ID': 'Cesar2013',
         'year': '2013',
         'author': 'Jean Cesar',
         'comments': 'A comment',
         'keyword': 'keyword1, keyword2',
         'title': 'An amazing title'
     }, {
         'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
         'journal': 'Nice Journal',
         'volume': '12',
         'ID': 'Baltazar2013',
         'year': '2013',
         'author': 'Jean Baltazar',
         'comments': 'A comment',
         'keyword': 'keyword1, keyword2',
         'title': 'An amazing title'
     self.assertEqual(res, expected)
Exemplo n.º 18
def load_bib(bib, titles):
    """Returns dict {'BibTeX ID': {record}}
    with open(bib) as bibtex_file:
        parser = BibTexParser()
        parser.customization = convert_to_unicode
        # Find the url field of a misc entry
        # https://github.com/sciunto-org/python-bibtexparser/issues/93
        parser.homogenise_fields = False
        bib = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file, parser=parser)

    with open(titles) as titles_file:
        parser = BibTexParser()
        parser.customization = convert_to_unicode
        titles = bibtexparser.load(titles_file, parser=parser)

    res = {}
    for entry in bib.entries:
        if 'journal' in entry and entry['journal'].lower() in titles.strings:
            entry['journal'] = titles.strings[entry['journal'].lower()]
        if 'author' in entry:
            # F**k me
            entry['author'] = entry['author'].replace('{́i}', 'í')
        res[entry['id'].strip()] = entry
    return res
Exemplo n.º 19
def parse_urlfile(url_file):
    take a file of the form

    category: ads url

    and get the bibtex from the URL and return a list of Paper objects
    with the category stored as the subject


    papers = []

    with open(url_file) as f:

        parser = BibTexParser()
        parser.customization = customizations

        for line in f:
            if line.startswith("#") or line.strip() == "": continue

            subject, url = line.split(": ")

            # for the ADS bibtex URL, lop off the paper_id
            paper_id = url.strip().split("/")[-1]
            bibtex_url = "http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode={}&data_type=BIBTEX".format(paper_id)

            # get the bibtex in html -- this is a little tricky, since
            # urlopen gives us a byte object that we need to decode
            # into unicode before we can play with it.
            with urllib.request.urlopen(bibtex_url) as response:
                bibtex_html = response.read()

            raw_bibtex_html = bibtex_html.splitlines()

            bibtex_string = ""
            for line in raw_bibtex_html:
                bibtex_string += "{}\n".format(line.decode("utf8"))

            # strip off any header and just leave the bibtex
            found_start = False
            bibtex = ""
            for line in bibtex_string:
                if line.startswith("@"):
                    found_start = True
                if found_start:
                    bibtex += line

            # parse the bibtex string
            bib_database = bibtexparser.loads(bibtex, parser=parser)

            for e in bib_database.entries:
                p = extract_paper_info(e)
                if not e is None:
                    p.subject = subject

    return papers
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_article_special_characters(self):
     with open(
             'r') as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read())
         res = bib.get_entry_list()
     expected = [
             'Nice Journal',
             'Jean C{\\\'e}sar{\\\"u}',
             'A comment',
             'keyword1, keyword2',
             'An amazing title',
             "This is an abstract. This line should be long enough to test\nmultilines... and with a french érudit word",
     self.assertEqual(res, expected)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_article(self):
     with codecs.open('bibtexparser/tests/data/article.bib', 'r', 'utf-8') as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read())
         res_list = bib.get_entry_list()
         res_dict = bib.get_entry_dict()
         expected_list = [{'keyword': 'keyword1, keyword2',
                           'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
                           'abstract': 'This is an abstract. This line should be long enough to test\nmultilines... and with a french érudit word',
                           'year': '2013',
                           'journal': 'Nice Journal',
                           'ID': 'Cesar2013',
                           'pages': '12-23',
                           'title': 'An amazing title',
                           'comments': 'A comment',
                           'author': 'Jean César',
                           'volume': '12',
                           'month': 'jan'
         expected_dict = {'Cesar2013': {'keyword': 'keyword1, keyword2',
                           'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
                           'abstract': 'This is an abstract. This line should be long enough to test\nmultilines... and with a french érudit word',
                           'year': '2013',
                           'journal': 'Nice Journal',
                           'ID': 'Cesar2013',
                           'pages': '12-23',
                           'title': 'An amazing title',
                           'comments': 'A comment',
                           'author': 'Jean César',
                           'volume': '12',
                           'month': 'jan'
     self.assertEqual(res_list, expected_list)
     self.assertEqual(res_dict, expected_dict)
Exemplo n.º 22
def main(argv=None) :
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
        # etc., replacing sys.argv with argv in the getopt() call.

    filename = ""

    parser = BibTexParser()
    parser.customization = customizations

    if len(argv) > 1 : 
        filename = argv[1]
        filename = "example.bib"

    with open(filename) as bibtex_file:
        bibtex_str = bibtex_file.read()

    bib_database = bibtexparser.loads(bibtex_str, parser=parser)


    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 23
def parse_bibtex(bib):
    '''Parses the BibTex returned by the DOI resolver

        bib (str): a BibTex record

        Dict containing reference data
    for entity, repl in ENTITIES.iteritems():
        bib = bib.replace(entity, repl)
    # Parse BibTex using the handy dandy bibtexparser module
    import bibtexparser
    from bibtexparser.bparser import BibTexParser
    from bibtexparser.customization import convert_to_unicode
    parser = BibTexParser()
    parser.customization = convert_to_unicode
    parsed = bibtexparser.loads(bib, parser=parser).entries[0]
    # Miscellaneous clean up
    braces = re.compile(u'\{([A-Z_ \-]+|[\u0020-\uD7FF])\}', re.U)
    for key, val in parsed.iteritems():
        val = braces.sub(r'\1', val)
        if '{' in val:
            raise Exception('Unhandled LaTeX: {}'.format(val.encode('cp1252')))
        parsed[key] = val
    parsed['pages'] = parsed.get('pages', '').replace('--', '-')
    if parsed.get('publisher', '').endswith(')'):
        parsed['publisher'] = parsed['publisher'].rsplit('(', 1)[0].rstrip()
    return parsed
Exemplo n.º 24
def deleteId(ident):
    """Delete a file based on its id in the bibtex file"""
        with open(config.get("folder")+'index.bib', 'r', encoding='utf-8') \
                as fh:
            bibtex = BibTexParser(fh.read())
        bibtex = bibtex.get_entry_dict()
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        tools.warning("Unable to open index file.")
        return False

    if ident not in bibtex.keys():
        return False

    except (KeyError, OSError):
        tools.warning("Unable to delete file associated to id "+ident+" : " +

        if not os.listdir(os.path.dirname(bibtex[ident]['file'])):
    except (KeyError, OSError):
        tools.warning("Unable to delete empty tag dir " +

    except KeyError:
        tools.warning("No associated bibtex entry in index for file " +
    return True
Exemplo n.º 25
 def test_multiple_entries(self):
     with open('bibtexparser/tests/data/multiple_entries_and_comments.bib') as bibfile:
         bparser = BibTexParser()
         bib = bparser.parse_file(bibfile)
     expected = ["",
                 "A comment"]
     self.assertEqual(bib.comments, expected)
Exemplo n.º 26
 def test_article(self):
     with codecs.open('bibtexparser/tests/data/article.bib', 'r', 'utf-8') as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read())
         res_list = bib.get_entry_list()
         res_dict = bib.get_entry_dict()
         expected_list = [{'keyword': 'keyword1, keyword2',
                           'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
                           'abstract': 'This is an abstract. This line should be long enough to test\nmultilines... and with a french érudit word',
                           'year': '2013',
                           'journal': 'Nice Journal',
                           'ID': 'Cesar2013',
                           'pages': '12-23',
                           'title': 'An amazing title',
                           'comments': 'A comment',
                           'author': 'Jean César',
                           'volume': '12',
                           'month': 'jan'
         expected_dict = {'Cesar2013': {'keyword': 'keyword1, keyword2',
                           'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
                           'abstract': 'This is an abstract. This line should be long enough to test\nmultilines... and with a french érudit word',
                           'year': '2013',
                           'journal': 'Nice Journal',
                           'ID': 'Cesar2013',
                           'pages': '12-23',
                           'title': 'An amazing title',
                           'comments': 'A comment',
                           'author': 'Jean César',
                           'volume': '12',
                           'month': 'jan'
     self.assertEqual(res_list, expected_list)
     self.assertEqual(res_dict, expected_dict)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_article_comma_first(self):
     with open('bibtexparser/tests/data/article_comma_first.bib', 'r') as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read())
         res = bib.get_entry_list()
     expected = [{'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
                  'journal': 'Nice Journal',
                  'volume': '12',
                  'ID': 'Cesar2013',
                  'year': '2013',
                  'author': 'Jean Cesar',
                  'comments': 'A comment',
                  'keyword': 'keyword1, keyword2',
                  'title': 'An amazing title'
                 {'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
                  'journal': 'Nice Journal',
                  'volume': '12',
                  'ID': 'Baltazar2013',
                  'year': '2013',
                  'author': 'Jean Baltazar',
                  'comments': 'A comment',
                  'keyword': 'keyword1, keyword2',
                  'title': 'An amazing title'
     self.assertEqual(res, expected)
Exemplo n.º 28
def _ingest_citations(rc):
    import bibtexparser
    from bibtexparser.bparser import BibTexParser
    from bibtexparser.customization import getnames

    parser = BibTexParser()
    parser.ignore_nonstandard_types = False

    def customizations(record):
        for n in ["author", "editor"]:
            if n in record:
                a = [i for i in record[n].replace("\n", " ").split(", ")]
                b = [i.split(" and ") for i in a]
                c = [item for sublist in b for item in sublist]
                d = [i.strip() for i in c]
                record[n] = getnames(d)

        return record

    parser.customization = customizations
    with open(rc.filename, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
        bibs = bibtexparser.load(f, parser=parser)
    coll = rc.client[rc.db][rc.coll]
    for bib in bibs.entries:
        bibid = bib.pop("ID")
        bib["entrytype"] = bib.pop("ENTRYTYPE")
        if "author" in bib:
            bib["author"] = [
                a.strip() for b in bib["author"] for a in RE_AND.split(b)
        if "title" in bib:
            bib["title"] = RE_SPACE.sub(" ", bib["title"])
        rc.client.update_one(rc.db, rc.coll, {"_id": bibid}, bib, upsert=True)
Exemplo n.º 29
def import_bibtex(request):
    review_id = request.POST['review-id']
    source_id = request.POST['source-id']

    review = Review.objects.get(pk=review_id)
    source = Source.objects.get(pk=source_id)

    bibtex_file = request.FILES['bibtex']

    ext = os.path.splitext(bibtex_file.name)[1]
    valid_extensions = ['.bib', '.bibtex']

    if ext in valid_extensions or bibtex_file.content_type == 'application/x-bibtex':
        parser = BibTexParser()
        parser.customization = convert_to_unicode
        bib_database = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file, parser=parser)
        articles = bibtex_to_article_object(bib_database, review, source)
        _import_articles(request, source, articles)
            u'Invalid file type. Only .bib or .bibtex files are accepted.')

    return redirect(
        r('import_studies', args=(review.author.username, review.name)))
Exemplo n.º 30
        def save(self):

            bibfile = self.cleaned_data['file'].file
            bp = BibTexParser(bibfile, customization=convert_to_unicode)

            good = 0
            bad = 0
            results = []

            for item in bp.get_entry_list():
                # find the common keys
                keys = set(Reference._meta.get_all_field_names()).intersection(item.keys())

                # populate the common fields
                r = Reference()
                for k in keys:

                    if k == 'id':
                        setattr(r, 'slug', item[k])
                        setattr(r, k, item[k])

                except Exception as e:
                    bad += 1
                    results.append("![{0}]: {1}".format(r.slug, e.message))
                    good += 1
                    results.append("[{0}]: {1}".format(r.slug, r.title))

            return good, bad, results
def bib2jekyllcol (inputFile, outputDir):
    "This prints the bibtex file to output directory as jekyll collection folder(s)" 
    # read and parse bib file
    with open(inputFile) as bibtex_file:
        bibtex_str = bibtex_file.read()
    parser = BibTexParser()
    parser.customization = convert_to_unicode
    bib_database = bibtexparser.loads(bibtex_str, parser=parser)

    # create dictionary for transformation of month to number
    month_list = ["jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "june", "july", "aug", "sept", "oct", "nov", "dec"]
    # type names:
    type_list = ["title", "author", "journal", "volume", "number",
                  "year", "month", "doi", "pages", "publisher", "booktitle", "note"]
    if not os.path.exists(outputDir):
        print("Deleting existing collection file...\n")
        for file in os.listdir(outputDir):
            file_path = os.path.join(outputDir, file)
            if os.path.isfile(file_path):
        except Exception, e:
            print e
Exemplo n.º 32
def read_bib_file(filename, homogenize=False):
    Read bibtex file.

        filename (str): path of the bibtex file.
        homogenize (bool): whether to homogenize the entries upon reading.

        A BibDatabase object.

    # Read input bibtex file
    bibtex_str = ""
    if os.path.exists(filename):
        with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as bibfile:
            bibtex_str = bibfile.read()

    # Choose parser
    parser = None
    if homogenize:
        parser = BibTexParser()
        parser.customization = nomenclature.homogenize_latex_encoding

    # Create database from string
    return bibtexparser.loads(bibtex_str, parser=parser)
def parseEntry(s):
    # normalize unicode by reparsing
    parser = BibTexParser()
    parser.customization = convert_to_unicode
    db1 = bibtexparser.loads(s, parser=parser)
    es = db1.entries
    return es[0]
Exemplo n.º 34
Arquivo: zbl.py Projeto: siudej/Cite
 def _processResults(self, data):
     """ Get bibtex data from zbMATH website. """
     bibs = re.findall("(?si)bibtex/.*?\d{3,}\.bib", data)
     data = []
     import bibtexparser
     from bibtexparser.bparser import BibTexParser
     parser = BibTexParser()
     parser.customization = customizations
     if self.otherID:
         # setup for MRef fetching
         from msn import MRef
         mr = MRef()
     for bib in bibs:
         bibtext = urllib.urlopen("https://zbmath.org/" + bib).read()
         zbl = bibtexparser.loads(bibtext, parser=parser)
         if self.otherID and mr.fetch(bibtext):
             # found MRef match for zbMATH record
             msn = bibtexparser.loads(mr.refs)
             # use MSN bibtex entry with zbl number added
             # and doi transfered if missing
             msn.entries[0]['zbl'] = zbl.entries[0]['zbl']
             if 'doi' not in msn.entries[0] and 'doi' in zbl.entries[0]:
                 msn.entries[0]['doi'] = zbl.entries[0]['doi']
             zbl = msn
     self.refs = "\n".join(data)
Exemplo n.º 35
def read_bib_file(filename, homogenize=False):
    Read bibtex file.

        filename (str): path of the bibtex file.
        homogenize (bool): whether to homogenize the entries upon reading.

        A BibDatabase object.

    # Read input bibtex file
    bibtex_str = " "
    if os.path.exists(filename):
        with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as bibfile:
            bibtex_str = bibfile.read()

    # Choose parser
    parser = None
    if homogenize:
        parser = BibTexParser()
        parser.customization = nomenclature.homogenize_latex_encoding

    # Create database from string
    return bibtexparser.loads(bibtex_str, parser=parser)
 def test_homogenizes_fields(self):
     self.maxDiff = None
     with io.open('bibtexparser/tests/data/article_homogenize.bib',
                  'r', encoding='utf-8') as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read(), homogenize_fields=True)
         expected_dict = {
             'Cesar2013': {
                 'keyword': 'keyword1, keyword2',
                 'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
                 'abstract': 'This is an abstract. This line should be '
                             'long enough to test\nmultilines... and with '
                             'a french érudit word',
                 'year': '2013',
                 'journal': 'Nice Journal',
                 'ID': 'Cesar2013',
                 'pages': '12-23',
                 'title': 'An amazing title',
                 'comments': 'A comment',
                 'author': 'Jean César',
                 'volume': '12',
                 'month': 'jan',
                 'url': "http://my.link/to-content",
                 'subject': "Some topic of interest",
                 'editor': "Edith Or",
         self.assertEqual(bib.get_entry_dict(), expected_dict)
Exemplo n.º 37
def read_bibtex(filename):
    import bibtexparser
    from bibtexparser.bparser import BibTexParser

    def customizations(record):
        custom transformation applied during parsing
        record = bibtexparser.customization.convert_to_unicode(record)
        # Split author field from separated by 'and' into a list of "Name, Surname".
        record = bibtexparser.customization.author(record)
        # Split editor field from separated by 'and' into a list of "Name, Surname".
        record = editor_split(record)
        return record

    def editor_split(record):
        custom transformation
        - split editor field into a list of "Name, Surname"
        :record: dict -- the record
        :returns: dict -- the modified record
        if "editor" in record:
            if record["editor"]:
                record["editor"] = getnames([i.strip() for i in record["editor"].replace('\n', ' ').split(" and ")])
                del record["editor"]
        return record

    with open(filename) as f:
        parser = BibTexParser()
        parser.customization = customizations
        return bibtexparser.load(f, parser=parser).entries
Exemplo n.º 38
 def test_article_comma_first(self):
     with open("bibtexparser/tests/data/article_comma_first.bib", "r") as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read())
         res = bib.get_entry_list()
     expected = [
             "ENTRYTYPE": "article",
             "journal": "Nice Journal",
             "volume": "12",
             "ID": "Cesar2013",
             "year": "2013",
             "author": "Jean Cesar",
             "comments": "A comment",
             "keyword": "keyword1, keyword2",
             "title": "An amazing title",
             "ENTRYTYPE": "article",
             "journal": "Nice Journal",
             "volume": "12",
             "ID": "Baltazar2013",
             "year": "2013",
             "author": "Jean Baltazar",
             "comments": "A comment",
             "keyword": "keyword1, keyword2",
             "title": "An amazing title",
     self.assertEqual(res, expected)
    def test_crossref_cascading(self):
        input_file_path = 'bibtexparser/tests/data/crossref_cascading.bib'
        entries_expected = {'r1': {'ENTRYTYPE': 'book',
                                   'ID': 'r1',
                                   '_FROM_CROSSREF': [],
                                   'crossref': 'r2',
                                   'date': '1911'},
                            'r2': {'ENTRYTYPE': 'book',
                                   'ID': 'r2',
                                   '_FROM_CROSSREF': [],
                                   'crossref': 'r3',
                                   'date': '1911'},
                            'r3': {'ENTRYTYPE': 'book',
                                   'ID': 'r3',
                                   '_FROM_CROSSREF': [],
                                   'crossref': 'r4',
                                   'date': '1911'},
                            'r4': {'ENTRYTYPE': 'book',
                                   'ID': 'r4',
                                   'date': '1911'}}

        parser = BibTexParser(add_missing_from_crossref=True)
        with open(input_file_path) as bibtex_file:
            bibtex_database = parser.parse_file(bibtex_file)
        self.assertDictEqual(bibtex_database.entries_dict, entries_expected)
Exemplo n.º 40
def get_web_bib(params_obj, create_bib_snippets=False):
    """ Return the parsed paper list, customized for web formatting.

        If create_bib_snippet is True, generate a subsetted bibtex snippet. """
    weblist = []    # web formatted
    biblist = []    # bib formatted
    # open and parse all bibfiles (web format)
    for bib_filetail in params_obj.BIB_FILES:
        with open(os.path.join(params_obj.BIB_FLDR, bib_filetail), "r") as bibfile:
            bibfile_str = bibfile.read()

            # parse bib file for web
            webparse = BibTexParser(bibfile_str, customization=web_customizations)
            weblist += webparse.get_entry_list()

            # parse bib file for bib snippets
            bibfile.seek(0)     # rewind
            bibparse = BibTexParser(bibfile_str, customization=bib_customizations)
            biblist += bibparse.get_entry_list()

    # if required, create bib snippets for each record
    if create_bib_snippets:
        for record in biblist:
            create_bibtex_snippet(params_obj, record)

    # return web-formatted version
    sorted_by_year = sorted(weblist, key=sort_key, reverse=True)
    return sorted_by_year
Exemplo n.º 41
def load_bibtex(bib_file_name):
    # Open and parse the BibTeX file in `bib_file_name` using
    # `bibtexparser`
    with open(bib_file_name, 'r') as bib_file:
        bp = BibTexParser(bib_file.read(), customization=convert_to_unicode)

    # Get a dictionary of dictionaries of key, value pairs from the
    # BibTeX file. The structure is
    # {ID:{authors:...},ID:{authors:...}}.
    refsdict = bp.get_entry_dict()

    # Create a list of all the types of documents found in the BibTeX
    # file, typically `article`, `inproceedings`, and `phdthesis`.
    # Dedupe the list.
    entry_types = []
    for k, ref in refsdict.items():
    entry_types = set(entry_types)

    # For each of the types of reference, we need to sort each by month
    # then year. We store the dictionary representing each reference in
    # a sorted list for each type of reference. Then we store each of
    # these sorted lists in a dictionary whose key is the type of
    # reference and value is the list of dictionaries.
    sort_dict = {}
    for t in entry_types:
        temp = sorted([val for key, val in refsdict.items()
                      if val["ENTRYTYPE"] == t], key=lambda l:
                      datetime.strptime(l["month"], '%b').month, reverse=True)
        sort_dict[t] = sorted(temp, key=lambda k: k["year"], reverse=True)

    return sort_dict
Exemplo n.º 42
def getcitation():
    articlesparser = BibTexParser(common_strings=False)
    articlesparser.ignore_nonstandard_types = False
    with open('/home/limingtao/ircre-bibtex/ircreupdate/articles.bib', encoding='utf8') as articlesfile:
        articles_database = bibtexparser.load(articlesfile, articlesparser)

    articleentries = articles_database.entries

    import random
    samplelist = random.sample(range(len(articleentries)), 20)

    for i in samplelist:
        print("Entry number: " + str(i))
        title = articleentries[i]['title']
        clusterid = articleentries[i]['clusterid']
        print("Title: " + title)
        print("Cluster ID: " + clusterid)

        if not clusterid == "unknown":
                citations = os.popen(
                    '''/usr/bin/python3 /home/limingtao/ircre-bibtex/ircreupdate/scholarpy/scholar.py -c 1 -C ''' + clusterid + ''' |grep -v list |grep Citations''').read().strip().split()[
                citations = "unknown"
            citations = "unknown"

        print("new Citations: " + citations)

        if 'cited' in articleentries[i]:
            oldcitednumber = int(articleentries[i]['cited'])
            oldcitednumber = 0

        print("Old Cited Number: " + str(oldcitednumber))

        if not citations == "unknown":
            citednumber = int(citations)
            if citednumber > oldcitednumber and ((citednumber - oldcitednumber) < 8):
                articleentries[i]['cited'] = str(citednumber)

        writer = BibTexWriter()
        writer.indent = '    '
        writer.order_entries_by = ('order',)

        with open('/home/limingtao/ircre-bibtex/ircreupdate/cited-add-articles.bib', 'w', encoding='utf8') as newarticlefile:
            bibtexparser.dump(articles_database, newarticlefile, writer=writer)

        os.popen("cp /home/limingtao/ircre-bibtex/ircreupdate/cited-add-articles.bib tempcited-add-articles.bib")

    os.popen("cp /home/limingtao/ircre-bibtex/ircreupdate/articles.bib /home/limingtao/ircre-bibtex/ircreupdate/oldarticles.bib")
    with open('/home/limingtao/ircre-bibtex/ircreupdate/articles.bib', 'w', encoding='utf8') as newarticlefile:
        bibtexparser.dump(articles_database, newarticlefile, writer=writer)

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 43
 def test_wrong(self):
     with open('bibtexparser/tests/data/wrong.bib', 'r') as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read())
         res = bib.get_entry_list()
         expected = [{'author': 'correct',
                      'id': 'bar',
                      'type': 'article'}]
     self.assertEqual(res, expected)
Exemplo n.º 44
def load_bibtex_string(string):
    string_parser = BibTexParser(common_strings=True,
    string_parser.customization = customizations

    bib_database = bibtexparser.loads(string, parser=string_parser)

    return bib_database
Exemplo n.º 45
def load_bib(filename):
    with open(filename) as bibtex_file:
        parser = BibTexParser()
        parser.customization = convert_to_unicode
        bib_database = bibtexparser.loads(bibtex_file.read().replace(
            "{{", "{").replace("}}", "}"),
        return bib_database
Exemplo n.º 46
def load_bibtex_file(filepath):
    parser = BibTexParser(common_strings=True, ignore_nonstandard_types=True)
    parser.customization = customizations

    with open(filepath, "r") as bibtex:
        bib_database = bibtexparser.load(bibtex, parser=parser)

    return bib_database
Exemplo n.º 47
 def test_nonstandard_ignored(self):
     with open('bibtexparser/tests/data/wrong.bib', 'r') as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read())
         res = bib.get_entry_list()
         expected = [{'author': 'correct',
                      'ID': 'bar',
                      'ENTRYTYPE': 'article'}]
     self.assertEqual(res, expected)
Exemplo n.º 48
def printable_bibtex_entry(entry):
    # converts a dictionary BibTeX entry to LaTeX format

    entry_str = bibtex_entry_str(entry)
    parser = BibTexParser()
    parser.customization = homogeneize_latex_encoding
    bib_database = bibtexparser.loads(entry_str, parser = parser)
Exemplo n.º 49
 def test_wrong(self):
     with open('bibtexparser/tests/data/wrong.bib', 'r') as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read())
         res = bib.get_entry_list()
         expected = [{'author': 'correct',
                      'id': 'bar',
                      'type': 'article'}]
     self.assertEqual(res, expected)
Exemplo n.º 50
def _parser():
    Return a configured bibtex parser.
    parser = BibTexParser()
    parser.interpolate_strings = False
    parser.customization = cleanup_record
    return parser
Exemplo n.º 51
 def test_nonstandard_ignored(self):
     with open('bibtexparser/tests/data/wrong.bib', 'r') as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read())
         res = bib.get_entry_list()
         expected = [{'author': 'correct',
                      'ID': 'bar',
                      'ENTRYTYPE': 'article'}]
     self.assertEqual(res, expected)
Exemplo n.º 52
def bib_parse(path):

    with open(path) as bibtex_file:
        parser = BibTexParser()
        parser.customization = custom_callback
        bib_database = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file, parser=parser)
        input_data = bib_database.entries
    return input_data
Exemplo n.º 53
def updatestatistics():
    articlesparser = BibTexParser(common_strings=False)
    articlesparser.ignore_nonstandard_types = False
    with open('/home/limingtao/ircre-bibtex/ircreupdate/articles.bib', encoding='utf8') as articlesfile:
        articles_database = bibtexparser.load(articlesfile, articlesparser)

    articleentries = articles_database.entries
    totalcitations = 0
    totalif = 0.0
    citationlist = []
    jourallist = []
    hihonumber = 0
    totalpublications = len(articleentries) + 28
    totalarticles = len(articleentries)
    for i in range(len(articleentries)):

        if 'cited' in articleentries[i]:
            citednumber = int(articleentries[i]['cited'])
            citednumber = 0
        if 'impactfactor' in articleentries[i]:
            impactfactor = float(articleentries[i]['impactfactor'])
            impactfactor = 0.0

        if 'hihosubject' in articleentries[i]:
            hihonumber = hihonumber + 1

        totalcitations = totalcitations + citednumber
        totalif = totalif + impactfactor
    hindex = Hindex(citationlist)
    i10index = I10index(citationlist)
    totalcitations = totalcitations + 19
    citationperpaper = totalcitations / len(articleentries)
    journalnumber = len(set(jourallist))
    averageif = totalif / len(articleentries)
    # print(totalcitations)
    # print(hindex)
    # print(i10index)
    # print(citationperpaper)
    # print(journalnumber)
    # print(averageif)
    # print(hihonumber)
    # print(totalpublications)

    with open('/home/limingtao/ircre-bibtex/ircreupdate/newstatistics.js', 'w', encoding='utf8') as statisticsjsfile:
        statisticsjsfile.write('totalpublications = "%d";\n' % totalpublications)
        statisticsjsfile.write('totalarticles = "%d";\n' % totalarticles)
        statisticsjsfile.write('totalcitations = "%d";\n' % totalcitations)
        statisticsjsfile.write('hindex = "%d";\n' % hindex)
        statisticsjsfile.write('i10index = "%d";\n' % i10index)
        statisticsjsfile.write('numberjournals = "%d";\n' % journalnumber)
        statisticsjsfile.write('numberesihighlycited = "%d";\n' % hihonumber)
        statisticsjsfile.write('citationperpaper = "%.2f";\n' % citationperpaper)
        statisticsjsfile.write('averageif = "%.3f";\n' % averageif)
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 54
    def load_records(self, bibtex_filename=None):
        """Load all bibtex items as valid records"""

        with open(bibtex_filename) as bibtex_file:
            # Parse BibTex file
            parser = BibTexParser()
            parser.customization = td_biblio_customization
            bp = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file, parser=parser)
            self.records = [self.to_record(r) for r in bp.get_entry_list()]
Exemplo n.º 55
def load_bibtex_file(filepath):
    """Parse BibTeX file and return entry list"""
    with open(filepath, 'rU') as bibfile:
        bp = BibTexParser(bibfile)
        entries = bp.get_entry_list()

    entries = list(map(_capitalize_entry_title, entries))
    entries = list(map(_format_entry_authors, entries))
    return entries
Exemplo n.º 56
def get_bibtex_data(filename):
    parser = BibTexParser()
    parser.ignore_nonstandard_types = False
    with open(filename) as f:
        bib_database = bibtexparser.loads(f.read(), parser)
    sources_dict_lst = []
    for entry in bib_database.entries:
    return sources_dict_lst
Exemplo n.º 57
def load_bibtex(f):
    parser = BibTexParser()
    parser.alt_dict = {}

    with open(f, 'r') as fd:
        txt = re.sub('^\s*%.*$', '', fd.read(), flags=re.MULTILINE)
        bib = bibtexparser.loads(txt, parser=parser)

    return bib.entries
Exemplo n.º 58
def read_bibtex(bibtex_str):
    parser = BibTexParser(common_strings=True)
    parser.ignore_nonstandard_types = False
    parser.homogenize_fields = True
    bib_database = parser.parse(bibtex_str)
    keyworded = map(bibtexparser.customization.keyword, bib_database.entries)
    converted = list(map(bibtexparser.customization.convert_to_unicode, keyworded))
    authored = map(bibtexparser.customization.author, converted)
    return list(authored)
Exemplo n.º 59
def generateFromBib(bibfile):
    with open(bibfile) as bibtex_file:
        bibtex_str = bibtex_file.read()
        parser = BibTexParser()
        parser.customization = customizations
        bib_database = bibtexparser.loads(bibtex_str, parser=parser)
        for entry in bib_database.entries:
            if entry["ID"] in pubList: