Exemplo n.º 1
def test_attr(comm):
    fname = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    x = BigFile(fname, create=True)
    with x.create('.', dtype=None) as b:
        b.attrs['int'] = 128
        b.attrs['float'] = [128.0, 3, 4]
        b.attrs['string'] = 'abcdefg'
        b.attrs['complex'] = 128 + 128J
        b.attrs['bool'] = True
        b.attrs['arrayustring'] = numpy.array(u'unicode')
        b.attrs['arraysstring'] = numpy.array('str')

    with x.open('.') as b:
        assert_equal(b.attrs['int'], 128)
        assert_equal(b.attrs['float'], [128.0, 3, 4])
        assert_equal(b.attrs['string'],  'abcdefg')
        assert_equal(b.attrs['complex'],  128 + 128J)
        assert_equal(b.attrs['bool'],  True)
        b.attrs['int'] = 30
        b.attrs['float'] = [3, 4]
        b.attrs['string'] = 'defg'
        b.attrs['complex'] = 32 + 32J
        b.attrs['bool'] = False

    with x.open('.') as b:
        assert_equal(b.attrs['int'], 30)
        assert_equal(b.attrs['float'], [3, 4])
        assert_equal(b.attrs['string'],  'defg')
        assert_equal(b.attrs['complex'],  32 + 32J)
        assert_equal(b.attrs['bool'],  False)

Exemplo n.º 2
def test_attr(comm):
    fname = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    x = BigFile(fname, create=True)
    with x.create('.', dtype=None) as b:
        b.attrs['int'] = 128
        b.attrs['float'] = [128.0, 3, 4]
        b.attrs['string'] = 'abcdefg'
        b.attrs['complex'] = 128 + 128J

    with x.open('.') as b:
        assert_equal(b.attrs['int'], 128)
        assert_equal(b.attrs['float'], [128.0, 3, 4])
        assert_equal(b.attrs['string'], 'abcdefg')
        assert_equal(b.attrs['complex'], 128 + 128J)
        b.attrs['int'] = 30
        b.attrs['float'] = [3, 4]
        b.attrs['string'] = 'defg'
        b.attrs['complex'] = 32 + 32J

    with x.open('.') as b:
        assert_equal(b.attrs['int'], 30)
        assert_equal(b.attrs['float'], [3, 4])
        assert_equal(b.attrs['string'], 'defg')
        assert_equal(b.attrs['complex'], 32 + 32J)

Exemplo n.º 3
def test_append(comm):
    fname = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    x = BigFile(fname, create=True)

    name = 'f4'
    d = numpy.dtype(('f4', 3))

    data = numpy.random.uniform(100000, size=(100, 3)).astype('f4')
    # test creating
    with x.create(name, Nfile=3, dtype=d, size=100) as b:
        b.write(0, data)

        b.append(data, Nfile=2)
        with x.open(name) as bb:
            assert bb.size == 200
        assert b.size == 200

    with x.open(name) as b:
        assert b.Nfile == 5
        assert_equal(b[:100], data)
        assert_equal(b[100:], data)
        assert b.size == 200

Exemplo n.º 4
def test_attr(comm):
    fname = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    x = BigFile(fname, create=True)
    with x.create('.', dtype=None) as b:
        b.attrs['int'] = 128
        b.attrs['float'] = [128.0, 3, 4]
        b.attrs['string'] = 'abcdefg'
        b.attrs['complex'] = 128 + 128J
        b.attrs['bool'] = True
        b.attrs['arrayustring'] = numpy.array(u'unicode')
        b.attrs['arraysstring'] = numpy.array('str')

    with x.open('.') as b:
        assert_equal(b.attrs['int'], 128)
        assert_equal(b.attrs['float'], [128.0, 3, 4])
        assert_equal(b.attrs['string'],  'abcdefg')
        assert_equal(b.attrs['complex'],  128 + 128J)
        assert_equal(b.attrs['bool'],  True)
        b.attrs['int'] = 30
        b.attrs['float'] = [3, 4]
        b.attrs['string'] = 'defg'
        b.attrs['complex'] = 32 + 32J
        b.attrs['bool'] = False

    with x.open('.') as b:
        assert_equal(b.attrs['int'], 30)
        assert_equal(b.attrs['float'], [3, 4])
        assert_equal(b.attrs['string'],  'defg')
        assert_equal(b.attrs['complex'],  32 + 32J)
        assert_equal(b.attrs['bool'],  False)

Exemplo n.º 5
def test_grow(comm):
    fname = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    x = BigFile(fname, create=True)

    d = numpy.dtype(('f4', 3))

    data = numpy.random.uniform(100000, size=(100, 3)).astype('f4')
    # test creating
    with x.create(d.str, Nfile=3, dtype=d, size=100) as b:
        b.write(0, data)

        b.grow(size=100, Nfile=2)
        with x.open(d.str) as bb:
            assert bb.size == 200
        b.write(100, data)
        assert b.size == 200

    with x.open(d.str) as b:
        assert b.Nfile == 5
        assert_equal(b[:100], data)
        assert_equal(b[100:], data)
        assert b.size == 200

Exemplo n.º 6
def calc_mf_each_bf(dir_name: str, bf: BigFile):
    """ Calculate MFs of a single bf file"""
    header = bf.open('Header')
    redshift = 1. / header.attrs['Time'][0] - 1.

    bhmass = bf.open('5/BlackholeMass')[:] * TO_MSUN
    halomass = bf.open('FOFGroups/Mass')[:] * TO_MSUN
    starmass = bf.open('FOFGroups/MassByType')[:][:, 4] * TO_MSUN

    halo_mf = mass_function(halomass, HALO_MIN, HALO_MAX, N_BIN, BOXSIZE)
    star_mf = mass_function(starmass, STAR_MIN, STAR_MAX, N_BIN, BOXSIZE)
    bh_mf = mass_function(bhmass, BH_MIN, BH_MAX, N_BIN, BOXSIZE)

    print('    Saving MFs at z = %0.4f' % redshift)
    np.save('{}halo_mf_%0.4f'.format(dir_name) %redshift, halo_mf)
    np.save('{}star_mf_%0.4f'.format(dir_name) %redshift, star_mf)
    np.save('{}bh_mf_%0.4f'.format(dir_name) %redshift, bh_mf)
Exemplo n.º 7
def ReadIC(filename):
    # this reads in a MP-Gadget3/GENIC format IC
    # major thing is to scale vel by a0**1.5
    file = BigFile(filename)
    header = file.open('header')
    BoxSize = header.attrs['BoxSize'][0]
    a0 = header.attrs['Time'][0]

    Ntot = file.open('1/ID').size
    myslice = slice(
        MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank * Ntot // MPI.COMM_WORLD.size,
        (MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank + 1) * Ntot // MPI.COMM_WORLD.size,
    P = dict()
    P['Mass'] = header.attrs['MassTable'][1]
    P['Position'] = file.open('1/Position')[myslice]
    P['Velocity'] = file.open('1/Velocity')[myslice]
    P['Velocity'] *= a0**1.5
    P['ID'] = file.open('1/ID')[myslice]

    return P, BoxSize, a0
Exemplo n.º 8
def ReadIC(filename):
    # this reads in a MP-Gadget3/GENIC format IC
    # major thing is to scale vel by a0**1.5
    file = BigFile(filename)
    header = file.open('header')
    BoxSize = header.attrs['BoxSize'][0]
    a0 = header.attrs['Time'][0]

    Ntot = file.open('1/ID').size
    myslice = slice(
            MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank * Ntot // MPI.COMM_WORLD.size,
            (MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank + 1) * Ntot // MPI.COMM_WORLD.size,
    P = dict()
    P['Mass'] = header.attrs['MassTable'][1]
    P['Position'] = file.open('1/Position')[myslice] 
    P['Velocity'] = file.open('1/Velocity')[myslice] 
    P['Velocity'] *= a0 ** 1.5
    P['ID'] = file.open('1/ID')[myslice] 
    return P, BoxSize, a0
Exemplo n.º 9
def append_mmbh_data(part: str, redshifts: List, mmbhmasss: List, mmbhids: List,
        mmbhaccs: List, mmbhposs: List, mmbhvels: List, mmbht1s: List):
    """ Append the most massive BHs' quantities. """
    bf = BigFile(part)
    header = bf.open('Header')
    redshift = 1. / header.attrs['Time'][0] - 1.

    bhmass = bf.open('5/BlackholeMass')[:] * TO_MSUN

    no_blackhole = len(bhmass) == 0
    if no_blackhole:
        print('    No BH formed at z = %0.2f' % redshift)
        return  None

    bhid = bf.open('5/ID')[:]
    bhacc = bf.open('5/BlackholeAccretionRate')[:] * TO_MSUN_YEAR
    bhpos = bf.open('5/Position')[:]
    bhvel = bf.open('5/Velocity')[:]

    mmbhmass = bhmass.max()
    mmbhid = bhid[np.argmax(bhmass)]
    mmbhacc = bhacc[np.argmax(bhmass)]
    mmbhpos = bhpos[np.argmax(bhmass)]
    mmbhvel = bhvel[np.argmax(bhmass)]
    print('    Appending BH quantities at z = %0.4f' % redshift)

    if GET_T1 & (redshift <= STARTZ) & (np.abs(redshift - round(redshift)) < DZ):
        print('    -- calculating t1... at %0.4f' % redshift)
        mmbht1 = [calc_t1(part, mmbhpos, nmesh) for nmesh in NMESHS]
        mmbht1 = [np.nan] * len(NMESHS)

Exemplo n.º 10
def append_merger_data(part: str, mergerid: np.ndarray, merger_datas: List):
    """ Append the merger history of the most massive BH """
    bf = BigFile(part)
    header = bf.open('Header')
    redshift = 1. / header.attrs['Time'][0] - 1.

    bhmass = bf.open('5/BlackholeMass')[:] * TO_MSUN
    bhid = bf.open('5/ID')[:]
    bhacc = bf.open('5/BlackholeAccretionRate')[:] * TO_MSUN_YEAR
    bhpos = bf.open('5/Position')[:]
    bhvel = bf.open('5/Velocity')[:]

    if len(bhmass) > 0:
        mask_i = bhid == mergerid
        if True in mask_i:
            bhmass_i = bhmass[mask_i]
            bhacc_i = bhacc[mask_i]
            bhpos_i = bhpos[mask_i]
            bhvel_i = bhvel[mask_i]

            merger_data = [mergerid, redshift, bhmass_i[0], bhacc_i[0],
                           bhpos_i[0][0], bhpos_i[0][1], bhpos_i[0][2],
                           bhvel_i[0][0], bhvel_i[0][1], bhvel_i[0][2]]
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_string(comm):
    fname = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    x = BigFile(fname, create=True)

    # test creating
    with x.create("Header", Nfile=1, dtype=None, size=128) as b:
        b.attrs['v3'] = ['a', 'bb', 'ccc']
        b.attrs['v32'] = [
                            ['a', 'bb', 'ccc'],
                            ['1', '22', '333'],]

        b.attrs['s'] = 'abc'
        b.attrs['l'] = 'a' * 65536

    with x.open("Header") as b:
        assert_equal(b.attrs['v3'], ['a', 'bb', 'ccc'])
        assert_equal(b.attrs['v32'], ['a', 'bb', 'ccc', '1', '22', '333'])
        assert_equal(b.attrs['s'], 'abc')
        assert_equal(b.attrs['l'], 'a' * 65536)

Exemplo n.º 12
def test_string(comm):
    fname = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    x = BigFile(fname, create=True)

    # test creating
    with x.create("Header", Nfile=1, dtype=None, size=128) as b:
        b.attrs['v3'] = ['a', 'bb', 'ccc']
        b.attrs['v32'] = [
                            ['a', 'bb', 'ccc'],
                            ['1', '22', '333'],]

        b.attrs['s'] = 'abc'
        b.attrs['l'] = 'a' * 65536

    with x.open("Header") as b:
        assert_equal(b.attrs['v3'], ['a', 'bb', 'ccc'])
        assert_equal(b.attrs['v32'], ['a', 'bb', 'ccc', '1', '22', '333'])
        assert_equal(b.attrs['s'], 'abc')
        assert_equal(b.attrs['l'], 'a' * 65536)

Exemplo n.º 13
#bigfile = BigFile(argv[1])
from argparse import ArgumentParser

ap = ArgumentParser()

ns = ap.parse_args()
bigfile = BigFile(ns.input)


if world.rank == 0:
    attrs = bigfile.open("Header").attrs
    HEADER = dict([(i, attrs[i]) for i in attrs])
    HEADER = None
HEADER = world.bcast(HEADER)
BoxSize = HEADER['BoxSize']

# set up some defaults
TilePadding = 256

M = [
    [1, 1, 0],
    [0, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 1]]
Exemplo n.º 14
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from sys import argv

    # this will set the units to
    # time: 980 Myear/h
    # distance: 1 Kpc/h
    # speed: 100 km/s
    # mass: 1e10 Msun /h

    DH = 3e5 / 100.
    G = 43007.1
    H0 = 0.1
    Nmesh = int(argv[2])
    file = BigFile(argv[1])
    header = file.open('header')
    BoxSize = header.attrs['BoxSize'][0]
    a0 = header.attrs['Time'][0]

    Ntot = file.open('1/ID').size

    myslice = slice(
            MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank * Ntot // MPI.COMM_WORLD.size,
            (MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank + 1) * Ntot // MPI.COMM_WORLD.size,

    P = lambda : None

    P.Pos = file.open('1/Position')[myslice] 
    NumPart = len(P.Pos)