Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_crop(img_dir,thre):
	img_o = cv2.imread(img_dir)
	img = binary_image_r(img_o,thre)
	#img = cv2.cvtColor(img_in.copy(),cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
	height,width = img.shape
	all_ct_pt =[]
	slope = []

	start_point = 8
	current_point = 8
	white_thr = 230
	black_thr = 10
	for pixel in range(4,width-4,4):
		if img[height-1,pixel] >white_thr:
			if img[height-1, pixel - 4] < black_thr :
				start_point = pixel
			elif img[height-1, pixel - 4] >white_thr or img[height-1, pixel + 4] > white_thr:
				current_point = pixel
			if pixel > width -9:

				current_point = pixel
		elif img[height-1,pixel] == 0:
			if img[height-1, pixel - 4] >white_thr and start_point < current_point:
	#print('White areas: ',white_areas)
	if white_areas ==[]:
		return img_o,img

		max_dif = 0
		for item in white_areas:
			if item[1] - item[0] > max_dif:
				max_dif = item[1] - item[0]
				mid_point = int(np.mean(item))
		if max_dif > width // 3:
			img_o = img_o[:height*75//100,:]
			img = binary_image_r(img_o,thre)
			#img = cv2.cvtColor(img_in.copy(),cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
			height,width = img.shape
			all_ct_pt =[]
			slope = []

			start_point = 8
			current_point = 8
			white_thr = 240
			black_thr = 10
			for pixel in range(4,width-4,4):
				if img[height-1,pixel] > white_thr:
					if img[height-1, pixel - 4] < black_thr :
						start_point = pixel
					elif img[height-1, pixel - 4] >white_thr or img[height-1, pixel + 4] > white_thr:
						current_point = pixel
					elif pixel > width -9:
						current_point = pixel
				elif img[height-1,pixel] == 0:
					if img[height-1, pixel - 4] >white_thr and start_point < current_point:

			max_dif = 0
			for item in white_areas:
				if item[1] - item[0] > max_dif:
					max_dif = item[1] - item[0]
					mid_point = int(np.mean(item))

		bottom_mid = mid_point
		to_crop_v = 0

		for line in range(height-1,0,-1):
			#print('Here we are')
			if img[line,mid_point] <10:
				if img[line-15,mid_point] <10 and img[line-30,mid_point] <10 and img[line-15,mid_point-15] <10\
				 and img[line-15,mid_point+15] <10 and img[line-30,mid_point+30] <10:
					to_crop_v = line
					#to_crop_width = int(line / float(398) * 532)
					to_crop_width = width * 0.6
			for pixel in range(mid_point,width):
				if img[line,pixel] <10 or pixel > width-9:
					rt_most = (line,pixel)
			for pixel in range(mid_point,0,-1):
				if img[line,pixel] <10 or pixel < 9:
					lf_most = (line,pixel)
			mid_point = int(np.mean([lf_most[1],rt_most[1]]))

			if line == height-1:
				base_pt = (line,mid_point)
				if img[line,mid_point] > 10:
					ct_pt = (line,mid_point)
					if ct_pt[1] - base_pt[1] != 0:
						slope.append(float(-(ct_pt[0] - base_pt[0]))/(ct_pt[1] - base_pt[1]))
						if not slope:
							slope.append(float(-(ct_pt[0] - base_pt[0]))/1)
		for item in all_ct_pt:
			img[item[0],item[1]] = 127
			img[item[0],item[1]+1] = 127
			img[item[0],item[1]-1] = 127
			img[item[0],item[1]+2] = 127
			img[item[0],item[1]-2] = 127

		general_k = np.median(slope[-5:])

		#print (slope)
		if general_k > 1.73 or general_k < -1.73 or np.isnan(general_k):
			direc = 'Middle'
		elif general_k < 1.73:
			direc = 'Middle'
		elif general_k > - 1.73 :
			direc = 'Left'

		#print('General Direction of Finger is: %s with k value: %.2f' %(direc,general_k))

		desired_h_width = int(width * .6)
		#desired_h_width = to_crop_width
		y_value = height - to_crop_v
		if np.isnan(general_k):
			x_value = 0
			x_value = int(y_value / general_k)

		if general_k > 0:
			critical_x_r = bottom_mid+x_value + int((1+1.0/general_k)/(2+1.0/general_k)*desired_h_width)
			critical_x_l = bottom_mid+x_value - int((1.0)/(2+1.0/general_k)*desired_h_width)
		elif general_k < 0:
			k_replace = abs(general_k)
			critical_x_r = bottom_mid+x_value + int((1.0)/(2+1.0/k_replace)*desired_h_width)
			critical_x_l = bottom_mid+x_value - int((1+1.0/k_replace)/(2+1.0/k_replace)*desired_h_width)

			critical_x_r = int(bottom_mid+x_value + desired_h_width//2)
			critical_x_l = int(bottom_mid+x_value - desired_h_width//2)
		#print(((bottom_mid+x_value) - max(0,critical_x_l),min(critical_x_r,width-1)-(bottom_mid+x_value)))
		if to_crop_v < height * 2 //3:
			start_v = 0
			start_v = height * 20 //100
		img_cropped = img_o[:to_crop_v,max(0,critical_x_l):min(critical_x_r,width-1)]
		for line in range(to_crop_v):
			img[line,max([0,critical_x_l])] = 150
			img_o[line,max([0,critical_x_l])] = [0,0,0]
		for line in range(to_crop_v):
			img[line,min(critical_x_r,width-1)] = 150
			img_o[line,min(critical_x_r,width-1)] = [0,0,0]
		for pixel in range(max([0,critical_x_l]),min([width-1,critical_x_r])):
			img[to_crop_v,pixel] = 150
			img_o[to_crop_v,pixel] = [0,0,0]

		#img_cropped = cv2.resize(img_cropped, (224,224), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)

		#return img_cropped,img_o
	return img_cropped,img
Exemplo n.º 2
    img_2 = cv2.imread('LEDs/2.jpg')
	img_1 = cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(img_1,None,10,10,7,21)
	img_2 = cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(img_2,None,10,10,7,21)
    height, width, channel = img_1.shape

    img_out = np.zeros([height, width, channel], dtype=np.uint8)

    for line in range(height):
        for pixel in range(width):
            if max([img_1[line, pixel][1], img_2[line, pixel][1]]) - min(
                [img_1[line, pixel][1], img_2[line, pixel][1]]) > 30:
                img_out[line, pixel][1] = 255

    #img_out[:,:,1] = img_1[:,:,1] - img_2[:,:,1]

    #img_out = cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(img_out,None,10,10,7,21)
    #cv2.imwrite('Green Channel Reduction.jpg', img_out)
    #cv2.imshow('Green Image', img_out)

    img_final = binary_image_r(img_out)
    cv2.imshow('Final Image', img_final)
    cv2.imwrite('Binary_Image.jpg', img_final)
    #cv2.imshow('Grey Image', img_grey)

Exemplo n.º 3
def finger_control_f(img_dir, thre, down_thr=30, left_thr=-9., right_thr=2.):
    img_o = cv2.imread(img_dir)
    img = binary_image_r(img_o, thre)

    #img = cv2.cvtColor(img_in.copy(),cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    height, width = img.shape
    all_ct_pt = []
    slope = []

    white_areas = []
    start_point = 8
    current_point = 8
    white_thr = 230
    black_thr = 10

    # get the white range for each line
    for pixel in range(4, width - 4, 4):
        if img[height - 1, pixel] > white_thr:
            if img[height - 1, pixel - 4] < black_thr:
                start_point = pixel
            elif img[height - 1, pixel -
                     4] > white_thr or img[height - 1, pixel + 4] > white_thr:
                current_point = pixel

            if pixel > width - 9:
                current_point = pixel
                white_areas.append((start_point, current_point))
        elif img[height - 1, pixel] == 0:
            if img[height - 1,
                   pixel - 4] > white_thr and start_point < current_point:
                white_areas.append((start_point, current_point))
    #print('White areas: ',white_areas)
    # if no white area, return the original image
    if white_areas == []:
        general_k = 1000
        to_crop_v = height / 2
        to_crop_h = width / 2
        control_signal = 'Down'
        return img, general_k, to_crop_v, to_crop_h, control_signal
    # find the mean point of each line

        max_dif = 0
        for item in white_areas:
            if item[1] - item[0] > max_dif:
                max_dif = item[1] - item[0]
                mid_point = int(np.mean(item))
        # if the length of the white line exceed a upper bound, the white line is not accurate.
        # Do the while line detection from the beginning
        if max_dif > width // 3:

            img_o = img_o[:height * 80 // 100, :]
            img = binary_image_r(img_o, thre)

            #img = cv2.cvtColor(img_in.copy(),cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            height, width = img.shape
            all_ct_pt = []
            slope = []

            white_areas = []
            start_point = 8
            current_point = 8
            white_thr = 230
            black_thr = 10
            for pixel in range(4, width - 4, 4):
                if img[height - 1, pixel] > white_thr:
                    if img[height - 1, pixel - 4] < black_thr:
                        start_point = pixel
                    elif img[height - 1,
                             pixel - 4] > white_thr or img[height - 1, pixel +
                                                           4] > white_thr:
                        current_point = pixel
                    elif pixel > width - 9:
                        current_point = pixel
                        if current_point - start_point > 12:
                            white_areas.append((start_point, current_point))
                elif img[height - 1, pixel] == 0:
                    if img[height - 1, pixel -
                           4] > white_thr and current_point - start_point > 12:
                        white_areas.append((start_point, current_point))

        if white_areas == []:
            general_k = 1000
            to_crop_v = height / 2
            to_crop_h = width / 2
            control_signal = 'Down'
            return img, general_k, to_crop_v, to_crop_h, control_signal
            cur_max = height
            choice = white_areas[0]
            for item in white_areas:
                cur_reach = height
                cur_mid = int(np.mean(item))
                for line in range(height - 1, 0, -4):
                    if img[line, cur_mid] < black_thr:
                        if line < cur_max:
                            choice = item
                            cur_max = line

        mid_point = int(np.mean(choice))
        # the widest while line is set to be the bottom line
        bottom_mid = mid_point

        # find the top of the finger
        to_crop_v = height / 2
        to_crop_h = width / 2
        for line in range(height - 1, 0, -4):
            #print('Here we are')
            if img[line, mid_point] < 10:

                if img[max(0,line-15),mid_point] <10 and img[max(0,line-30),mid_point] <10 and img[max(0,line-15),max(0,mid_point-15)] <10\
                 and img[max(0,line-15),min(width-1,mid_point+15)] <10 and img[max(0,line-30),min(mid_point+30,width-1)] <10:
                    to_crop_v = line
                    to_crop_h = mid_point
                    to_crop_width = int(line / float(398) * 532)
            # find the left and right bound of each white line
            # and find the middle point of the line
            for pixel in range(mid_point, width):
                if img[line, pixel] < 10 or pixel > width - 9:
                    rt_most = (line, pixel)
            for pixel in range(mid_point, 0, -1):
                if img[line, pixel] < 10 or pixel < 9:
                    lf_most = (line, pixel)
            mid_point = int(np.mean([lf_most[1], rt_most[1]]))


            # record the middle point coordinates
            # also calculate the slopt from current point to the base point
            if line == height - 1:
                base_pt = (line, mid_point)
                if img[line, mid_point] > 10:
                    ct_pt = (line, mid_point)
                    if ct_pt[1] - base_pt[1] != 0:
                            float(-(ct_pt[0] - base_pt[0])) /
                            (ct_pt[1] - base_pt[1]))
                        if not slope:
                            slope.append(float(-(ct_pt[0] - base_pt[0])) / 1)


        # shows the middle point on the original image
        for item in all_ct_pt:
            img[item[0], item[1]] = 127
            img[item[0], item[1] + 1] = 127
            img[item[0], item[1] - 1] = 127
            img[item[0], item[1] + 2] = 127
            img[item[0], item[1] - 2] = 127

        # show the top line
        # for pix_i in range(5):
        # 	for pix_j in range(5):
        # 		img[to_crop_v-2+pix_i,to_crop_h-2+pix_j] = 127

        # the output slope is the values for the top 5 points
        general_k = np.median(slope[-5:])

        #print (slope)
        if general_k > right_thr or general_k < left_thr or np.isnan(
            direc = 'Middle'
        elif general_k < right_thr and general_k > 0:
            direc = 'Right'
        elif general_k > left_thr:
            direc = 'Left'

    # control signal classification
    control_signal = 'Down'
    # if finger doesn't show up
    if to_crop_v > height - down_thr:
        control_signal = 'Down'
    # if have finger
        control_signal = direc

        # print('General Direction of Finger is: %s with k value: %.2f' %(direc,general_k))
    return img, general_k, to_crop_v, to_crop_h, control_signal
Exemplo n.º 4
def finger_control_f(img_dir, thre, down_thr=30, left_thr=-9., right_thr=2.):
    img_o = cv2.imread(img_dir)
    img = binary_image_r(img_o, thre)

    #img = cv2.cvtColor(img_in.copy(),cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    height, width = img.shape
    all_ct_pt = []
    slope = []

    white_areas = []
    start_point = 8
    current_point = 8
    white_thr = 230
    black_thr = 10

    # get the white range for each line
    for pixel in range(4, width - 4, 4):
        if img[height - 1, pixel] > white_thr:
            if img[height - 1, pixel - 4] < black_thr:
                start_point = pixel
            elif img[height - 1, pixel -
                     4] > white_thr or img[height - 1, pixel + 4] > white_thr:
                current_point = pixel

            if pixel > width - 9:
                current_point = pixel
                white_areas.append((start_point, current_point))
        elif img[height - 1, pixel] < black_thr:
            if img[height - 1,
                   pixel - 4] > white_thr and start_point < current_point:
                white_areas.append((start_point, current_point))
    #print('White areas: ',white_areas)
    # if no white area, return the original image
    if white_areas == []:
        #print('line 42 termination')
        general_k = 1000
        to_crop_v = height / 2
        to_crop_h = width / 2
        control_signal = 'Down'
        return img, general_k, to_crop_v, to_crop_h, control_signal, None
    # find the mean point of each line
        cur_max = height
        choice = white_areas[0]
        choice_width = choice[1] - choice[0]
        #if white area is larger than 1/3 of the frame,
        #move up 4 pixels and sweep the entire image again
        #after sweeping entire image, reassign choice to white_areas
        #Repeat until choice < width/3 or you reach the height then break.
        step = 4
        while (choice_width > (width / 3)):
            for pixel in range(
                    choice[0], choice[1], 4
            ):  #Starting from choice[0], iterate right by 4 until choice[1]
                if img[height - (
                        1 + step
                ), pixel] > white_thr:  #starting from bottom of image, step up by 4 every iteration of the while loop
                    if img[height - (1 + step), pixel - 4] < black_thr:
                        start_point = pixel
                    elif img[height - (1 + step), pixel -
                             4] > white_thr or img[height - (1 + step),
                                                   pixel + 4] > white_thr:
                        current_point = pixel

                    if pixel > width - 9:
                        current_point = pixel
                        white_areas[0] = (start_point, current_point)
                elif img[height - (1 + step), pixel] < black_thr:
                    if img[height - (1 + step), pixel -
                           4] > white_thr and start_point < current_point:
                        white_areas[0] = (
                            start_point, current_point
                        )  #set white_areas[0] to the revised starting and current points.
            step += 4
            choice = white_areas[0]
            choice_width = choice[1] - choice[0]

        for item in white_areas:
            cur_mid = int(np.mean(item))
            for line in range(height - 1, 0, -4):
                if img[line, cur_mid] < black_thr:
                    if line < cur_max:
                        choice = item
                        cur_max = line

        mid_point = int(np.mean(choice))
        # the widest while line is set to be the bottom line
        bottom_mid = mid_point

        # find the top of the finger
        to_crop_v = height / 2
        to_crop_h = width / 2
        #print('enter mid point calculation')
        for line in range(height - 1, 0, -4):
            #print('Here we are')
            if img[line, mid_point] < 10:

                if (mid_point) < 5 or (mid_point > width-5) or (img[max(0,line-15),mid_point] <10 and img[max(0,line-30),mid_point] <10 and img[max(0,line-15),max(0,mid_point-15)] <10\
                 and img[max(0,line-15),min(width-1,mid_point+15)] <10 and img[max(0,line-30),min(mid_point+30,width-1)] <10):
                    to_crop_v = line
                    to_crop_h = mid_point
                    to_crop_width = int(line / float(398) * 532)
            # find the left and right bound of each white line
            # and find the middle point of the line
            for pixel in range(mid_point, width, 2):
                if img[line, pixel] < 10 or pixel > width - 9:
                    rt_most = (line, pixel)
            for pixel in range(mid_point, 0, -2):
                if img[line, pixel] < 10 or pixel < 9:
                    lf_most = (line, pixel)
            mid_point = int(np.mean([lf_most[1], rt_most[1]]))


            # record the middle point coordinates
            # also calculate the slopt from current point to the base point
            if line == height - 1:
                base_pt = (line, mid_point)
                if img[line, mid_point] > 10:
                    ct_pt = (line, mid_point)
                    if ct_pt[1] - base_pt[1] != 0:
                            float(-(ct_pt[0] - base_pt[0])) /
                            (ct_pt[1] - base_pt[1]))
                        if not slope:
                            slope.append(float(-(ct_pt[0] - base_pt[0])) / 1)

        # shows the middle point on the original image
        for item in all_ct_pt:
            img[item[0], item[1]] = 127
            img[item[0], item[1] + 1] = 127
            img[item[0], item[1] - 1] = 127
            img[item[0], item[1] + 2] = 127
            img[item[0], item[1] - 2] = 127

        # show the top line
        # for pix_i in range(5):
        # 	for pix_j in range(5):
        # 		img[to_crop_v-2+pix_i,to_crop_h-2+pix_j] = 127

        # the output slope is the values for the top 5 points
        general_k = np.median(slope[-5:])

        #print (slope)
        if general_k > right_thr or general_k < left_thr or np.isnan(
            direc = 'Middle'
        elif general_k < right_thr and general_k > 0:
            direc = 'Right'
        elif general_k > left_thr:
            direc = 'Left'

    # control signal classification
    control_signal = 'Down'
    # if finger doesn't show up
    if to_crop_v > height - down_thr:
        control_signal = 'Down'
    # if have finger
        control_signal = direc
        # print('General Direction of Finger is: %s with k value: %.2f' %(direc,general_k))
    return img, general_k, to_crop_v, to_crop_h, control_signal, bottom_mid