Exemplo n.º 1
    def from_address(cls,
                     address: int,
                     self_type: str,
                     view: BinaryView,
        if address == 0:
            return None

        method_list_t_type = view.get_type_by_name('method_list_t')

        method_list_t = Type.named_type_from_type('method_list_t',

        method_t = view.get_type_by_name('method_t')

        if view.get_data_var_at(address) is None:
            view.define_user_data_var(address, method_list_t)

        members = get_structure_members(address, method_list_t_type, view)

        methods = dict()
        start = address + method_list_t_type.width
        end = start + members['count'] * method_t.width
        step = method_t.width
        for method_addr in range(start, end, step):
            method = Method.from_address(method_addr, self_type, view,
            if method is not None:
                methods[method.name] = method

        return cls(address, **members, methods=methods)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def from_address(cls, address: int, view: BinaryView):
        if address == 0:
            return None

        property_list_t_type = view.get_type_by_name('property_list_t')

        property_list_t = Type.named_type_from_type('property_list_t',

        property_t = view.get_type_by_name('property_t')

        if view.get_data_var_at(address) is None:
            view.define_user_data_var(address, property_list_t)

        members = get_structure_members(address, property_list_t_type, view)

        properties = dict()
        start = address + property_list_t_type.width
        end = start + members['count'] * property_t.width
        step = property_t.width
        for property_addr in range(start, end, step):
            property_ = Property.from_address(property_addr, view)
            if property_ is not None:
                properties[property_.name] = property_

        return cls(address, **members, properties=properties)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _parse_function_type(type_string: str,
                         self_name: str,
                         view: BinaryView,
                         is_class=False) -> Type:
    log_debug(f'_parse_function_type {type_string}')
    ret_type_str = type_string[0]

    # Handle structures defined in the function types
    if ret_type_str == '{':
        ret_type, type_string = _parse_structure(type_string[1:], view)
        ret_type = _lookup_type(ret_type_str, view)
        type_string = type_string[1:]

    stack_size = ''.join(takewhile(str.isdigit, type_string))
    type_string = type_string[len(stack_size):]
    stack_size = int(stack_size) if stack_size else None

    args = []
    while type_string:
        if type_string[0] == '{':
            arg_type, type_string = _parse_structure(type_string[1:], view)
            args.append(Type.pointer(view.arch, arg_type))
            arg_type = ''.join(
                takewhile(lambda i: not str.isdigit(i), type_string))
            type_string = type_string[len(arg_type):]
            args.append(_lookup_type(arg_type, view))

        arg_stack_offset = ''.join(takewhile(str.isdigit, type_string))
        type_string = type_string[len(arg_stack_offset):]

    # we know that the first parameter is the 'self' parameter if it's not
    # an objc_msgSend_stret or objc_msgSendSuper_stret. Otherwise it's the
    # second one.
    if ret_type.type_class == TypeClass.NamedTypeReferenceClass:
        log_debug(f'return value is {ret_type}')
        ret_type = Type.pointer(view.arch, ret_type)
        args.insert(0, FunctionParameter(ret_type, 'ret_value'))

        if len(args) < 2:

        args[1] = FunctionParameter(
                (Type.named_type_from_type(self_name, view.types[self_name])
                 if not is_class else Type.named_type_from_type(
                     'class_t', view.get_type_by_name('class_t')))), 'self')
        args[0] = FunctionParameter(
                (Type.named_type_from_type(self_name, view.types[self_name])
                 if not is_class else Type.named_type_from_type(
                     'class_t', view.get_type_by_name('class_t')))), 'self')

    function_type = Type.function(ret_type, args)

    return function_type
Exemplo n.º 4
    def from_address(cls, address: int, view: BinaryView):
        if address == 0:
            return None

        from_bytes = get_from_bytes(view)

        protocol_list_t_type = view.get_type_by_name('protocol_list_t')

        protocol_list_t = Type.named_type_from_type('protocol_list_t',

        protocol_t = view.get_type_by_name('protocol_t')

        members = get_structure_members(address, protocol_list_t_type, view)

        view.define_user_data_var(address, protocol_list_t)

        protocols = {}
        start = address + protocol_list_t_type.width
        end = start + members['count'] * view.address_size
        step = view.address_size
        for protocol_ptr in range(start, end, step):
            if not view.get_data_var_at(protocol_ptr):
                                          Type.pointer(view.arch, protocol_t))
            protocol = Protocol.from_address(
                from_bytes(view.read(protocol_ptr, view.address_size)), view)

            protocols[protocol.name] = protocol

        return cls(address, **members, protocols=protocols)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def from_address(cls, address: int, class_name: str, view: BinaryView):
        if address == 0:
            return None

        from_bytes = get_from_bytes(view)

        ivar_list_t_type = view.get_type_by_name('ivar_list_t')

        ivar_list_t = Type.named_type_from_type('ivar_list_t',

        ivar_t = view.get_type_by_name('ivar_t')

        members = get_structure_members(address, ivar_list_t_type, view)

        view.define_user_data_var(address, ivar_list_t)

        ivars = {}
        start = address + ivar_list_t_type.width
        end = start + members['count'] * ivar_t.width
        step = ivar_t.width
        for ivar in range(start, end, step):
            new_ivar = Ivar.from_address(ivar, class_name, view)
            ivars[new_ivar.name] = new_ivar

        return cls(address, **members, ivars=ivars)
Exemplo n.º 6
def struct_decl(node: Cursor, bv: bn.BinaryView):
    struct = bn.Structure()
    struct.width = node.type.get_size()
    struct.alignment = node.type.get_align()
    if node.spelling:
        struct_name = node.spelling
        # A struct can be defined anonymously and assigned via a typedef, which means the struct_decl node itself
        # will have no spelling.
        # example: typedef struct {
        #                   DWORD Version;
        #                   GUID Guid;
        #                   SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION PowerCondition;
        #                   DWORD DataLength;
        #                   BYTE Data[1];
        struct_name = node.type.spelling

    bn.log.log_debug(f'struct_decl: Processing struct {node.spelling}')

    # In order to avoid recursion problems with structs, always define the struct name as a binaryNinja forward decl
    bv.define_user_type(struct_name, bn.Type.structure_type(bn.Structure()))

    # check if struct is a forward declaration within the source code - if it is not a definition, then it is a forward
    # decl, and no fields should be defined at this point.
    if node.is_definition():
        for field in node.type.get_fields():
            bn.log.log_debug(f'struct_decl: Processing struct field {field.spelling}')

            if is_recursive_field(field, bv):
                forward_decl_struct = bn.Structure()
                forward_decl_struct_name = field.type.get_pointee().get_declaration().spelling
                bv.define_user_type(forward_decl_struct_name, bn.Type.structure_type(forward_decl_struct))
                t = bv.get_type_by_name(forward_decl_struct_name)
                struct.append(t, forward_decl_struct_name)
                var_type = bv.get_type_by_name(field.spelling)
                if not var_type:
                    # Need to define the field type
                    var_name, var_type = define_type(field.get_definition(), bv)
                struct.append(var_type, field.spelling)
            bn.log.log_debug(f'struct_decl: Successfully processed  struct field {field.spelling}')

        if node.kind == CursorKind.UNION_DECL:
            # set type to union
            struct.type = bn.StructureType.UnionStructureType

        bv.define_user_type(struct_name, bn.Type.structure_type(struct))
        bn.log.log_debug(f'struct_decl: Successfully processed struct {struct_name}')
        return struct_name, bn.Type.structure_type(struct)
    except Exception as e:
        bn.log.log_debug(f'struct_decl: Failed Processing struct {struct_name} with exception {e}')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def from_address(cls, address: int, view: BinaryView) -> Class:
        if address == 0:
            return None
        elif address in view.session_data['ClassList']:
            return view.session_data['ClassList'][address]
            new_class = cls(address, view, None, None, None, {}, {})
            view.session_data['ClassList'][address] = new_class

        from_bytes = get_from_bytes(view)

        members = get_structure_members(address,
                                        view.get_type_by_name('class_t'), view)

        isa = Class.from_address(members['isa'], view)
        new_class.isa = isa

        superclass = Class.from_address(members['superclass'], view)
        new_class.superclass = superclass

        vtable = ClassRO.from_address(members['vtable'], view,
        new_class.vtable = vtable

        class_t = Type.named_type_from_type('class_t',

        view.define_user_data_var(address, class_t)

        if not new_class.is_meta:
            view.session_data['ClassNames'][vtable.name] = new_class
            view.session_data['ClassNames'][f"{vtable.name}_meta"] = new_class

        if not new_class.is_meta:
            symbol_name = f'_OBJC_CLASS_$_{vtable.name}'
            symbol_name = f'_OBJC_METACLASS_$_{vtable.name}'

            Symbol(SymbolType.DataSymbol, address, symbol_name))

        if vtable and vtable.baseMethods is not None:
            new_class._methods = vtable.baseMethods.methods

        if vtable and vtable.baseProtocols is not None:
            new_class._protocols = vtable.baseProtocols.protocols

        return new_class
Exemplo n.º 8
def _lookup_type(type_string: str, view: BinaryView):
    if type_string in basic_types:
        return basic_types[type_string]
    elif type_string == '*':
        return Type.pointer(view.arch, Type.char())
    elif type_string.startswith('@'):
        if type_string[2:-1] in view.types:
            return Type.pointer(
        elif type_string != '@?' and type_string != '@':
            if type_string[2:-1]:
                new_type = Type.named_type_from_type(
                    type_string[2:-1], Type.structure_type(Structure()))
                view.define_user_type(type_string[2:-1], new_type)
                new_type = Type.void()
            return Type.pointer(view.arch, new_type)
            return Type.pointer(view.arch, Type.void())
    elif type_string.startswith('#'):
        return Type.pointer(view.arch, Type.void())
    elif type_string == ':':
        return view.get_type_by_name('SEL')
        return Type.pointer(view.arch, Type.void())
Exemplo n.º 9
def define_anonymous_type(node: Cursor, bv: bn.BinaryView) -> bn.Type:
    # An anonymous type must be either a Struct\UNION\ENUM.
    # In order to simplify working with binaryNinja, an anonymized type is de-anonymized:
    # The name of the anonymous type is a hash of its location in the source file prepended by 'anon_'
    bn.log.log_debug(f'define_anonymous_type: Processing {node.type.spelling}')

    struct = bn.Structure()
    struct.width = node.type.get_size()
    struct.alignment = node.type.get_align()
    struct_name = 'anon_' + xxhash.xxh64_hexdigest(node.type.spelling)

    for field in node.type.get_fields():
        bn_field_type = bv.get_type_by_name(field.spelling)
        field_name = field.spelling
        if not bn_field_type:
            # Need to define the field type
            # if field.is_anonymous():
            #    field_name, bn_field_type = define_anonymous_type(field, bv)
            # else:
            field_name, bn_field_type = define_type(field.get_definition(), bv)
        bn.log.log_debug(f'define_anonymous_type: Appending field - {bn_field_type} {field_name}')
        struct.append(bn_field_type, field_name)

    # Check if the underlying struct is a union
    if node.type.kind == TypeKind.ELABORATED:
        if node.type.get_named_type().get_declaration().kind == CursorKind.UNION_DECL:
            # set type to union
            struct.type = bn.StructureType.UnionStructureType

    return struct_name, bn.Type.structure_type(struct)
Exemplo n.º 10
def pp(bv: bn.BinaryView):
    pre_define_types(bv, ntdll)

    index: Index = Index.create()
    tu: TranslationUnit = index.parse(
        args=ntdll.pre_proccessor_args)  # args for clang parser

    root_node = tu.cursor

    for node in root_node.get_children():
            f'{"*" * 30}\nDEFINING NODE: \n {node.spelling} {node.type.spelling} \n'
            f'node.kind: {node.kind}, node.type.kind: {node.type.kind}\n {"*" * 30}'
        ast_handlers.define_type(node, bv)

    # Create the type lib from the parsed types
    ntdll_tl = bn.TypeLibrary.new(bn.Architecture["x86"], "ntdll.dll")

    for node in root_node.get_children():
            f'{"*" * 30}\nEXPORTING NODE: \n {node.spelling} {node.type.spelling} \n'
            f'node.kind: {node.kind}, node.type.kind: {node.type.kind}\n {"*" * 30}'
        var_type = bv.get_type_by_name(node.spelling)
        if isinstance(var_type, bn.Type):
            bv.export_type_to_library(ntdll_tl, node.spelling, var_type)
    ntdll_tl.write_to_file(directories_config.base_proccessed_header_folder +
Exemplo n.º 11
    def from_address(cls, address: int, view: BinaryView, is_meta=False):
        from .protocol_t import ProtocolList
        if address == 0:
            return None

        elif address in view.session_data['ClassROList']:
            return view.session_data['ClassROList']

        from_bytes = partial(int.from_bytes,
                             byteorder=("little" if view.endianness
                                        == Endianness.LittleEndian else "big"))

        class_ro_t = Type.named_type_from_type(
            'class_ro_t', view.get_type_by_name('class_ro_t'))

        if view.get_data_var_at(address) is None:
            view.define_user_data_var(address, class_ro_t)

        members = {
            m.name: from_bytes(view.read(address + m.offset, m.type.width))
            for m in view.get_type_by_name('class_ro_t').structure.members

        members['name'] = (view.get_ascii_string_at(members['name'], 1).value
                           if members['name'] != 0 else '')

        members['ivarLayout'] = (view.get_ascii_string_at(
            members['ivarLayout'], 1).value
                                 if members['ivarLayout'] != 0 else '')

        members['ivars'] = IvarList.from_address(members['ivars'],
                                                 members['name'], view)

        members['baseMethods'] = MethodList.from_address(
            members['baseMethods'], members['name'], view, is_meta)

        members['baseProtocols'] = ProtocolList.from_address(
            members['baseProtocols'], view)

        members['baseProperties'] = PropertyList.from_address(
            members['baseProperties'], view)

        new_class_ro = cls(address, **members)

        view.session_data['ClassROList'][address] = new_class_ro
        return new_class_ro
Exemplo n.º 12
def typedef_decl(node: Cursor, bv: bn.BinaryView):
    bn.log.log_debug(f'typedef_decl: {node.underlying_typedef_type.spelling} {node.spelling}, \n'
                     f'underlying_typedef_type: {node.underlying_typedef_type.kind}')
    if node.spelling and bv.get_type_by_name(node.spelling):
        bn.log.log_debug(f'typedef_decl: Type already defined')
        return node.spelling, bv.get_type_by_name(node.spelling)
    elif not node.underlying_typedef_type.spelling:
            var_type, name = bv.parse_type_string(f'{node.type.spelling} {node.spelling}')
        except Exception as e:
            bn.log.log_debug(f'typedef_decl: Failed to parse {node.type.spelling} {node.spelling}, with exception {e}')

        # Sanitize the type - remove any compiler directives such as __aligned and such.
        underlying_typedef_type_string = remove_compiler_directives(node.underlying_typedef_type.spelling)
            var_type, name = bv.parse_type_string(f'{underlying_typedef_type_string}')
            # The reason we are not using the name inside the parsed string is that sometimes you get a typedef
            # like 'int [1] td', and if you parse it like that it's a binaryNinja exception.
            # instead we parse 'int [1]' and attach the name of the typedef to it afterwards.
            name = node.spelling
            bn.log.log_debug(f'typedef_decl: Successfully parsed {underlying_typedef_type_string} {node.spelling}')
        except SyntaxError as se:
            if 'syntax error' in str(se):
                if node.spelling.endswith('_t'):
                    # Some variables names are internal to binaryNinja and cannot be used. These var names usually
                    # end with _t, for example size_t \ ptrdiff_t etc.
                    # In order to not clash with the internal vars, change the _t to _T.
                    altered_spelling = node.spelling[:-1] + 'T'
                    var_type, name = bv.parse_type_string(f'{underlying_typedef_type_string} {altered_spelling}')
                elif 'is not defined' in str(se):
                    var_type, name = bv.define_user_type(underlying_typedef_type_string)
                    bn.log.log_debug(f'typedef_decl: Failed to parse {node.underlying_typedef_type.spelling} '

        bv.define_user_type(name, var_type)
        bn.log.log_debug(f'typedef_decl: Successfully processed {node.underlying_typedef_type.spelling} '
        return str(name), var_type
    except Exception as e:
        bn.log.log_debug(f'typedef_decl: Failed Processing {node.underlying_typedef_type.spelling} '
                         f'{node.spelling} with exception {e}')
Exemplo n.º 13
    def from_address(cls, address: int, view: BinaryView) -> Protocol:
        if address == 0:
            return None

        from .class_t import Class

        from_bytes = partial(int.from_bytes,
                             byteorder=("little" if view.endianness
                                        == Endianness.LittleEndian else "big"))

        protocol_t = Type.named_type_from_type(
            'protocol_t', view.get_type_by_name('protocol_t'))

        if not view.get_data_var_at(address):
            view.define_user_data_var(address, protocol_t)

        members = {
            m.name: from_bytes(view.read(address + m.offset, m.type.width))
            for m in view.get_type_by_name('protocol_t').structure.members

        members['isa'] = Class.from_address(members['isa'], view)

        members['name'] = (view.get_ascii_string_at(members['name'], 1).value
                           if members['name'] != 0 else '')

        if members['name'] not in view.types:

        members['protocols'] = ProtocolList.from_address(
            members['protocols'], view)

        members['instanceMethods'] = MethodList.from_address(
            members['instanceMethods'], members['name'], view)

        members['optionalInstanceMethods'] = MethodList.from_address(
            members['optionalInstanceMethods'], members['name'], view)

        new_protocol = cls(address, **members)
        view.session_data['Protocols'][new_protocol.name] = new_protocol
        return new_protocol
Exemplo n.º 14
    def from_address(cls, address: int, class_name: str, view: BinaryView):
        if address == 0:
            return None

        from_bytes = get_from_bytes(view)

        ivar_t_type = view.get_type_by_name('ivar_t')
        ivar_t = Type.named_type_from_type('ivar_t', ivar_t_type)

        members = get_structure_members(address, ivar_t_type, view)
        member_dict = {m.name: m for m in ivar_t_type.structure.members}

        # x64 uses uint64_t for offset, but everything else
        # uses uint32_t
        ivar_offset_type = (member_dict['offset'].type.target if
                            view.arch != Architecture['x86_64'] else Type.int(
                                8, False))
        ivar_offset_type.const = True

        if view.get_data_var_at(address) is None:
            view.define_user_data_var(address, ivar_t)

        if members['name'] != 0:
            name_string = view.get_ascii_string_at(members['name'], 1)
            if name_string is not None:
                members['name'] = name_string.value
            members['name'] = ''

        if members['type']:
            type_string = view.get_ascii_string_at(members['type'], 1).value
            members['type'] = _lookup_type(type_string, view)

        if not members['type']:
            members['type'] = Type.pointer(view.arch, Type.void())

        if members['offset']:
            view.define_user_data_var(members['offset'], ivar_offset_type)
            members['offset'] = from_bytes(
            members['offset'] = None

        return cls(address, **members)
Exemplo n.º 15
def define_cfstrings_plugin(view: BinaryView):

    from_bytes = _get_from_bytes(view)

    cfstring_type = view.get_type_by_name('CFString')
    if cfstring_type is None:
        cfstring_type = view.platform.parse_types_from_source(

        view.define_user_type('CFString', cfstring_type)

        wchar_type = view.platform.parse_types_from_source(

    cfstring = Type.named_type_from_type('CFString', cfstring_type)

    __cfstring = view.get_section_by_name('__cfstring')

    if __cfstring is None:

    buffer = cfstring_type.structure['buffer']
    length = cfstring_type.structure['length']

    for addr in range(__cfstring.start, __cfstring.end, cfstring_type.width):
        view.define_user_data_var(addr, cfstring)

        for xref in view.get_data_refs(addr):
            view.define_user_data_var(xref, Type.pointer(view.arch, cfstring))

        string_pointer = from_bytes(
            view.read(addr + buffer.offset, buffer.type.width))

        string_length = from_bytes(
            view.read(addr + length.offset, length.type.width), ) + 1

        string_section = view.get_sections_at(string_pointer)

        if not string_section:

        if string_section[0].name == '__ustring':
            char_type = wchar_type
            char_type = Type.char()

                                  Type.array(char_type, string_length))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def from_address(cls,
                     address: int,
                     self_type: str,
                     view: BinaryView,
        if address == 0:
            return None

        if self_type not in view.types:
            view.define_user_type(self_type, Type.structure_type(Structure()))

        method_t_type = view.get_type_by_name('method_t')
        method_t = Type.named_type_from_type('method_t', method_t_type)

        if view.get_data_var_at(address) is None:
            view.define_user_data_var(address, method_t)

        members = get_structure_members(address, method_t_type, view)

        members['name'] = (view.get_ascii_string_at(members['name'], 1).value
                           if members['name'] else '')

        members['types'] = parse_function_type(
            view.get_ascii_string_at(members['types'], 1).value
            if members['types'] else '', self_type, view, is_class)

        members['imp'] = view.get_function_at(members['imp'])

        if members['imp'] is not None:
            if not is_class:
                method_name = f'-[{self_type} {members["name"]}]'
                method_name = f'+[{self_type} {members["name"]}]'

            if view.symbols.get(method_name):
                namespace = f'{members["imp"].start}'
                namespace = None


            if members['types'] is not None:
                members['imp'].function_type = members['types']

        return cls(address, **members)
Exemplo n.º 17
def _add_xrefs(view: BinaryView):
    method_t = view.get_type_by_name('method_t')
    if method_t is None:

    method_t_struct = method_t.structure

    method_t_name = method_t_struct['name']

    for function in view.functions:
        data_refs = view.get_data_refs(function.start)

        log_debug(f'{function.name}: {data_refs}')

        method_t_list = [
            for var in map(view.get_data_var_at, (ref for ref in data_refs))

        log_debug(f'{function.name}: {method_t_list}')

        for method in method_t_list:
            name_ptr = int.from_bytes(
                view.read(method.address + method_t_name.offset,
                          view.address_size), "little"
                if view.endianness == Endianness.LittleEndian else "big")

            for xref in view.get_code_refs(name_ptr):
                xref_mlil = xref.function.get_low_level_il_at(

                if xref_mlil is None:

                if xref_mlil.operation == MediumLevelILOperation.MLIL_SET_VAR:
                    call_mlil = next(
                        (use for use in xref_mlil.function.get_ssa_var_uses(
                         if (use.instr_index > xref_mlil.instr_index and
                             use.il_basic_block == xref_mlil.il_basic_block)),

                if call_mlil is not None:
Exemplo n.º 18
def _define_selectors(view: BinaryView):
    __objc_selrefs = view.sections.get('__objc_selrefs')

    if __objc_selrefs is None:
        raise KeyError('This binary has no __objc_selrefs section')

    SEL = view.get_type_by_name('SEL')
    if SEL is None:
        raise TypeError('The SEL type is not defined!')

    for addr in range(__objc_selrefs.start, __objc_selrefs.end, SEL.width):
        view.define_user_data_var(addr, SEL)
        selector = int.from_bytes(view.read(addr, SEL.width), "little")
        if selector != 0:
            name = view.get_ascii_string_at(selector, 3)
            if name is not None:
                    name.start, Type.array(Type.char(), name.length + 1))
Exemplo n.º 19
def _define_protocols(view: BinaryView):
    __objc_protorefs = view.get_section_by_name('__objc_protorefs')

    if __objc_protorefs is None:

    protocol_t = Type.named_type_from_type('protocol_t',

    for address in range(__objc_protorefs.start, __objc_protorefs.end,
        view.define_user_data_var(address, Type.pointer(view.arch, protocol_t))

        protocol_ptr = int.from_bytes(
            view.read(address, view.address_size),
            "little" if view.endianness is Endianness.LittleEndian else "big")

        new_protocol = Protocol.from_address(protocol_ptr, view)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def from_address(cls, address: int, view: BinaryView):
        if address == 0:
            return None

        property_t_type = view.get_type_by_name('property_t')

        if property_t_type is None:

        property_t = Type.named_type_from_type('property_t', property_t_type)

        if view.get_data_var_at(address) is None:
            view.define_user_data_var(address, property_t)

        members = get_structure_members(address, property_t_type, view)

        members['name'] = (view.get_ascii_string_at(members['name'], 1).value
                           if members['name'] else '')

        members['attributes'] = (view.get_ascii_string_at(
            members['attributes'], 1).value if members['attributes'] else '')

        return cls(address, **members)
Exemplo n.º 21
def _define_categories(view: BinaryView):
    __objc_catlist = view.sections.get('__objc_catlist')

    if __objc_catlist is None:

    category_t = Type.named_type_from_type('category_t',

    if category_t is None:

    start = __objc_catlist.start
    end = __objc_catlist.end
    step = view.address_size
    for address in range(start, end, step):
        view.define_user_data_var(address, Type.pointer(view.arch, category_t))

        category_ptr = int.from_bytes(
            view.read(address, view.address_size),
            "little" if view.endianness is Endianness.LittleEndian else "big")

        new_category = Category.from_address(category_ptr, view)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def from_address(cls, address: int, view: BinaryView) -> Category:
        if address == 0:
            return None

        from .class_t import Class, ClassRO

        category_t_type = view.get_type_by_name('category_t')

        if category_t_type is None:

        category_t = Type.named_type_from_type('category_t', category_t_type)

        if view.get_data_var_at(address) is None:
            view.define_user_data_var(address, category_t)

        members = get_structure_members(address, category_t_type, view)

        members['name'] = (view.get_ascii_string_at(members['name'], 1).value
                           if members['name'] else '')

        members['cls'] = Class.from_address(members['cls'], view)

        if members['cls'] is None:
            cls_offset = next(m.offset
                              for m in category_t_type.structure.members
                              if m.name == 'cls')
            cls_name = view.get_symbol_at(address + cls_offset)
            cls_name = cls_name.name if cls_name is not None else members[

            class_match = re.match(
            if class_match is not None:
                cls_name = class_match.group('classname')
                cls_ = view.session_data['ClassNames'].get(cls_name)
                if cls_ is None:
                    cls_ = Class(None, view, None, None, None, {}, {})
                    cls_.vtable = ClassRO(address, *([None] * 11))
                    cls_.vtable.name = cls_name
                    view.session_data['ClassNames'][cls_name] = cls_

                members['cls'] = cls_
            cls_name = members['cls'].vtable.name

        members['instanceMethods'] = MethodList.from_address(
            members['instanceMethods'], cls_name, view)

        if members['cls'] is not None and not members['cls'].methods:
            if members['instanceMethods'] is None:
                members['cls']._methods = {}
                members['cls']._methods = members['instanceMethods'].methods
        elif members['cls'] is not None and members['instanceMethods']:

        members['protocols'] = ProtocolList.from_address(
            members['protocols'], view)

        return cls(address, **members)
Exemplo n.º 23
def pointer_type(node: Cursor, bv: bn.BinaryView):
    bn.log.log_debug(f'pointer_type: {node.type.spelling} {node.spelling}, \n'
                     f'node.type.kind: {node.type.kind} \n')
    if node.type.kind == TypeKind.TYPEDEF:
        pointee_type = node.underlying_typedef_type.get_pointee()
    elif node.type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER:
        pointee_type = node.type.get_pointee()
        bn.log.log_debug(f'pointer_type: Unhandled node type: {node.type.kind}')

    if check_if_base_type(pointee_type):
        pointee_type_spelling = pointee_type.spelling
        if pointee_type_spelling in void_types:
            # BinaryNinja can't parse the expression 'const void'.
            pointee_type_spelling = 'void'
        # If its a base type then no need to define pointee type.
        bn.log.log_debug(f'pointer_type: Parsing type string: {pointee_type_spelling}')
        bn_pointee_type, name = bv.parse_type_string(pointee_type_spelling)
        pointer = bn.Type.pointer(bv.arch, bn_pointee_type)
        pointee_node = pointee_type.get_declaration()
        if pointee_node.kind == CursorKind.NO_DECL_FOUND:
            # Some types of TypeKind.TYPEDEF have no declaration node because they the type is just a pointer.
            # example: typedef EXCEPTION_ROUTINE *PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE;
            bn.log.log_debug(f'pointer_type: No declaration found for: {pointee_type.spelling} \n'
                             f'                                        pointee_type.kind: {pointee_type.kind}')
            if pointee_type.kind == TypeKind.FUNCTIONPROTO:
                # A special case happens when a type is a typedef for a function pointer - the function might be
                # an anonymous function that was not previously defined, so we must define it first (can't just parse
                # the string  with parse_type_string().
                # Example: typedef void
                #               (__stdcall *PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK) (
                #                                                   PVOID DllHandle,
                #                                                   DWORD Reason,
                #                                                   PVOID Reserved
                #                                                 );
                bn_pointee_name, bn_pointee_type = function_decl(node, bv)
                pointer = bn.Type.pointer(bv.arch, bn_pointee_type)
            elif pointee_type.kind == TypeKind.FUNCTIONNOPROTO:
                # FUNCTIONNOPROTO means there are no arguments, only a possible return type
                pointee_result_type = pointee_type.get_result()
                if check_if_base_type(pointee_result_type):
                    # Result is a base type, thus no declaration node.
                    # Example: long ()
                    pointee_result_string = pointee_result_type.spelling
                    if pointee_result_string in void_types:
                        pointee_result_string = 'void'
                    bn_result_type, bn_result_name = bv.parse_type_string(pointee_result_string)
                    result_type = pointee_type.get_result().get_declaration()
                    bn_result_name, bn_result_type = define_type(result_type, bv)
                pointer = bn.Type.pointer(bv.arch, bn.Type.function(bn_result_type, []))
            elif pointee_type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER:
                # we are dealing with a pointer to a pointer
                if check_if_base_type(pointee_type.get_pointee()):
                    type_string = pointee_type.get_pointee().spelling
                    if type_string in void_types:
                        type_string = 'void'
                    bn_pointee_type, bn_pointee_name = bv.parse_type_string(type_string)
                elif pointee_type.get_pointee().kind == TypeKind.POINTER:
                    # We have multiple nested pointers.
                    # Example: int ****a;
                    # The problem here is that if the pointee type is also a pointer, then it has no declaration node,
                    # so we can't call pointer_type() on it directly.
                    nested_pointer_count = 1
                    current_pointer_type = pointee_type.get_pointee()
                    while current_pointer_type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER:
                        nested_pointer_count += 1
                        current_pointer_type = current_pointer_type.get_pointee()
                    if check_if_base_type(current_pointer_type):
                        bn_pointee_type, bn_pointee_name = bv.parse_type_string(current_pointer_type.spelling)
                        bn_pointee_name, bn_pointee_type = define_type(current_pointer_type, bv)
                    temp_bn_pointer_type = bn.Type.pointer(bv.arch, bn_pointee_type)
                    for nesting_level in range(nested_pointer_count):
                        temp_bn_pointer_type = bn.Type.pointer(bv.arch, temp_bn_pointer_type)
                    bn_pointee_type = bn.Type.pointer(bv.arch, temp_bn_pointer_type)
                elif pointee_type.get_pointee().get_declaration().kind == CursorKind.NO_DECL_FOUND:
                    # For some reason there is no declaration of the pointee.
                    # Manually parse the type and hope it was previously defined.
                    # TODO: Find a way to handle a case where the type was not already defined.
                    print(f'pointee_type.get_pointee().get_named_type().kind: {pointee_type.get_pointee().get_named_type().kind}')
                    # The reason I am parsing the pointee_type and not pointee_type.get_pointee() is that in some
                    # cases the pointer is pointing to a function prototype that has no declaration, and it is much
                    # easier to just parse the pointer to a known type then parse the underlying type.
                    bn_pointee_type, bn_pointee_name = bv.parse_type_string(pointee_type.spelling)
                    bn_pointee_name, bn_pointee_type = define_type(pointee_type.get_pointee().get_declaration(), bv)
                pointer = bn.Type.pointer(bv.arch, bn_pointee_type)
                bn_pointee_type, bn_pointee_name = bv.parse_type_string(node.underlying_typedef_type.spelling)
                pointer = bn.Type.pointer(bv.arch, bn_pointee_type)
            bn_pointee_type = bv.get_type_by_name(pointee_node.spelling)
            if bn_pointee_type is None:
                # need to define the pointee type before declaring the pointer
                bn_pointee_name, bn_pointee_type = define_type(pointee_node, bv)
                pointer = bn.Type.pointer(bv.arch, bn_pointee_type)
                # type already defined in the binaryView.
                pointer = bn.Type.pointer(bv.arch, bn_pointee_type)

    bv.define_user_type(node.spelling, pointer)
    bn.log.log_debug(f'pointer_type: Successfully defined : {node.spelling}')
    return node.spelling, pointer
Exemplo n.º 24
    def perform_get_lines_for_data(self, ctxt, view: BinaryView, addr: int,
                                   type_: Type, prefix: list, width: int,
        from_bytes = _get_from_bytes(view)

        symbol: Symbol = view.get_symbol_at(addr)

        cfstring: Type = view.get_type_by_name('CFString')

        if cfstring is None:
            log_debug('CFString is not defined; how did we even get here?')
            return [DisassemblyTextLine(prefix, addr)]

        cfstring: Structure = cfstring.structure

        buffer = from_bytes(
            view.read(addr + cfstring['buffer'].offset, view.address_size))

        info = from_bytes(
            view.read(addr + cfstring['info'].offset,

        length = from_bytes(
            view.read(addr + cfstring['length'].offset,

        if info & 0xff == 0xc8:
            info_string = 'noinline,default,nofree,NI'
        elif info & 0xff == 0xd0:
            info_string = 'noinline,default,nofree,EUI'
            info_string = (
                f'{_cfstring_allocator_properties[(info >> 5) & 0x3]},'
                f'{"U" if info & 16 else ""}'
                f'{"N" if info & 8 else ""}'
                f'{"L" if info & 4 else ""}'
                f'{"I" if info & 1 else ""}')

        if 'U' not in info_string:
            string = view.get_ascii_string_at(buffer, 0)

            if string is None:
                log_debug('string returned None; how did we even get here?')
                return [DisassemblyTextLine(prefix, addr)]

            string = string.value
            string = view.read(buffer, length * 2)

        if symbol is None:
            name = f'data_{addr:x}'
            name = symbol.short_name

        prefix = [
            InstructionTextToken(InstructionTextTokenType.TextToken, ' '),
            InstructionTextToken(InstructionTextTokenType.TextToken, ' '),
                                 name, addr),
            InstructionTextToken(InstructionTextTokenType.TextToken, ' = '),
                                 f'{string!r}', buffer),
            InstructionTextToken(InstructionTextTokenType.TextToken, ' ')
        return [DisassemblyTextLine(prefix, addr)]
Exemplo n.º 25
def define_type(node: Cursor, bv: bn.BinaryView):
    bn.log.log_debug(f'define_type: Dispatch for "{node.type.spelling} {node.spelling}", CursorKind: {node.kind}, type '
                     f'{node.type.spelling}, TypeKind: {node.type.kind}')
    # Dispatch the correct handler for the declaration recursively.
    # It is important to check for type kind before we check for cursor kind in order
    # to detect arrays and such.
    if node.spelling:
        # For some reason libclang parses some typedefs (usually ENUM_DECL) as having no spelling, but doesn't
        # recognize them as anonymous.
        # BinaryNinja returns a type for the empty string ('') - which causes problems when trying to determine if
        # the type is already defined.
        current_type = bv.get_type_by_name(node.type.spelling)
        current_type = None
    if isinstance(current_type, bn.types.Type):
        # Check if type already defined.
        bn.log.log_debug(f'define_type: type {node.spelling} already defined, skipping re-definition.')
        var_type = current_type
        var_name = node.spelling
        return var_name, var_type
    elif check_if_base_type(node.type):
        var_type, var_name = bv.parse_type_string(f'{node.type.spelling} {node.spelling}')
        return str(var_name), var_type
    elif node.is_anonymous():
        return define_anonymous_type(node, bv)
    elif node.type.kind == TypeKind.ELABORATED:
        return define_type(node.type.get_declaration(), bv)
    elif node.type.kind == TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY:
        return constantarray_type(node, bv)
    elif node.type.kind == TypeKind.INCOMPLETEARRAY:
        return incompletearray_type(node, bv)
    elif node.type.kind == TypeKind.FUNCTIONPROTO:
        return functionproto_type(node, bv)
    elif node.type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER:
        return pointer_type(node, bv)
    elif node.kind == CursorKind.TYPEDEF_DECL:
        if node.type.kind == TypeKind.TYPEDEF:
            if node.underlying_typedef_type.kind == TypeKind.FUNCTIONPROTO:
                return function_decl(node, bv)
            elif node.underlying_typedef_type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER:
                return pointer_type(node, bv)
        return typedef_decl(node, bv)
    elif node.kind == CursorKind.PARM_DECL:
        if node.type.kind == TypeKind.TYPEDEF:
            return typedef_decl(node, bv)
            bn.log.log_debug(f'define_type: Unhandled case - node.kind {node.kind}, node.type.kind {node.type.kind}')
    elif node.kind == CursorKind.VAR_DECL:
        return var_decl(node, bv)
    elif node.kind == CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL:
        return function_decl(node, bv)
    elif node.kind == CursorKind.ENUM_DECL:
        return enum_decl(node, bv)
    elif node.kind == CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL:
        return struct_decl(node, bv)
    elif node.kind == CursorKind.FIELD_DECL:
        return field_decl(node, bv)
    elif node.kind == CursorKind.UNION_DECL:
        return struct_decl(node, bv)
        bn.log.log_info(f'no handler for cursorKind {node.kind}')
Exemplo n.º 26
def constantarray_type(node: Cursor, bv: bn.BinaryView):
    bn.log.log_debug(f'constantarray_type: {node.type.spelling} {node.spelling} \n'
                     f'                    node.kind: {node.kind}, node.type.kind: {node.type.kind}')
    element_type = node.type.get_array_element_type()
    bn.log.log_debug(f'constantarray_type: element_type: {element_type.spelling} \n'
                     f'                    element_type.kind: {element_type.kind}')

    array = None
    element_type_node = None

    bn_element_type = bv.get_type_by_name(element_type.spelling)
    if bn_element_type:
        # element type is already defined in the binaryView
        array = bn.Type.array(bn_element_type, node.type.get_array_size())
        bn.log.log_debug(f'constantarray_type: {element_type.spelling} already defined in the binaryView.')
    elif node.type.get_array_element_type().get_declaration().is_anonymous():
        # Anonymous struct\union\enum as the array member type
        element_type_node = node.type.get_array_element_type().get_declaration()
        anonymous_name, bn_anonymous_type = define_anonymous_type(element_type_node, bv)
        array = bn.Type.array(bn_anonymous_type, node.type.get_array_size())
        bn.log.log_debug(f'constantarray_type: Successfully proccessed anonymous type: {bn_anonymous_type} .')
        if check_if_base_type(element_type):
            # If its a base type then it wont apear in bv.get_type_by_name() but it is still defined.
            var_type, name = bv.parse_type_string(element_type.spelling)
            array = bn.Type.array(var_type, node.type.get_array_size())
            # Not a libclang base type, need to define it normally in the binaryView.
            if node.type.get_array_element_type().kind == TypeKind.POINTER:
                # The element is a pointer, so it won't have a declaration.
                # Get the declaration of the pointed type and create a binaryNinja pointer object as the type.
                if check_if_base_type(node.type.get_array_element_type().get_pointee()):
                    # The pointed type is a base type, parse it directly.
                    bn_element_type, bn_element_name = bv.parse_type_string(
                    pointer = bn.Type.pointer(bv.arch, bn_element_type)
                    array = bn.Type.array(pointer, node.type.get_array_size())
                    element_type_node = node.type.get_array_element_type().get_pointee().get_declaration()
            elif node.type.get_array_element_type().kind == TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY:
                # The element type is another constant array, meaning we are dealing with a matrix.
                # Example: int a[3][4][5]
                if check_if_base_type(node.type.get_array_element_type().get_array_element_type()):
                    # The underlying matrix type is a base type, parse it directly.
                    bn_element_type, bn_element_name = bv.parse_type_string(
                    temp_array = bn.Type.array(bn_element_type, node.type.get_array_element_type().get_array_size())
                    array = bn.Type.array(temp_array, node.type.get_array_size())
                    element_type_node = node.type.get_array_element_type().get_array_element_type().get_declaration()
                element_type_node = node.type.get_array_element_type().get_declaration()

            if not array:
                # If array is defined at this point it means we have an array of pointers or a matrix, in which case
                # it was already handled and defined above.
                bn_element_name, bn_element_type = define_type(element_type_node, bv)
                array = bn.Type.array(bn_element_type, node.type.get_array_size())
    bv.define_user_type(node.spelling, array)
    bn.log.log_debug(f'constantarray_type: Successfully defined: {node.type.spelling} {node.spelling}')
    return node.spelling, array