Exemplo n.º 1
def LabelFactory(model ,path):
        binding = Binding(context=model, path=path)
        label = Label(path='label')
        binding.setter = lambda value: label.set_text(value)
        if label.is_loaded:

        return label
Exemplo n.º 2
 def evaluate_function_call(self, node, bindings):
     params = node.args.accept(self, bindings)
     func_name = node.name.accept(self, bindings)
     funcBinding = Binding(func_name[0].parent)
     funcBinding.bindings = func_name[0].bindings.copy()
     function = func_name[1]
     for x in range(len(params)):
     return function.accept(self, funcBinding)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def rename(self, old_name, new_name):
        """ Binds a new name to an object. """

        if len(old_name) == 0 or len(new_name) == 0:
            raise InvalidNameError('empty name')

        # Parse the names.
        old_components = self._parse_name(old_name)
        new_components = self._parse_name(new_name)

        # If there is axactly one component in BOTH names then the operation
        # takes place ENTIRELY in this context.
        if len(old_components) == 1 and len(new_components) == 1:
            # Is the old name actually bound?
            if not self._is_bound(old_name):
                raise NameNotFoundError(old_name)

            # Is the new name already bound?
            if self._is_bound(new_name):
                raise NameAlreadyBoundError(new_name)

            # Do the actual rename.
            self._rename(old_name, new_name)

            # Lookup the object that we are renaming to use in the event
            # notification.
            obj = self._lookup(new_name)

            # Trait event notification.
            self.object_renamed = NamingEvent(
                old_binding=Binding(name=old_name, obj=obj, context=self),
                new_binding=Binding(name=new_name, obj=obj, context=self))

            # fixme: This really needs to be transactional in case the bind
            # succeeds but the unbind fails.  To be safe should we just not
            # support cross-context renaming for now?!?!
            # Lookup the object.
            obj = self.lookup(old_name)

            # Bind the new name.
            self.bind(new_name, obj)

            # Unbind the old one.

Exemplo n.º 4
    def create_subcontext(self, name):
        """ Creates a sub-context. """

        if len(name) == 0:
            raise InvalidNameError('empty name')

        # Parse the name.
        components = self._parse_name(name)

        # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
        # takes place in this context.
        if len(components) == 1:
            atom = components[0]

            # Is the name already bound?
            if self._is_bound(atom):
                raise NameAlreadyBoundError(name)

            # Do the actual creation of the sub-context.
            sub = self._create_subcontext(atom)

            # Trait event notification.
            self.object_added = NamingEvent(
                new_binding=Binding(name=name, obj=sub, context=self))

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])
            sub = next_context.create_subcontext('/'.join(components[1:]))

        return sub
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _list_bindings(self):
        """ Lists the bindings in this context.
        result = [ Binding(name=n, obj=o, context=self) for n, o, t in \
                self._get_contributed_context_items() ]

        return result
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _list_bindings(self):
        """ Lists the bindings in this context. """

        bindings = []
        for name, value in self.namespace.items():
                Binding(name=name, obj=self._lookup(name), context=self))
        return bindings
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, path: str = None, binding: Binding = None):
     self.path = 'label' if path is None else path
     # ...
     if binding is not None:
         binding.setter = lambda value: self.set_text(value)
     # ...
Exemplo n.º 8
    def bind(self, name, obj, make_contexts=False):
        """ Binds a name to an object.

        If 'make_contexts' is True then any missing intermediate contexts are
        created automatically.


        if len(name) == 0:
            raise InvalidNameError('empty name')

        # Parse the name.
        components = self._parse_name(name)

        # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
        # takes place in this context.
        if len(components) == 1:
            atom = components[0]

            # Is the name already bound?
            if self._is_bound(atom):
                raise NameAlreadyBoundError(name)

            # Do the actual bind.
            self._bind(atom, obj)

            # Trait event notification.
            self.object_added = NamingEvent(
                new_binding=Binding(name=name, obj=obj, context=self))

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                if make_contexts:

                    raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])
            next_context.bind('/'.join(components[1:]), obj, make_contexts)

Exemplo n.º 9
    def refresh(self):
        """ Refresh the context to reflect changes in the file system. """

        # fixme: This needs more work 'cos if we refresh a context then we
        # will load new copies of serialized Python objects!

        # This causes the initializer to run again the next time the trait is
        # accessed.

        # Clear out the cache.
        self._cache = {}

        # fixme: This is a bit hacky since the context in the binding may
        # not be None!
        self.context_changed = NamingEvent(
            new_binding=Binding(name=self.name, obj=self, context=None))

Exemplo n.º 10
    def rebind(self, name, obj, make_contexts=False):
        """ Binds an object to a name that may already be bound.

        If 'make_contexts' is True then any missing intermediate contexts are
        created automatically.

        The object may be a different object but may also be the same object
        that is already bound to the specified name. The name may or may not be
        already used. Think of this as a safer version of 'bind' since this
        one will never raise an exception regarding a name being used.

        if len(name) == 0:
            raise InvalidNameError('empty name')

        # Parse the name.
        components = self._parse_name(name)

        # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
        # takes place in this context.
        if len(components) == 1:
            # Do the actual rebind.
            self._rebind(components[0], obj)

            # Trait event notification.
            self.object_changed = NamingEvent(
                new_binding=Binding(name=name, obj=obj, context=self))

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                if make_contexts:

                    raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])
            next_context.rebind('/'.join(components[1:]), obj, make_contexts)

Exemplo n.º 11
    def destroy_subcontext(self, name):
        """ Destroys a sub-context. """

        if len(name) == 0:
            raise InvalidNameError('empty name')

        # Parse the name.
        components = self._parse_name(name)

        # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
        # takes place in this context.
        if len(components) == 1:
            atom = components[0]

            if not self._is_bound(atom):
                raise NameNotFoundError(name)

            obj = self._lookup(atom)
            if not self._is_context(atom):
                raise NotContextError(name)

            # Do the actual destruction of the sub-context.

            # Trait event notification.
            self.object_removed = NamingEvent(
                old_binding=Binding(name=name, obj=obj, context=self))

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])

Exemplo n.º 12
    def unbind(self, name):
        """ Unbinds a name. """

        if len(name) == 0:
            raise InvalidNameError('empty name')

        # Parse the name.
        components = self._parse_name(name)

        # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
        # takes place in this context.
        if len(components) == 1:
            atom = components[0]

            if not self._is_bound(atom):
                raise NameNotFoundError(name)

            # Lookup the object that we are unbinding to use in the event
            # notification.
            obj = self._lookup(atom)

            # Do the actual unbind.

            # Trait event notification.
            self.object_removed = NamingEvent(
                old_binding=Binding(name=name, obj=obj, context=self))

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])

Exemplo n.º 13
    def _lookup_binding(self, name):
        """ Looks up the binding for a name in this context. """

        return Binding(name=name, obj=self._lookup(name), context=self)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def evaluate_code(self, node):
     g_binding = Binding({}, None)
     for exp in node.expressions:
         value = exp.accept(self, g_binding)
     return value
Exemplo n.º 15
 def evaluate_parameters(self, node, bindings):
     func_binding = Binding(bindings)
     for p in node.params:
         func_binding.createVal(p.accept(self, bindings))
     return func_binding