Exemplo n.º 1
def _diffusion_child(comm, bm=None):

    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    ngpus = comm.Get_size()

    nodename = socket.gethostname()
    name = '%s %s' % (nodename, rank)

    if rank == 0:

        # split indices on GPUs
        indices_split = _split_indices(bm.indices, ngpus)
        print('Indices:', indices_split)

        # send data to GPUs
        for k in range(1, ngpus):
            sendToChild(comm, bm.indices, indices_split[k], k, bm.data,
                        bm.labels, bm.label.nbrw, bm.label.sorw,

        # init cuda device
        dev = cuda.Device(rank)
        ctx = dev.make_context()

        # select the desired script
        if bm.label.allaxis:
            from pycuda_small_allx import walk
            from pycuda_small import walk

        # run random walks
        tic = time.time()
        walkmap = walk(bm.data, bm.labels, bm.indices, indices_split[0],
                       bm.label.nbrw, bm.label.sorw, name)
        tac = time.time()
        print('Walktime_%s: ' % (name) + str(int(tac - tic)) + ' ' + 'seconds')

        # gather data
        zsh_tmp = bm.argmax_z - bm.argmin_z
        ysh_tmp = bm.argmax_y - bm.argmin_y
        xsh_tmp = bm.argmax_x - bm.argmin_x
        if ngpus > 1:
            final_zero = np.empty((bm.nol, zsh_tmp, ysh_tmp, xsh_tmp),
            for k in range(bm.nol):
                sendbuf = np.copy(walkmap[k])
                recvbuf = np.empty((zsh_tmp, ysh_tmp, xsh_tmp),
                comm.Reduce([sendbuf, MPI.FLOAT], [recvbuf, MPI.FLOAT],
                final_zero[k] = recvbuf
            final_zero = walkmap

        # block and grid size
        block = (32, 32, 1)
        x_grid = (xsh_tmp // 32) + 1
        y_grid = (ysh_tmp // 32) + 1
        grid = (int(x_grid), int(y_grid), int(zsh_tmp))
        xsh_gpu = np.int32(xsh_tmp)
        ysh_gpu = np.int32(ysh_tmp)

        # smooth
        if bm.label.smooth:
                update_gpu = _build_update_gpu()
                curvature_gpu = _build_curvature_gpu()
                a_gpu = gpuarray.empty((zsh_tmp, ysh_tmp, xsh_tmp),
                b_gpu = gpuarray.zeros((zsh_tmp, ysh_tmp, xsh_tmp),
            except Exception as e:
                    'Warning: GPU out of memory to allocate smooth array. Process starts without smoothing.'
                bm.label.smooth = 0

        if bm.label.smooth:
            final_smooth = np.copy(final_zero)
            for k in range(bm.nol):
                a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(final_smooth[k])
                for l in range(bm.label.smooth):
                final_smooth[k] = a_gpu.get()
            final_smooth = np.argmax(final_smooth, axis=0).astype(np.uint8)
            final_smooth = get_labels(final_smooth, bm.allLabels)
            final = np.zeros((bm.zsh, bm.ysh, bm.xsh), dtype=np.uint8)
            final[bm.argmin_z:bm.argmax_z, bm.argmin_y:bm.argmax_y,
                  bm.argmin_x:bm.argmax_x] = final_smooth
            final = final[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]
            save_data(bm.path_to_smooth, final, bm.header, bm.final_image_type,

        # uncertainty
        if bm.label.uncertainty:
                max_gpu = gpuarray.zeros((3, zsh_tmp, ysh_tmp, xsh_tmp),
                a_gpu = gpuarray.zeros((zsh_tmp, ysh_tmp, xsh_tmp),
                kernel_uncertainty = _build_kernel_uncertainty()
                kernel_max = _build_kernel_max()
                for k in range(bm.nol):
                    a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(final_zero[k])
                uq = a_gpu.get()
                uq *= 255
                uq = uq.astype(np.uint8)
                final = np.zeros((bm.zsh, bm.ysh, bm.xsh), dtype=np.uint8)
                final[bm.argmin_z:bm.argmax_z, bm.argmin_y:bm.argmax_y,
                      bm.argmin_x:bm.argmax_x] = uq
                final = final[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]
                save_data(bm.path_to_uq, final, compress=bm.label.compression)
            except Exception as e:
                    'Warning: GPU out of memory to allocate uncertainty array. Process starts without uncertainty.'
                bm.label.uncertainty = False

        # free device
        del ctx

        # argmax
        final_zero = np.argmax(final_zero, axis=0).astype(np.uint8)

        # save finals
        final_zero = get_labels(final_zero, bm.allLabels)
        final = np.zeros((bm.zsh, bm.ysh, bm.xsh), dtype=np.uint8)
        final[bm.argmin_z:bm.argmax_z, bm.argmin_y:bm.argmax_y,
              bm.argmin_x:bm.argmax_x] = final_zero
        final = final[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]
        save_data(bm.path_to_final, final, bm.header, bm.final_image_type,

        # computation time
        t = int(time.time() - bm.TIC)
        if t < 60:
            time_str = str(t) + ' sec'
        elif 60 <= t < 3600:
            time_str = str(t // 60) + ' min ' + str(t % 60) + ' sec'
        elif 3600 < t:
            time_str = str(t // 3600) + ' h ' + str(
                (t % 3600) // 60) + ' min ' + str(t % 60) + ' sec'
        print('Computation time:', time_str)


        data_z, data_y, data_x, data_dtype = comm.recv(source=0, tag=0)
        data = np.empty((data_z, data_y, data_x), dtype=data_dtype)
        if data_dtype == 'uint8':
            comm.Recv([data, MPI.BYTE], source=0, tag=1)
            comm.Recv([data, MPI.FLOAT], source=0, tag=1)
        allx, nbrw, sorw = comm.recv(source=0, tag=2)
        if allx:
            labels = []
            for k in range(3):
                labels_z, labels_y, labels_x = comm.recv(source=0, tag=k + 3)
                labels_tmp = np.empty((labels_z, labels_y, labels_x),
                comm.Recv([labels_tmp, MPI.INT], source=0, tag=k + 6)
            labels_z, labels_y, labels_x = comm.recv(source=0, tag=3)
            labels = np.empty((labels_z, labels_y, labels_x), dtype=np.int32)
            comm.Recv([labels, MPI.INT], source=0, tag=6)
        indices = comm.recv(source=0, tag=9)
        indices_child = comm.recv(source=0, tag=10)

        # init cuda device
        dev = cuda.Device(rank % cuda.Device.count())
        ctx = dev.make_context()

        # select the desired script
        if allx:
            from pycuda_small_allx import walk
            from pycuda_small import walk

        # run random walks
        tic = time.time()
        walkmap = walk(data, labels, indices, indices_child, nbrw, sorw, name)
        tac = time.time()
        print('Walktime_%s: ' % (name) + str(int(tac - tic)) + ' ' + 'seconds')

        # free device
        del ctx

        # send data
        for k in range(walkmap.shape[0]):
            datatemporaer = np.copy(walkmap[k])
            comm.Reduce([datatemporaer, MPI.FLOAT], None, root=0, op=MPI.SUM)
Exemplo n.º 2
def predict_semantic_segmentation(img, position, path_to_model, path_to_final,
    z_patch, y_patch, x_patch, z_shape, y_shape, x_shape, compress, header,
    img_header, channels, stride_size, allLabels, batch_size, region_of_interest):

    # img shape
    zsh, ysh, xsh = img.shape

    # list of IDs
    list_IDs = []

    # get nIds of patches
    for k in range(0, zsh-z_patch+1, stride_size):
        for l in range(0, ysh-y_patch+1, stride_size):
            for m in range(0, xsh-x_patch+1, stride_size):

    # make length of list divisible by batch size
    rest = batch_size - (len(list_IDs) % batch_size)
    list_IDs = list_IDs + list_IDs[:rest]

    # parameters
    params = {'dim': (z_patch, y_patch, x_patch),
              'dim_img': (zsh, ysh, xsh),
              'batch_size': batch_size,
              'n_channels': channels}

    # data generator
    predict_generator = PredictDataGenerator(img, position, list_IDs, **params)

    # create a MirroredStrategy
    if os.name == 'nt':
        cdo = tf.distribute.HierarchicalCopyAllReduce()
        cdo = tf.distribute.NcclAllReduce()
    strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy(cross_device_ops=cdo)

    # load model
    with strategy.scope():
        model = load_model(str(path_to_model))

    # predict
    probabilities = model.predict(predict_generator, verbose=0, steps=None)

    # create final
    final = np.zeros((zsh, ysh, xsh, probabilities.shape[4]), dtype=np.float32)
    nb = 0
    for k in range(0, zsh-z_patch+1, stride_size):
        for l in range(0, ysh-y_patch+1, stride_size):
            for m in range(0, xsh-x_patch+1, stride_size):
                final[k:k+z_patch, l:l+y_patch, m:m+x_patch] += probabilities[nb]
                nb += 1

    # get final
    out = np.argmax(final, axis=3)
    out = out.astype(np.uint8)

    # rescale final to input size
    np_unique = np.unique(out)
    label = np.zeros((z_shape, y_shape, x_shape), dtype=out.dtype)
    for k in np_unique:
        tmp = np.zeros_like(out)
        tmp[out==k] = 1
        tmp = img_resize(tmp, z_shape, y_shape, x_shape)
        label[tmp==1] = k

    # revert automatic cropping
    if np.any(region_of_interest):
        min_z,max_z,min_y,max_y,min_x,max_x,z_shape,y_shape,x_shape = region_of_interest[:]
        tmp = np.zeros((z_shape, y_shape, x_shape), dtype=out.dtype)
        tmp[min_z:max_z,min_y:max_y,min_x:max_x] = label
        label = np.copy(tmp)

    # save final
    label = label.astype(np.uint8)
    label = get_labels(label, allLabels)
    if header is not None:
        header = get_image_dimensions(header, label)
        if img_header is not None:
            header = get_physical_size(header, img_header)
    save_data(path_to_final, label, header=header, compress=compress)
Exemplo n.º 3
def refine_semantic_segmentation(path_to_img, path_to_final, path_to_model, patch_size,
                                 compress, header, img_header, normalize, stride_size, allLabels,
                                 mu, sig, batch_size):

    # load refine data
    img, label, final, z_shape, y_shape, x_shape = load_refine_data(path_to_img, path_to_final,
                                             patch_size, normalize, allLabels, mu, sig)

    # get number of 3D-patches
    nb = 0
    zsh, ysh, xsh = img.shape
    for k in range(0, zsh-patch_size+1, stride_size):
        for l in range(0, ysh-patch_size+1, stride_size):
            for m in range(0, xsh-patch_size+1, stride_size):
                tmp = label[k:k+patch_size, l:l+patch_size, m:m+patch_size]
                #if 0.1 * patch_size**3 < np.sum(tmp > 0) < 0.9 * patch_size**3:
                if np.any(tmp[1:]!=tmp[0,0,0]):
                    nb += 1

    # create prediction set
    x_test = np.empty((nb, patch_size, patch_size, patch_size, 2), dtype=img.dtype)
    nb = 0
    zsh, ysh, xsh = img.shape
    for k in range(0, zsh-patch_size+1, stride_size):
        for l in range(0, ysh-patch_size+1, stride_size):
            for m in range(0, xsh-patch_size+1, stride_size):
                tmp = label[k:k+patch_size, l:l+patch_size, m:m+patch_size]
                #if 0.1 * patch_size**3 < np.sum(tmp > 0) < 0.9 * patch_size**3:
                if np.any(tmp[1:]!=tmp[0,0,0]):
                    x_test[nb,:,:,:,0] = img[k:k+patch_size, l:l+patch_size, m:m+patch_size]
                    x_test[nb,:,:,:,1] = final[k:k+patch_size, l:l+patch_size, m:m+patch_size]
                    nb += 1

    # reshape prediction data
    x_test = x_test.reshape(nb, patch_size, patch_size, patch_size, 2)

    # create a MirroredStrategy
    if os.name == 'nt':
        cdo = tf.distribute.HierarchicalCopyAllReduce()
        cdo = tf.distribute.NcclAllReduce()
    strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy(cross_device_ops=cdo)

    # load model
    with strategy.scope():
        model = load_model(str(path_to_model))

    # predict
    prob = model.predict(x_test, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0, steps=None)

    # create final
    nb = 0
    zsh, ysh, xsh = img.shape
    final = np.zeros((zsh, ysh, xsh, prob.shape[4]), dtype=np.float32)
    for k in range(0, zsh-patch_size+1, stride_size):
        for l in range(0, ysh-patch_size+1, stride_size):
            for m in range(0, xsh-patch_size+1, stride_size):
                tmp = label[k:k+patch_size, l:l+patch_size, m:m+patch_size]
                #if 0.1 * patch_size**3 < np.sum(tmp > 0) < 0.9 * patch_size**3:
                if np.any(tmp[1:]!=tmp[0,0,0]):
                    final[k:k+patch_size, l:l+patch_size, m:m+patch_size] += prob[nb]
                    nb += 1

    final = np.argmax(final, axis=3)
    final = final.astype(np.uint8)

    out = np.copy(label)
    for k in range(0, zsh-patch_size+1, stride_size):
        for l in range(0, ysh-patch_size+1, stride_size):
            for m in range(0, xsh-patch_size+1, stride_size):
                tmp = label[k:k+patch_size, l:l+patch_size, m:m+patch_size]
                #if 0.1 * patch_size**3 < np.sum(tmp > 0) < 0.9 * patch_size**3:
                if np.any(tmp[1:]!=tmp[0,0,0]):
                    out[k:k+patch_size, l:l+patch_size, m:m+patch_size] = final[k:k+patch_size, l:l+patch_size, m:m+patch_size]

    # save final
    out = out.astype(np.uint8)
    out = get_labels(out, allLabels)
    out = out[:z_shape, :y_shape, :x_shape]
    if header is not None:
        header = get_image_dimensions(header, out)
        if img_header is not None:
            header = get_physical_size(header, img_header)
    save_data(path_to_final, out, header=header, compress=compress)
Exemplo n.º 4
                # determine y subvolume
                blockmin_y = int(sub_y_i * sub_size_y)
                blockmax_y = int((sub_y_i + 1) * sub_size_y)
                datamin_y = max(blockmin_y - overlap, 0)
                datamax_y = min(blockmax_y + overlap, ysh)

                # determine x subvolume
                blockmin_x = int(sub_x_i * sub_size_x)
                blockmax_x = int((sub_x_i + 1) * sub_size_x)
                datamin_x = max(blockmin_x - overlap, 0)
                datamax_x = min(blockmax_x + overlap, xsh)

                # extract image subvolume
                data, _ = load_data(path_to_data, 'split_volume')
                    BASE_DIR + f'/tmp/sub_volume_{subvolume}.tif',
                    data[datamin_z:datamax_z, datamin_y:datamax_y,
                         datamin_x:datamax_x], False)
                del data

                # extract label subvolume
                labelData, header, final_image_type = load_data(
                    path_to_labels, 'split_volume', True)
                    BASE_DIR + '/tmp/labels.sub_volume.tif',
                    labelData[datamin_z:datamax_z, datamin_y:datamax_y,
                del labelData

                # configure command
                cmd = [
                    'mpiexec', '-np', f'{nump}', 'python3',
Exemplo n.º 5
def _diffusion_child(comm, bm=None):

    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    ngpus = comm.Get_size()

    nodename = socket.gethostname()
    name = '%s %s' %(nodename, rank)

    if rank == 0:

        # reduce blocksize
        bm.data = np.copy(bm.data[bm.argmin_z:bm.argmax_z, bm.argmin_y:bm.argmax_y, bm.argmin_x:bm.argmax_x], order='C')
        bm.labelData = np.copy(bm.labelData[bm.argmin_z:bm.argmax_z, bm.argmin_y:bm.argmax_y, bm.argmin_x:bm.argmax_x], order='C')

        # domain decomposition
        sizeofblocks = (bm.argmax_z - bm.argmin_z) // ngpus
        blocks = [0]
        for k in range(ngpus-1):
            block_temp = blocks[-1] + sizeofblocks
        blocks.append(bm.argmax_z - bm.argmin_z)
        print('blocks =', blocks)

        # read labeled slices
        if bm.label.allaxis:
            tmp = np.swapaxes(bm.labelData, 0, 1)
            tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(tmp)
            indices_01, _ = read_labeled_slices_allx(tmp)
            tmp = np.swapaxes(tmp, 0, 2)
            tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(tmp)
            indices_02, _ = read_labeled_slices_allx(tmp)

        # send data to childs
        for destination in range(ngpus-1,-1,-1):

            # ghost blocks
            blockmin = blocks[destination]
            blockmax = blocks[destination+1]
            datablockmin = blockmin - 100
            datablockmax = blockmax + 100
            datablockmin = 0 if datablockmin < 0 else datablockmin
            datablockmax = (bm.argmax_z - bm.argmin_z) if datablockmax > (bm.argmax_z - bm.argmin_z) else datablockmax
            datablock = np.copy(bm.data[datablockmin:datablockmax], order='C')
            labelblock = np.copy(bm.labelData[datablockmin:datablockmax], order='C')

            # read labeled slices
            if bm.label.allaxis:
                labelblock = labelblock.astype(np.int32)
                labelblock[:blockmin - datablockmin] = -1
                labelblock[blockmax - datablockmin:] = -1
                indices_child, labels_child = [], []
                indices_00, labels_00 = read_labeled_slices_allx(labelblock)
                tmp = np.swapaxes(labelblock, 0, 1)
                tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(tmp)
                labels_01 = np.zeros((0, tmp.shape[1], tmp.shape[2]), dtype=np.int32)
                for slcIndex in indices_01:
                    labels_01 = np.append(labels_01, [tmp[slcIndex]], axis=0)
                tmp = np.swapaxes(tmp, 0, 2)
                tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(tmp)
                labels_02 = np.zeros((0, tmp.shape[1], tmp.shape[2]), dtype=np.int32)
                for slcIndex in indices_02:
                    labels_02 = np.append(labels_02, [tmp[slcIndex]], axis=0)
                labelblock[:blockmin - datablockmin] = 0
                labelblock[blockmax - datablockmin:] = 0
                indices_child, labels_child = read_labeled_slices(labelblock)

            # print indices of labels
            print('indices child %s:' %(destination), indices_child)

            if destination > 0:
                blocks_temp = blocks[:]
                blocks_temp[destination] = blockmin - datablockmin
                blocks_temp[destination+1] = blockmax - datablockmin
                dataListe = splitlargedata(datablock)
                sendToChild(comm, indices_child, destination, dataListe, labels_child,
                            bm.label.nbrw, bm.label.sorw, blocks_temp, bm.label.allaxis,
                            bm.allLabels, bm.label.smooth, bm.label.uncertainty, bm.platform)


                # select platform
                if bm.platform == 'cuda':
                    import pycuda.driver as cuda
                    dev = cuda.Device(rank)
                    ctx, queue = dev.make_context(), None
                    if bm.label.allaxis:
                        from biomedisa_features.random_walk.pycuda_large_allx import walk
                        from biomedisa_features.random_walk.pycuda_large import walk
                    ctx, queue = _get_device(bm.platform, rank)
                    from biomedisa_features.random_walk.pyopencl_large import walk

                # run random walks
                tic = time.time()
                memory_error, final, final_uncertainty, final_smooth = walk(comm, datablock,
                                    labels_child, indices_child, bm.label.nbrw, bm.label.sorw,
                                    blockmin-datablockmin, blockmax-datablockmin, name,
                                    bm.allLabels, bm.label.smooth, bm.label.uncertainty, ctx, queue)
                tac = time.time()
                print('Walktime_%s: ' %(name) + str(int(tac - tic)) + ' ' + 'seconds')

                # free device
                if bm.platform == 'cuda':
                    del ctx

        if memory_error:

            print('GPU out of memory. Image too large.')


            # gather data
            for source in range(1, ngpus):
                lendataListe = comm.recv(source=source, tag=0)
                for l in range(lendataListe):
                    data_z, data_y, data_x = comm.recv(source=source, tag=10+(2*l))
                    receivedata = np.empty((data_z, data_y, data_x), dtype=np.uint8)
                    comm.Recv([receivedata, MPI.BYTE], source=source, tag=10+(2*l+1))
                    final = np.append(final, receivedata, axis=0)

            # save finals
            final2 = np.zeros((bm.zsh, bm.ysh, bm.xsh), dtype=np.uint8)
            final2[bm.argmin_z:bm.argmax_z, bm.argmin_y:bm.argmax_y, bm.argmin_x:bm.argmax_x] = final
            final2 = final2[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]
            save_data(bm.path_to_final, final2, bm.header, bm.final_image_type, bm.label.compression)

            # uncertainty
            if final_uncertainty is not None:
                final_uncertainty *= 255
                final_uncertainty = final_uncertainty.astype(np.uint8)
                for source in range(1, ngpus):
                    lendataListe = comm.recv(source=source, tag=0)
                    for l in range(lendataListe):
                        data_z, data_y, data_x = comm.recv(source=source, tag=10+(2*l))
                        receivedata = np.empty((data_z, data_y, data_x), dtype=np.uint8)
                        comm.Recv([receivedata, MPI.BYTE], source=source, tag=10+(2*l+1))
                        final_uncertainty = np.append(final_uncertainty, receivedata, axis=0)
                # save finals
                final2 = np.zeros((bm.zsh, bm.ysh, bm.xsh), dtype=np.uint8)
                final2[bm.argmin_z:bm.argmax_z, bm.argmin_y:bm.argmax_y, bm.argmin_x:bm.argmax_x] = final_uncertainty
                final2 = final2[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]
                save_data(bm.path_to_uq, final2, compress=bm.label.compression)

            # smooth
            if final_smooth is not None:
                for source in range(1, ngpus):
                    lendataListe = comm.recv(source=source, tag=0)
                    for l in range(lendataListe):
                        data_z, data_y, data_x = comm.recv(source=source, tag=10+(2*l))
                        receivedata = np.empty((data_z, data_y, data_x), dtype=np.uint8)
                        comm.Recv([receivedata, MPI.BYTE], source=source, tag=10+(2*l+1))
                        final_smooth = np.append(final_smooth, receivedata, axis=0)
                # save finals
                final2 = np.zeros((bm.zsh, bm.ysh, bm.xsh), dtype=np.uint8)
                final2[bm.argmin_z:bm.argmax_z, bm.argmin_y:bm.argmax_y, bm.argmin_x:bm.argmax_x] = final_smooth
                final2 = final2[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]
                save_data(bm.path_to_smooth, final2, bm.header, bm.final_image_type, bm.label.compression)

            # print computation time
            t = int(time.time() - bm.TIC)
            if t < 60:
                time_str = str(t) + ' sec'
            elif 60 <= t < 3600:
                time_str = str(t // 60) + ' min ' + str(t % 60) + ' sec'
            elif 3600 < t:
                time_str = str(t // 3600) + ' h ' + str((t % 3600) // 60) + ' min ' + str(t % 60) + ' sec'
            print('Computation time:', time_str)


        lendataListe = comm.recv(source=0, tag=0)
        for k in range(lendataListe):
            data_z, data_y, data_x, data_dtype = comm.recv(source=0, tag=10+(2*k))
            if k==0: data = np.zeros((0, data_y, data_x), dtype=data_dtype)
            data_temp = np.empty((data_z, data_y, data_x), dtype=data_dtype)
            if data_dtype == 'uint8':
                comm.Recv([data_temp, MPI.BYTE], source=0, tag=10+(2*k+1))
                comm.Recv([data_temp, MPI.FLOAT], source=0, tag=10+(2*k+1))
            data = np.append(data, data_temp, axis=0)

        nbrw, sorw, allx, smooth, uncertainty, platform = comm.recv(source=0, tag=1)

        if allx:
            labels = []
            for k in range(3):
                lenlabelsListe = comm.recv(source=0, tag=2+k)
                for l in range(lenlabelsListe):
                    labels_z, labels_y, labels_x = comm.recv(source=0, tag=100+(2*k))
                    if l==0: labels_tmp = np.zeros((0, labels_y, labels_x), dtype=np.int32)
                    tmp = np.empty((labels_z, labels_y, labels_x), dtype=np.int32)
                    comm.Recv([tmp, MPI.INT], source=0, tag=100+(2*k+1))
                    labels_tmp = np.append(labels_tmp, tmp, axis=0)
            lenlabelsListe = comm.recv(source=0, tag=2)
            for k in range(lenlabelsListe):
                labels_z, labels_y, labels_x = comm.recv(source=0, tag=100+(2*k))
                if k==0: labels = np.zeros((0, labels_y, labels_x), dtype=np.int32)
                tmp = np.empty((labels_z, labels_y, labels_x), dtype=np.int32)
                comm.Recv([tmp, MPI.INT], source=0, tag=100+(2*k+1))
                labels = np.append(labels, tmp, axis=0)

        allLabels = comm.recv(source=0, tag=99)
        indices = comm.recv(source=0, tag=8)
        blocks = comm.recv(source=0, tag=9)

        blockmin = blocks[rank]
        blockmax = blocks[rank+1]

        # select platform
        if platform == 'cuda':
            import pycuda.driver as cuda
            dev = cuda.Device(rank)
            ctx, queue = dev.make_context(), None
            if allx:
                from biomedisa_features.random_walk.pycuda_large_allx import walk
                from biomedisa_features.random_walk.pycuda_large import walk
            ctx, queue = _get_device(platform, rank)
            from biomedisa_features.random_walk.pyopencl_large import walk

        # run random walks
        tic = time.time()
        memory_error, final, final_uncertainty, final_smooth = walk(comm, data,
                                    labels, indices, nbrw, sorw, blockmin, blockmax,
                                    name, allLabels, smooth, uncertainty, ctx, queue)
        tac = time.time()
        print('Walktime_%s: ' %(name) + str(int(tac - tic)) + ' ' + 'seconds')

        # free device
        if platform == 'cuda':
            del ctx

        # send finals
        if not memory_error:
            dataListe = splitlargedata(final)
            comm.send(len(dataListe), dest=0, tag=0)
            for k, dataTemp in enumerate(dataListe):
                dataTemp = dataTemp.copy(order='C')
                comm.send([dataTemp.shape[0], dataTemp.shape[1], dataTemp.shape[2]], dest=0, tag=10+(2*k))
                comm.Send([dataTemp, MPI.BYTE], dest=0, tag=10+(2*k+1))

            if final_uncertainty is not None:
                final_uncertainty *= 255
                final_uncertainty = final_uncertainty.astype(np.uint8)
                dataListe = splitlargedata(final_uncertainty)
                comm.send(len(dataListe), dest=0, tag=0)
                for k, dataTemp in enumerate(dataListe):
                    dataTemp = dataTemp.copy(order='C')
                    comm.send([dataTemp.shape[0], dataTemp.shape[1], dataTemp.shape[2]], dest=0, tag=10+(2*k))
                    comm.Send([dataTemp, MPI.BYTE], dest=0, tag=10+(2*k+1))

            if final_smooth is not None:
                dataListe = splitlargedata(final_smooth)
                comm.send(len(dataListe), dest=0, tag=0)
                for k, dataTemp in enumerate(dataListe):
                    dataTemp = dataTemp.copy(order='C')
                    comm.send([dataTemp.shape[0], dataTemp.shape[1], dataTemp.shape[2]], dest=0, tag=10+(2*k))
                    comm.Send([dataTemp, MPI.BYTE], dest=0, tag=10+(2*k+1))
Exemplo n.º 6
def crop_volume(img, path_to_volume, path_to_model, z_shape, y_shape, x_shape, batch_size, debug_cropping,

    # path to cropped image
    filename = os.path.basename(path_to_volume)
    filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
    if filename[-4:] in ['.nii']:
        filename = filename[:-4]
    filename = filename + '_cropped.tif'
    path_to_final = path_to_volume.replace(os.path.basename(path_to_volume), filename)

    # img shape
    zsh, ysh, xsh, channels = img.shape

    # list of IDs
    list_IDs = [x for x in range(zsh)]

    # make length of list divisible by batch size
    rest = batch_size - (len(list_IDs) % batch_size)
    list_IDs = list_IDs + list_IDs[:rest]

    # parameters
    params = {'dim': (ysh,xsh),
              'dim_img': (zsh, ysh, xsh),
              'batch_size': batch_size,
              'n_channels': channels}

    # data generator
    predict_generator = PredictDataGeneratorCrop(img, list_IDs, **params)

    # create a MirroredStrategy
    if os.name == 'nt':
        cdo = tf.distribute.HierarchicalCopyAllReduce()
        cdo = tf.distribute.NcclAllReduce()
    strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy(cross_device_ops=cdo)

    # input shape
    input_shape = (ysh, xsh, channels)

    # load model
    with strategy.scope():
        model = make_densenet(input_shape)

    # load weights
    hf = h5py.File(path_to_model, 'r')
    cropping_weights = hf.get('cropping_weights')
    iterator = 0
    for layer in model.layers:
        if layer.get_weights() != []:
            new_weights = []
            for arr in layer.get_weights():
                iterator += 1

    # predict
    probabilities = model.predict(predict_generator, verbose=0, steps=None)
    probabilities = probabilities[:zsh]
    probabilities = np.ravel(probabilities)

    # plot prediction
    if debug_cropping:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import matplotlib
        x = range(len(probabilities))
        y = list(probabilities)
        plt.plot(x, y)

    # create mask
    probabilities[probabilities > 0.5] = 1
    probabilities[probabilities <= 0.5] = 0

    # remove outliers
    for k in range(4,zsh-4):
        if np.all(probabilities[k-1:k+2] == np.array([0,1,0])):
            probabilities[k-1:k+2] = 0
        elif np.all(probabilities[k-2:k+2] == np.array([0,1,1,0])):
            probabilities[k-2:k+2] = 0
        elif np.all(probabilities[k-2:k+3] == np.array([0,1,1,1,0])):
            probabilities[k-2:k+3] = 0
        elif np.all(probabilities[k-3:k+3] == np.array([0,1,1,1,1,0])):
            probabilities[k-3:k+3] = 0
        elif np.all(probabilities[k-3:k+4] == np.array([0,1,1,1,1,1,0])):
            probabilities[k-3:k+4] = 0
        elif np.all(probabilities[k-4:k+4] == np.array([0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0])):
            probabilities[k-4:k+4] = 0
        elif np.all(probabilities[k-4:k+5] == np.array([0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0])):
            probabilities[k-4:k+5] = 0

    # plot cleaned result
    if debug_cropping:
        y = list(probabilities)
        plt.plot(x, y, '--')
        plt.tight_layout()  # To prevent overlapping of subplots
        plt.savefig(path_to_final.replace('.tif','.png'), dpi=300)

    # create final
    z_upper = max(0,np.argmax(probabilities[:z_shape]) - z_puffer)
    z_lower = min(z_shape,z_shape - np.argmax(np.flip(probabilities[:z_shape])) + z_puffer +1)
    y_upper = max(0,np.argmax(probabilities[z_shape:z_shape+y_shape]) - y_puffer)
    y_lower = min(y_shape,y_shape - np.argmax(np.flip(probabilities[z_shape:z_shape+y_shape])) + y_puffer +1)
    x_upper = max(0,np.argmax(probabilities[z_shape+y_shape:]) - x_puffer)
    x_lower = min(x_shape,x_shape - np.argmax(np.flip(probabilities[z_shape+y_shape:])) + x_puffer +1)

    # crop image data
    if debug_cropping:
        volume, _ = load_data(path_to_volume)
        final = volume[z_upper:z_lower,y_upper:y_lower,x_upper:x_lower]
        save_data(path_to_final, final, compress=False)

    return z_upper, z_lower, y_upper, y_lower, x_upper, x_lower