Exemplo n.º 1
def create_IRR_metrics(IRR):
    def get_IRR_based_MPSP():
        lactic_tea.IRR = IRR
        return get_MPSP()

    return [
        Metric('Minimum product selling price', get_IRR_based_MPSP, '$/kg',
        Metric('Net present value', get_NPV, '$', f'IRR={IRR:.0%}')
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_price_metris(price):
    def get_price_based_MPSP():
        price_per_kg = price / _kg_per_ton * 0.8
        feedstock.price = price_per_kg
        return get_MPSP()

    return [
        Metric('Minimum product selling price', get_price_based_MPSP, '$/kg',
               f'Price={price:.0f} [$/dry-ton]'),
        Metric('Net present value', get_NPV, '$',
               f'Price={price:.0f} [$/dry-ton]')
Exemplo n.º 3
    return lambda: sum([i.duty for i in cooling_utilities])

biomass_IDs = ('Glucose', 'Lignin', 'Solids', 'Ash', 'Sucrose', 'Cellulose',
               'Hemicellulose', 'Water')

total_biomass = sugar_cane.imass[biomass_IDs].sum()
get_combusted_mass = lambda: (sum(
    [i.imass[biomass_IDs].sum() for i in BT.ins[0:1]]))
get_combusted_biomass_ratio = lambda: (sum(
    [i.imass[biomass_IDs].sum() for i in BT.ins[0:1]])) / total_biomass

#metrics for LCA
metrics = [
    #          Metric('Fixed capital investment', get_FCI, 'USD'),
    Metric('Minimum ethanol selling price', get_MESP, 'USD/gal'),
    #          Metric('Co-product credit', get_coproduct_credit, 'USD/yr'),
    Metric('Ethanol production', get_ethanol_production, 'kg/hr'),
    Metric('Steam demand', get_steam_demand, 'kg/hr'),
    Metric('Excess electricity', get_excess_electricity, 'MW'),
    Metric('Cooling duty', cooling_duty_biorefinery(), 'KJ/hr'),
    Metric('H2SO4 input', get_acid_innput, 'kg/hr'),
    Metric('Lime_input', get_lime_input, 'kg/hr'),
    Metric('Polymer_input', get_polymer_input, 'kg/hr'),
    Metric('Yeast_input', get_yeast_input, 'kg/hr'),
    Metric('Makeup_water', get_makeup_water, 'kg/hr'),
    Metric('Biomass goes to combustion', get_combusted_mass, 'kg/hr'),
    Metric('Share of total biomass goes to combustion',
           get_combusted_biomass_ratio, '100&')
Exemplo n.º 4
get_overall_AOC = lambda: lactic_tea.AOC / 1e6
get_material_cost = lambda: lactic_tea.material_cost / 1e6
# Annual sale revenue from products, note that electricity credit is not included,
# but negative sales from waste disposal are included
# (i.e., wastes are products of negative selling price)
get_annual_sale = lambda: lactic_tea.sales / 1e6
# System power usage, individual unit power usage should be positive
CHP = system.CHP
excess_power = lambda: CHP.electricity_generated
electricity_price = bst.PowerUtility.price
# Electricity credit is positive if getting revenue from excess electricity
get_electricity_credit = lambda: (excess_power() * electricity_price *
                                  get_annual_factor()) / 1e6

metrics = [
    Metric('Minimum product selling price', get_MPSP, '$/kg'),
    Metric('Product yield', get_yield, '10^6 kg/yr'),
    Metric('Product purity', get_purity, '%'),
    Metric('Product recovery', get_recovery, '%'),
    Metric('Total capital investment', get_overall_TCI, '10^6 $'),
    Metric('Annual operating cost', get_overall_AOC, '10^6 $/yr'),
    Metric('Annual material cost', get_material_cost, '10^6 $/yr'),
    Metric('Annual product sale', get_annual_sale, '10^6 $/yr'),
    Metric('Annual electricity credit', get_electricity_credit, '10^6 $/yr')

# =============================================================================
# Capital cost breakdown
# =============================================================================

process_groups = system.process_groups
Exemplo n.º 5
BT = sc.system.BT
sc_sys = sc.sugarcane_sys
def get_steam():
    return sum([i.flow for i in BT.steam_utilities])*18.01528*tea._annual_factor/1000

power_utils = ([i._power_utility for i in sc_sys.units if (i._power_utility and i is not BT)])
excess_electricity = [0]
def get_consumed_electricity():
    factor = tea._annual_factor/1000
    electricity_generated = -BT._power_utility.rate * factor
    consumed_electricity = sum([i.rate for i in power_utils]) * factor
    excess_electricity[0] = electricity_generated - consumed_electricity
    return consumed_electricity
get_excess_electricity = lambda: excess_electricity[0]

metrics = (Metric('Internal rate of return', sc.sugarcane_tea.solve_IRR, '%'),
           Metric('Ethanol production cost', get_prodcost, 'USD/yr'),
           Metric('Fixed capital investment', get_FCI, 'USD'),
           Metric('Ethanol production', get_prod, 'kg/hr'),
           Metric('Steam', get_steam, 'MT/yr'),
           Metric('Consumed electricity', get_consumed_electricity, 'MWhr/yr'),
           Metric('Excess electricity', get_excess_electricity, 'MWhr/yr'))

sugarcane_model = Model(sc.sugarcane_sys, metrics, skip=False)
param = sugarcane_model.parameter

# Fermentation efficiency
fermentation = sc.system.P24
@param(element=fermentation, distribution=triang(fermentation.efficiency),
Exemplo n.º 6
get_MESP = lambda: cornstover_tea.solve_price(ethanol, ethanol_tea
                                              ) * ethanol_density_kggal
get_FCI = lambda: sum([i._FCI_cached for i in cornstover_tea.TEAs])
get_coproduct_credit = lambda: sum(
    [i._utility_cost_cached for i in cornstover_tea.TEAs])
get_ethanol_production = lambda: ethanol.massnet
get_steam_demand = lambda: BT.steam_demand.massnet
pws = [
    i._power_utility for i in cornstover_sys.units
    if i._power_utility and i._power_utility.rate > 0
get_excess_electricity = lambda: BT._Design['Work'] - sum(
    [i.rate for i in pws])

metrics = [
    Metric('Minimum ethanol selling price', get_MESP, 'USD/gal'),
    Metric('Fixed capital investment', get_FCI, 'USD'),
    Metric('Co-product credit', get_coproduct_credit, 'USD/yr'),
    Metric('Ethanol production', get_ethanol_production, 'kg/hr'),
    Metric('Steam demand', get_steam_demand, 'kg/hr'),
    Metric('Excess electricity', get_excess_electricity, 'kW')

def electricity_rate_function(tea):
    power_utilities = [
        i._power_utility for i in tea.units if i._has_power_utility
    if tea is Area700:
        boiler_item = BT.cost_items['Boiler']
        Design = BT._Design
Exemplo n.º 7
tea = lc.lipidcane_tea
ugroup = UnitGroup('Biorefinery', tea.units)
get_steam_demand = lambda: sum([i.flow for i in lc.BT.steam_utilities]
                               ) * 18.01528 * tea._annual_factor / 1000
get_electricity_consumption = ugroup.get_electricity_consumption
get_electricity_production = ugroup.get_electricity_production
get_excess_electricity = lambda: get_electricity_production(
) - get_electricity_consumption()
get_ethanol_production = lambda: lc.ethanol.F_mass * tea._annual_factor / 907.185
get_biodiesel_production = lambda: lc.biodiesel.F_mass * tea._annual_factor / 907.185
get_MESP = lambda: tea.solve_price(lc.ethanol) * ethanol_density
get_MFPP = lambda: tea.solve_price(lc.lipidcane)
get_IRR = lambda: tea.solve_IRR() * 100
get_FCI = lambda: tea.FCI / 10**6

metrics = (Metric('IRR', get_IRR, '%'), Metric('MFPP', get_MFPP, 'USD/kg'),
           Metric('MESP', get_MESP,
                  'USD/gal'), Metric('FCI', get_FCI, 'million USD'),
           Metric('Biodiesel production', get_biodiesel_production, 'ton/yr'),
           Metric('Ethanol production', get_ethanol_production,
                  'ton/yr'), Metric('Steam demand', get_steam_demand, 'MT/yr'),
           Metric('Consumed electricity', get_electricity_consumption, 'MW'),
           Metric('Excess electricity', get_excess_electricity, 'MW'))

# Used to index metrics by name
metrics_by_name = {i.name: i for i in metrics}

# %% Create model and populate parameters

#: [float] Plant size process specification in ton / yr
plant_size_ = lc.lipidcane.F_mass * lc.lipidcane_tea.operating_days * 24 / 907.185
Exemplo n.º 8
from biorefineries.cornstover import \
    cornstover_sys, cornstover_tea, \
    ethanol, cornstover, R301, ethanol_density_kggal, \
    areas, BT, Area700, AllAreas

get_MESP = lambda: cornstover_tea.solve_price(ethanol) * ethanol_density_kggal
get_FCI = lambda: cornstover_tea.FCI
get_coproduct_credit = lambda: cornstover_tea.utility_cost
get_ethanol_production = lambda: ethanol.F_mass
get_steam_demand = lambda: BT.steam_demand.F_mass
get_electricity_demand = AllAreas.get_electricity_consumption
get_electricity_production = AllAreas.get_electricity_production
get_excess_electricity = lambda: get_electricity_production() - get_electricity_demand()

metrics =[Metric('Minimum ethanol selling price', get_MESP, 'USD/gal'),
          Metric('Fixed capital investment', get_FCI, 'USD'),
          Metric('Co-product credit', get_coproduct_credit, 'USD/yr'),
          Metric('Ethanol production', get_ethanol_production, 'kg/hr'),
          Metric('Steam demand', get_steam_demand, 'kg/hr'),
          Metric('Excess electricity', get_excess_electricity, 'MW'),
          Metric('Electricity production', get_electricity_production, 'MW'),
          Metric('Total electricity demand', get_electricity_demand, 'MW')]

for i, area in enumerate(areas, 1):
    Area = f'Area {i}00'
        (Metric('Electricity', area.get_electricity_consumption, 'MW', Area),
         Metric('Cooling duty', area.get_cooling_duty, 'GJ/hr', Area),
         Metric('Installed equipment cost', area.get_installed_cost, '10^6 USD', Area)))
Exemplo n.º 9
etoh_prodcost = [0]
products = (biodiesel, ethanol)
def get_biodiesel_prodcost():
    bd, etoh_prodcost[0] = tea.production_cost(products)
    return bd
get_etoh_prodcost = lambda: etoh_prodcost[0]
get_FCI = lambda: tea._FCI_cached
get_ethanol_production = lambda: lc.ethanol.F_mass * tea._annual_factor
get_biodiesel_production = lambda: lc.biodiesel.F_mass * tea._annual_factor
get_steam = lambda: sum([i.flow for i in lc.BT.steam_utilities])*18.01528*tea._annual_factor/1000
get_electricity_consumption = lambda: tea._annual_factor * ugroup.get_electricity_consumption()
get_electricity_production = lambda: tea._annual_factor * ugroup.get_electricity_production()
get_excess_electricity = lambda: get_electricity_production() - get_electricity_consumption()

metrics = (Metric('Internal rate of return', lc.lipidcane_tea.solve_IRR),
           Metric('Biodiesel production cost', get_biodiesel_prodcost, 'USD/yr'),
           Metric('Ethanol production cost', get_etoh_prodcost, 'USD/yr'),
           Metric('Fixed capital investment', get_FCI, 'USD'),
           Metric('Biodiesel production', get_biodiesel_production, 'kg/yr'),
           Metric('Ethanol production', get_ethanol_production, 'kg/yr'),
           Metric('Steam', get_steam, 'MT/yr'),
           Metric('Consumed electricity', get_electricity_consumption, 'MWhr/yr'),
           Metric('Excess electricity', get_excess_electricity, 'MWhr/yr'))

lipidcane_model = Model(lc.lipidcane_sys, metrics)
param = lipidcane_model.parameter

# Lipid extraction rate
Mill = lc.U201