Exemplo n.º 1
def test_find_connected(bond_list):
    Find all connected atoms to an atom in a known example.
    for index in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6):
        assert struc.find_connected(bond_list,
                                    index).tolist() == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6]
    assert struc.find_connected(bond_list, 5).tolist() == [5]
Exemplo n.º 2
def rotate_residue(mol, bond_number, angle):

    # --- Identify rotatable bonds ---
    rotatable_bonds = struc.find_rotatable_bonds(mol.bonds)

    # --- do not rotate about backbone bonds ---
    for atom_name in BACKBONE:
        index = np.where(mol.atom_name == atom_name)[0][0]

    # --- init coordinates for new model ---
    coord = mol.coord.copy()

    # --- get bond axis ---
    atom_i, atom_j, _ = rotatable_bonds.as_array()[bond_number]
    axis = coord[atom_j] - coord[atom_i]

    # --- get support atom ---
    support = coord[atom_i]

    # --- need to get atoms only on one side of the bond ---
    bond_list_without_axis = mol.bonds.copy()
    bond_list_without_axis.remove_bond(atom_i, atom_j)
    rotated_atom_indices = struc.find_connected(bond_list_without_axis,

    # --- rotate atoms ---
    coord[rotated_atom_indices] = struc.rotate_about_axis(
        coord[rotated_atom_indices], axis, angle, support)

    atom_list = []
    for i, atom_i in enumerate(mol):
        atom_new = struc.Atom(coord[i],
    new_mol = struc.array(atom_list)
    new_mol.res_id[:] = mol.res_id
    new_mol.res_name[:] = mol.res_name
    new_mol.bonds = mol.bonds.copy()

    return new_mol
Exemplo n.º 3
    # Coordinates for the current rotamer model
    coord = residue.coord.copy()
    for atom_i, atom_j, _ in rotatable_bonds.as_array():
        # The bond axis
        axis = coord[atom_j] - coord[atom_i]
        # Position of one of the involved atoms
        support = coord[atom_i]

        # Only atoms at one side of the rotatable bond should be moved
        # So the original Bondist is taken...
        bond_list_without_axis = residue.bonds.copy()
        # ...the rotatable bond is removed...
        bond_list_without_axis.remove_bond(atom_i, atom_j)
        # ...and these atoms are found by identifying the atoms that
        # are still connected to one of the two atoms involved
        rotated_atom_indices = struc.find_connected(bond_list_without_axis,

        accepted = False
        while not accepted:
            # A random angle between 0 and 360 degrees
            angle = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
            # Rotate
            coord[rotated_atom_indices] = struc.rotate_about_axis(
                coord[rotated_atom_indices], axis, angle, support)

            # Check if the atoms clash with each other:
            # The distance between each pair of atoms must be larger
            # than the sum of their VdW radii, if they are not bonded to
            # each other
            accepted = True
            distances = struc.distance(coord[:, np.newaxis],
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_find_connected(bond_list):
    for index in (0,1,2,3,4,6):
        assert struc.find_connected(bond_list, index).tolist() == [0,1,2,3,4,6]
    assert struc.find_connected(bond_list, 5).tolist() == [5]
Exemplo n.º 5
# Get the structure (including bonds) from the standard RCSB compound
residue = info.residue("TYR")
bond_list = residue.bonds

### Identify rotatable bonds ###
rotatable_bonds = []
for atom1, atom2, bond_type in bond_list.as_array():
    # Can only rotate about single bonds
    if bond_type != struc.BondType.SINGLE:
    segmented = bond_list.copy()
    segmented.remove_bond(atom1, atom2)
    conn_atoms1 = struc.find_connected(segmented, atom1)
    conn_atoms2 = struc.find_connected(segmented, atom2)

    # Rotation makes no sense if one of the atoms is a terminal atom,
    # e.g. a hydrogen
    if len(conn_atoms1) == 1 or len(conn_atoms2) == 1:

    # A bond cannot be rotated in a trivial way,
    # if it is inside a cyclic structure
    is_circular = atom2 in struc.find_connected(segmented, atom1)
    if is_circular:

    # Do not rotate about backbone bonds,
    # as these are irrelevant for a amino rotamer library