Exemplo n.º 1
    def _prepare_img_registration(self, record):
        """ prepare the experiment folder if it is required

        :param {str: str|float} dict record: dictionary with regist. params
        :return {str: str|float}: the same or updated registration info
        logging.debug('.. prepare image before registration experiment')
        # set the paths for this experiment
        path_dir = self._get_path_reg_dir(record)
        path_im_ref, path_im_move, _, _ = self._get_paths(record)

        # if histograms matching was selected
        if self.params.get('hist_matching', False):
            path_img_out = os.path.join(path_dir,
            cmd_hist_match = COMMAND_HIST_MATCHING % {
                'path_fiji': self.params['path_fiji'],
                'path_bsh': PATH_SCRIPT_HIST_MATCHING,
                'target': path_im_ref,
                'source': path_im_move,
                'output': path_img_out
            t_start = time.time()
            path_log = os.path.join(path_dir, NAME_LOG_REGISTRATION)
            exec_commands([cmd_hist_match], path_logger=path_log)
            record[COL_TIME_HIST_MATCH] = (time.time() - t_start) / 60.
            record[COL_IMAGE_MOVE_TEMP] = path_img_out

        return record
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _extract_warped_image_landmarks(self, record):
        """ get registration results - warped registered images and landmarks

        :param record: {str: value}, dictionary with registration params
        :return (str, str, str, str): paths to
        logging.debug('.. warp the registered image and get landmarks')
        path_dir = self._get_path_reg_dir(record)
        path_im_ref, path_im_move, _, path_lnds_move = self._get_paths(record)
        path_log = os.path.join(path_dir, NAME_LOG_REGISTRATION)

        # warp moving landmarks to reference frame
        path_regist = os.path.join(path_dir, os.path.basename(path_im_move))
        dict_params = {
            'path_fiji': self.params['path_fiji'],
            'path_bsh': PATH_SCRIPT_WARP_LANDMARKS,
            'source': path_im_move, 'target': path_im_ref,
            'output': path_dir, 'warp': path_regist}
        # export source points to TXT
        pts_source = load_landmarks(path_lnds_move)
        save_landmarks(os.path.join(path_dir, NAME_LANDMARKS), pts_source)
        # execute transformation
        exec_commands(COMMAND_WARP_LANDMARKS % dict_params, path_logger=path_log)
        # load warped landmarks from TXT
        path_lnds = os.path.join(path_dir, NAME_LANDMARKS_WARPED)
        if os.path.isfile(path_lnds):
            points_warp = load_landmarks(path_lnds)
            path_lnds = os.path.join(path_dir, os.path.basename(path_lnds_move))
            save_landmarks(path_lnds, points_warp)
            path_lnds = None
        return None, path_regist, None, path_lnds
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _extract_warped_image_landmarks(self, item):
        """ get registration results - warped registered images and landmarks

        :param dict item: dictionary {str: value} with registration params
        :return dict: paths to results
        path_dir = self._get_path_reg_dir(item)
        path_im_ref, path_im_move, _, path_lnds_move = self._get_paths(item)
        name_im_move, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path_lnds_move))
        name_lnds_move, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path_lnds_move))

        # simplified version of landmarks
        lnds = load_landmarks(path_lnds_move)
        path_lnds_warp = os.path.join(path_dir, name_lnds_move + '.csv')
        # https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTs/issues/733#issuecomment-472049427
        pd.DataFrame(lnds * -1, columns=['x', 'y']).to_csv(path_lnds_warp, index=None)

        # list output transformations
        tf_elast_inv = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path_dir, 'trans*InverseWarp.nii*')))
        tf_elast = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(p), os.path.basename(p).replace('Inverse', ''))
                    for p in tf_elast_inv]
        tf_affine = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path_dir, 'trans*GenericAffine.mat')))
        # generate commands
        cmd_warp_img = self.COMMAND_WARP_IMAGE % {
            'antsApplyTransforms': self.exec_transf_img,
            'output': path_dir,
            'img_target': item[self.COL_IMAGE_REF_NII],
            'img_source': item[self.COL_IMAGE_MOVE_NII],
            'transfs': ' -t '.join(sorted(tf_affine + tf_elast, reverse=True)),
            'img_name': name_im_move
        cmd_warp_pts = self.COMMAND_WARP_POINTS % {
            'antsApplyTransformsToPoints': self.exec_transf_pts,
            'output': path_dir,
            'path_points': path_lnds_warp,
            'transfs': ' -t '.join(['[ %s , 1]' % tf if 'Affine' in tf else tf
                                    for tf in sorted(tf_affine + tf_elast_inv)]),
            'pts_name': name_lnds_move
        # execute commands
        exec_commands([cmd_warp_img, cmd_warp_pts],
                      path_logger=os.path.join(path_dir, 'warping.log'))

        path_im_nii = os.path.join(path_dir, name_im_move + '.nii')
        if os.path.isfile(path_im_nii):
            path_img_warp = convert_image_from_nifti(path_im_nii)
            path_img_warp = None

        if os.path.isfile(path_lnds_warp):
            lnds = pd.read_csv(path_lnds_warp, index_col=None).values
            save_landmarks(path_lnds_warp, lnds * -1)
            path_lnds_warp = None

        return {self.COL_IMAGE_MOVE_WARP: path_img_warp,
                self.COL_POINTS_MOVE_WARP: path_lnds_warp}
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _extract_warped_image_landmarks(self, item):
        """ get registration results - warped registered images and landmarks

        :param dict item: dictionary with registration params
        :return dict: paths to warped images/landmarks
        logging.debug('.. warp the registered image and get landmarks')
        path_dir = self._get_path_reg_dir(item)
        path_im_ref, path_im_move, _, path_lnds_move = self._get_paths(
            item, prefer_pproc=False)
        path_log = os.path.join(path_dir, self.NAME_LOG_REGISTRATION)

        # warp moving landmarks to reference frame
        path_dir_out = os.path.join(path_dir, self.DIR_OUTPUTS)
        # name_ref, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path_im_ref))
        name_move, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path_im_move))
        path_img_warp = os.path.join(path_dir, os.path.basename(path_im_move))
        dict_params = {
            'exec_Fiji': self.params['exec_Fiji'],
            'path_bsh': self.PATH_SCRIPT_WARP_LANDMARKS,
            'source': path_im_move,
            'target': path_im_ref,
            'output': path_dir,
            # 'transf': os.path.join(path_dir_out, name_ref + '.xml'),
            'transf': os.path.join(path_dir_out, name_move + '.xml'),
            'warp': path_img_warp,

        # export source points to TXT
        pts_source = load_landmarks(path_lnds_move)
        save_landmarks(os.path.join(path_dir, BmUnwarpJ.NAME_LANDMARKS),
        # execute transformation
        exec_commands(self.COMMAND_WARP_LANDMARKS % dict_params,
        # load warped landmarks from TXT
        path_lnds_warp = os.path.join(path_dir,
        if os.path.isfile(path_lnds_warp):
            points_warp = load_landmarks(path_lnds_warp)
            path_lnds_warp = os.path.join(path_dir,
            save_landmarks(path_lnds_warp, points_warp)
            path_lnds_warp = None

        # return results
        return {
            self.COL_IMAGE_MOVE_WARP: path_img_warp,
            self.COL_POINTS_MOVE_WARP: path_lnds_warp
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _execute_img_registration(self, item):
        """ execute the image registration itself

        :param dict item: record
        :return dict: record
        logging.debug('.. execute image registration as command line')
        path_dir_reg = self._get_path_reg_dir(item)

        commands = self._generate_regist_command(item)
        # in case it is just one command
        if not isinstance(commands, (list, tuple)):
            commands = [commands]

        path_log = os.path.join(path_dir_reg, self.NAME_LOG_REGISTRATION)
        # TODO, add lock to single thread, create pool with possible thread ids
        # (USE taskset [native], numactl [need install])
        if not isinstance(commands, (list, tuple)):
            commands = [commands]
        # measure execution time
        cmd_result = exec_commands(commands,
        # if the experiment failed, return back None
        if not cmd_result:
            item = None
        return item
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _execute_img_registration(self, record):
        """ execute the image registration itself

        :param {} record:
        :return {}:
        logging.debug('.. execute image registration as command line')
        path_dir_reg = self._get_path_reg_dir(record)

        commands = self._generate_regist_command(record)
        # in case it is just one command
        if not (isinstance(commands, list) or isinstance(commands, tuple)):
            commands = [commands]

        path_log = os.path.join(path_dir_reg, NAME_LOG_REGISTRATION)
        # TODO, add lock to single thread, create pool with possible thread ids
        # (USE taskset [native], numactl [need install])
        if not (isinstance(commands, list) or isinstance(commands, tuple)):
            commands = [commands]
        # measure execution time
        cmd_result = exec_commands(commands, path_log)
        # if the experiment failed, return back None
        if not cmd_result:
            return None
        return record
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _extract_warped_image_landmarks(self, item):
        """ get registration results - warped registered images and landmarks

        :param dict item: dictionary with registration params
        :return dict: paths to warped images/landmarks
        path_dir = self._get_path_reg_dir(item)
        path_img_ref, path_img_move, path_lnds_ref, path_lnds_move = self._get_paths(
        path_img_warp, path_lnds_warp = None, None
        path_log = os.path.join(path_dir, self.NAME_LOG_REGISTRATION)

        name_lnds = os.path.basename(path_lnds_ref)
        path_lnds_local = save_landmarks_pts(os.path.join(path_dir, name_lnds),

        # warping the image and points
        cmd = self.COMMAND_TRANSFORMATION % {
            'exec_transformix': self.exec_transformix,
            'source': path_img_move,
            'output': path_dir,
            'landmarks': path_lnds_local,
        exec_commands(cmd, path_logger=path_log, timeout=self.EXECUTE_TIMEOUT)

        # if there is an output image copy it
        path_im_out = glob.glob(os.path.join(path_dir, self.NAME_IMAGE_WARPED))
        if path_im_out:
            path_im_out = sorted(path_im_out)[0]
            _, ext_img = os.path.splitext(path_im_out)
            name_img, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path_img_move))
            path_img_warp = os.path.join(path_dir, name_img + ext_img)
            os.rename(path_im_out, path_img_warp)

        path_lnds_out = os.path.join(path_dir, self.NAME_LNDS_WARPED)
        if os.path.isfile(path_lnds_out):
            path_lnds_warp = os.path.join(path_dir, name_lnds)
            lnds = self.parse_warped_points(path_lnds_out)
            save_landmarks(path_lnds_warp, lnds)

        return {
            self.COL_IMAGE_MOVE_WARP: path_img_warp,
            self.COL_POINTS_REF_WARP: path_lnds_warp
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _prepare_img_registration(self, record):
        """ prepare the experiment folder if it is required,

        * create registration macros

        :param {str: str|float} dict record: dictionary with regist. params
        :return {str: str|float}: the same or updated registration info
        logging.debug('.. generate macros before registration experiment')
        # set the paths for this experiment
        path_dir = self._get_path_reg_dir(record)
        path_im_ref, path_im_move, _, _ = self._get_paths(record)
        path_regist = os.path.join(path_dir, os.path.basename(path_im_move))

        # if histograms matching was selected
        if self.params.get('hist_matching', False):
            path_img_out = os.path.join(path_dir, os.path.basename(path_im_move))
            cmd_hist_match = COMMAND_HIST_MATCHING % {
                'path_fiji': self.params['path_fiji'], 'path_bsh': PATH_SCRIPT_HIST_MATCHING,
                'target': path_im_ref, 'source': path_im_move, 'output': path_img_out
            t_start = time.time()
            path_log = os.path.join(path_dir, NAME_LOG_REGISTRATION)
            exec_commands([cmd_hist_match], path_logger=path_log)
            record['Time hist. matrching'] = (time.time() - t_start) / 60.
            path_im_move = path_img_out

        with open(self.params['path_config_bUnwarpJ'], 'r') as fp:
            lines = fp.readlines()
        # merge lines into one string
        config_bunwarpj = ' '.join(l.strip() for l in lines)
        # define set of all possible parameters for macros generating
        dict_params = {
            'source': path_im_move,
            'target': path_im_ref,
            'config_bUnwarpJ': config_bunwarpj,
            'output': path_dir,
            'warp': path_regist

        dict_params['SIFT'] = 'print("no SIFT performed");'
        # if config for SIFT is defined add SIFT extraction
        if 'path_config_IJ_SIFT' in self.params:
            with open(self.params['path_config_IJ_SIFT'], 'r') as fp:
                lines = fp.readlines()
            dict_params['config_SIFT'] = ' '.join(l.strip() for l in lines)
            dict_params['SIFT'] = MACRO_SIFT % dict_params

        dict_params['MOPS'] = 'print("no MOPS performed");'
        # if config for MOPS is defined add MOPS extraction
        if 'path_config_IJ_MOPS' in self.params:
            with open(self.params['path_config_IJ_MOPS'], 'r') as fp:
                lines = fp.readlines()
            dict_params['config_MOPS'] = ' '.join(l.strip() for l in lines)
            dict_params['MOPS'] = MACRO_MOPS % dict_params

        # dict_params['hist_matching'] = 'print("no histogram-matching performed");'
        # # if histograms matching was selected
        # if self.params.get('hist_matching', False):
        #     dict_params['hist_matching'] = MACRO_HIST_MATCHING

        # generate the registration macro
        macro_regist = MACRO_REGISTRATION % dict_params
        with open(os.path.join(path_dir, NAME_MACRO_REGISTRATION), 'w') as fp:

        return record