Exemplo n.º 1
class TestCommands(unittest.TestCase):
    longMessage = True

    def setUp(self):
        """ Run prior to each test_* Method
        # logging handler (collects user-feedback, debug and errors)
        # You might want to specify a logger and real handler here
        # to pass to the recorder and joint manager in order
        # to obtain useful debugging messages for failure-tests.
        self.ipc = _global_ipc
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('record-gui')
        self.handler = logging.NullHandler()
        self.ui = Mainframe(ui_debug=True, ipc=self.ipc)
        self.recorder = Recorder(self.ipc, self.ui)
        self.recorder.dump_path = "/tmp/%s.json"
        self.jm = JointManager(self.ipc)
        self.commander = Commander(
            self.handler, self.recorder, self.jm, self.ui)

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Run after each test_* Method

    def test_loglevel(self):
        reason = 'expected True as a return for loglevel 10'
        test = self.commander.run('loglevel', [10])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'incorrect handler-level after set'
        test = self.handler.level == 10
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'expected True as a return for loglevel 0'
        test = self.commander.run('loglevel', [0])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'incorrect handler-level after set'
        test = self.handler.level == 0
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'expected True as a return for loglevel 50'
        test = self.commander.run('loglevel', [50])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'incorrect handler-level after loglevel 50'
        test = self.handler.level == 50
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'expected Failure for loglevel 1337'
        test = self.commander.run('loglevel', [1337])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'expected Failure for loglevel -1'
        test = self.commander.run('loglevel', [-1])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'expected Failure for non-integer loglevel'
        test = self.commander.run('loglevel', ['foo'])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'expected Failure for non-integer loglevel'
        test = self.commander.run('loglevel', ['0.5'])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'expected Success for loglevel command without arguments'
        test = self.commander.run('loglevel', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'expected clean Failure for loglevel command without arguments'
        test = self.commander.run('loglevel', ['1', '2', '3'])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

    def test_quit(self):
        # Test if quit results in an exit signal for urwid:
        with self.assertRaises(ExitMainLoop):
            self.commander.run('quit', [])

        reason = 'quit should not take arguments'
        test = self.commander.run('quit', ['bugging', 'me'])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

    def test_help(self):
        """ Functionality test, to ensure help does not crash when called

        reason = 'help should return True'
        test = self.commander.run('help', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'help on topic "help" should return True'
        test = self.commander.run('help', ['help'])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'help on nonexistent topic should Fail'
        test = self.commander.run('help', ['xxxnonexistent'])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

    def test_help_coverage(self):
        """ Attempt getting help for any command known
        reason = 'Missing help for command(s): '
        test = True
        for command in self.commander.commands:
            if not self.commander.run('help', [command]):
                reason += "%s " % command
                test = False
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

    def test_record(self):
        reason = 'record with too many arguments should return False'
        test = self.commander.run('record', [1, 2, 3])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'record with invalid argument should return False'
        test = self.commander.run('record', ['nothing'])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'recorder should not have a keyframe after record'
        test = self.recorder.anim
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'record should return True when successful'
        test = self.commander.run('record', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'recorder should have a keyframe after record'
        test = self.recorder.anim
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'undoing record should return True when successful'
        test = self.commander.run('undo', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'recorder should have no keyframe after undoing record'
        test = self.recorder.anim
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'redoing record should return True when successful'
        test = self.commander.run('redo', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'recorder should have a keyframe after redoing record'
        test = self.recorder.anim
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'recording to a valid position should not fail'
        test = self.commander.run('record', [1])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

    def test_clear(self):
        reason = 'load must succed for this test to run'
        test = self.commander.run('load', ['xxxtestanim'])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'clear should return True when succesfull'
        test = self.commander.run('clear', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'recorder.anim should be empty after clear'
        test = self.recorder.anim
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'undoing clear should succed'
        test = self.commander.run('undo', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'recorder.anim should be restored after undoing clear'
        test = self.recorder.anim
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'redoing clear should succed'
        test = self.commander.run('redo', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'recorder.anim should be empty after redoing clear'
        test = self.recorder.anim
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'clear should fail when arguments are given'
        test = self.commander.run('clear', ['nothing'])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

    def test_revert(self):
        reason = 'revert should fail when there is nothing to revert'
        test = self.commander.run('revert', [])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        self.recorder.anim = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

        # We do stuff in the Recorder the UI is not aware of
        # so we exchange the two methods in the ui for a dummy
        def nop(*args, **kwargs):
        self.ui.pop_keyframe = nop
        self.ui.display_keyframes = nop

        self.commander.run('revert', [])
        reason = 'wrong item number in animations after revert'
        test = self.recorder.anim == [1, 2, 3, 4]
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        self.commander.run('revert', [2])
        reason = '2 should not be in the recorder after we reverted it!'
        test = self.recorder.anim == [1, 3, 4]
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        self.commander.run('undo', [])
        reason = 'undoing the revert should work'
        test = self.recorder.anim == [1, 2, 3, 4]
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        self.commander.run('redo', [])
        reason = 'redoing the undone revert should work'
        test = self.recorder.anim == [1, 3, 4]
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

    def test_motors(self):
        reason = "motors command ohne parameter sollte klappen"
        test = self.commander.run('motors', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = "motors command mit UpperCased motorgruppe sollte funzen"
        test = self.commander.run('motors', ['LArm'])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = "motors command mit lowerCased motorgruppe sollte funzen"
        test = self.commander.run('motors', ['larm'])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

    def test_init_run(self):

        reason = 'successful init should return True'
        test = self.commander.run('init', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'init should not accept arguments'
        test = self.commander.run('init', ['never'])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

    def test_play(self):

        reason = "play could not be tested because 'record' failed"
        test = self.commander.run('record', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = "play without parameters failed"
        test = self.commander.run('play', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = "play with animation-name failed"
        test = self.commander.run('play', ['xxxtestanim'])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

    def test_append(self):

        reason = 'append should not allow to append nothing'
        test = self.commander.run('append', [])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'append xxxtestanim should work, unless the animation is missing'
        test = self.commander.run('append', ['xxxtestanim'])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'recorder.anim should not be empty after append'
        test = self.recorder.anim
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'undo after append should succed'
        test = self.commander.run('undo', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'undo after append should leave a empty animation'
        test = self.recorder.anim
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'redo after undone append should succed'
        test = self.commander.run('redo', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'redoing after undone append should work'
        test = self.recorder.anim
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        self.recorder.anim = []  # empty the animation for the next step
        reason = 'append should accept multiple items to append'
        test = self.commander.run('append', ['xxxtestanim', 'xxxtestanim'])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'we should have received multiple items'
        test = len(self.recorder.anim) is 4
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

    def test_move(self):
        self.assertFalse(self.commander.run('move', [1, 2]),
                         'move should not succed when keyframes dont exist')
        dummy1 = {'goals': {'foo': 1}, 'duration': 1, 'pause': 1}
        dummy2 = {'goals': {'foo': 2}, 'duration': 2, 'pause': 2}
        dummy3 = {'goals': {'foo': 3}, 'duration': 3, 'pause': 3}
        dummy4 = {'goals': {'foo': 4}, 'duration': 4, 'pause': 4}
        dummy5 = {'goals': {'foo': 5}, 'duration': 5, 'pause': 5}

        animdummys = [dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4, dummy5]
        self.recorder.anim = deepcopy(animdummys)

        reason = 'move should not accept empty arguments'
        test = self.commander.run('move', [])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'move should not accept only one argument'
        test = self.commander.run('move', [1])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'move should succed for valid keyframes'
        test = self.commander.run('move', [1, 2])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'move 1 2 should be invariant'
        test = self.recorder.anim == animdummys
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        original = deepcopy(self.recorder.anim)
        reason = 'move should succed for valid keyframes'
        test = self.commander.run('move', [2, 4])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'expected a different list after move 2, 4'
        test = self.recorder.anim == [dummy1, dummy3, dummy2, dummy4, dummy5]
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        undone = deepcopy(self.recorder.anim)
        reason = 'undo should work after a succesfull move'
        test = self.commander.run('undo', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'undo should have worked after a succesfull move'
        test = self.recorder.anim == original
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'redoing an undone move should succed'
        test = self.commander.run('redo', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'redoing an undone move should have worked'
        test = self.recorder.anim == undone
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'move should not succed for bullshit input'
        test = self.commander.run('move', ["beer", "fridge"])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

    def test_mirror(self):
        reason = "Mirror on nonexistent keyframe must fail"
        test = self.commander.run('mirror', ['1', 'left'])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'working record command is a precondition for this test'
        test = self.commander.run('record', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = "Mirror left on existent keyframe should succed"
        test = self.commander.run('mirror', ['1', 'left'])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = "Mirror hips on existent keyframe should fail"
        test = self.commander.run('mirror', ['1', 'hips'])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        self.commander.run('record', [])
        self.commander.run('record', [])
        oldstate = deepcopy(self.recorder.anim)
        reason = "Mirror left on multiple keyframes should succed"
        test = self.commander.run('mirror', ['all', 'left'])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = "Mirror should have worked"
        test = True
        for keyframe in self.recorder.anim:
            if (
                not keyframe['goals']['LKnee'] == - keyframe['goals']['RKnee']
                or not keyframe['goals']['LToe'] == - keyframe['goals']['RToe']
                or not keyframe['goals']['LHipRoll'] == keyframe['goals']['RHipRoll']  # these motors are not inverted
                test = False
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        undostate = deepcopy(self.recorder.anim)
        reason = "undo after mirror schould succed"
        test = self.commander.run('undo', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = "undo after mirror schould work"
        test = self.recorder.anim == oldstate
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = "redo after undone mirror should succed"
        test = self.commander.run('redo', [])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = "redo after undone mirror should work"
        test = self.recorder.anim == undostate
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

    def test_copy(self):
        self.assertFalse(self.commander.run('copy', [1, 2]),
                         'copy should not succed when keyframes dont exist')

        dummy1 = {'goals': {'foo': 1}, 'duration': 1, 'pause': 1}
        dummy2 = {'goals': {'foo': 2}, 'duration': 2, 'pause': 2}
        dummy3 = {'goals': {'foo': 3}, 'duration': 3, 'pause': 3}

        animdummys = [dummy1, dummy2, dummy3]
        self.recorder.anim = animdummys
        self.assertFalse(self.commander.run('copy', []),
                         'copy should not accept empty arguments')
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('copy', [1]),
                        'copy should accept one valid argument')
        self.assertEqual(self.recorder.anim, [dummy1, dummy1, dummy2, dummy3],
                         'copy should not result in %s' % self.recorder.anim)
        self.recorder.anim = [dummy1, dummy2, dummy3]
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('copy', [3, 1]),
                        'copy should succed for two valid arguments')
        self.assertEqual(self.recorder.anim, [dummy3, dummy1, dummy2, dummy3],
                         'copy should not result in %s' % self.recorder.anim)
        self.recorder.anim = [dummy1, dummy2, dummy3]
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('copy', [1, 3]),
                        'copy should succed for two valid arguments')
        self.assertEqual(self.recorder.anim, [dummy1, dummy2, dummy1, dummy3],
                         'copy should not result in %s' % self.recorder.anim)
        self.recorder.anim = [dummy1, dummy2, dummy3]
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('copy', [1, 4]),
                        'copy should succed for two valid arguments')
        self.assertEqual(self.recorder.anim, [dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy1],
                         'copy should not result in %s' % self.recorder.anim)
        self.assertFalse(self.commander.run('copy', ["beer", "freezer"]),
                         'move should not succed for bullshit')
        self.assertFalse(self.commander.run('copy', [1, "freezer"]),
                         'move should not succed for bullshit')

    def test_pose(self):
        self.assertFalse(self.commander.run('pose', [1]),
                         'pose for non-existent Keyframe should fail')
        self.commander.run('record', [])
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('pose', [1]),
                        'pose for existent Keyframe should succeed')
        self.assertFalse(self.commander.run('pose', []),
                         'pose without arguments should fail')
        self.assertFalse(self.commander.run('pose', ['foo']),
                         'pose with bullshit argument should fail')

    def test_on(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('on', []),
                        'singleton on should return true')
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('on', ['Larm']),
                        'on with capital tag should work')
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('on', ['larm']),
                        'on with lowercase tag should work')

    def test_off(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('off', []),
                        'singelton off should return true')
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('off', ['Larm']),
                        'off with capital tag should work')
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('off', ['larm']),
                        'off with lowercase tag should work')

    def test_dump_and_load(self):
        """ Tests dumping and loading of animations.
        # First record something so the rest might work
        self.commander.run('record', [])

        reason = 'dumping without argument should not succed'
        test = self.commander.run('dump', [])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'dumping with more than one argument should not succed'
        test = self.commander.run('dump', ['1', '2', '3'])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = 'loading without argument should not succed'
        test = self.commander.run('load', [])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

        reason = "Loading xxxtesanim should succed"
        test = self.commander.run('load', ['xxxtestanim'])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'dumping on test_dump should succed after load'
        test = self.commander.run('dump', ['test_dump'])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)

        reason = 'loading the previously dumped test_dump should work'
        anim = self.recorder.anim  # save the current animation
        self.recorder.anim = None  # remove the current animation
        test = self.commander.run('load', ['test_dump'])
        self.assertTrue(test, reason)
        reason = 'the loaded animation should match the dumped one'
        self.assertEquals(anim, self.recorder.anim, reason)

        reason = 'loading with more than one argument should not succed'
        test = self.commander.run('load', ['test_dump', 'test_dump', 'test_dump'])
        self.assertFalse(test, reason)

    def test_meta(self):
        reason = "meta-command without parameters should succeed"
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('meta', []), reason)

    def test_author(self):
        reason = "author-command without parameters should succeed"
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('author', []), reason)

        reason = "author-command with one parameter should succeed"
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('author', ['Niemand']), reason)

    def test_alias(self):
        reason = "the testalias should work, maybe it was deleted from the alias-definition?"
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('xxxtestalias', []), reason)

    def test_description(self):
        reason = "descr-command without parameters should succeed"
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('author', []), reason)

        reason = "descr-command with more than one parameter should succeed"
            self.commander.run('author', ['Niemand', 'hat', 'die']), reason)

    def test_motorinfo(self):
        # positive tests
        reason = "motorinfo command without parameters should succeed"
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('motorinfo', []), reason)

        reason = "motorinfo command with valid motor name (Camle-Case) should succeed"
            self.commander.run('motorinfo', ['RShoulderPitch']), reason)

        reason = "motorinfo command with valid motor name (lowercased) should succeed"
            self.commander.run('motorinfo', ['rshoulderpitch']), reason)

        reason = "motorinfo command with valid motor id should succeed"
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('motorinfo', ['10']), reason)

        reason = "motorinfo command with valid motor tag (CamelCase) should succeed"
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('motorinfo', ['LArm']), reason)

        reason = "motorinfo command with valid motor tag (lowercased) should succeed"
        self.assertTrue(self.commander.run('motorinfo', ['larm']), reason)

        # negative tests
        reason = "motorinfo command with bullshit motor input should fail (but not crash)"
            self.commander.run('motorinfo', ['Heidelbeersalat']), reason)

        reason = "motorinfo command with bullshit motor input should fail (but not crash)"
        self.assertFalse(self.commander.run('motorinfo', ['1337']), reason)