Exemplo n.º 1
    def close_tx(self, fee: int, privkey_dest: str) -> str:
        """Create a (mutual) close tx"""
        txin = CTxIn(COutPoint(bytes.fromhex(self.txid), self.output_index))

        out_privkey = privkey_expand(privkey_dest)

        txout = CTxOut(self.amount - fee,

        tx = CMutableTransaction(vin=[txin], vout=[txout])
        sighash = script.SignatureHash(self.redeemscript(), tx, inIdx=0,

        sigs = [key.sign(sighash, hasher=None) for key in self.funding_privkeys_for_tx()]
        # BOLT #3:
        # ## Closing Transaction
        # ...
        #    * `txin[0]` witness: `0 <signature_for_pubkey1> <signature_for_pubkey2>`
        witness = CScriptWitness([bytes(),
                                  sigs[0] + bytes([script.SIGHASH_ALL]),
                                  sigs[1] + bytes([script.SIGHASH_ALL]),
        tx.wit = CTxWitness([CTxInWitness(witness)])
        return tx.serialize().hex()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def as_tx(self):
        sum_in = sum(prevtx.nValue for _, prevtx, _ in self.prevouts)
        sig_size = sum(redeemer.spendbytes for _, _, redeemer in self.prevouts)
        tx_size = (
            4 +  # version field
            2 +  # # of txins
            len(self.prevouts) * 41 +  # txins, excluding sigs
            sig_size +  # txins, sigs only
            1 +  # # of txouts
            34 +  # txout
            4  # nLockTime field
        feerate = int(self.proxy._call('estimatefee', 1) * COIN)
        # satoshi's per KB
        if feerate <= 0:
            feerate = 10000
        fees = int(tx_size * feerate / 1000)

        tx = CMutableTransaction(
            [CTxIn(outpoint, nSequence=0) for outpoint, _, _ in self.prevouts],
            [CTxOut(sum_in - fees, self.payto.to_scriptPubKey())], 0)

        for n, (_, _, redeemer) in enumerate(self.prevouts):
            redeemer.mutate_spend(tx, n)

        unsigned_tx = CTransaction.from_tx(tx)

        for n, (_, _, redeemer) in enumerate(self.prevouts):
            txin = CMutableTxIn.from_txin(tx.vin[n])
            txin.scriptSig = redeemer.sign_spend(unsigned_tx, n)
            tx.vin[n] = CTxIn.from_txin(txin)

Exemplo n.º 3
 def open_channel(self, my_money, their_money, fees, their_coins,
                  their_change, their_pubkey, their_addr):
     """Respond to a requested open."""
     assert self.state == 'begin'
     # Get inputs and change output
     coins, change = self.select_coins(my_money + 2 * fees)
     # Make the anchor script
     anchor_output_script = self.anchor_script(self.private_key.pub,
     # Construct the anchor utxo
     payment = CMutableTxOut(my_money + their_money + 2 * fees,
     # Anchor tx
     transaction = CMutableTransaction(their_coins + coins,
                                       [payment, change, their_change])
     # Half-sign
     transaction = self.bitcoind.signrawtransaction(transaction)['tx']
     # Create channel in DB
     self.anchor.prevout = CMutableOutPoint(transaction.GetHash(), 0)
     self.anchor.scriptSig = AnchorScriptSig(0, b'', anchor_output_script)
     self.our.nValue = my_money
     self.our.scriptPubKey = self.bitcoind.getnewaddress()
     self.their.nValue = their_money
     self.their.scriptPubKey = their_addr
     # Event: channel opened
     channel_opened.send(self.cmd_id, address=self.address)
     self.bob.open_accept(transaction, anchor_output_script,
     self.state = 'open_wait_1.5'
Exemplo n.º 4
def open_channel(address, mymoney, theirmoney, fees, their_coins, their_change,
                 their_pubkey, their_out_addr):  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, line-too-long
    """Open a payment channel."""
    # Get inputs and change output
    coins, change = select_coins(mymoney + 2 * fees)
    # Make the anchor script
    anchor_output_script = anchor_script(get_pubkey(), their_pubkey)
    # Construct the anchor utxo
    payment = CMutableTxOut(mymoney + theirmoney + 2 * fees,
    # Anchor tx
    transaction = CMutableTransaction(their_coins + coins,
                                      [payment, change, their_change])
    # Half-sign
    transaction = g.bit.signrawtransaction(transaction)['tx']
    # Create channel in DB
    our_addr = g.bit.getnewaddress()
    channel = Channel(
        anchor_point=COutPoint(transaction.GetHash(), 0),
    # Event: channel opened
    CHANNEL_OPENED.send('channel', address=address)
    return (transaction, anchor_output_script, our_addr)
Exemplo n.º 5
def refund(proxy, refundGuy, contract):
    redeemScript = CScript(x(contract['redeemScript']))
    txin = CMutableTxIn(fundtx['outpoint'])
    txout = CMutableTxOut(fundtx['amount'] - FEE,

    tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
    txin.nSequence = 0
    tx.nLockTime = contract['redeemblocknum']
    sighash = SignatureHash(redeemScript, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)

    sig = refundGuy['key'].sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])

    txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, refundGuy['key'].pub, OP_FALSE, redeemScript])

    txin_scriptPubKey = redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    print('Raw redeem transaction hex: {0}'.format(b2x(tx.serialize())))
    res = VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey,
                       tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))
    print("Script verified, sending raw transaction... (NOT)", res)

    txid = proxy.sendrawtransaction(tx)
    refund_tx = b2x(lx(b2x(txid)))
    fund_tx = str(fundtx['outpoint'])
    return {"refund_tx": refund_tx, "fund_tx": fund_tx}
Exemplo n.º 6
def spend_p2sh_mediator(redeemScript, txins_str, amounts, daddrs, sig, rein):
    txin_redeemScript = CScript(x(redeemScript))
    txin_scriptPubKey = txin_redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    txins_obj = []
    for txin_str in txins_str.split():
        txin_list = txin_str.split("-")
            CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(lx(txin_list[0]), int(txin_list[1]))))
    txouts = []
    len_amounts = len(amounts)
    for i in range(0, len_amounts):
                round(amounts[i], 8) * COIN,
    tx = CMutableTransaction(txins_obj, txouts)
    seckey = CBitcoinSecret(rein.user.dkey)
    ntxins = len(txins_obj)
    sig_list = []
    for s in sig.split():
    sig2_str = ""
    for i in range(0, ntxins):
        sighash = SignatureHash(txin_redeemScript, tx, i, SIGHASH_ALL)
        sig2 = seckey.sign(sighash) + x("01")
        sig2_str += " " + b2x(sig2)
        txins_obj[i].scriptSig = CScript(
            [OP_0, sig2, sig_list[i], txin_redeemScript])
        VerifyScript(txins_obj[i].scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey, tx, i,
                     (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, ))
    tx_bytes = tx.serialize()
    hash = sha256(sha256(tx_bytes).digest()).digest()
    txid = b2x(hash[::-1])
    txid_causeway = broadcast_tx(b2x(tx_bytes), rein)
    return (txid, sig2_str[1:])
Exemplo n.º 7
def redeem(proxy, redeemerGuy, contract, fundtx, secret):
    print('redeemPubKey', redeemerGuy['addr'])
    # TODO: Compare with script on blockchain?
    redeemScript = CScript(x(contract['redeemScript']))
    txin = CMutableTxIn(fundtx['outpoint'])
    txout = CMutableTxOut(fundtx['amount'] - FEE,

    # Create the unsigned raw transaction.
    tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
    sighash = SignatureHash(redeemScript, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
    # TODO: protect privkey better, separate signing from rawtx creation
    #privkey = self.bitcoind.dumpprivkey(self.redeemPubKey)
    sig = redeemerGuy['key'].sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
    preimage = secret.encode('utf-8')
    # preimage = x(secret)
    txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, redeemerGuy['key'].pub, preimage,
                              OP_TRUE, redeemScript])

    # print("txin.scriptSig", b2x(txin.scriptSig))
    txin_scriptPubKey = redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    print('Raw redeem transaction hex: ', b2x(tx.serialize()))
    VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey,
                 tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))
    print("Script verified, sending raw transaction...")
    txid = proxy.sendrawtransaction(tx)
    fund_tx = str(fundtx['outpoint'])
    redeem_tx = b2x(lx(b2x(txid)))
    return {"redeem_tx": redeem_tx, "fund_tx": fund_tx}
Exemplo n.º 8
    def as_tx(self):
        sum_in = sum(prevtx.nValue for _,prevtx,_ in self.prevouts)
        sig_size = sum(redeemer.spendbytes for _,_,redeemer in self.prevouts)
        tx_size = (4                        + # version field
                   2                        + # # of txins
                   len(self.prevouts) * 41  + # txins, excluding sigs
                   sig_size                 + # txins, sigs only
                   1                        + # # of txouts
                   34                       + # txout
                   4                          # nLockTime field
        feerate = int(self.proxy._call('estimatefee', 1) * COIN) 
        # satoshi's per KB
        if feerate <= 0:
            feerate = 10000
        fees = int(tx_size * feerate / 1000)

        tx = CMutableTransaction(
                [CTxIn(outpoint, nSequence=0)
                    for outpoint,_,_ in self.prevouts],
                [CTxOut(sum_in - fees, self.payto.to_scriptPubKey())],

        for n,(_,_,redeemer) in enumerate(self.prevouts):
            redeemer.mutate_spend(tx, n)

        unsigned_tx = CTransaction.from_tx(tx)

        for n,(_,_,redeemer) in enumerate(self.prevouts):
            txin = CMutableTxIn.from_txin(tx.vin[n])
            txin.scriptSig = redeemer.sign_spend(unsigned_tx, n)
            tx.vin[n] = CTxIn.from_txin(txin)

Exemplo n.º 9
def main():
    ''' Our main function. '''


    decoded_transaction = eval(open('transaction_to_sign.txt').read()) # pylint: disable=eval-used

    txin_txid = lx(decoded_transaction['vin'][0]['txid'])
    txin_vout = 0
    tx_in = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txin_txid, txin_vout))

    tx_out = []
    for idx in range(len(decoded_transaction['vout'])):
        satoshis = int(COIN * decoded_transaction['vout'][idx]['value'])
        script_pub_key = CScript(bytes.fromhex(decoded_transaction['vout'][idx]['scriptPubKey']['hex']))
        tx_out.append(CMutableTxOut(satoshis, script_pub_key))

    tx_to_spend = CMutableTransaction([tx_in], tx_out)

    priv_1 = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(bytes.fromhex(PRIV_HEX_1))
    priv_2 = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(bytes.fromhex(PRIV_HEX_2))

    txin_redeem_script = CScript(bytes.fromhex(decoded_transaction['vin'][0]['scriptSig']['hex']))
    # Input 0 is fixed.
    sighash = SignatureHash(txin_redeem_script, tx_to_spend, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
    signatures = []
    for priv in [priv_1, priv_2]:
        signatures.append(priv.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL]))

    tx_in.scriptSig = CScript([CScriptOp(0x00), signatures[0], signatures[1], txin_redeem_script])

    # script_pub_key Defined in cycle.
    VerifyScript(tx_in.scriptSig, txin_redeem_script, tx_to_spend, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))

Exemplo n.º 10
    def refund(self, contract):
        fundtx = self.find_transaction_to_address(contract.p2sh)
        print("Fund tx found in refund: ", fundtx)
        refundPubKey = self.find_refundAddr(contract)
        print('refundPubKey: {0}'.format(refundPubKey))

        redeemScript = CScript(x(contract.redeemScript))
        txin = CMutableTxIn(fundtx['outpoint'])
        txout = CMutableTxOut(fundtx['amount'] - FEE,

        # Create the unsigned raw transaction.
        tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
        # Set nSequence and nLockTime
        txin.nSequence = 0
        tx.nLockTime = contract.redeemblocknum
        sighash = SignatureHash(redeemScript, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
        privkey = self.bitcoind.dumpprivkey(refundPubKey)
        sig = privkey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])

        # Sign without secret
        txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, privkey.pub, OP_FALSE, redeemScript])

        # txin.nSequence = 2185
        txin_scriptPubKey = redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
        print('Raw redeem transaction hex: {0}'.format(b2x(tx.serialize())))
        res = VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey,
                           tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))
        print("Script verified, sending raw transaction... (NOT)", res)
        txid = self.bitcoind.sendrawtransaction(tx)
        refund_tx = b2x(lx(b2x(txid)))
        fund_tx = str(fundtx['outpoint'])
        return {"refund_tx": refund_tx, "fund_tx": fund_tx}
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_emergency_txout(bitcoind):
    """Test mostly the emergency tx locktime"""
    amount = Decimal("50") - Decimal("500") / Decimal(COIN)
    privkeys = [CKey(os.urandom(32)) for _ in range(4)]
    pubkeys = [k.pub for k in privkeys]
    txo = emergency_txout(pubkeys, COIN * amount)
    addr = str(CBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(txo.scriptPubKey))
    # This makes a transaction with only one vout
    txid = bitcoind.pay_to(addr, amount)
    new_amount = amount - Decimal("500") / Decimal(COIN)
    addr = bitcoind.getnewaddress()
    txin = CTxIn(COutPoint(lx(txid), 0), nSequence=4464)
    txout = CTxOut(new_amount * COIN, CBitcoinAddress(addr).to_scriptPubKey())
    tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout], nVersion=2)
    tx_hash = SignatureHash(emergency_script(pubkeys), tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL,
                            int(amount * COIN), SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0)
    sigs = [k.sign(tx_hash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL]) for k in privkeys]
    witness_script = [bytes(0), *sigs, emergency_script(pubkeys)]
    tx.wit = CTxWitness([CTxInWitness(CScriptWitness(witness_script))])
    # 1 month of locktime
    bitcoind.generate_block(4464 - 2)
    with pytest.raises(VerifyRejectedError, match="non-BIP68-final"):
    assert bitcoind.has_utxo(addr)
Exemplo n.º 12
def open_channel(address, mymoney, theirmoney, fees, their_coins, their_change, their_pubkey, their_out_addr): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    """Open a payment channel."""
    # Get inputs and change output
    coins, change = select_coins(mymoney + 2 * fees)
    # Make the anchor script
    anchor_output_script = anchor_script(get_pubkey(), their_pubkey)
    anchor_output_address = anchor_output_script.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    # Construct the anchor utxo
    payment = CMutableTxOut(mymoney + theirmoney + 2 * fees, anchor_output_address)
    # Anchor tx
    transaction = CMutableTransaction(
        their_coins + coins,
        [payment, change, their_change])
    # Half-sign
    transaction = g.bit.signrawtransaction(transaction)['tx']
    # Create channel in DB
    channel = Channel(address,
                      CMutableTxIn(CMutableOutPoint(transaction.GetHash(), 0),
                                   AnchorScriptSig(0, b'', anchor_output_script)),
                      CMutableTxOut(mymoney, g.bit.getnewaddress()),
                      CMutableTxOut(theirmoney, their_out_addr))
    # Event: channel opened
    CHANNEL_OPENED.send('channel', address=address)
    return (transaction, anchor_output_script, channel.our.scriptPubKey)
Exemplo n.º 13
def submit_opreturn(rpc_connection, address, data):
    from bitcoin.core import CTxIn, CMutableTxOut, CScript, CMutableTransaction, COIN, CENT, b2x, b2lx
    from bitcoin.core.script import OP_CHECKSIG, OP_RETURN

    txouts = []

    unspent = sorted([y for y in rpc_connection.listunspent(0) if str(y['address']) == address], key=lambda x: hash(x['amount']))

    txins = [CTxIn(unspent[-1]['outpoint'])]

    value_in = unspent[-1]['amount']

    change_pubkey = rpc_connection.validateaddress(address)['pubkey']
    change_out = CMutableTxOut(int(value_in - 2*CENT), CScript([change_pubkey, OP_CHECKSIG]))
    digest_outs = [CMutableTxOut(CENT, CScript([OP_RETURN, data]))]
    txouts = [change_out] + digest_outs
    tx = CMutableTransaction(txins, txouts)
    print tx.serialize().encode('hex')
    r = rpc_connection.signrawtransaction(tx)
    assert r['complete']
    tx = r['tx']

    #print b2x(tx.serialize())
    #print len(tx.serialize()), 'bytes'
Exemplo n.º 14
def submit_opreturn(rpc_raw, rpc_connection, address, data):
    from bitcoin.core import CTxIn, CMutableTxOut, CScript, CMutableTransaction, COIN, CENT, b2x, b2lx
    from bitcoin.core.script import OP_CHECKSIG, OP_RETURN

    txouts = []

    unspent = sorted(
        [y for y in rpc_connection.listunspent(0) if str(y["address"]) == address], key=lambda x: hash(x["amount"])

    txins = [CTxIn(unspent[-1]["outpoint"])]

    value_in = unspent[-1]["amount"]

    change_pubkey = rpc_connection.validateaddress(address)["pubkey"]
    change_out = CMutableTxOut(int(value_in - 1 * CENT), CScript([change_pubkey, OP_CHECKSIG]))
    digest_outs = [CMutableTxOut(0, CScript([OP_RETURN, data]))]
    txouts = [change_out] + digest_outs
    tx = CMutableTransaction(txins, txouts)

    tx_hex = tx.serialize().encode("hex")
    print "decoderawtransaction", tx_hex
    transaction_decoded = rpc_raw.decoderawtransaction(tx_hex)
    print json.dumps(transaction_decoded, indent=4, default=json_custom_parser)
    r = rpc_connection.signrawtransaction(tx)
    assert r["complete"]
    tx = r["tx"]

    # print b2x(tx.serialize())
    # print len(tx.serialize()), 'bytes'
    sent_tx_id = rpc_connection.sendrawtransaction(tx)
    return b2lx(sent_tx_id)
 def test_sendrawtransaction(self):
     num_outputs = 5
     given_transaction = CMutableTransaction([], [make_txout() for x in range(0, num_outputs)])
     expected_txid = b2lx(given_transaction.GetHash())
     given_transaction_hex = b2x(given_transaction.serialize())
     proxy = FakeBitcoinProxy()
     resulting_txid = proxy.sendrawtransaction(given_transaction_hex)
     self.assertEqual(resulting_txid, expected_txid)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def put(self):
     """Persist self."""
     commitment = CMutableTransaction([self.anchor], [self.our, self.their])
     commitment = CMutableTransaction.from_tx(commitment)
     commitment.vin[0].scriptSig = commitment.vin[0].scriptSig.to_script()
     for tx_out in commitment.vout:
         tx_out.scriptPubKey = tx_out.scriptPubKey.to_scriptPubKey()
     with g.dat:
         g.dat.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO CHANNELS VALUES (?, ?)",
                       (self.address, commitment.serialize()))
    def test_fundrawtransaction_adds_output(self):
        num_outputs = 5
        unfunded_transaction = CMutableTransaction([], [make_txout() for x in range(0, num_outputs)])
        proxy = FakeBitcoinProxy()

        funded_transaction_hex = proxy.fundrawtransaction(b2x(unfunded_transaction.serialize()))["hex"]
        funded_transaction = CMutableTransaction.deserialize(x(funded_transaction_hex))

        self.assertTrue(len(funded_transaction.vout) > num_outputs)
        self.assertEqual(len(funded_transaction.vout), num_outputs + 1)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def unsigned_settlement(self):
     """Generate the settlement transaction."""
     # Put outputs in the order of the inputs, so that both versions are the same
     if self.anchor.scriptSig.my_index == 0:
         transaction = CMutableTransaction([self.anchor], [self.our, self.their])
     elif self.anchor.scriptSig.my_index == 1:
         transaction = CMutableTransaction([self.anchor], [self.their, self.our])
         raise Exception("Unknown index", self.anchor.scriptSig.my_index)
     return CMutableTransaction.from_tx(transaction)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_create_transaction_object_1(inputs_1, outputs_1):
    r = PaymentService.create_transaction_object(inputs=inputs_1, outputs=outputs_1)

    tx_in: List[CMutableTxIn] = [
        CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(lx('4521418569de2f78d5d2d3c535567ac9c48c95314c53a67788d4dcdc9a8d915b'), 0))]

    pk = CBitcoinAddress('16moGJwkzWhNC1pfnfJptKj9G1ogQz16xd').to_scriptPubKey()
    tx_out: List[CMutableTxOut] = [CMutableTxOut(100000, pk)]

    expected = CMutableTransaction(tx_in, tx_out)
    assert b2x(r.serialize()) == b2x(expected.serialize())
    def test_fundrawtransaction_hex_hash(self):
        unfunded_transaction = CMutableTransaction([], [make_txout() for x in range(0, 5)])
        proxy = FakeBitcoinProxy()

        funded_transaction_hex = proxy.fundrawtransaction(b2x(unfunded_transaction.serialize()))["hex"]
        funded_transaction = CMutableTransaction.deserialize(x(funded_transaction_hex))

        self.assertTrue(unfunded_transaction is not funded_transaction)
        self.assertEqual(type(funded_transaction), type(unfunded_transaction))
        self.assertNotEqual(len(funded_transaction.vin), 0)
        self.assertTrue(len(funded_transaction.vin) > len(unfunded_transaction.vin))
        self.assertEqual(type(funded_transaction.vin[0]), CTxIn)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def redeem_contract(self, contract, secret):
        print("Parsing script for redeem_contract...")
        scriptarray = self.parse_script(contract.redeemScript)
        redeemblocknum = scriptarray[8]
        redeemPubKey = P2PKHBitcoinAddress.from_bytes(x(scriptarray[6]))
        refundPubKey = P2PKHBitcoinAddress.from_bytes(x(scriptarray[13]))
        p2sh = contract.p2sh
        #checking there are funds in the address
        amount = self.check_funds(p2sh)
        if(amount == 0):
            print("address ", p2sh, " not funded")
        fundtx = self.find_transaction_to_address(p2sh)
        amount = fundtx['amount'] / COIN
        # print("Found fund_tx: ", fundtx)
        p2sh = P2SHBitcoinAddress(p2sh)
        if fundtx['address'] == p2sh:
            print("Found {0} in p2sh {1}, redeeming...".format(amount, p2sh))

            blockcount = self.bitcoind.getblockcount()
            print("\nCurrent blocknum at time of redeem on Zcash:", blockcount)
            if blockcount < int(redeemblocknum):
                print('redeemPubKey', redeemPubKey)
                zec_redeemScript = CScript(x(contract.redeemScript))
                txin = CMutableTxIn(fundtx['outpoint'])
                txout = CMutableTxOut(fundtx['amount'] - FEE, redeemPubKey.to_scriptPubKey())
                # Create the unsigned raw transaction.
                tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
                sighash = SignatureHash(zec_redeemScript, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
                # TODO: protect privkey better, separate signing from rawtx creation
                privkey = self.bitcoind.dumpprivkey(redeemPubKey)
                sig = privkey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
                preimage = secret.encode('utf-8')
                txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, privkey.pub, preimage, OP_TRUE, zec_redeemScript])

                # print("txin.scriptSig", b2x(txin.scriptSig))
                txin_scriptPubKey = zec_redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
                print('Raw redeem transaction hex: ', b2x(tx.serialize()))
                VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey, tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))
                print("Script verified, sending raw transaction...")
                txid = self.bitcoind.sendrawtransaction(tx)
                fund_tx = str(fundtx['outpoint'])
                redeem_tx =  b2x(lx(b2x(txid)))
                return  {"redeem_tx": redeem_tx, "fund_tx": fund_tx}
                print("nLocktime exceeded, refunding")
                print('refundPubKey', refundPubKey)
                txid = self.bitcoind.sendtoaddress(refundPubKey, fundtx['amount'] - FEE)
                fund_tx = str(fundtx['outpoint'])
                refund_tx =  b2x(lx(b2x(txid)))
                return  {"refund_tx": refund_tx, "fund_tx": fund_tx}
            print("No contract for this p2sh found in database", p2sh)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def sig_for_them(self):
     """Generate a signature for the mirror commitment transaction."""
     transaction = CMutableTransaction([self.anchor], [self.their, self.our])
     transaction = CMutableTransaction.from_tx(transaction) # copy
     # convert scripts to CScript
     transaction.vin[0].scriptSig = transaction.vin[0].scriptSig.to_script()
     for tx_out in transaction.vout:
         tx_out.scriptPubKey = tx_out.scriptPubKey.to_scriptPubKey()
     # sign
     sighash = SignatureHash(self.anchor.scriptSig.redeem, transaction, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
     sig = g.seckey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
     return sig
Exemplo n.º 23
    def build_tx(self) -> str:
        # Sort inputs by serial number
        ins = [x['input'] for x in
               sorted(self.inputs, key=lambda k: k['serial_id'])]

        # Sort outputs by serial number
        outs = [x['output'] for x in
               sorted(self.outputs, key=lambda k: k['serial_id'])]

        self.tx = CMutableTransaction(ins, outs, nVersion=2, nLockTime=self.locktime)
        self.txid = self.tx.GetTxid().hex()

        return self.tx.serialize().hex()
Exemplo n.º 24
def main():

    proxy = bitcoin.rpc.Proxy()

    assert len(sys.argv) > 1

    digests = []
    for f in sys.argv[1:]:
            with open(f, 'rb') as fd:
        except FileNotFoundError as exp:
            if len(f)/2 in (20, 32):
                raise exp
        except IOError as exp:
            print(exp, file=sys.stderr)

    for digest in digests:
        unspent = sorted(proxy.listunspent(0),
                         key=lambda _x: hash(_x['amount']))

        txins = [CTxIn(unspent[-1]['outpoint'])]
        value_in = unspent[-1]['amount']

        change_addr = proxy.getnewaddress()
        change_pubkey = proxy.validateaddress(change_addr)['pubkey']
        change_out = CMutableTxOut(params.MAX_MONEY, CScript([change_pubkey, OP_CHECKSIG]))

        digest_outs = [CMutableTxOut(0, CScript([OP_RETURN, digest]))]

        txouts = [change_out] + digest_outs

        tx = CMutableTransaction(txins, txouts)

        FEE_PER_BYTE = 0.00025*COIN/1000
        while True:
            tx.vout[0].nValue = int(value_in - max(len(tx.serialize()) * FEE_PER_BYTE, 0.00011*COIN))

            r = proxy.signrawtransaction(tx)
            assert r['complete']
            tx = r['tx']

            if value_in - tx.vout[0].nValue >= len(tx.serialize()) * FEE_PER_BYTE:
                print(len(tx.serialize()), 'bytes', file=sys.stderr)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def from_utxo(txid_in: str,
                  tx_index_in: int,
                  sats: int,
                  privkey: str,
                  fee: int,
                  local_node_privkey: str,
                  local_funding_privkey: str,
                  remote_node_privkey: str,
                  remote_funding_privkey: str,
                  chain_hash: str = regtest_hash) -> Tuple['Funding', str]:
        """Make a funding transaction by spending this utxo using privkey: return Funding, tx."""

        # Create dummy one to start: we will fill in txid at the end.
        funding = Funding('', 0, sats - fee, local_node_privkey,
                          local_funding_privkey, remote_node_privkey,
                          remote_funding_privkey, chain_hash)

        # input private key.
        inkey = privkey_expand(privkey)
        inkey_pub = coincurve.PublicKey.from_secret(inkey.secret)

        # use RBF'able input (requirement for dual-funded things)
        txin = CTxIn(COutPoint(bytes.fromhex(txid_in), tx_index_in),
        txout = CTxOut(
            sats - fee,
        tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout],

        # now fill in funding txid.
        funding.txid = tx.GetTxid().hex()
        funding.tx = tx

        # while we're here, sign the transaction.
        address = P2WPKHBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(
            CScript([script.OP_0, Hash160(inkey_pub.format())]))

        sighash = script.SignatureHash(address.to_redeemScript(),
        sig = inkey.sign(sighash, hasher=None) + bytes([script.SIGHASH_ALL])

        tx.wit = CTxWitness(
            [CTxInWitness(CScriptWitness([sig, inkey_pub.format()]))])
        return funding, tx.serialize().hex()
Exemplo n.º 26
def redeem_after_timelock(contract):
    p2sh = contract.p2sh
    fundtx = find_transaction_to_address(p2sh)
    amount = fundtx['amount'] / COIN

    if (fundtx['address'].__str__() != p2sh):
        print("no fund transaction found to the contract p2sh address ", p2sh)
    print("Found fundtx:", fundtx)
    # Parsing redeemblocknum from the redeemscript of the p2sh
    redeemblocknum = find_redeemblocknum(contract)
    blockcount = bitcoind.getblockcount()
    print("Current block:", blockcount, "Can redeem from block:",
    if (still_locked(contract)):
        print("too early for redeeming with timelock try again at block",
              redeemblocknum, "or later")
        return 0

    print("Found {0} in p2sh {1}, redeeming...".format(amount, p2sh))

    redeemPubKey = find_refundAddr(contract)
    print('refundPubKey', redeemPubKey)

    redeemScript = CScript(x(contract.redeemScript))
    txin = CMutableTxIn(fundtx['outpoint'])
    txout = CMutableTxOut(fundtx['amount'] - FEE,
    # Create the unsigned raw transaction.
    txin.nSequence = 0
    tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
    tx.nLockTime = redeemblocknum

    sighash = SignatureHash(redeemScript, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
    # TODO: figure out how to better protect privkey
    privkey = bitcoind.dumpprivkey(redeemPubKey)
    sig = privkey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
    txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, privkey.pub, OP_FALSE, redeemScript])

    # exit()

    # print("txin.scriptSig", b2x(txin.scriptSig))
    txin_scriptPubKey = redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    # print('Redeem txhex', b2x(tx.serialize()))
    VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey, tx, 0,
                 (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, ))
    print("script verified, sending raw tx")
    txid = bitcoind.sendrawtransaction(tx)
    print("Txid of submitted redeem tx: ", b2x(lx(b2x(txid))))
    return b2x(lx(b2x(txid)))
Exemplo n.º 27
 def signed_commitment(self):
     """Return the fully signed commitment transaction."""
     transaction = CMutableTransaction([self.anchor], [self.our, self.their])
     transaction = CMutableTransaction.from_tx(transaction)
     for tx_out in transaction.vout:
         tx_out.scriptPubKey = tx_out.scriptPubKey.to_scriptPubKey()
     sighash = SignatureHash(self.anchor.scriptSig.redeem, transaction, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
     sig = g.seckey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
     transaction.vin[0].scriptSig = transaction.vin[0].scriptSig.to_script(sig)
     # verify signing worked
                  transaction, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))
     return transaction
Exemplo n.º 28
def get_unsigned_tx(funding_tx,
    Returns a raw transaction and it's signature hash
    that pays to address from funding_tx

        funding_tx (str): the 'input' tx
        redeem_script (str): The redeem script
        address (str): The output address that would receive `amount`
        lock_time (int, optional): The time the tx should be locked to
        n_sequence (int, optional): The sequence number to use in tx
        vout (int, optional):  The index of the output point of `funding_tx`

        A tuple containing:
            1/ The serial tx
            2/ The tx hash

    # Set P2SH funding tx in little-endian
    fx = lx(funding_tx)

    # nSequence must be any number less than 0xffffffff to enable nLockTime
    txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(fx, vout), nSequence=n_sequence)

    # if(nlock_time != 0):
    #     txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(fx, vout), nSequence=n_sequence)
    # else:
    #     txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(fx, vout))

    # Convert amount to Satoshi's
    amount *= COIN

    # Create the txout to address
    script_pubkey = CBitcoinAddress(address).to_scriptPubKey()
    txout = CMutableTxOut(amount, script_pubkey)

    # Create the unsigned transaction.
    tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout], nLockTime=lock_time)

    # Calculte TX sig hash
    sighash = SignatureHash(CScript(redeem_script), tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)

    return (tx.serialize(), sighash)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def fundrawtransaction(self, given_transaction, *args, **kwargs):
        Make up some inputs for the given transaction.
        # just use any txid here
        vintxid = lx("99264749804159db1e342a0c8aa3279f6ef4031872051a1e52fb302e51061bef")

        if isinstance(given_transaction, str):
            given_bytes = x(given_transaction)
        elif isinstance(given_transaction, CMutableTransaction):
            given_bytes = given_transaction.serialize()
            raise FakeBitcoinProxyException("Wrong type passed to fundrawtransaction.")

        # this is also a clever way to not cause a side-effect in this function
        transaction = CMutableTransaction.deserialize(given_bytes)

        for vout_counter in range(0, self._num_fundrawtransaction_inputs):
            txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(vintxid, vout_counter))

        # also allocate a single output (for change)
        txout = make_txout()

        transaction_hex = b2x(transaction.serialize())

        return {"hex": transaction_hex, "fee": 5000000}
Exemplo n.º 30
def create_trx(op_return_val, issuing_transaction_fee, issuing_address,
               tx_outs, tx_inputs):

    :param op_return_val:
    :param issuing_transaction_fee:
    :param issuing_address:
    :param tx_outs:
    :param tx_input:
    cert_out = CMutableTxOut(0, CScript([OP_RETURN, op_return_val]))
    tx_ins = []
    value_in = 0
    for tx_input in tx_inputs:
        value_in += tx_input.coin_value

    # send change back to our address
    amount = value_in - issuing_transaction_fee
    if amount > 0:
        change_out = create_transaction_output(issuing_address, amount)
        tx_outs = tx_outs + [change_out]
    tx_outs = tx_outs + [cert_out]
    transaction = CMutableTransaction(tx_ins, tx_outs)
    return transaction
Exemplo n.º 31
def partial_spend_p2sh_mediator(redeemScript,
    txin_redeemScript = CScript(x(redeemScript))
    txin_scriptPubKey = txin_redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    txin_p2sh_address = CBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(txin_scriptPubKey)
    (txins, total_value) = unspent_txins(txin_p2sh_address, rein.testnet)
    if len(txins) == 0:
        raise ValueError('No unspent txins found')
    txins_str = ""
    txins_obj = []
    for txid, vout in txins:
        txins_str += " " + txid + "-" + str(vout)
        txins_obj.append(CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(lx(txid), vout)))
    fee = 0.00025
    amount = round(total_value - fee, 8)
    if amount <= 0:
        raise ValueError('Not enough value in the inputs')
    if mediator_sig:
        txout = CMutableTxOut(
            amount * COIN,
        tx = CMutableTransaction(txins_obj, [txout])
        seckey = CBitcoinSecret(rein.user.dkey)
        ntxins = len(txins_obj)
        sig = ""
        for i in range(0, ntxins):
            sighash = SignatureHash(txin_redeemScript, tx, i, SIGHASH_ALL)
            sig += " " + b2x(seckey.sign(sighash) + x("01"))
        return (txins_str[1:], "{:.8f}".format(amount), str(mediator_address),
    return (txins_str[1:], "{:.8f}".format(amount), str(mediator_address))
Exemplo n.º 32
    def spend_escrow(self, payer_sig, redeemer_sig, serial_tx, redeem_script):
            Sends a transaction fulfilling the redeem script of escrow tx
        # Read in transaction
        temp_tx = CTransaction.deserialize(serial_tx)
        tx = CMutableTransaction.from_tx(temp_tx)

        txin = tx.vin[0]

        # Set script sig
        txin.scriptSig = CScript([
            OP_FALSE, payer_sig + '\x01', redeemer_sig + '\x01', OP_TRUE,

        # Verify script
        redeem_script = CScript(redeem_script)
        serial_tx = tx.serialize()
        VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, redeem_script.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey(), tx,
                     0, [SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH])

        serial_tx = tx.serialize()
        if not self.test:
            # txid = self.proxy.sendrawtransaction(tx)
            txid = b2lx(Hash(serial_tx))
            txid = b2lx(Hash(serial_tx))

        self.logger.info("spend_escrow: TXID is %s", txid)
        self.logger.info("spend_escrow: RAW TX is %s", b2x(serial_tx))

        return serial_tx
Exemplo n.º 33
    def refund_tx(self, payer_sig, serial_tx, redeem_script):
            Sends a transaction refunding the funder of
            the P2SH address.
        # Read in transaction
        temp_tx = CTransaction.deserialize(serial_tx)
        tx = CMutableTransaction.from_tx(temp_tx)

        txin = tx.vin[0]

        # Set script sig
        txin.scriptSig = CScript([payer_sig + '\x01', OP_FALSE, redeem_script])

        # Verify script
        redeem_script = CScript(redeem_script)
        VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, redeem_script.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey(), tx,
                     0, [SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH])

        serial_tx = tx.serialize()
        if not self.test:
            # txid = self.self.proxy.sendrawtransaction(tx)
            txid = b2lx(Hash(serial_tx))
            txid = b2lx(Hash(serial_tx))

        self.logger.info("refund_tx: TXID is %s", txid)
        self.logger.info("refund_tx: RAW TX is %s", b2x(serial_tx))

        return serial_tx
Exemplo n.º 34
def maketx(tx):
    #txid from blockr. bitcoind does not support tx index!
    txid = lx(tx)
    vout = 0

    outp = COutPoint(txid, vout)
    print ("output: %s"%outp)
    # Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint
    txin = CMutableTxIn(outp)
    print (txin)

    txin_scriptPubKey = CScript([OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, Hash160(seckey.pub), OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG])

    print (txin_scriptPubKey)

    amount = 0.001*COIN
    txout = CMutableTxOut(amount, CBitcoinAddress(a).to_scriptPubKey())

    print (txout)

    # Create the unsigned transaction.
    newtx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
    print (newtx)

    sighash = SignatureHash(txin_scriptPubKey, newtx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
    print (sighash)

    # Now sign it. We have to append the type of signature we want to the end, in
    # this case the usual SIGHASH_ALL.
    sig = seckey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
    print (sig)

    # Set the scriptSig of our transaction input appropriately.
    txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, seckey.pub])

        VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey, newtx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))

    print ('*'*20)

Exemplo n.º 35
 def get(cls, address):
     """Get a Channel with the specified address."""
     row = g.dat.execute(
         "SELECT * from CHANNELS WHERE address = ?", (address,)).fetchone()
     if row is None:
         raise Exception("Unknown address", address)
     address, commitment = row
     commitment = CMutableTransaction.deserialize(commitment)
     commitment = CMutableTransaction.from_tx(commitment)
     assert len(commitment.vin) == 1
     assert len(commitment.vout) == 2
     commitment.vin[0].scriptSig = AnchorScriptSig.from_script(
     for tx_out in commitment.vout:
         tx_out.scriptPubKey = CBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(tx_out.scriptPubKey)
     return cls(address,
Exemplo n.º 36
def _build_certificate_transactions(wallet, issuing_address, revocation_address, certificate_metadata, fees, tail):
    """Make transactions for the certificates.
    logging.info('Creating tx of certificate for recipient uid: %s ...',

    with open(certificate_metadata.certificate_hash_file_name, 'rb') as in_file:
        # this is the recipient-specific hash that will be recorded on the
        # blockchain
        hashed_certificate = in_file.read()
        cert_out = CMutableTxOut(0, CScript([OP_RETURN, hashed_certificate]))

        # send a transaction to the recipient's public key, and to a revocation
        # address
        txouts = create_recipient_outputs(
            certificate_metadata.pubkey, revocation_address, fees.min_per_output)

        # define transaction inputs
        unspent_outputs = wallet.get_unspent_outputs(issuing_address)
        last_input = unspent_outputs[tail]

        txins = [CTxIn(last_input.outpoint)]
        value_in = last_input.amount

        # very important! If we don't send the excess change back to ourselves,
        # some lucky miner gets it!
        amount = value_in - fees.cost_per_transaction
        if amount > 0:
            change_out = create_transaction_output(issuing_address, amount)
            txouts = txouts + [change_out]

        txouts = txouts + [cert_out]
        tx = CMutableTransaction(txins, txouts)

        # this is the transaction for a recipient, unsigned
        hextx = hexlify(tx.serialize())
        with open(certificate_metadata.unsigned_tx_file_name, 'wb') as out_file:
            out_file.write(bytes(hextx, 'utf-8'))

            'Created unsigned tx for recipient; last_input=%s', last_input)
        return last_input
Exemplo n.º 37
 def sendrawtransaction(self, given_transaction):
     Pretend to broadcast and relay the transaction. Return the txid of the
     given transaction.
     if isinstance(given_transaction, str):
         given_bytes = x(given_transaction)
     elif isinstance(given_transaction, CMutableTransaction):
         given_bytes = given_transaction.serialize()
         raise FakeBitcoinProxyException("Wrong type passed to sendrawtransaction.")
     transaction = CMutableTransaction.deserialize(given_bytes)
     return b2lx(transaction.GetHash())
Exemplo n.º 38
    def signrawtransaction(self, given_transaction):
        This method does not actually sign the transaction, but it does return
        a transaction based on the given transaction.
        if isinstance(given_transaction, str):
            given_bytes = x(given_transaction)
        elif isinstance(given_transaction, CMutableTransaction):
            given_bytes = given_transaction.serialize()
            raise FakeBitcoinProxyException("Wrong type passed to signrawtransaction.")

        transaction = CMutableTransaction.deserialize(given_bytes)
        transaction_hex = b2x(transaction.serialize())
        return {"hex": transaction_hex}
Exemplo n.º 39
 def from_serialized(cls, serialized_tx, testnet=False):
     tx = CMutableTransaction.stream_deserialize(BytesIO(serialized_tx))
     return BitcoinTransaction(tx, testnet)
Exemplo n.º 40

rpc = bitcoin.rpc.Proxy()

args.dust = int(args.dust * COIN)

feeperbyte1 = args.fee1 / 1000 * COIN
feeperbyte2 = args.fee2 / 1000 * COIN

# Construct payment tx
payment_address = CBitcoinAddress(args.address)

payment_txout = CMutableTxOut(int(args.amount * COIN), payment_address.to_scriptPubKey())
change_txout = CMutableTxOut(0, rpc.getnewaddress().to_scriptPubKey())

tx = CMutableTransaction()

# Add all undesirable txouts meant to reduce propagation
if args.op_return:
    op_ret_txout = CMutableTxOut(0, CScript([OP_RETURN, b'\x00unsuccessful double-spend attempt\x00']))

if args.multisig:
    multisig_txout = CMutableTxOut(args.dust,
            CScript([1, x('0378d430274f8c5ec1321338151e9f27f4c676a008bdf8638d07c0b6be9ab35c71'),
                     2, OP_CHECKMULTISIG]))
Exemplo n.º 41
  def test_send_script_spend(self):
    Run more in-depth execution checks on the script generated for the send transaction
    sender_private_key = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(x('4f65da9b656de4036076911707d2b2dbf065689245b8674faa8790e36d7e5850'))
    sender_public_key = sender_private_key.pub
    recipient_private_key = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(x('cfe8e33672f7045f020210f3c7afbca660e053e4c9415c542ff185e97b175cf0'))
    recipient_public_key = recipient_private_key.pub
    secret = x('88d6e51f777b0b8dc0f429da9f372fbc')
    secret_hash = Hash(secret)
    send_to_key = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(x('15a249b4c09286b877d4708191f1ee8de09903bae034dd9dc8e3286451fa1c80'))
    send_to_address = P2PKHBitcoinAddress.from_pubkey(send_to_key.pub)
    random_tx_id = x('8390b4c8198198c6447da1a6fad498209436a785459936b95a1e3b63618c1d8a')
    value = 10 * COIN

    send_tx_script_pub_key = build_send_out_script(sender_public_key, recipient_public_key, secret_hash)

    send_txins = [CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(random_tx_id, 0))]
    send_txouts = [CMutableTxOut(value, send_tx_script_pub_key)]
    send_tx = CMutableTransaction(send_txins, send_txouts)

    # Test the standard spend transaction

    txins = [CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(Hash(send_tx.serialize()), 0))]
    txouts = [CMutableTxOut(value, send_to_address.to_scriptPubKey())]
    recv_tx = CMutableTransaction(txins, txouts)

    sighash = SignatureHash(send_tx_script_pub_key, recv_tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
    recipient_sig = recipient_private_key.sign(sighash) + (b'\x01') # bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
    recv_tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([secret, 0, recipient_sig, recipient_public_key])

    VerifyScript(recv_tx.vin[0].scriptSig, send_tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey, recv_tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))

    # Test a refund transaction
    refund_tx = CMutableTransaction(txins, txouts)

    sighash = SignatureHash(send_tx_script_pub_key, refund_tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
    sender_sig = sender_private_key.sign(sighash) + (b'\x01') # bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
    recipient_sig = recipient_private_key.sign(sighash) + (b'\x01') # bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
    refund_tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([sender_sig, sender_public_key, 1, recipient_sig, recipient_public_key])

    VerifyScript(refund_tx.vin[0].scriptSig, send_tx_script_pub_key, refund_tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))

    # Test invalid transactions are rejected

    invalid_tx = CMutableTransaction(txins, txouts)

    sighash = SignatureHash(send_tx_script_pub_key, invalid_tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
    sender_sig = sender_private_key.sign(sighash) + (b'\x01') # bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
    recipient_sig = recipient_private_key.sign(sighash) + (b'\x01') # bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])

    invalid_tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([])
    with self.assertRaises(MissingOpArgumentsError):
      VerifyScript(invalid_tx.vin[0].scriptSig, send_tx_script_pub_key, invalid_tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))

    invalid_tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([recipient_sig, recipient_public_key, 0])
    with self.assertRaises(VerifyOpFailedError):
      VerifyScript(invalid_tx.vin[0].scriptSig, send_tx_script_pub_key, invalid_tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))

    invalid_tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([recipient_sig, recipient_public_key, 1])
    with self.assertRaises(VerifyOpFailedError):
      VerifyScript(invalid_tx.vin[0].scriptSig, send_tx_script_pub_key, invalid_tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))

    invalid_tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([recipient_sig, recipient_public_key, 1, recipient_sig, recipient_public_key])
    with self.assertRaises(VerifyOpFailedError):
      VerifyScript(invalid_tx.vin[0].scriptSig, send_tx_script_pub_key, invalid_tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))

    invalid_tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([sender_sig, sender_public_key, 1, sender_sig, sender_public_key])
    with self.assertRaises(VerifyOpFailedError):
      VerifyScript(invalid_tx.vin[0].scriptSig, send_tx_script_pub_key, invalid_tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))
Exemplo n.º 42
    args.txid = lx(args.txid)
except ValueError as err:
    parser.error('Invalid txid: %s' % str(err))

if len(args.txid) != 32:
    parser.error('Invalid txid: Wrong length.')

except IndexError as err:
    parser.exit('Invalid txid: Not in wallet.')

txinfo = rpc.getrawtransaction(args.txid, True)
tx = CMutableTransaction.from_tx(txinfo['tx'])

if 'confirmations' in txinfo and txinfo['confirmations'] > 0:
    parser.exit("Transaction already mined; %d confirmations." % txinfo['confirmations'])

# Find a txout that was being used for change
change_txout = None
for vout in tx.vout:
        addr = CBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(vout.scriptPubKey)
    except ValueError:

    if rpc.validateaddress(addr)['ismine']:
        change_txout = vout
# transaction hashes are shown little-endian rather than the usual big-endian.
# There's also a corresponding x() convenience function that takes big-endian
# hex and converts it to bytes.
txid = lx('bff785da9f8169f49be92fa95e31f0890c385bfb1bd24d6b94d7900057c617ae')
vout = 0

# Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint. The scriptSig
# defaults to being empty.
txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, vout))

# Create the txout. This time we create the scriptPubKey from a Bitcoin
# address.
txout = CMutableTxOut(0.0005*COIN, CBitcoinAddress('323uf9MgLaSn9T7vDaK1cGAZ2qpvYUuqSp').to_scriptPubKey())

# Create the unsigned transaction.
tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])

# Calculate the signature hash for that transaction. Note how the script we use
# is the redeemScript, not the scriptPubKey. That's because when the CHECKSIG
# operation happens EvalScript() will be evaluating the redeemScript, so the
# corresponding SignatureHash() function will use that same script when it
# replaces the scriptSig in the transaction being hashed with the script being
# executed.
sighash = SignatureHash(txin_redeemScript, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)

# Now sign it. We have to append the type of signature we want to the end, in
# this case the usual SIGHASH_ALL.
sig = seckey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])

# Set the scriptSig of our transaction input appropriately.
txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, txin_redeemScript])
Exemplo n.º 44
            if unspent_tx.vout[0].nValue < args.amount:

            if check_full_rbf_optin(unspent_tx):
                tx1 = unspent_tx
                logging.info('Found unconfirmed full-RBF tx1 %s' % b2lx(txid))


        logging.info('No unconfirmed full-RBF tx1 found; creating new tx')

tx2 = CMutableTransaction.from_tx(tx1) if tx1 is not None else CMutableTransaction()

# There might be a better way to fund the new outputs, so delete all but the
# first input. Of course, we can't delete all the inputs - the new transaction
# wouldn't conflict with the old one and you'd pay everyone twice!
tx2.vin = tx2.vin[0:1]

if not args.first_seen_safe and len(tx2.vout) > 0:
    # Delete the change output.
    # Unfortunately there isn't any way to ask Bitcoin Core if a given address
    # is a change address; if you're sending yourself funds to test the feature
    # it's not possible to distinguish change from send-to-self outputs.
    # So instead we always build transactions such that the first output is
    # change, and we delete only that output. Not pretty - you don't want to do