Exemplo n.º 1
def test_bad_signature():
    wif = 'L2Ai1TBwKfyPshmqosKRBvJ47qUCDKesfZXh2zLoYoB7NHgdPS6d'
    key = bitjws.PrivateKey(bitjws.wif_to_privkey(wif))
    assert bitjws.privkey_to_wif(key.private_key) == wif

    ser = bitjws.sign_serialize(key)
    # Drop the last byte from the signature.
    ser = ser[:-1]
    with pytest.raises(bitjws.jws.InvalidMessage):
        # It will fail to decode as base64 due to padding.
    # Drop another byte.
    ser = ser[:-1]
    with pytest.raises(bitjws.jws.InvalidMessage):
        # Although it can be decoded now, the length is incorrect.

    # Replace the signature by something that has the correct
    # length before decoding but becomes invalid after it.
    dummy = bitjws.base64url_encode(b'a' * 88)
    ser = ser[:ser.rfind('.')] + '.' + dummy.decode('utf8')
    with pytest.raises(bitjws.jws.InvalidMessage):
        # Now it fails because the dummy signature above produces
        # 66 bytes (instead of 65) after being decoded.
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _load_config(self, config):
        if ENVCFG in os.environ:
            logging.info("Loading config from {}".format(ENVCFG))
            data = json.load(open(os.getenv(ENVCFG)))
            logging.warn("{} not defined".format(ENVCFG))
        if isinstance(config, dict):

        if not self.config.get('api_signing_key'):
            raise Exception("Invalid config: missing api_signing_key")
        # Server key used to sign responses. The client can optionally
        # check that the response was signed by a key it knows to belong
        # to this server.
        self._privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey(
        logging.info("Server key address: {}".format(

        self._cosigner_server = self.config.get('cosigner_server')
        if not self._cosigner_server:
            logging.warning("cosigner_server not present in config, "
                            "cosigning will not be available.")

        self._dbcfg = self.config.get('api_database')
        if not self._dbcfg:
            raise Exception("Invalid config: missing api_database")
        if 'engine' not in self._dbcfg:
            raise Exception("Invalid config for api_databae: missing 'engine'")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def from_spec(cls, spec_dict, origin_url=None, http_client=None,
                  privkey=None, **kwargs):
        Build a :class:`SwaggerClient` from swagger api docs

        :param spec_dict: a dict with a Swagger spec in json-like form
        :param origin_url: the url used to retrieve the spec_dict
        :type  origin_url: str
        :param http_client: an HTTP client used to perform requests
        :type  http_client: :class:`bravado.http_client.HttpClient`
        :param str privkey: The WIF private key to use for bitjws signing
        if privkey is None:
            privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey()
        elif isinstance(privkey, str):
            privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey(bitjws.wif_to_privkey(privkey))

        if http_client is None:
            host = urlparse.urlsplit(origin_url).hostname
            http_client = BitJWSRequestsClient()
            private_key = bitjws.privkey_to_wif(privkey.private_key)
            http_client.set_bitjws_key(host, private_key)

        return SwaggerClient.from_spec(spec_dict, http_client=http_client,
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_init_basepath():
    privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey(bitjws.wif_to_privkey(wif))
    fbj = FlaskBitjws(server.app, privkey=privkey, basepath="/v3")
    app = server.app.test_client()
    import time
    user = app.post('/echo', data={'username': str(time.time)})
    assert user.status_code == 401
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_bad_signature():
    wif = 'L2Ai1TBwKfyPshmqosKRBvJ47qUCDKesfZXh2zLoYoB7NHgdPS6d'
    key = bitjws.PrivateKey(bitjws.wif_to_privkey(wif))
    assert bitjws.privkey_to_wif(key.private_key) == wif

    ser = bitjws.sign_serialize(key)
    # Drop the last byte from the signature.
    ser = ser[:-1]
    with pytest.raises(bitjws.jws.InvalidMessage):
        # It will fail to decode as base64 due to padding.
    # Drop another byte.
    ser = ser[:-1]
    with pytest.raises(bitjws.jws.InvalidMessage):
        # Although it can be decoded now, the length is incorrect.

    # Replace the signature by something that has the correct
    # length before decoding but becomes invalid after it.
    dummy = bitjws.base64url_encode(b'a' * 88)
    ser = ser[:ser.rfind('.')] + '.' + dummy.decode('utf8')
    with pytest.raises(bitjws.jws.InvalidMessage):
        # Now it fails because the dummy signature above produces
        # 66 bytes (instead of 65) after being decoded.
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_init_PrivateKey():
    privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey(bitjws.wif_to_privkey(wif))

    client = BitJWSSwaggerClient.from_spec(load_file(specurl),
    assert 'coin' in client.swagger_spec.definitions
    assert 'user' in client.swagger_spec.definitions
    ckey = client.coin.addCoin.swagger_spec.http_client.authenticator.privkey
    assert isinstance(ckey, bitjws.PrivateKey)
    assert bitjws.privkey_to_wif(privkey.private_key) == \
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_init_url_PrivateKey():
    privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey(bitjws.wif_to_privkey(wif))

    url = "http://spec.com/swagger.json"
    spec = load_file(specurl)
    httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, url,

    client = BitJWSSwaggerClient.from_url(url, privkey=privkey)
    assert 'coin' in client.swagger_spec.definitions
    assert 'user' in client.swagger_spec.definitions
    ckey = client.coin.addCoin.swagger_spec.http_client.authenticator.privkey
    assert isinstance(ckey, bitjws.PrivateKey)
    assert bitjws.privkey_to_wif(privkey.private_key) == bitjws.privkey_to_wif(ckey.private_key)

Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, app, privkey=None,
        Initialize a flask-bitjws Application with optional LoginManager.
        If you do not provide your own LoginManager one will be created.

        Create or set the private key to use with this application.

        :param str app: The flask application
        :param str privkey: the bitjws private key to use for signing responses
        :param flask.ext.login.LoginManager loginmanager: An optional LoginManager
        :param function get_last_nonce: A function to overwrite this class's stub.
        :param function get_user_by_key: A function to overwrite this class's stub.
        :param str basepath: The public basepath this app is deployed on.
             (only preceding slash required i.e. '/path')
        if privkey is not None and isinstance(privkey, str):
            self._privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey(bitjws.wif_to_privkey(privkey))
        elif privkey is not None and isinstance(privkey, bitjws.PrivateKey):
            self._privkey = privkey
            self._privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey()
        self.pubkey = bitjws.pubkey_to_addr(self._privkey.pubkey.serialize())

        if loginmanager is None:
            loginmanager = login.LoginManager()
            loginmanager.anonymous_user = login.AnonymousUserMixin

        self.get_last_nonce = get_last_nonce
        self.get_user_by_key = get_user_by_key

        self.basepath = basepath

        app.bitjws = self
Exemplo n.º 9
    def from_url(cls, spec_url, http_client=None, privkey=None, **kwargs):
        Build a :class:`SwaggerClient` from a url to the Swagger
        specification for a RESTful API.

        :param spec_url: url pointing at the swagger API specification
        :type spec_url: str
        :param http_client: an HTTP client used to perform requests
        :type  http_client: :class:`bravado.http_client.HttpClient`
        if privkey is None:
            privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey()
        elif isinstance(privkey, str):
            privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey(bitjws.wif_to_privkey(privkey))

        if http_client is None:
            host = urlparse.urlsplit(spec_url).hostname
            http_client = BitJWSRequestsClient()
            private_key = bitjws.privkey_to_wif(privkey.private_key)
            http_client.set_bitjws_key(host, private_key)
        return SwaggerClient.from_url(spec_url, http_client=http_client,
Exemplo n.º 10
# Install requirements: pip install requests
import requests
import bitjws

# Load existing private key. In this example the server always
# create a new private key while the client loads an existing one.
wif = "KxZUqanyzZEGptbauar66cQo8bfGHwDauHogkxCaqTeMGY1stH6E"
priv = bitjws.wif_to_privkey(wif)
privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey(priv)
assert wif == bitjws.privkey_to_wif(privkey.private_key)
# The resulting bitcoin address can be derived for debugging
# purposes.
my_pubkey = privkey.pubkey.serialize()
my_address = bitjws.pubkey_to_addr(my_pubkey)
assert my_address == "1G9sChbyDSmuAXNVpjuRwakTmcHdxKGqpp"
print("My WIF key: {}".format(wif))
print("My key address: {}".format(my_address))

# Prepare a request to be sent. This one uses a single custom
# parameter named 'echo'.
echo_msg = "hello"
data = bitjws.sign_serialize(privkey, echo=echo_msg)
# Send and receive signed requests.
resp = requests.post("http://localhost:8001/", data=data)
headers, payload = bitjws.validate_deserialize(resp.content.decode("utf8"))
print(headers)  # headers['kid'] contains the key used by the server.

# In this example the server returns a response containing the
# echo parameter specified earlier and also a param named 'address'.
assert payload["echo"] == echo_msg
Exemplo n.º 11
# Install requirements: pip install requests
import requests
import bitjws

# Load existing private key. In this example the server always
# create a new private key while the client loads an existing one.
wif = "KxZUqanyzZEGptbauar66cQo8bfGHwDauHogkxCaqTeMGY1stH6E"
priv = bitjws.wif_to_privkey(wif)
privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey(priv)
assert wif == bitjws.privkey_to_wif(privkey.private_key)
# The resulting bitcoin address can be derived for debugging
# purposes.
my_pubkey = privkey.pubkey.serialize()
my_address = bitjws.pubkey_to_addr(my_pubkey)
assert my_address == "1G9sChbyDSmuAXNVpjuRwakTmcHdxKGqpp"
print("My WIF key: {}".format(wif))
print("My key address: {}".format(my_address))

# Prepare a request to be sent. This one uses a single custom
# parameter named 'echo'.
echo_msg = 'hello'
data = bitjws.sign_serialize(privkey, echo=echo_msg)
# Send and receive signed requests.
resp = requests.post('http://localhost:8001/', data=data)
headers, payload = bitjws.validate_deserialize(resp.content.decode('utf8'))
print(headers)  # headers['kid'] contains the key used by the server.

# In this example the server returns a response containing the
# echo parameter specified earlier and also a param named 'address'.
assert payload['echo'] == echo_msg
Exemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, host, privkey):
     super(BitJWSAuthenticator, self).__init__(host)
     self.privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey(bitjws.wif_to_privkey(privkey))
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_init_PrivateKey():
    privkey = bitjws.PrivateKey(bitjws.wif_to_privkey(wif))
    app = Flask(__name__)
    fbj = FlaskBitjws(app, privkey=privkey)
    assert wif == bitjws.privkey_to_wif(app.bitjws._privkey.private_key)