Exemplo n.º 1
def bruteforce(graph):
    max_size = 0
    max_is = None
    for subset in subsets(graph.vertices):
        if size(subset) > max_size and is_independent(graph, subset):
            max_is = subset
            max_size = size(subset)
    return max_is
Exemplo n.º 2
 def save(self, filename):
     with open(filename, 'w') as f:
         f.write('p edges {} {}\n'.format(size(self.vertices), len(list(self.edges))))
             'n {}\n'.format(index(v)) for v in self
             'e {} {}\n'.format(index(v), index(w)) for v, w in self.edges
Exemplo n.º 3
def heuristic(graph):
    subset = 0
    while is_independent(graph, subset):
        # Find valid vertex with the least new neighbors
        existing_neighbors = graph(subset)
        min_new_neighbors = Infinity
        new_vertex = None
        for v in iterate(subtract(graph.vertices, subset)):
            if not graph(v) & subset:
                new_neighbors = subtract(graph(v), existing_neighbors)
                if size(new_neighbors) < min_new_neighbors:
                    min_new_neighbors = size(new_neighbors)
                    new_vertex = v

        if new_vertex == None:
            return subset
            subset |= new_vertex
Exemplo n.º 4
def greedy_step(G, left, right, un_left, booldim_left, un_table, bound):
    best_vertex = None
    best_booldim = Infinity
    best_un = None

    if size(right) == 1:
        return right, {0}, 1

    assert size(right) > 1

    candidates = get_neighborhood_2(G.neighborhoods, left) & right

    # Trivial cases are slow
    for v in iterate(candidates):
        if trivial_case(G.neighborhoods, left, right, v):
            new_un = increment_un(G, left, un_left, v)
            new_booldim = len(new_un)
            return v, new_un, new_booldim

    for v in iterate(candidates):
        if left | v not in un_table:
            un_table[left | v] = increment_un(G, left, un_left, v)
        new_un = un_table[left | v]
        new_booldim = len(new_un)

        # Apply pruning
        if new_booldim >= bound:
            # print('pruning')

        if new_booldim < best_booldim:
            best_vertex = v
            best_booldim = new_booldim
            best_un = new_un

    # If nothing found
    if best_vertex == None:
        best_un = increment_un(G, left, un_left, v)
        best_booldim = len(best_un)
        best_vertex = v

    assert best_vertex != None
    return best_vertex, best_un, best_booldim
Exemplo n.º 5
    def split(self, v, w):
        """Split edge between two vertices."""
        if not v in self:
            raise ValueError
        if not w in self:
            raise ValueError

        if w == v:
            raise ValueError('{} and {} are the same vertex.'.format(v, w))

        if contains(self(v), w):
            raise ValueError('{} and {} are not connected.'.format(v, w))

        # Only support undirected edges
        assert contains(self(w), v)

        new = bit(size(self.vertices))
        self.disconnect(v, w)
        self.connect(v, new)
        self.connect(w, new)
Exemplo n.º 6
def incremental_un_heuristic(G):
    lboolw_components = []
    decomposition_components = []

    for component in components(G):
        best_lboolw = Infinity
        best_decomposition = None
        for i, start in enumerate([first(component)]):
        #for i, start in enumerate(iterate(component)):
            print('{}th starting vertex'.format(i))
            right = subtract(component, start)
            left = start
            un_left = increment_un(G, 0, {0}, start)
            booldim_left = 1

            decomposition = [start]
            lboolw = len(un_left)

            for _ in range(size(component) - 1):
                best_vertex, best_un, _ = greedy_step(G, left, right, un_left,
                                                      booldim_left, {}, Infinity)
                booldim_left = len(best_un)
                lboolw = max(lboolw, booldim_left)
                un_left = best_un

                right = subtract(right, best_vertex)
                left = left | best_vertex

            if lboolw < best_lboolw:
                best_lboolw = lboolw
                best_decomposition = decomposition

    total_lboolw = max(lboolw_components)
    total_decomposition = [v for part in decomposition_components for v in part]

    return total_lboolw, total_decomposition
Exemplo n.º 7
#grid = matrix_to_dict([
    #[0, 0, 5, 5, 5],
    #[0, 0, 0, 1, 5],
    #[2, 2, 4, 1, 5],
    #[3, 2, 3, 1, 5],
    #[3, 3, 3, 3, 6],

while 1:
    width = randint(5, 25)
    height = randint(5, 25)
    max_field_size = randint(5, 25)
    grid = random_walk(width, height, max_field_size)

    graph = PixelGraph(grid)
    width, decomposition = incremental_un_heuristic(graph)
    heuristic_solution = heuristic(graph)
    exact_solution = from_decomposition(graph, decomposition)
    if size(heuristic_solution) < size(exact_solution) / 1.2:

#Possible engines: dot, neato, fdp, sfdp, twopi, circo
plot(graph, 'neato')

#print(tostring(from_decomposition(graph, iterate(graph.vertices))))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __len__(self):
     """Iterate over all vertices."""
     return size(self.vertices)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def density(self):
     n = size(self.vertices)
     m = len(list(self.edges))
     return float(2 * m) / float(n * (n - 1))
Exemplo n.º 10
 def add(collection, solution):
     key = graph(solution) & right
     if key not in collection or size(collection[key]) < size(solution):
         collection[key] = solution
Exemplo n.º 11
#grid = matrix_to_dict([
    #[0, 0, 5, 5, 5],
    #[0, 0, 0, 1, 5],
    #[2, 2, 4, 1, 5],
    #[3, 2, 3, 1, 5],
    #[3, 3, 3, 3, 6],

while 1:
    width = randint(5, 35)
    height = 40 - width
    max_field_size = randint(5, 25)
    grid = random_walk(width, height, max_field_size)

    graph = PixelGraph(grid)
    width, decomposition = incremental_un_heuristic(graph)
    heuristic_solution = heuristic(graph)
    exact_solution = from_decomposition(graph, decomposition)
    if size(heuristic_solution) < size(exact_solution) - 3:

#Possible engines: dot, neato, fdp, sfdp, twopi, circo
plot(graph, 'neato')

#print(tostring(from_decomposition(graph, iterate(graph.vertices))))