Exemplo n.º 1
    def user_trades(self,
        """Get a list of the user's transactions

           book (str):
            Specifies which order book to get user trades from. 
          marker (str, optional):
            Returns objects that are older or newer (depending on 'sort') than the object which
            has the marker value as ID
          limit (int, optional):
            Limit the number of results to parameter value, max=100, default=25
          sort (str, optional):
            Sorting by datetime: 'asc', 'desc'
            Defuault is 'desc'
          A list bitso.UserTrade instances.        

        url = '%s/user_trades/' % self.base_url
        if isinstance(tids, int):
            tids = str(tids)
        if isinstance(tids, basestring):
            tids = [tids]
        tids = map(str, tids)
        if tids:
            url += '%s/' % ('-'.join(tids))
        parameters = {}
        if book:
            parameters['book'] = book
        if marker:
            parameters['marker'] = marker
        if limit:
            parameters['limit'] = limit
        if sort:
            if not isinstance(sort, basestring) or sort.lower() not in [
                    'asc', 'desc'
                raise ApiClientError(
                    {u'message': u"sort is not 'asc' or 'desc' "})
            parameters['sort'] = sort
        resp = self._request_url(url, 'GET', params=parameters, private=True)
        return [UserTrade._NewFromJsonDict(x) for x in resp['payload']]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def user_trades(self, tids=[], book=None, marker=None, limit=25, sort='desc'):
        """Get a list of the user's transactions

           book (str):
            Specifies which order book to get user trades from. 
          marker (str, optional):
            Returns objects that are older or newer (depending on 'sort') than the object which
            has the marker value as ID
          limit (int, optional):
            Limit the number of results to parameter value, max=100, default=25
          sort (str, optional):
            Sorting by datetime: 'asc', 'desc'
            Defuault is 'desc'
          A list bitso.UserTrade instances.        

        url = '%s/user_trades/' % self.base_url
        if isinstance(tids, int):
            tids = str(tids)
        if isinstance(tids, basestring):
            tids = [tids]
        tids = map(str, tids)
        if tids:
            url+='%s/' % ('-'.join(tids))            
        if book:
            url+='?book=%s' % book
        parameters = {}
        if marker:
            parameters['marker'] = marker
        if limit:
            parameters['limit'] = limit
        if sort:
            if not isinstance(sort, basestring) or sort.lower() not in ['asc', 'desc']:
                 raise ApiClientError({u'message': u"sort is not 'asc' or 'desc' "})
            parameters['sort'] = sort
        resp = self._request_url(url, 'GET', params=parameters, private=True)
        return [UserTrade._NewFromJsonDict(x) for x in resp['payload']]
Exemplo n.º 3
 def order_trades(self, oid):
     url = '%s/order_trades/%s' % (self.base_url, oid)
     resp = self._request_url(url, 'GET', params={}, private=True)
     return [UserTrade._NewFromJsonDict(x) for x in resp['payload']]
Exemplo n.º 4
 def order_trades(self, oid):
     url = '%s/order_trades/%s' % (self.base_url, oid)
     resp = self._request_url(url, 'GET', params={}, private=True)
     return [UserTrade._NewFromJsonDict(x) for x in resp['payload']]