Exemplo n.º 1
    async def get_stake_for_uid(self, uid) -> Balance:
        stake = await self.substrate.get_runtime_state(
            module='SubtensorModule', storage_function='Stake', params=[uid])

        if not stake:
            return Balance(0)

        return Balance(stake['result'])
Exemplo n.º 2
    async def get_balance(self, address):
        logger.debug("Getting balance for: {}", address)
        result = await self.substrate.get_runtime_state(

        balance_info = result.get('result')
        if not balance_info:
            logger.debug("{} has no balance", address)
            return Balance(0)

        balance = balance_info['data']['free']
        logger.debug("{} has {} rao", address, balance)
        return Balance(balance)
Exemplo n.º 3
async def test_get_balance_no_balance(setup_chain):
    hotkeypair = generate_keypair()
    client = connect(hotkeypair,setup_chain)

    await client.is_connected()

    result = await client.get_balance(hotkeypair.ss58_address)
    assert result == Balance(0)
Exemplo n.º 4
async def add_stake(port, coldkeypair : Keypair, hotkeypair : Keypair, amount : Balance):
    client = connect(coldkeypair, port)
    await client.is_connected()

    # Get the uid of the new neuron
    uid = await client.get_uid_for_pubkey(hotkeypair.public_key)
    assert uid is not None

    # Get the amount of stake, should be 0
    result = await client.get_stake_for_uid(uid)
    assert int(result) == int(Balance(0))

    # Add stake to new neuron
    await client.add_stake(amount, hotkeypair.public_key)
Exemplo n.º 5
async def test_add_stake_success(setup_chain):
    coldkeypair = Keypair.create_from_uri("//Alice")
    hotkeypair  = generate_keypair()

    client = connect(hotkeypair, setup_chain)
    await client.is_connected()

    # Subscribe a new neuron with the hotkey
    await client.subscribe("", 6666, 0, coldkeypair.public_key)
    await asyncio.sleep(10)

    # Now switch the connection the use the coldkey

    client = connect(coldkeypair, setup_chain)
    await client.is_connected()

    # Get the uid of the new neuron
    uid = await client.get_uid_for_pubkey(hotkeypair.public_key)
    assert uid is not None

    # Get the amount of stake, should be 0
    result = await client.get_stake_for_uid(uid)
    assert int (result) == int(Balance(0))

    # Add stake to new neuron
    result = await client.add_stake(Balance(4000), hotkeypair.public_key)

    assert result is not None
    assert 'extrinsic_hash' in result

    # Wait for the extrinsic to complete
    await asyncio.sleep(10)

    # Get the amount of stake
    result = await client.get_stake_for_uid(uid)
    assert int(result) == int(Balance(4000))
Exemplo n.º 6
async def test_get_stake_for_uid___has_stake(setup_chain):
    hotkeyp = generate_keypair()
    coldkeyp = Keypair.create_from_uri("//Alice")

    client = connect(hotkeyp,setup_chain)
    await client.is_connected()

    await client.subscribe("", 667, 0, coldkeyp.public_key)
    await asyncio.sleep(10)

    uid = await client.get_uid_for_pubkey(hotkeyp.public_key)

    await add_stake(setup_chain, coldkeyp, hotkeyp, Balance(4000))
    await asyncio.sleep(10)

    result = await client.get_stake_for_uid(uid)
    assert int(result) == 4000
Exemplo n.º 7
async def test_transfer_success(setup_chain):
    coldkey_alice = Keypair.create_from_uri("//Alice")
    coldkey_bob = Keypair.create_from_uri("//Bob")

    client = connect(coldkey_alice, setup_chain)
    await client.is_connected()

    balance_alice = await client.get_balance(coldkey_alice.ss58_address)
    balance_bob   = await client.get_balance(coldkey_bob.ss58_address)

    result = await client.transfer(coldkey_bob.public_key, Balance(pow(10, 4)))
    assert result is not None
    assert 'extrinsic_hash' in result

    # Wait until extrinsic is processed
    await asyncio.sleep(10)

    balance_alice_new = await client.get_balance(coldkey_alice.ss58_address)
    balance_bob_new = await client.get_balance(coldkey_bob.ss58_address)

    assert balance_alice_new < balance_alice
    assert balance_bob_new > balance_bob
Exemplo n.º 8
async def test_unstake_success(setup_chain):
    coldkeypair = Keypair.create_from_uri("//Alice")
    hotkeypair = generate_keypair()

    hotkey_client = connect(hotkeypair,setup_chain)
    await hotkey_client.is_connected()

    # Subscribe a new neuron with the hotkey
    await hotkey_client.subscribe("", 6666, 0, coldkeypair.public_key)
    await asyncio.sleep(10)

    # Now switch the connection the use the coldkey

    coldkey_client = connect(coldkeypair, setup_chain)
    await coldkey_client.is_connected()

    # Get the uid of the new neuron
    uid = await coldkey_client.get_uid_for_pubkey(hotkeypair.public_key)
    assert uid is not None

    # Get the amount of stake, should be 0
    result = await coldkey_client.get_stake_for_uid(uid)
    assert int(result) == int(Balance(0))

    # Get the balance for the cold key, we use this for later comparison
    balance = await coldkey_client.get_balance(coldkeypair.public_key)

    # Add stake to new neuron
    result = await coldkey_client.add_stake(Balance(4000), hotkeypair.public_key)

    assert result is not None
    assert 'extrinsic_hash' in result

    # Wait for the extrinsic to complete
    await asyncio.sleep(10)

    # Get current balance, should be 4000 less than first balance
    result = await coldkey_client.get_balance(coldkeypair.ss58_address)
    assert int(result) == int(balance) - 4000

    # Get the amount of stake, should be 4000
    result = await coldkey_client.get_stake_for_uid(uid)
    assert int(result) == int(Balance(4000))

    # Now do the actual unstake

    # Reconnect with coldkey account
    coldkey_client =  connect(coldkeypair, setup_chain)
    await coldkey_client.is_connected()

    # Do unstake
    result = await coldkey_client.unstake(Balance(4000), hotkeypair.public_key)
    assert result is not None
    assert 'extrinsic_hash' in result

    await asyncio.sleep(10)

    # Check if balance is the same as what we started with
    new_balance = await coldkey_client.get_balance(coldkeypair.ss58_address)
    assert int(new_balance) == int(balance)