Exemplo n.º 1
class bittrex_public:
    def __init__(self):
        self.bittrex_public = Bittrex(None, None)  # 公開情報を扱うBittrexオブジェクト

    # 取引可能通貨サマリ一覧をList型で返す
    def get_coin_summery_list(self):
        coin_summery_list = []
        response = self.bittrex_public.get_markets()

        for item in response['result']:
            coin_summery = str(item['MarketCurrencyLong'])

        return coin_summery_list

    # 通貨の最小取引単位取得
    def get_min_trade_size(self, market):
        response = self.bittrex_public.get_markets()
        for item in response['result']:
            if item['MarketCurrency'] == market:
                return item['MinTradeSize']

        return False

    # 通貨の終値取得
    def get_last_price(self, market):
        response = self.bittrex_public.get_marketsummary(market)
        return response['result'][0]['Last']
Exemplo n.º 2
class BittrexClient:
    def __init__(self, config: BittrexConfig) -> None:
        self.config = config.value
        self.bitrex_client = Bittrex(api_key="XXXXXXXXXXXXXX",

    def get_available_coin_volume(self) -> None:
        coins = self.config['available_coins']
        for coin in coins:
            btc_volume_dict = self.bitrex_client.get_balance(coin)
            # data = json.load(btc_volume_json)
            btc_volume_dict = self._parse_result(btc_volume_dict)
            # for header, value in btc_volume_dict.items():
            #     print("{x} {y}".format(x=header, y=value))
            # if btc_volume_dict.get('Available'):
            #     print('Available {0:} in your account is {1:0.10f}'.format(coin, btc_volume_dict.get('Available')))
            # else:
            #     print('Available {0:} in your account is {1:}'.format(coin, btc_volume_dict.get('Available')))

    def get_current_market(self) -> dict:
        markets = self.config['monitor_markets']
        result = dict()
        for market in markets:
            market_name = None
            while market != market_name:
                market_name, ask_value = self.get_market(market)
            result.update({market_name: ask_value})
        return result

    def get_market(self, market: str) -> tuple:
        result = dict()
        market_value = self.bitrex_client.get_marketsummary(market=market)
        market_value = self._parse_result(market_value)
        ask_value = market_value[0].get('Last')
        market_name = market_value[0].get('MarketName')
        print("Last Traded value of {0:} : {1:0.10f} BTC".format(
            market_name, ask_value))
        result[market_name] = ask_value
        return market_name, ask_value

    def _parse_result(raw_response: dict) -> dict:
        # Todo: check response status to be success
        response = raw_response['result']
        return response
Exemplo n.º 3
class TradeBot():
    def __init__(self, key=None, secret=None, **kwargs):
        self.exchange = Bittrex(key, secret)
        self.orders = []
        # Default config
        config = {
            'base_currency': 'ETH',
            'min_order': 0.001,
            'max_order': 0.05,
            'sleep_time': 60,
            'profit': 2,
            'min_volume': 75,
            'max_units': 100
        # Update config from object constructor
        # Set attributes based on config
        for attr in config.keys():
            setattr(self, attr, config[attr])

    def get_markets(self):
        logging.info(f'Getting markets for {self.base_currency}')
        all_markets = self.exchange.get_markets()['result']
        markets = set()
        for mkt in all_markets:
            if mkt['BaseCurrency'] == self.base_currency:
        return markets

    def get_coins_with_open_orders(self):
        open_orders = self.exchange.get_open_orders()['result']
        if len(open_orders) == 0:
            return []
            return [x['Exchange'] for x in open_orders]

    def get_market_data(self):
        mkt_data = []
        for mkt in self.markets:
            logging.info(f'Getting market data for {mkt}')
            data = self.exchange.get_marketsummary(mkt)['result'][0]
            data['Change'] = calculate_change(data['Last'], data['Low'])
        return mkt_data

    def has_balance_to_buy(self):
        logging.info('checking if we have some balance to buy')
        q = self.exchange.get_balance(self.base_currency)
        # balance_adjustment to avoid INSUFFICIENT FUNDS MESSAGE
        balance_adjustment = 0.0005
        self.balance = q['result']['Available'] - balance_adjustment
        logging.debug(f'{self.balance}{self.base_currency} available')
        if self.balance >= self.min_order:
            return True
            return False

    def get_market_to_buy(self):
        mkt = [
            m for m in self.market_data if m['BaseVolume'] >= self.min_volume
        sorted_mkt = sorted(mkt, key=lambda x: x['BaseVolume'], reverse=True)
        while sorted_mkt[0]['MarketName'] in self.coins_with_open_orders:
        return sorted_mkt[0]

    def buy(self, mkt):
        coin = mkt['MarketName']
        # get a price between ask and bid
        price = (mkt['Ask'] + mkt['Bid']) / 2
        if self.balance > self.max_order:
            qnt = self.max_order / price
            qnt = self.balance / price
        if qnt > self.max_units:
            qnt = self.max_units
        if (qnt * price) < self.min_order:
            qnt = self.min_order / price
        logging.info(f'BUY {qnt} {coin} - price {price}, total {price * qnt}')
        order = self.exchange.buy_limit(coin, qnt, price)
        if order['success']:
            logging.error(f'BUY FAIL - {order}')
        return (order)

    def sell(self):
        for order in self.orders:
            order_info = self.exchange.get_order(order)['result']
            if order_info['Closed']:
                coin = order_info['Exchange']
                qnt = order_info['Quantity']
                price = profit(order_info['PricePerUnit'], self.profit)
                sell_order = self.exchange.sell_limit(coin, qnt, price)
                logging.info(f'SELL {order} {sell_order}')

    def update(self):
        logging.info('Updating data')
        self.markets = self.get_markets()
        self.market_data = self.get_market_data()
        self.coins_with_open_orders = self.get_coins_with_open_orders()

    def do_trade(self):
        if self.has_balance_to_buy():
        if len(self.orders) > 0:
        logging.info(f'Sleeping for {self.sleep_time} seconds')

    def run(self):
        logging.info('Starting Bot')
        while True:
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_summary(message):
    my_bittrex = Bittrex(None, None)
    return (my_bittrex.get_marketsummary('BTC-' + str(message)))
Exemplo n.º 5
class BittrexBuysellWorker(object):
    def __init__(self, key=None, secret=None, token=None):
        self.EXCHANGE_RATE = 0.9975  # 0.25% for each trading transaction
        self.api = Bittrex(key, secret)
        self.token = token
            m = self.api.get_market_summaries()
            #print m
            market_list = []
            for market in m.get("result"):
            #print marketlist
            print "Error: Cannot get market summaries"
        self.market_list = market_list

    def w_get_api(self):
		Get balance of a coin
		:return: api Bittrex.py
		:rtype : Bittrex class
        return self.api

    def w_get_balance(self, coin):
		Get balance of a coin
		:return: current balance value
		:rtype : float
            m = self.api.get_balance(coin)
            print m
            if (m.get("success")):
                v = m.get("result").get("Balance")
                return v if v else 0
                print("Cannot get {} balance".format(coin))
                return ERROR.CMD_UNSUCCESS
            print("Error Account/Connection issue. Get {} balance failed".
            return ERROR.CONNECTION_FAIL

    def w_get_market_name(self, coin1, coin2):
		Get marketname for pair of coins
		:param coin1: String literal for coin 1 (ex: USDT)
		:param coin2: String literal for coin 2 (ex: XMR)
		:return: (MarketName, "Buy"/"Sell") 
		:rtype : str
        market = coin1 + "-" + coin2
        if market in self.market_list:
            return (market, "Buy")
            market = coin2 + "-" + coin1
            if market in self.market_list:
                return (market, "Sell")
                print "Error: Invalid coin pair"
                return (None, None)

    def w_get_price(self, market, type, unit=0, depth=20):
		Get price Ask Last Bid 
		:param market: String literal for coin1-coin2 (ex: USDT-XMR)
		:param type: Ask/Last/Bid
		:param unit: if unit != 0, get price with respect to order book
		:return: price
		:rtype : float
        if type is "Last" or "Bid" or "Ask":
                price = self.api.get_marketsummary(market).get(
                if type == "Ask":
                    ordertype = "sell"
                elif type == "Bid":
                    ordertype = "buy"
                else:  #Dont need to check order book for Last
                    return price

                m = self.api.get_orderbook(market, ordertype, depth)
                #print m
                if (m.get("message") != ""):
                    print "Fail to get order book of {}: {}".format(
                        market, m.get("message"))
                    return ERROR.CMD_UNSUCCESS
                    order_price_list = m.get("result")
                    #print order_price_list
                    sum_quantity = 0
                    for o in order_price_list:
                        #print o
                        quantity = o.get("Quantity")
                        price = o.get("Rate")
                        sum_quantity += quantity
                        if (sum_quantity >= unit):
                            return price

                print("Error in get {} price".format(market))
                return ERROR.CONNECTION_FAIL
            print("Invalid type of market (Ask/Bid/Last)")
            '''To do: unit != 0'''

    def w_get_open_order(self, market=None):
		Get list of uuid of open orders
		:param market: String literal for coin1-coin2 (ex: USDT-XMR)
		:return: uuid list
		:rtype : str
        return self.api.get_open_orders(market)

    def w_order_buy_sell(self,
		Buy/Sell from coin c1 to coin coin2 at price 
		:param coin1: String literal for coin 1 (ex: USDT)
		:param coin2: String literal for coin 2 (ex: XMR)
		:param value1: The value of coin1 which is used to buy/sell
		:param price: buy/sell price, can be Ask, Last or Bid
		:return: uuid order
		:rtype : str

        value2_before = self.w_get_balance(coin2)  #get current coin2 balance
        market, type = self.w_get_market_name(coin1, coin2)
        #print market, type
        #Buy and sell are seperated from market point of view.
        if (type == "Buy"):
            order_buy_sell = self.api.buy_limit
            quantity = value1 / price * self.EXCHANGE_RATE
            value2 = quantity * self.EXCHANGE_RATE
        elif (type) == "Sell":
            order_buy_sell = self.api.sell_limit
            quantity = value1
            value2 = quantity * price * self.EXCHANGE_RATE
            print "Buy/Sell Error: Invalid market {}-{}".format(coin1, coin2)
            return ERROR.CMD_INVALID
        print("@@@ From {} {} buy {} {} at price {}.".format(
            value1, coin1, value2, coin2, price))
        #Process buy/sell within timeout
        #Several posible cases:
        # 1. The price is too high/low, no one wants to buy/sell
        # 2. The connection drops while waiting the result
        # 3. The quantity is too low -> "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS" response from server
            m = order_buy_sell(market, quantity, price)
            if (m.get("success") == True):
                uuid = m.get("result").get("uuid")
                process_time = time.time() + timeout
                while 1:
                    value2_after = self.w_get_balance(coin2)
                    if time.time() > process_time:
                        if cancel_on_timeout:  #Cancel order because of timeout
                            print "Cancel order!"
                            print "Order is still open!"
                            return uuid
                        print "{} transaction was timeout".format(type)
                        return ERROR.TIME_OUT
                    if (value2_after < 0):
                        print "Error: in balance code {}".format(value2_after)
                        return ERROR.CMD_UNSUCCESS
                    if (value2_after - value2_before >=
                            value2 * 0.9):  #offset 10% for safety
                        #buy success
                        return uuid
            elif m.get("message") == "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS":
                print("INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS issue")
                print m
                return ERROR.PARAMETERS_INVALID
                print m
                return ERROR.CMD_UNSUCCESS
            print "Error buy/sell. Conection failed."
            return ERROR.CONNECTION_FAIL

    def w_cancel_order(self, uuid):
		Cancel an order via uuid 
		:param uuid: order uuid
		:return: error code
		:rtype : ERROR
            #todo: need check timeout
            while uuid in self.api.get_open_orders():
                print "Wait for cancel order {}".format(uuid)

            return ERROR.CMD_SUCCESS
            print "Cannot cancel order {}".format(uuid)
            return ERROR.CONNECTION_FAIL

    def w_get_price_by_order_book(self, market, ordertype, value, depth=20):
		Get the corresponding price for a given value -> Avoid stuck in buy/sell order
		:param market: Ex: USDT-XMR
		:param ordertype: "buy" or "sell"
		:param value: The value of coin1 which is used to buy/sell
		:return: uuid order
		:rtype : str
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 6
my_bittrex = Bittrex(key, secret)

# Get Markets
markets = my_bittrex.get_markets()
marketsdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(markets['result'])
# Get Currencies
currencies = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(my_bittrex.get_currencies()['result'])
currencies_list = currencies[currencies['IsActive'] ==
# Get Ticker
ticker = my_bittrex.get_ticker('BTC-LTC')
print ticker['result'].head()
# Get Market Summaries
summaries = my_bittrex.get_market_summaries()
summariesdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(summaries['result'])
print summariesdf.head()
# Get Market Summary
summary = my_bittrex.get_marketsummary('BTC-LTC')
summarydf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(summary['result'])
print summarydf.head()
# Get Orderbook
orderbook = my_bittrex.get_orderbook('BTC-LTC')
orderbookbuydf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(orderbook['result']['buy'])
orderbookselldf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(orderbook['result']['sell'])
print orderbookbuydf.head()
print orderbookselldf.head()
# Get Market History
history = my_bittrex.get_market_history('BTC-LTC')
historydf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(history['result'])
print historydf.head()
class MultiExchangeClient(object):
    def __init__(self, exchanges):
        '''exchanges = comma separated list of exchanges you want to monitor'''
        self.exchanges = [e.lower() for e in exchanges]

        # Depending on which exchanges got included, connect to APIs
        if 'kraken' in self.exchanges:
            self.kraken_api = krakenex.API()
            self.kraken = KrakenAPI(self.kraken_api)
        if 'gdax' in self.exchanges:
            self.gdax = gdax_api.PublicClient()
        if 'bittrex' in self.exchanges:
            self.bittrex = Bittrex(None, None)
        if 'coinmarketcap' in self.exchanges:
            self.coinmarketcap = Market()

    def get_latest_price(self, pair, show_arbitrage=True):
        '''Gief keypair & exchanges, get prices'''
        responses = dict()
        if 'bittrex' in self.exchanges:
            formatted_pair = self._pair_formatter(pair, 'bittrex')
            pair_bittrex = self.bittrex.get_marketsummary(formatted_pair)['result'][0]['Last']
            responses['bittrex'] = pair_bittrex
        if 'gdax' in self.exchanges:
            formatted_pair = self._pair_formatter(pair, 'gdax')
            pair_gdax = parse(self.gdax.get_product_ticker(formatted_pair)['price'])
            responses['gdax'] = pair_gdax
        if 'kraken' in self.exchanges:
            formatted_pair = self._pair_formatter(pair, 'kraken')
            # eth_kraken  = parse(kraken_api.query_public('Ticker?pair=ETHXBT')['result']['XETHXXBT']['a'][0])
            # responses['kraken'] = pair_kraken
        if 'coinmarketcap' in self.exchanges:
            formatted_pair = self._pair_formatter(pair, 'coinmarketcap')
            pair_cmcap = parse(self.coinmarketcap.ticker(formatted_pair)[0]['price_btc'])
            responses['coinmarketcap'] = pair_cmcap

        if show_arbitrage:
        return responses

    def arbitrage(self, combination_dict):
        result_list = list(map(dict, itertools.combinations( # get all combinations
            combination_dict.items(), 2)))
        max_arbitrage = 0 
        for pair in result_list:
            a,b = pair.values()
            diff = a-b # find differences between each pair
            e1, e2 = list(pair.keys())
            print ('{} has {} BTC arbitrage over {}'.format(e1, diff, e2))

    def _pair_formatter(self, pair, exchange):
        '''Normalizes the pair to match the expected format by the selected exchange API'''
        if pair in ETH_BTC:
            if exchange.lower() == 'bittrex':
                return 'BTC-ETH'
            elif exchange.lower() == 'gdax':
                return 'ETH-BTC'
            elif exchange.lower() == 'kraken':
                return 'ETHXBT'
            elif exchange.lower() == 'coinmarketcap':
                return 'Ethereum'
                raise ValueError('Exchange not supported')
            raise ValueError('Pair not supported')
Exemplo n.º 8
import time
from bittrex import Bittrex
import pandas as pd

apikey = 'fd25ef6daf6c4d5cb8507878781df312'
secret = '5f00769f175141be861bf199f089f9fd'
my_bittrex = Bittrex(apikey, secret)

coinList = [{
    'CoinName': x['MarketCurrency'],
    'CoinName_Full': x['MarketCurrencyLong'],
    'MarketName': x['MarketName'],
    'BaseCurrency': x['BaseCurrency']
} for x in my_bittrex.get_markets()['result']]
coinList = pd.DataFrame(coinList)


col = [
    'MarketName', 'High', 'Low', 'Volume', 'Last', 'BaseVolume', 'TimeStamp',
    'Bid', 'Ask', 'OpenBuyOrders', 'OpenSellOrders', 'PrevDay', 'Created'
market_price = pd.DataFrame(columns=col)
i = 0

while 1:
    market_price = pd.DataFrame(columns=col)
    time = time.asctime()
Exemplo n.º 9
class CapitVitaCrypto(CapitVita):
    def __init__(self,

        self.num_coins = num_coins
        self.mailing_list = mailing_list
        self.coin_list = []
        self.df = []
        self.debug = debug
        self.home_path = home_path
        self.file_path = home_path + 'crypto-data/'
        self.volume_sum = []

        # bittrex
        self.B = Bittrex(key, secret)
        self.b_currencies = [
            x['Currency'] for x in self.B.get_currencies()['result']
        ]  # currencies available to trade in bittrex
        self.market_summaries = self.B.get_market_summaries()['result']
        self.markets = [x['MarketName']
                        for x in self.market_summaries]  # market names
        self.BTC_markets = [
            x for x in self.markets if 'BTC' in x and 'USDT' not in x
        self.ETH_markets = [
            x for x in self.markets if 'ETH' in x and 'USDT' not in x
        self.USDT_markets = [x for x in self.markets if 'USDT' in x]
        self.USDT_BTC = [
            x for x in self.market_summaries if x['MarketName'] == 'USDT-BTC'
        self.USDT_ETH = [
            x for x in self.market_summaries if x['MarketName'] == 'USDT-ETH'

    def get_coin_list(self):
        # get coin list (all coins, some are not tradeable on bittrex)

        url = 'https://www.cryptocompare.com/api/data/coinlist/'
        response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        data = json.loads(response.read())
        self.coin_list = [
            x.encode('ascii', 'ignore') for x in data['Data'].keys()
        #print(len(self.coin_list))   # 1507 as of 2017-09-14

    def grab_data(self, coin):
        # get historical OHLC for one cryptocurrency

        url = 'https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/histoday?fsym={}&tsym=USD&limit={}&aggregate=1&e=CCCAGG'.format(
            coin, 80)
        response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        data = json.loads(response.read())

            self.df = pd.DataFrame(data['Data'])
            self.df['date'] = self.df['time'].apply(
                lambda x: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x))
            #self.df.drop(['time', 'volumefrom'], axis = 1)
            #self.df.columns = ['Adj. Close', 'Adj. High', 'Adj. Low', 'Adj. Open', 'time', 'volumefrom', 'volumeto', 'date']
        except KeyError:
            return False


        # generate signals
        self.df['rsi'] = self.RSI(self.df['close'], 14)
        self.df['26 ema'] = self.df['close'].ewm(ignore_na=False,
        self.df['12 ema'] = self.df['close'].ewm(ignore_na=False,
        self.df['MACD'] = self.df['12 ema'] - self.df['26 ema']
        self.df['MACD signal'] = self.df['MACD'] - self.df['MACD'].ewm(
            ignore_na=False, min_periods=0, adjust=True, com=9).mean()
        self.df['MACD_norm'] = self.normalize(self.df['MACD signal'])
        self.df['MACD_der'] = self.derivative(self.df['MACD_norm'])

    def get_points(self, coin):


            self.grab_data(coin)  ## get the data and store it in self.df

            if len(self.df) < 20 or self.df['volumeto'].iloc[-20:].median(
            ) < 850000 * 0.8:  # if grab is unsuccessful or below average volume * 0.7, end
                points = {'admin': -500}

                points = {}

                mb, tb, bb, = self.bbands(self.df['close'])
                if self.df['close'].iloc[-1] < (mb.iloc[-1] + bb.iloc[-1]) / 2:
                    points['admin'] = -500

                # RSI points (max 50)
                points['rsi'] = 50 - round(
                    1.2 * abs(30 - self.df['rsi'].iloc[-1]))

                # MACD points (max 50)
                points['macd1'] = round(
                    25 * self.df['MACD_norm'].iloc[-1] /
                    max([abs(x) for x in self.df['MACD_norm']]))
                points['macd2'] = round(
                    25 * self.df['MACD_der'].iloc[-1] /
                    max([abs(x) for x in self.df['MACD_der']]))

                # candlestick points (max 10)
                candlestickFactor = 1

                patterns = self.detectCandlestickPatterns(
                    self.df['open'][-7:], self.df['close'][-7:],
                    self.df['low'][-7:], self.df['high'][-7:],
                points['candlesticks'] = self.rangeLimit(
                    round(sum([x[2] for x in patterns])), -20, 20)

        except BufferError as e:
            #except Exception as e:
            print('problem: {}'.format(e))

        return points

    def find_coins(self, graph=False, bittrex_currencies_only=True):
        # start counting duration of script
        start_time = time.time()

        print('Initiating log...')
        # create log
        ff = open(self.file_path + 'readme.txt', 'w')

        print('Deleting old plots...')
        # delete old files
        filelist = glob.glob('*.png')
        for f in filelist:

        print('Fetching coin list...')
        if bittrex_currencies_only:
            self.coin_list = self.b_currencies
            if self.debug:
                self.coin_list = self.coin_list[:30]

        len_coin_list = len(self.coin_list)
        print('  {} coins.'.format(len_coin_list))
        #print('  Expect script to take approximately {} minutes'.format(round(len_coin_list*1.0613 - 14)/60, 2))

        # grab data in batches
        print('Getting points for {} coins...'.format(len_coin_list))
        coin_points = {}
        for i, coin in enumerate(self.coin_list):
            if i % (len(self.coin_list) / 25) == 0:
                print('{}% done'.format(
                    round(100 * float(i) / len(self.coin_list), 1)))
                points = self.get_points(coin)
                coin_points[coin] = [sum([points[x] for x in points]), points]
            #except BufferError:
            except Exception as e:
                print('failed {} because {}'.format(coin, e))
        original_len_coin_list = len(coin_points)

        print('Sorting coins...')
        # sort stocks by point system
        sorted_coins = sorted(coin_points.items(),


        if graph:
            print('Graphing coins...')
            for coin in [x[0] for x in sorted_coins]:
                    self.graph_data(coin, saveLocation=self.file_path)
                except BufferError:
                    #except Exception as e:
                    print('failed {} because {}'.format(coin, e))

        # write into log
        ff.write('Cheap coins to invest in for 2 days ~ 1 week: \n\n')

        for i in sorted_coins:
            ff.write(i[0] + ': ' + str(round(i[1][0], 1)) + '  ' +
                     str(i[1][1]) + '\n')

        ff.write('\n\n  ' + str(original_len_coin_list) +
                 ' stocks shortened by point system to ' +
                 str(len(sorted_coins)) + ' stocks')

        ff.write("\n\n--- %s seconds ---" %
                 (round(time.time() - start_time, 2)))

        ff.write('\n\n\n  Capit-Vita Crypto Version 1.1  (2017-09-22)\n\n')
        ff.write('  - Buying is confirmed to work\n')

        #print('average volume', sum(self.volume_sum)/len(self.volume_sum))
        # median volumeto: 850k

        # send email
        if len(self.mailing_list) > 0:
                       'Top ' + str(self.num_coins) + ' Coin Prospects',

        ###### remove coin types I currently own
        my_coins = [x['Currency'] for x in self.B.get_balances()['result']]
        print('my coins: {}'.format(my_coins))
        print('before: {}'.format([x[0] for x in sorted_coins]))
        sorted_coins = [x for x in sorted_coins if x[0] not in my_coins]
        print('after: {}'.format([x[0] for x in sorted_coins]))

        # save wanted coins
        with open(self.file_path + 'wanted_coins.txt', 'w') as f:
            f.write('{}, '.format([str(x[0]) for x in sorted_coins]))

        return sorted_coins

    def buy_next_coin(self):

        # save wanted_coins
        if os.path.isfile(self.file_path + 'wanted_coins.txt'):
            with open(self.file_path + 'wanted_coins.txt', 'r') as f:
                data = eval(f.readlines()[0][:-2])
            return False


    def update_B(self):

        self.b_currencies = [
            x['Currency'] for x in self.B.get_currencies()['result']
        ]  # currencies available to trade in bittrex
        self.market_summaries = self.B.get_market_summaries()['result']
        self.markets = [x['MarketName']
                        for x in self.market_summaries]  # market names
        self.BTC_markets = [
            x for x in self.markets if 'BTC' in x and 'USDT' not in x
        self.ETH_markets = [
            x for x in self.markets if 'ETH' in x and 'USDT' not in x
        self.USDT_markets = [x for x in self.markets if 'USDT' in x]
        self.USDT_BTC = [
            x for x in self.market_summaries if x['MarketName'] == 'USDT-BTC'
        self.USDT_ETH = [
            x for x in self.market_summaries if x['MarketName'] == 'USDT-ETH'
        #print len(self.b_currencies) # 277 as of 2017-09-21

    def thing(self):

        BTC_market_prices = []
        ETH_market_prices = []
        ### create value exchange rate
        for currency in self.b_currencies:
            if any(currency in x for x in BTC_markets):
                last_price = [
                    x['Last'] for x in self.market_summaries
                    if x['MarketName'] == 'BTC-{}'.format(currency)
                if len(last_price) > 0:
                    BTC_market_prices.append('Last price for {} is ${}'.format(
                        currency, round(last_price[0] * USDT_BTC, 2)))
            elif any(currency in x for x in ETH_markets):
                last_price = [
                    x['Last'] for x in self.market_summaries
                    if x['MarketName'] == 'ETH-{}'.format(currency)
                if len(last_price) > 0:
                    ETH_market_prices.append('Last price for {} is ${}'.format(
                        currency, round(last_price[0] * USDT_ETH, 2)))

        cnt_in = 0
        cnt_not_in = 0
        for currency in self.b_currencies:
            if all(currency not in x
                   for x in self.BTC_markets + self.ETH_markets):
                cnt_not_in += 1
                #print('{} not in any market'.format(currency))
                cnt_in += 1

        #print(cnt_in, cnt_not_in) #203 in market, 74 out of market as of 2017-09-21

        ### can only buy and sell on existing markets

    def my_coins(self):

        my_coins = [x for x in self.B.get_balances()['result']]
        total = 0
        print('\n\n-----------  My Wallet -----------\n')
        for coin in my_coins:
            if coin['Currency'] == 'BTC':
                print('{} available for {} (${})'.format(
                    coin['Available'], coin['Currency'],
                    round(coin['Available'] * self.USDT_BTC, 2)))
                total += coin['Available'] * self.USDT_BTC
            elif any(coin['Currency'] in x for x in self.BTC_markets):
                BTC_coin_rate = [
                    x['Last'] for x in self.market_summaries
                    if x['MarketName'] == 'BTC-{}'.format(coin['Currency'])
                print('{} available for {} (${})'.format(
                    coin['Available'], coin['Currency'],
                    round(coin['Available'] * self.USDT_BTC * BTC_coin_rate,
                total += coin['Available'] * self.USDT_BTC * BTC_coin_rate
                print('{} available for {} (${})'.format(
                    coin['Available'], coin['Currency'],
                    'hold'))  ## add ethereum
        #return summary
        return my_coins

    def total_available_USD(self, BTC_ETH_only=True):

        balances = self.B.get_balances()['result']
        total_USD = 0

        for balance in balances:
            if balance['Balance'] > 0:
                if balance['Currency'] == 'BTC':
                    total_USD += balance['Balance'] * self.USDT_BTC
                    print('BTC: {}'.format(balance['Balance'] * self.USDT_BTC))
                elif balance['Currency'] == 'ETH':
                    total_USD += balance['Balance'] * self.USDT_ETH
                    print('ETH: {}'.format(balance['Balance'] * self.USDT_ETH))
                elif not BTC_ETH_only:
                    if any(balance['Currency'] in x for x in self.BTC_markets):
                        to_add = balance['Balance'] * [
                            for x in self.market_summaries if x['MarketName']
                            == 'BTC-{}'.format(balance['Currency'])
                        ][0] * self.USDT_BTC
                        total_USD += to_add
                        print('{}: {}'.format(balance['Currency'], to_add))
                    elif any(balance['Currency'] in x
                             for x in self.ETH_markets):
                        to_add = balance['Balance'] * [
                            for x in self.market_summaries if x['MarketName']
                            == 'ETH-{}'.format(balance['Currency'])
                        ][0] * self.USDT_ETH
                        total_USD += to_add
                        print('{}: {}'.format(balance['Currency'], to_add))
                # consider only BTC and ETH liquid?

        print('Total available: {}'.format(total_USD))

        return total_USD

    def buy_altcoin(self, coin):

        if any(coin in x['Currency'] for x in self.B.get_balances()['result']):
            print('not buying, already have')
            return False

        if any(coin in x for x in self.BTC_markets):

            market = [x for x in self.BTC_markets if coin in x][0]

            available_USD = self.total_available_USD()
            print('available USD', available_USD)

            increment_USD = available_USD / 20
            print('5% available USD: {}'.format(increment_USD))

            BTC_coin_rate = self.B.get_marketsummary(
            print('BTC - {} conversion: {}'.format(coin, BTC_coin_rate))

            print('BTC - USD conversion: {}'.format(self.USDT_BTC))

            print('want to buy {} {} coins'.format(
                increment_USD / self.USDT_BTC / BTC_coin_rate, coin))

            print('buying {}: {}'.format(
                                 increment_USD / self.USDT_BTC / BTC_coin_rate,
                                 BTC_coin_rate)))  # market, quantity, rate

    def sell_altcoin(self, order):
        # takes a buy order and reverses it (sell)

        coin = order['Exchange'][4:]
        if any(coin in x for x in self.BTC_markets):
            market = [x for x in self.BTC_markets if coin in x][0]
        elif any(coin in x for x in self.ETH_markets):
            market = [x for x in self.ETH_markets if coin in x][0]
        coin_rate = self.B.get_marketsummary(market)['result'][0]['Last']
        quantity = order['Quantity']

        if all(coin not in x['Currency']
               for x in self.B.get_balances()['result']):
            print('cannot sell, do not have')
            return False

        #print('selling {}: {}'.format(market, self.B.sell_limit(market, quantity, coin_rate)))    # market, quantity, rate

    def coin_to_USD(self, order):

        coin = order['Exchange'][4:]

        market = [x for x in self.BTC_markets if coin in x][0]
        BTC_coin_rate = self.B.get_marketsummary(market)['result'][0]['Last']

        if coin == 'BTC':
            return order['Quantity'] * self.USDT_BTC
        elif coin == 'ETH':
        elif any([coin in x for x in self.BTC_markets]):
            last_price = [
                x['Last'] for x in self.market_summaries
                if coin in x['MarketName']
            return order['Quantity'] * self.USDT_BTC * BTC_coin_rate
        elif any(coin in x for x in self.ETH_markets):

    def my_coin_price_change(self):

        orders = self.B.get_order_history()['result']

        ## remove orders that I don't own
        orders = [x for x in orders]



        for order in orders:
            bought_at = round(
                order['Quantity'] * order['PricePerUnit'] * self.USDT_BTC, 2)
            currently = round(self.coin_to_USD(order), 2)
            perc_change = round((currently / bought_at - 1) * 100, 1)
            timestamp = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime.strptime(
                order['TimeStamp'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')
                '   bought {} ({} ago) for relative BTC value of ${}, currently ${}: {}% change'
                .format(order['Exchange'][4:], timestamp, bought_at, currently,

            ### formula for selling:
            # cost of trade = 0.35% x 2 = 0.7%
            # have an open sell order at 10% -> 9.3% up
            # if simulataneous orders are possible, have an open sell order at -10% -> 10.7% down
            # if the coin is older than 5 days, lower the upper sell limit by 2% to 8% -> 7.3% up
            # every 3 days after that lower by 2% until @ 2%

            lower_limit = -10
            if timestamp < datetime.timedelta(days=5):
                upper_limit = 10
            elif timestamp < datetime.timedelta(days=8):  # approx one week
                upper_limit = 8
            elif timestamp < datetime.timedelta(days=11):
                upper_limit = 6
            elif timestamp < datetime.timedelta(days=14):  # two weeks
                upper_limit = 4
            elif timestamp < datetime.timedelta(days=17):
                upper_limit = 2
            elif timestamp > datetime.timedelta(
                    days=21):  # sell no matter what after 3 weeks
                upper_limit = -10

            if perc_change < lower_limit or perc_change > upper_limit:
Exemplo n.º 10
from bittrex import Bittrex
import ast
import traceback
import time
import datetime
    import user
    key = user.key
    secret = user.secret
    key = None
    secret = None

print key, secret
api = Bittrex(key, secret)

while 1:
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    n = api.get_marketsummary("BTC-SEQ").get("result")[0].get("Bid")
    m = api.get_market_summaries().get("result")
    [p] = [d.get("Bid") for d in m if d['MarketName'] == 'BTC-SEQ']

    finish = datetime.datetime.now()
    print start, finish, finish - start, n, p