Exemplo n.º 1
def value_to_jam(value, methods=False):
    """Makes a token to refer to a Python value inside Jam language code.

    The token is merely a string that can be passed around in Jam code and
    eventually passed back. For example, we might want to pass PropertySet
    instance to a tag function and it might eventually call back
    to virtual_target.add_suffix_and_prefix, passing the same instance.

    For values that are classes, we'll also make class methods callable
    from Jam.

    Note that this is necessary to make a bit more of existing Jamfiles work.
    This trick should not be used to much, or else the performance benefits of
    Python port will be eaten.

    global __value_id

    r = __python_to_jam.get(value, None)
    if r:
        return r

    exported_name = '###_' + str(__value_id)
    __value_id = __value_id + 1
    __python_to_jam[value] = exported_name
    __jam_to_python[exported_name] = value

    if methods and type(value) == types.InstanceType:
        for field_name in dir(value):
            field = getattr(value, field_name)
            if callable(field) and not field_name.startswith("__"):
                bjam.import_rule("", exported_name + "." + field_name, field)

    return exported_name
Exemplo n.º 2
def value_to_jam(value, methods=False):
    """Makes a token to refer to a Python value inside Jam language code.

    The token is merely a string that can be passed around in Jam code and
    eventually passed back. For example, we might want to pass PropertySet
    instance to a tag function and it might eventually call back
    to virtual_target.add_suffix_and_prefix, passing the same instance.

    For values that are classes, we'll also make class methods callable
    from Jam.

    Note that this is necessary to make a bit more of existing Jamfiles work.
    This trick should not be used to much, or else the performance benefits of
    Python port will be eaten.

    global __value_id

    r = __python_to_jam.get(value, None)
    if r:
        return r

    exported_name = '###_' + str(__value_id)
    __value_id = __value_id + 1
    __python_to_jam[value] = exported_name
    __jam_to_python[exported_name] = value

    if methods and type(value) == types.InstanceType:
        for field_name in dir(value):
            field = getattr(value, field_name)
            if callable(field) and not field_name.startswith("__"):
                bjam.import_rule("", exported_name + "." + field_name, field)

    return exported_name
Exemplo n.º 3
    def install(self, scanner, target, vtarget):
        """ Installs the specified scanner on actual target 'target'.
            vtarget: virtual target from which 'target' was actualized.
        assert isinstance(scanner, Scanner)
        assert isinstance(target, basestring)
        assert isinstance(vtarget, basestring)
        engine = self.manager_.engine()
        engine.set_target_variable(target, "HDRSCAN", scanner.pattern())
        if scanner not in self.exported_scanners_:
            exported_name = "scanner_" + str(self.count_)
            self.count_ = self.count_ + 1
            self.exported_scanners_[scanner] = exported_name
            bjam.import_rule("", exported_name, scanner.process)
            exported_name = self.exported_scanners_[scanner]

        engine.set_target_variable(target, "HDRRULE", exported_name)

        # scanner reflects difference in properties affecting
        # binding of 'target', which will be known when processing
        # includes for it, will give information on how to
        # interpret quoted includes.
        engine.set_target_variable(target, "HDRGRIST", str(id(scanner)))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def import_(self, name, names_to_import=None, local_names=None):

        name = name[0]
        jamfile_module = self.registry.current().project_module()
        attributes = self.registry.attributes(jamfile_module)
        location = attributes.get("location")

        m = self.registry.load_module(name, [location])

        for f in m.__dict__:
            v = m.__dict__[f]
            if callable(v):
                bjam.import_rule(jamfile_module, name + "." + f, v)

        if names_to_import:
            if not local_names:
                local_names = names_to_import

            if len(names_to_import) != len(local_names):
                )("""The number of names to import and local names do not match."""

            for n, l in zip(names_to_import, local_names):
                bjam.import_rule(jamfile_module, l, m.__dict__[n])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def install (self, scanner, target, vtarget):
        """ Installs the specified scanner on actual target 'target'.
            vtarget: virtual target from which 'target' was actualized.
        assert isinstance(scanner, Scanner)
        assert isinstance(target, basestring)
        assert isinstance(vtarget, basestring)
        engine = self.manager_.engine()
        engine.set_target_variable(target, "HDRSCAN", scanner.pattern())
        if scanner not in self.exported_scanners_:
            exported_name = "scanner_" + str(self.count_)
            self.count_ = self.count_ + 1
            self.exported_scanners_[scanner] = exported_name
            bjam.import_rule("", exported_name, scanner.process)
            exported_name = self.exported_scanners_[scanner]

        engine.set_target_variable(target, "HDRRULE", exported_name)

        # scanner reflects difference in properties affecting
        # binding of 'target', which will be known when processing
        # includes for it, will give information on how to
        # interpret quoted includes.
        engine.set_target_variable(target, "HDRGRIST", str(id(scanner)))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _import_rule(self, bjam_module, name, callable_):
     assert isinstance(bjam_module, basestring)
     assert isinstance(name, basestring)
     assert callable(callable_)
     if hasattr(callable_, "bjam_signature"):
         bjam.import_rule(bjam_module, name, self.make_wrapper(callable_), callable_.bjam_signature)
         bjam.import_rule(bjam_module, name, self.make_wrapper(callable_))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def init_project(self, project_module):

        for n in self.local_names:
            # Using 'getattr' here gives us a bound method,
            # while using self.__dict__[r] would give unbound one.
            v = getattr(self, n)
            if callable(v):
                if n == "import_":
                    n = "import"
                    n = string.replace(n, "_", "-")

                bjam.import_rule(project_module, n, self.make_wrapper(v))

        for n in self.rules:
            bjam.import_rule(project_module, n, self.make_wrapper(self.rules[n]))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def init_project(self, project_module):

        for n in self.local_names:
            # Using 'getattr' here gives us a bound method,
            # while using self.__dict__[r] would give unbound one.
            v = getattr(self, n)
            if callable(v):
                if n == "import_":
                    n = "import"
                    n = string.replace(n, "_", "-")

                bjam.import_rule(project_module, n, self.make_wrapper(v))

        for n in self.rules:
            bjam.import_rule(project_module, n,
Exemplo n.º 9
    def import_(self, name, names_to_import=None, local_names=None):

        name = name[0]
        jamfile_module = self.registry.current().project_module()
        attributes = self.registry.attributes(jamfile_module)
        location = attributes.get("location")

        m = self.registry.load_module(name, [location])

        for f in m.__dict__:
            v = m.__dict__[f]
            if callable(v):
                bjam.import_rule(jamfile_module, name + "." + f, v)

        if names_to_import:
            if not local_names:
                local_names = names_to_import

            if len(names_to_import) != len(local_names):
                self.registry.manager.errors()("""The number of names to import and local names do not match.""")

            for n, l in zip(names_to_import, local_names):
                bjam.import_rule(jamfile_module, l, m.__dict__[n])
Exemplo n.º 10
 def _import_rule(self, bjam_module, name, callable):
     if hasattr(callable, "bjam_signature"):
         bjam.import_rule(bjam_module, name, self.make_wrapper(callable), callable.bjam_signature)
         bjam.import_rule(bjam_module, name, self.make_wrapper(callable))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _import_rule(self, bjam_module, name, callable):
     if hasattr(callable, "bjam_signature"):
         bjam.import_rule(bjam_module, name, self.make_wrapper(callable),
         bjam.import_rule(bjam_module, name, self.make_wrapper(callable))