Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: agent.py Projeto: MacLeek/mh
    def __init__(self):
        self.idle_timeout = 30
        self.bb = Blackboard()
        #self.mem_manager  = MemoryManager(self)
        self.planner = plan

        self.current_goal = None

        self.goals = []  # all goals this instance can use
        self.filters = []  # list of methods to use as a filter
        self.actions = []  # all actions this npc can perform
        self.plan = []  # list of actions to perform
        # '-1' will be the action currently used

        # this special filter will prevent time precepts from being stored
Exemplo n.º 2
    def self_test(self):
        make sure the goal is sane

        bb = Blackboard()
        assert self.test(bb) == True
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, parent, action, bb=None):
        self.parent = parent
        self.action = action
        self.bb = Blackboard()
        self.delta = Blackboard()
        #self.cost = action.calc_cost()
        self.cost = 1
        self.g = calcG(self)
        self.h = 1

        if not parent == None:

        elif not bb == None:

Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):
        self.idle_timeout = 30
        self.bb           = Blackboard()
        #self.mem_manager  = MemoryManager(self)
        self.planner      = plan

        self.current_goal   = None

        self.goals = []             # all goals this instance can use
        self.filters = []           # list of methods to use as a filter
        self.actions = []           # all actions this npc can perform
        self.plan = []              # list of actions to perform
                                    # '-1' will be the action currently used

        # this special filter will prevent time precepts from being stored
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, parent, action, bb=None):
        self.parent = parent
        self.action = action
        self.bb = Blackboard()
        self.delta = Blackboard()
        #self.cost = action.calc_cost()
        self.cost = 1
        self.g = calcG(self)
        self.h = 1

        if not parent == None:

        elif not bb == None:

Exemplo n.º 6
class PlanningNode(object):
    each node has a copy of a bb (self.bb) in order to simulate a plan.

    def __init__(self, parent, action, bb=None):
        self.parent = parent
        self.action = action
        self.bb = Blackboard()
        self.delta = Blackboard()
        #self.cost = action.calc_cost()
        self.cost = 1
        self.g = calcG(self)
        self.h = 1

        if not parent == None:

        elif not bb == None:


    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, PlanningNode):
            #if DEBUG: print "[cmp] {} {}".format(self.delta.memory, other.delta.memory)
            return self.delta == other.delta
            return False

    def __repr__(self):
            return "<PlanNode: '%s', cost: %s, p: %s>" % \

        except AttributeError:
            return "<PlanNode: '%s', cost: %s, p: None>" % \
Exemplo n.º 7
class PlanningNode(object):
    each node has a copy of a bb (self.bb) in order to simulate a plan.
    def __init__(self, parent, action, bb=None):
        self.parent = parent
        self.action = action
        self.bb = Blackboard()
        self.delta = Blackboard()
        #self.cost = action.calc_cost()
        self.cost = 1
        self.g = calcG(self)
        self.h = 1

        if not parent == None:

        elif not bb == None:


    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, PlanningNode):
            #if DEBUG: print "[cmp] {} {}".format(self.delta.memory, other.delta.memory)
            return self.delta == other.delta
            return False

    def __repr__(self):
            return "<PlanNode: '%s', cost: %s, p: %s>" % \

        except AttributeError:
            return "<PlanNode: '%s', cost: %s, p: None>" % \
Exemplo n.º 8
class GoapAgent(ObjectBase):
    AI Agent

    inventories will be implemented using precepts and a list.
    currently, only one action running concurrently is supported.

    # this will set this class to listen for this type of precept
    # not implemented yet
    interested = []

    def __init__(self):
        self.idle_timeout = 30
        self.bb           = Blackboard()
        #self.mem_manager  = MemoryManager(self)
        self.planner      = plan

        self.current_goal   = None

        self.goals = []             # all goals this instance can use
        self.filters = []           # list of methods to use as a filter
        self.actions = []           # all actions this npc can perform
        self.plan = []              # list of actions to perform
                                    # '-1' will be the action currently used

        # this special filter will prevent time precepts from being stored

    def add(self, other, origin):
        # we simulate the agent's knowledge of its inventory with precepts
        p = Precept(sense="inventory")

        # do the actual add
        super(GoapAgent, self).add(other, origin)
    def remove(self, obj):
        # we simulate the agent's knowledge of its inventory with precepts
        p = Precept(sense="inventory")

        # do the actual remove
        super(GoapAgent, self).remove(other, origin)
    def add_goal(self, goal):

    def remove_goal(self, goal):

    def add_action(self, action):

    def remove_action(self, action):

    def filter_precept(self, precept):
        precepts can be put through filters to change them.
        this can be used to simulate errors in judgement by the agent.

        for f in self.filters:
            precept = f(precept)
            if precept == None:

        return precept

    def handle_precept(self, pct):
        used by the environment to feed the agent precepts.
        agents can respond by sending back an action to take.

        # give our filters a chance to change the precept
        pct = self.filter_precept(pct)

        # our filters may have caused us to ignore the precept
        if pct == None: return None
        print "[agent] {} recv'd pct {}".format(self, pct)

        # this line has been added for debugging purposes
        self.plan = []
        if pct.sense == "position":
            self.bb.post(Tag(position=pct.position, obj=pct.thing))

        return self.next_action()

    def replan(self):
        force agent to re-evaluate goals and to formulate a plan

        # get the relevancy of each goal according to the state of the agent
        s = [ (g.get_relevancy(self.bb), g) for g in self.goals ]
        s = [ g for g in s if g[0] > 0 ]

        print "[agent] goals {}".format(s)

        # starting for the most relevant goal, attempt to make a plan      
        for score, goal in s:
            ok, plan = self.planner(

            if ok:
                print "[agent] {} has planned to {}".format(self, goal)
                pretty = list(reversed(plan[:]))
                print "[agent] {} has plan {}".format(self, pretty)
                return plan
                print "[agent] {} cannot {}".format(self, goal)

        return []

    def current_action(self):
            return self.plan[-1]
        except IndexError:
            return NullAction

    def running_actions(self):
        return self.current_action()

    def next_action(self):
        get the next action of the current plan

        if self.plan == []:
            self.plan = self.replan()

        current_action = self.current_action()

        # this action is done, so return the next one
        if current_action.state == ACTIONSTATE_FINISHED:
            return self.plan.pop()

        # this action failed somehow
        elif current_action.state == ACTIONSTATE_FAILED:
            raise Exception, "action failed, don't know what to do now!"

        # our action is still running, just run that
        elif current_action.state == ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING:
            return current_action
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: agent.py Projeto: MacLeek/mh
class GoapAgent(ObjectBase):
    AI Agent

    inventories will be implemented using precepts and a list.
    currently, only one action running concurrently is supported.

    # this will set this class to listen for this type of precept
    # not implemented yet
    interested = []

    def __init__(self):
        self.idle_timeout = 30
        self.bb = Blackboard()
        #self.mem_manager  = MemoryManager(self)
        self.planner = plan

        self.current_goal = None

        self.goals = []  # all goals this instance can use
        self.filters = []  # list of methods to use as a filter
        self.actions = []  # all actions this npc can perform
        self.plan = []  # list of actions to perform
        # '-1' will be the action currently used

        # this special filter will prevent time precepts from being stored

    def add(self, other, origin):
        # we simulate the agent's knowledge of its inventory with precepts
        p = Precept(sense="inventory")

        # do the actual add
        super(GoapAgent, self).add(other, origin)

    def remove(self, obj):
        # we simulate the agent's knowledge of its inventory with precepts
        p = Precept(sense="inventory")

        # do the actual remove
        super(GoapAgent, self).remove(other, origin)

    def add_goal(self, goal):

    def remove_goal(self, goal):

    def add_action(self, action):

    def remove_action(self, action):

    def filter_precept(self, precept):
        precepts can be put through filters to change them.
        this can be used to simulate errors in judgement by the agent.

        for f in self.filters:
            precept = f(precept)
            if precept == None:

        return precept

    def handle_precept(self, pct):
        used by the environment to feed the agent precepts.
        agents can respond by sending back an action to take.

        # give our filters a chance to change the precept
        pct = self.filter_precept(pct)

        # our filters may have caused us to ignore the precept
        if pct == None: return None

        print "[agent] {} recv'd pct {}".format(self, pct)

        # this line has been added for debugging purposes
        self.plan = []

        if pct.sense == "position":
            self.bb.post(Tag(position=pct.position, obj=pct.thing))

        return self.next_action()

    def replan(self):
        force agent to re-evaluate goals and to formulate a plan

        # get the relevancy of each goal according to the state of the agent
        s = [(g.get_relevancy(self.bb), g) for g in self.goals]
        s = [g for g in s if g[0] > 0]

        print "[agent] goals {}".format(s)

        # starting for the most relevant goal, attempt to make a plan
        for score, goal in s:
            ok, plan = self.planner(self, self.actions, self.current_action(),
                                    self.bb, goal)

            if ok:
                print "[agent] {} has planned to {}".format(self, goal)
                pretty = list(reversed(plan[:]))
                print "[agent] {} has plan {}".format(self, pretty)
                return plan
                print "[agent] {} cannot {}".format(self, goal)

        return []

    def current_action(self):
            return self.plan[-1]
        except IndexError:
            return NullAction

    def running_actions(self):
        return self.current_action()

    def next_action(self):
        get the next action of the current plan

        if self.plan == []:
            self.plan = self.replan()

        current_action = self.current_action()

        # this action is done, so return the next one
        if current_action.state == ACTIONSTATE_FINISHED:
            return self.plan.pop()

        # this action failed somehow
        elif current_action.state == ACTIONSTATE_FAILED:
            raise Exception, "action failed, don't know what to do now!"

        # our action is still running, just run that
        elif current_action.state == ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING:
            return current_action
Exemplo n.º 10
temp_offset = -1.5

# serial port for connection to the PT8005
sound_serial_port = "/dev/ttyUSB0"

parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-v", action="store_true")
options = parser.parse_args()
if options.v:
    log_level = logging.DEBUG

if __name__ == "__main__":
    log_format = "%(asctime)s: %(message)s"
    logging.basicConfig(format=log_format, level=log_level, datefmt="%H:%M:%S")

    blackboard = Blackboard()

    gas = GasReader(blackboard)
    temperature = TemperatureReader(blackboard, temp_offset=temp_offset)
    sound = SoundReader(blackboard, serial_port=sound_serial_port)
    exporter = PrometheusExporter(blackboard)

    threads.append(threading.Thread(target=gas.measure, daemon=True))
    threads.append(threading.Thread(target=gas.set_baseline, daemon=True))
    threads.append(threading.Thread(target=gas.calibrate, daemon=True))
    threads.append(threading.Thread(target=temperature.measure, daemon=True))
    threads.append(threading.Thread(target=sound.measure, daemon=True))
    threads.append(threading.Thread(target=exporter.fill_gauges, daemon=True))
