def passed_test(dtype, as_matrix, provide_C, trans_a, trans_b):
    Run one general matrix-matrix multiplication test.

        dtype:        either 'float64' or 'float32', the NumPy dtype to test
        as_matrix:    True to test a NumPy matrix, False to test a NumPy ndarray
        provide_C:    True if C is to be provided to the BLASpy function, False otherwise
        trans_a:      BLASpy trans_a parameter to test
        trans_b:      BLASpy trans_b parameter to test

        True if the expected result is within the margin of error of the actual result,
        False otherwise.

    # generate random sizes for matrix dimensions
    m = randint(N_MIN, N_MAX)
    n = randint(N_MIN, N_MAX)
    k = randint(N_MIN, N_MAX)

    # create random scalars and matrices to test
    alpha = uniform(SCAL_MIN, SCAL_MAX)
    beta = uniform(SCAL_MIN, SCAL_MAX)
    A = random_matrix((m if trans_a == 'n' else k), (k if trans_a == 'n' else m), dtype, as_matrix)
    B = random_matrix((k if trans_b == 'n' else n), (n if trans_b == 'n' else k), dtype, as_matrix)
    C = random_matrix(m, n, dtype, as_matrix) if provide_C else None

    # create copies/views of A, B, and C that can be used to calculate the expected result
    A_2 = A if trans_a == 'n' else A.T
    B_2 = B if trans_b == 'n' else B.T
    C_2 = copy(C) if C is not None else zeros((m, n))

    # compute the expected result
    C_2 = beta * C_2 + alpha * dot(A_2, B_2)

    # get the actual result
    C = gemm(A, B, C, trans_a, trans_b, alpha, beta)

    # compare the actual result to the expected result and return result of the test
    return allclose(C, C_2, RTOL, ATOL)
Exemplo n.º 2
def timing_test(dtype, trans_a, trans_b, n, k, trials):
    Run one general matrix-matrix multiplication test.

        dtype:        either 'float64' or 'float32', the NumPy dtype to test
        as_matrix:    True to test a NumPy matrix, False to test a NumPy ndarray
        provide_C:    True if C is to be provided to the BLASpy function, False otherwise
        trans_a:      BLASpy trans_a parameter to test
        trans_b:      BLASpy trans_b parameter to test

        A tuple of the BLASpy total runtime and NumPy total runtime.
    as_matrix = True

    np_time = 0.0
    bp_time = 0.0

    for i in range(trials):

        # create random scalars and matrices to test
        alpha = uniform(SCAL_MIN, SCAL_MAX)
        beta = uniform(SCAL_MIN, SCAL_MAX)
        A = random_matrix((n if trans_a == 'n' else k), (k if trans_a == 'n' else n), dtype, as_matrix)
        B = random_matrix((k if trans_b == 'n' else n), (n if trans_b == 'n' else k), dtype, as_matrix)
        C = random_matrix(n, n, dtype, as_matrix)

        # create copies/views for NumPy
        A_2 = A if trans_a == 'n' else A.T
        B_2 = B if trans_b == 'n' else B.T
        C_2 = copy(C)

        if i % 2 == 0:

            # BLASpy first
            start = time.time()
            gemm(A, B, C, trans_a, trans_b, alpha, beta)
            end = time.time()
            bp_time += end - start

            # then NumPy
            start = time.time()
            beta * C_2 + alpha * dot(A_2, B_2)
            end = time.time()
            np_time += end - start


            # NumPy first
            start = time.time()
            beta * C_2 + alpha * dot(A_2, B_2)
            end = time.time()
            np_time += end - start

            # then BLASpy
            start = time.time()
            gemm(A, B, C, trans_a, trans_b, alpha, beta)
            end = time.time()
            bp_time += end - start

    return bp_time / trials, np_time / trials