Exemplo n.º 1
def test_tolist():
    assert [1] == tolist(1)
    l = [1, 2]
    assert l is tolist(l)
    t = (1, 2)
    # TODO: this is wrong I think as we could actually be wanting a mutable list
    assert t == tolist(t)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def process_args(self):  # noqa
     had_strict_arg_failure = False
     for argname, processor, required, takes_list, list_item_invalidates, \
             strict, show_msg, custom_msg, pass_as in self._processors:
         is_invalid = False
         pass_as = pass_as or argname
         argval = self.calling_args.get(argname, None)
             if isinstance(argval, list):
                 if takes_list is False:
                     raise formencode.Invalid('multiple values not allowed', argval, None)
                 if takes_list is None:
                     self.calling_args[pass_as] = argval = argval[0]
             elif takes_list:
                 self.calling_args[pass_as] = argval = tolist(argval)
             if pass_as != argname:
                 # catches a couple cases where a replacement doesn't
                 # already happen above
                 self.calling_args[pass_as] = argval
                 # delete the old value if it exists
                 if argname in self.calling_args:
                     del self.calling_args[argname]
             if processor:
                 if takes_list:
                     processor = formencode.ForEach(processor)
                     if required:
                         processor = formencode.All(formencode.validators.NotEmpty, processor)
                     processed_val = processor.to_python(argval)
                 except formencode.Invalid as e:
                     """ do a second round of processing for list values """
                     if not takes_list or not e.error_list or list_item_invalidates:
                     """ only remove the bad values, keep the good ones """
                     new_list = []
                     for index, error in enumerate(e.error_list):
                         if error is None:
                     # revalidate for conversion and required
                     processed_val = processor.to_python(new_list)
                 self.calling_args[pass_as] = processed_val
         except formencode.Invalid as e:
             is_invalid = True
             if self.strict_args or strict:
                 had_strict_arg_failure = True
             if show_msg:
                 invalid_msg = '%s: %s' % (argname, custom_msg or str(e))
                 user.add_message('error', invalid_msg)
             if is_invalid or self.calling_args[pass_as] is None or \
                     self.calling_args[pass_as] == '':
                 del self.calling_args[pass_as]
         except KeyError:
     if len(self.invalid_arg_keys) > 0:
         log.debug('%s had bad args: %s', self.__class__.__name__, self.invalid_arg_keys)
     if had_strict_arg_failure:
         raise BadRequest('strict arg failure w/ invalid keys: %s' % self.invalid_arg_keys)
Exemplo n.º 3
def tb_depth_in(depths):
    looks at the current traceback to see if the depth of the traceback
    matches any number in the depths list.  If a match is found, returns
    True, else False.
    depths = tolist(depths)
    if traceback_depth() in depths:
        return True
    return False
Exemplo n.º 4
 def list_active(cls, include_ids=None, order_by=None):
     if order_by is None:
         order_by = cls.label
     if include_ids:
         include_ids = tolist(include_ids)
         clause = sasql.or_(
             cls.active_flag == 1,
         clause = cls.active_flag == 1
     return cls.list_where(clause, order_by=order_by)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def auth_calculate_any_all(self, any, all):
     # if require_all is given and there are any failures, deny authorization
     for perm in tolist(all):
         if not user.has_perm(perm):
             return False
     # if there was at least one value for require_all and not values for
     # require any, then the user is authorized
     if all and not any:
         return True
     # at this point, require_all passed or was empty and require_any has
     # at least one value, so this is the final check to determine
     # authorization
     if user.has_any_perm(any):
         return True
     return False
Exemplo n.º 6
    def decorate(f):
        lrule = rule
        fname = f.__name__
        getargs = options.pop('getargs', [])
        component_prefix = _calc_component_name(f.__module__)

        # calculate the endpoint
        endpoint = fname
        if component_prefix is not None:
            endpoint = '%s:%s' % (component_prefix, endpoint)

        # setup the routing
        if lrule is None:
            lrule = '/%s' % fname
        log.debug('@asview adding route "%s" to endpoint "%s"', lrule, endpoint)
        ag.route_map.add(Rule(lrule, endpoint=endpoint), **options)

        # cache key for this object
        cachekey = '%s:%s' % (f.__module__, fname)

        # create the class that will handle this function if it doesn't already
        # exist in the cache
        if cachekey not in CLASS_CACHE:
            fvh = type(fname, (_AsViewHandler, ), {})
            fvh.__module__ = f.__module__

            # make the getargs available
            fvh._asview_getargs = tolist(getargs)

            # store this class object in the cache so we don't have to
            # recreate next time
            CLASS_CACHE[cachekey] = fvh
            fvh = CLASS_CACHE[cachekey]

        # assign the default method.  This can't be cached because on a reload
        # of the views module, the first decorated function will become
        # None.  So we have to recreate the defmethod wrapper with the
        # function object that is being created/recreated and decorated.
        def defmethod(self):
            return self._call_with_expected_args(f, method_is_bound=False)
        fvh.default = defmethod

        # return the class instead of the function
        return fvh
Exemplo n.º 7
    def filtering_col_inputs1(self, col):
        filter = col.filter
        field_name = 'v1({0})'.format(col.key)
        field_name = self.grid.prefix_qs_arg_key(field_name)

        inputs = ''
        if 'input' in filter.input_types:
            ident = '{0}_input1'.format(col.key)
            inputs += _HTML.input(name=field_name, type='text', value=filter.value1_set_with,
        if 'select' in filter.input_types:
            ident = '{0}_select1'.format(col.key)
            current_selected = tolist(filter.value1) or []
            multiple = None
            if len(current_selected) > 1:
                multiple = 'multiple'
            inputs += tags.select(field_name, current_selected,
                                  self.filtering_filter_options(filter), multiple=multiple)
            inputs += self.filtering_toggle_image()
        return inputs
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _perform_override(self):
        if not self._override_added and settings.emails.override:
            self._override_added = True
            body_prepend = '%s\n\nTo: %s  \nCc: %s  \nBcc: %s\n\n%s\n\n' % (
                '-' * 70, ', '.join(self.to), ', '.join(self.cc), ', '.join(
                    self.bcc), '-' * 70)
            self.to = tolist(settings.emails.override)
            self.cc = []
            self.bcc = []
            if self.content_subtype == 'html':
                body_prepend = markdown(body_prepend)
                self.body = self._insert_after_html_body(
                    body_prepend, self.body)
                self.body = body_prepend + self.body

            # take care of any text/html alternative types
            for attachment in self.attachments:
                filename, content, mimetype = attachment
                if not filename and content and mimetype == 'text/html':
                    attachment[1] = self._insert_after_html_body(
                        markdown(body_prepend), content)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def query_base(self, has_sort, has_filters):
        cols = [col.expr for col in self.columns if col.expr is not None]
        query = self.manager.sa_query(*cols)

        for join_terms in (tolist(self.query_joins) or tuple()):
            query = query.join(*tolist(join_terms))

        for join_terms in (tolist(self.query_outer_joins) or tuple()):
            query = query.outerjoin(*tolist(join_terms))

        if self.query_filter:
            query = query.filter(*tolist(self.query_filter))

        if not has_sort and self.query_default_sort is not None:
            query = query.order_by(*tolist(self.query_default_sort))

        return query
Exemplo n.º 10
    def update(cls, oid=None, **kwargs):
        from compstack.auth.model.orm import Group
        if oid is None:
            u = cls()
            # when creating a new user, if the password is not set, assign it as
            # a random string assuming the email will get sent out to the user
            # and they will change it when they login
            if not kwargs.get('password', None):
                kwargs['password'] = randchars(8)
            u = cls.get(oid)
        # automatically turn on reset_password when the password get set manually
        # (i.e. when an admin does it), unless told not to (when a user does it
        # for their own account)
        if kwargs.get('password') and kwargs.get('pass_reset_ok', True):
            kwargs['reset_required'] = True

        for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs):
                # some values can not be set directly
                if k not in ('pass_hash', 'pass_salt', 'assigned_groups',
                             'approved_permissions', 'denied_permissions'):
                    setattr(u, k, v)
            except AttributeError:

        if 'assigned_groups' in kwargs:
            u.groups = [
                Group.get(gid) for gid in tolist(kwargs['assigned_groups'])
        if 'approved_permissions' in kwargs:
            u.set_permissions(kwargs['approved_permissions'], True)
        if 'denied_permissions' in kwargs:
            u.set_permissions(kwargs['denied_permissions'], False)
        return u
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _perform_override(self):
        if not self._override_added and settings.emails.override:
            self._override_added = True
            body_prepend = '%s\n\nTo: %s  \nCc: %s  \nBcc: %s\n\n%s\n\n' % (
                '-' * 70,
                ', '.join(self.to),
                ', '.join(self.cc),
                ', '.join(self.bcc),
                '-' * 70
            self.to = tolist(settings.emails.override)
            self.cc = []
            self.bcc = []
            if self.content_subtype == 'html':
                body_prepend = markdown(body_prepend)
                self.body = self._insert_after_html_body(body_prepend, self.body)
                self.body = body_prepend + self.body

            # take care of any text/html alternative types
            for attachment in self.attachments:
                filename, content, mimetype = attachment
                if not filename and content and mimetype == 'text/html':
                    attachment[1] = self._insert_after_html_body(markdown(body_prepend), content)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_tolist_nonmutable_default():
    x = tolist(None)
    assert x == []
    assert tolist(None) == []
Exemplo n.º 13
 def email_error_to(self):
     error_to = self.get('KEG_EMAIL_ERROR_TO')
     override_to = self.get('KEG_EMAIL_OVERRIDE_TO')
     if override_to:
         return tolist(override_to)
     return tolist(error_to)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def order_by_helper(cls, query, order_by):
     if order_by is not None:
         return query.order_by(*tolist(order_by))
     pk_cols = sa_inspect(cls).primary_key
     return query.order_by(*pk_cols)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def _has_any(self, haystack, needles, arg_needles):
     needles = set(tolist(needles))
     if len(arg_needles) > 0:
         needles |= set(arg_needles)
     return bool(haystack.intersection(needles))
Exemplo n.º 16
 def email_error_to(self):
     error_to = self.get('KEG_EMAIL_ERROR_TO')
     override_to = self.get('KEG_EMAIL_OVERRIDE_TO')
     if override_to:
         return tolist(override_to)
     return tolist(error_to)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def render_in(self):
     resolved = self._render_in
     if callable(resolved):
         resolved = resolved(self)
     return tuple(tolist(resolved))
Exemplo n.º 18
    def add_processor(self, argname, processor=None, required=None,
                      takes_list=None, list_item_invalidates=False, strict=False,
                      show_msg=False, custom_msg=None, pass_as=None):
            Sets up filtering & validation on the calling_args to be used before
            any methods in the call stack are called. The default arguments will
            cause an invalid argument to be ignored silently. However, you can
            also setup the validation process to show the user error messages
            and/or raise a 400 Bad Request.

            argname = the key that corresponds to the argument you want to
                validate.  If this key isn't found as a URL argument, it is
                assumed that it is a get argument and expect_getargs(argname)
                is called.
            processor = a callable which takes the arg value to validate as its
                single argument.  Should raise ValueError if the value is
                invalid.  It may also be a Formencode validator.  The processor
                should also return the value to use as the calling arg.  If
                validation fails and strict is not True, then the value is set
                to None.
            required = requires the argument to be present and to have a non-None
                value.  Does not alter the value.  Since the default
                behavior is to ignore a value when validation has failed, which
                results in a None value being set, it only makes sense to use
                required when strict should be True.  Therefore, strict is set
                to true implicitely when using require.
            takes_list = if True, validates multiple values and ensures that
                the calling arg associated with argname is a list even if only
                one item was sent.  If None or False, only the first value
                will be validated and the calling arg associated with argname
                will not be a list, even if multiple values are present in
                calling_args. If None, having more than one value for argname is
                not considered a validation error. If False, it is considered a
                validation error.
            strict = If validation fails, raise a 400 Bad Request exception.
                The exception is raised after all validation has taken place, so
                user messages will still be set for all errors if applicable.
                Therefore, if your error doc handler shows user messages, the
                user can still be informed of the reason why they received
                the error.
            list_item_invalidates = When set to False and a list item fails
                validation, it is simply ignored. If strict_list == True, then a
                single validation error is considered a validation error for the
                whole argument, causing the value to be set to [].
            show_msg = should the user be shown an error message if validation
                on this argument fails?  If custom_msg == True, show_msg also
                gets set to True.
            custom_msg = A custom error msg to show the user if validation
                fails.  If not given, and if validator is a Formencode
                validator, then the message will be take from the formencode
                validator.  If not given and the validator is a callable, then
                the message will be taken from the ValueError exception that
                is raised.  If given, show_msg is implicitly set to True.
            pass_as = When the argname is not a valid python variable (e.g.
                ?listvalues[]=1&listvalues[]=2), then set pass_as to a string
                that corresponds to the variable name that should be used
                when passing this value to the action methods.
        if argname not in self.urlargs:
        if custom_msg:
            show_msg = True
        if required:
            if not processor:
                processor = formencode.validators.NotEmpty()
            strict = True
        if processor:
            for proc in tolist(processor):
                if not formencode.is_validator(proc):
                    if not hasattr(proc, '__call__'):
                        raise TypeError('processor must be a Formencode validator or a callable')
                    proc = _ProcessorWrapper(to_python=proc)
                    argname, proc, required, takes_list,
                    list_item_invalidates, strict, show_msg, custom_msg, pass_as
                argname, None, required, takes_list,
                list_item_invalidates, strict, show_msg, custom_msg, pass_as
Exemplo n.º 19
    def add_processor(self, argname, processor=None, required=None,
                      takes_list=None, list_item_invalidates=False, strict=False,
                      show_msg=False, custom_msg=None, pass_as=None):
            Sets up filtering & validation on the calling_args to be used before
            any methods in the call stack are called. The default arguments will
            cause an invalid argument to be ignored silently. However, you can
            also setup the validation process to show the user error messages
            and/or raise a 400 Bad Request.

            argname = the key that corresponds to the argument you want to
                validate.  If this key isn't found as a URL argument, it is
                assumed that it is a get argument and expect_getargs(argname)
                is called.
            processor = a callable which takes the arg value to validate as its
                single argument.  Should raise ValueError if the value is
                invalid.  It may also be a Formencode validator.  The processor
                should also return the value to use as the calling arg.  If
                validation fails and strict is not True, then the value is set
                to None.
            required = requires the argument to be present and to have a non-None
                value.  Does not alter the value.  Since the default
                behavior is to ignore a value when validation has failed, which
                results in a None value being set, it only makes sense to use
                required when strict should be True.  Therefore, strict is set
                to true implicitely when using require.
            takes_list = if True, validates multiple values and ensures that
                the calling arg associated with argname is a list even if only
                one item was sent.  If None or False, only the first value
                will be validated and the calling arg associated with argname
                will not be a list, even if multiple values are present in
                calling_args. If None, having more than one value for argname is
                not considered a validation error. If False, it is considered a
                validation error.
            strict = If validation fails, raise a 400 Bad Request exception.
                The exception is raised after all validation has taken place, so
                user messages will still be set for all errors if applicable.
                Therefore, if your error doc handler shows user messages, the
                user can still be informed of the reason why they received
                the error.
            list_item_invalidates = When set to False and a list item fails
                validation, it is simply ignored. If strict_list == True, then a
                single validation error is considered a validation error for the
                whole argument, causing the value to be set to [].
            show_msg = should the user be shown an error message if validation
                on this argument fails?  If custom_msg == True, show_msg also
                gets set to True.
            custom_msg = A custom error msg to show the user if validation
                fails.  If not given, and if validator is a Formencode
                validator, then the message will be take from the formencode
                validator.  If not given and the validator is a callable, then
                the message will be taken from the ValueError exception that
                is raised.  If given, show_msg is implicitly set to True.
            pass_as = When the argname is not a valid python variable (e.g.
                ?listvalues[]=1&listvalues[]=2), then set pass_as to a string
                that corresponds to the variable name that should be used
                when passing this value to the action methods.
        if argname not in self.urlargs:
        if custom_msg:
            show_msg = True
        if required:
            if not processor:
                processor = formencode.validators.NotEmpty()
            strict = True
        if processor:
            for proc in tolist(processor):
                if not formencode.is_validator(proc):
                    if not hasattr(proc, '__call__'):
                        raise TypeError('processor must be a Formencode validator or a callable')
                    proc = _ProcessorWrapper(to_python=proc)
                    argname, proc, required, takes_list,
                    list_item_invalidates, strict, show_msg, custom_msg, pass_as
                argname, None, required, takes_list,
                list_item_invalidates, strict, show_msg, custom_msg, pass_as