Exemplo n.º 1
def get_diff(dio_cross, feedtype, **kwargs):
    Returns ON-OFF for all Stokes parameters given a cross_pols noise diode measurement
    #Get Stokes parameters, frequencies, and time sample length
    obs = Waterfall(dio_cross, max_load=150)
    freqs = obs.populate_freqs()
    tsamp = obs.header['tsamp']
    data = obs.data
    obs = None

    I, Q, U, V = get_stokes(data, feedtype)

    #Fold noise diode data
    I_OFF, I_ON = foldcal(I, tsamp, **kwargs)
    Q_OFF, Q_ON = foldcal(Q, tsamp, **kwargs)
    U_OFF, U_ON = foldcal(U, tsamp, **kwargs)
    V_OFF, V_ON = foldcal(V, tsamp, **kwargs)

    #Do ON-OFF subtraction
    Idiff = I_ON - I_OFF
    Qdiff = Q_ON - Q_OFF
    Udiff = U_ON - U_OFF
    Vdiff = V_ON - V_OFF

    return Idiff, Qdiff, Udiff, Vdiff, freqs
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, filename, f_start=None, f_stop=None, t_start=None, t_stop=None,
                 coarse_chan=1, n_coarse_chan=None):
        :param filename:        string      name of file
        :param f_start:         float       start frequency in MHz
        :param f_stop:          float       stop frequency in MHz
        :param t_start:         int         start integration ID
        :param t_stop:          int         stop integration ID
        :param coarse_chan:     int
        :param n_coarse_chan:  int

        self.filename = filename
        self.closed = False
        self.f_start = f_start
        self.f_stop = f_stop
        self.t_start = t_start
        self.t_stop = t_stop
        self.n_coarse_chan = n_coarse_chan

        #Instancing file.
            self.fil_file = Waterfall(filename, f_start=self.f_start, f_stop=self.f_stop,
                                      t_start=self.t_start, t_stop=self.t_stop, load_data=False)
            errmsg = "Error encountered when trying to open file: {}".format(filename)
            raise IOError(errmsg)

        #Getting header
            if self.n_coarse_chan:
                header = self.__make_data_header(self.fil_file.header, coarse=True)
                header = self.__make_data_header(self.fil_file.header)
            errmsg = "Error accessing header from file: {}".format(self.fil_file.header)
            raise IOError(errmsg)

        self.header = header

        self.fftlen = header['NAXIS1']

        #EE To check if swapping tsteps_valid and tsteps is more appropriate.
        self.tsteps_valid = header['NAXIS2']
        self.tsteps = int(math.pow(2, math.ceil(np.log2(math.floor(self.tsteps_valid)))))

        self.obs_length = self.tsteps_valid * header['DELTAT']
        self.drift_rate_resolution = (1e6 * np.abs(header['DELTAF'])) / self.obs_length   # in Hz/sec
        self.header['baryv'] = 0.0
        self.header['barya'] = 0.0
        self.header['coarse_chan'] = coarse_chan

        #EE For now I'm not using a shoulder. This is ok as long as
        ##  I'm analyzing each coarse channel individually.
        #EE In general this parameter is an integer (even number).
        #This gives two regions, each of n*steps, around spectra[i]
        self.shoulder_size = 0
        self.tdwidth = self.fftlen + self.shoulder_size * self.tsteps
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_Tsys(calON_obs,
    Returns frequency dependent system temperature given observations on and off a calibrator source

    (See diode_spec())
    obs = Waterfall(calON_obs, max_load=150)
    ncoarse = obs.calc_n_coarse_chan()
    chan_per_coarse = obs.header['nchans'] / ncoarse
    freqs = obs.populate_freqs()
    cfreqs = get_centerfreqs(freqs, chan_per_coarse)
    S_sys = diode_spec(calON_obs,

    T_sys = Jy_to_Kelvin(S_sys, cfreqs)
    return T_sys, cfreqs
Exemplo n.º 4
def plot_hit(fil_filename, dat_filename, hit_id, bw=None, offset=0):
    r"""Plot a candidate from a .dat file

      fil_filename(str): Path to filterbank file to plot
      dat_filename(str): Path to turbosSETI generated .dat output file of events
      hit_id(int): ID of hit in the dat file to plot (TopHitNum)
      offset(float, optional): Offset drift line on plot. Default 0.
      bw:  (Default value = None)


    # Load hit details
    dat = find_event.make_table(dat_filename)
    hit = dat.iloc[hit_id]

    f0 = hit['Freq']

    if bw is None:
        bw_mhz = np.abs(hit['FreqStart'] - hit['FreqEnd'])
        bw_mhz = bw * 1e-6

    fil = Waterfall(fil_filename,
                    f_start=f0 - bw_mhz / 2,
                    f_stop=f0 + bw_mhz / 2)
    t_duration = (fil.n_ints_in_file - 1) * fil.header['tsamp']

    plot_event.overlay_drift(f0, f0, f0, hit['DriftRate'], t_duration, offset)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __split_h5(self, size_limit=SIZE_LIM):
        '''Creates a plan to select data from single coarse channels.

        data_list = []

        #Instancing file.
            fil_file = Waterfall(self.filename)
            logger.error("Error encountered when trying to open file: %s" %
            raise IOError("Error encountered when trying to open file: %s" %

        #Finding lowest freq in file.
            f_delt = fil_file.header[u'foff']
            f0 = fil_file.header[u'fch1']
            f_delt = fil_file.header[b'foff']
            f0 = fil_file.header[b'fch1']

        #Looping over the number of coarse channels.
        n_coarse_chan = int(fil_file.calc_n_coarse_chan())
        if n_coarse_chan != fil_file.calc_n_coarse_chan():
                'The file/selection is not an integer number of coarse channels. This could have unexpected consequences. Let op!'

        for chan in range(n_coarse_chan):

            #Calculate freq range for given course channel.
            f_start = f0 + chan * (
                f_delt) * fil_file.n_channels_in_file / n_coarse_chan
            f_stop = f0 + (chan + 1) * (
                f_delt) * fil_file.n_channels_in_file / n_coarse_chan

            if f_start > f_stop:
                f_start, f_stop = f_stop, f_start

            data_obj = DATAH5(self.filename,


            #         fn = filename[filename.rfind('/')+1:filename.rfind('.fil')]
            #         deltaf = header[u'DELTAF']
            #         fftlen = header[u'NAXIS1']
            #         fcntr = header[u'FCNTR']
            #         frange = [fcntr - fftlen*deltaf/2, fcntr + fftlen*deltaf/2]

            #This appends to a list of all data instance selections. So that all get processed later.

        return data_list
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, filename, size_limit = SIZE_LIM,f_start=None, f_stop=None,t_start=None, t_stop=None,coarse_chan=1,tn_coarse_chan=None):
        self.filename = filename
        self.closed = False
        self.f_start = f_start
        self.f_stop = f_stop
        self.t_start = t_start
        self.t_stop = t_stop
        self.tn_coarse_chan = tn_coarse_chan

        #Instancing file.
            self.fil_file = Waterfall(filename,f_start=self.f_start, f_stop=self.f_stop,t_start=self.t_start, t_stop=self.t_stop,load_data=False)
            logger.error("Error encountered when trying to open file %s"%filename)
            raise IOError("Error encountered when trying to open file %s"%filename)

        #Getting header
            if self.tn_coarse_chan:
                header = self.__make_data_header(self.fil_file.header,coarse=True)
                header = self.__make_data_header(self.fil_file.header)
            logger.debug('The fil_file.header is ' % self.fil_file.header)
            raise IOError("Error accessing header from file: %s." % self.filename)

        self.header = header

            self.fftlen = header[u'NAXIS1']

            #EE To check if swapping tsteps_valid and tsteps is more appropriate.
            self.tsteps_valid = header[u'NAXIS2']
            self.tsteps = int(math.pow(2, math.ceil(np.log2(math.floor(self.tsteps_valid)))))
            self.obs_length = self.tsteps_valid * header[u'DELTAT']
            self.drift_rate_resolution = (1e6 * np.abs(header[u'DELTAF'])) / self.obs_length   # in Hz/sec
            self.header[u'baryv'] = 0.0
            self.header[u'barya'] = 0.0
            self.header[u'coarse_chan'] = coarse_chan

             self.fftlen = header[b'NAXIS1']
             #EE To check if swapping tsteps_valid and tsteps is more appropriate.
             self.tsteps_valid = header[b'NAXIS2']
             self.tsteps = int(math.pow(2, math.ceil(np.log2(math.floor(self.tsteps_valid)))))
             self.obs_length = self.tsteps_valid * header[b'DELTAT']
             self.drift_rate_resolution = (1e6 * np.abs(header[b'DELTAF'])) / self.obs_length   # in Hz/sec
             self.header[b'baryv'] = 0.0
             self.header[b'barya'] = 0.0
             self.header[b'coarse_chan'] = coarse_chan
        #EE For now I'm not using a shoulder. This is ok as long as I'm analyzing each coarse channel individually.
        #EE In general this parameter is an integer (even number).
        #This gives two regions, each of n*steps, around spectra[i]
        self.shoulder_size = 0
        self.tdwidth = self.fftlen + self.shoulder_size*self.tsteps
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __make_h5_file(self,):
        ''' Converts file to h5 format. Saves output in current dir.

        fil_file = Waterfall(self.filename)
        new_filename = self.out_dir+self.filename.replace('.fil','.h5').split('/')[-1]
        self.filename = new_filename
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __split_h5(self, size_limit=SIZE_LIM):
        Creates a plan to select data from single coarse channels.
        :param size_limit:      float,              maximum size in MB that the file is allowed to be
        :return:                list[DATAH5],       the list contains a DATAH5 object for each of the coarse channels in
                                                    the file

        data_list = []

        #Instancing file.
            fil_file = Waterfall(self.filename)
            logger.error("Error encountered when trying to open file: %s" %
            raise IOError("Error encountered when trying to open file: %s" %

        #Finding lowest freq in file.
        f_delt = fil_file.header['foff']
        f0 = fil_file.header['fch1']

        #Looping over the number of coarse channels.
        if self.n_coarse_chan is not None:
            n_coarse_chan = self.n_coarse_chan
        elif fil_file.header.get('n_coarse_chan', None) is not None:
            n_coarse_chan = fil_file.header['n_coarse_chan']
            n_coarse_chan = int(fil_file.calc_n_coarse_chan())

        # Only load coarse chans of interest -- or do all if not specified
        if self.coarse_chans in (None, ''):
            self.coarse_chans = range(n_coarse_chan)

        for chan in self.coarse_chans:

            #Calculate freq range for given course channel.
            f_start = f0 + chan * (
                f_delt) * fil_file.n_channels_in_file / n_coarse_chan
            f_stop = f0 + (chan + 1) * (
                f_delt) * fil_file.n_channels_in_file / n_coarse_chan

            if f_start > f_stop:
                f_start, f_stop = f_stop, f_start

            data_obj = DATAH5(self.filename,


            #This appends to a list of all data instance selections. So that all get processed later.

        return data_list
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __split_h5(self):
        Creates a plan to select data from single coarse channels.
        :return: list[DATAH5],
            where each list member contains a DATAH5 object
            for each of the coarse channels in the file.

        data_list = []

        #Instancing file.
            fil_file = Waterfall(self.filename)
            errmsg = "Error encountered when trying to open file: {}".format(
            raise IOError(errmsg)

        #Finding lowest freq in file.
        f_delt = fil_file.header['foff']
        f0 = fil_file.header['fch1']

        #Looping over the number of coarse channels.
        if self.n_coarse_chan is not None:
            n_coarse_chan = self.n_coarse_chan
        elif fil_file.header.get('n_coarse_chan', None) is not None:
            n_coarse_chan = fil_file.header['n_coarse_chan']
            n_coarse_chan = int(fil_file.calc_n_coarse_chan())

        # Only load coarse chans of interest -- or do all if not specified
        if self.coarse_chans in (None, ''):
            self.coarse_chans = range(n_coarse_chan)

        for chan in self.coarse_chans:

            #Calculate freq range for given course channel.
            f_start = f0 + chan * (
                f_delt) * fil_file.n_channels_in_file / n_coarse_chan
            f_stop = f0 + (chan + 1) * (
                f_delt) * fil_file.n_channels_in_file / n_coarse_chan

            if f_start > f_stop:
                f_start, f_stop = f_stop, f_start

            data_obj = {
                'filename': self.filename,
                'f_start': f_start,
                'f_stop': f_stop,
                'coarse_chan': chan,
                'n_coarse_chan': n_coarse_chan

            #This appends to a list of all data instance selections. So that all get processed later.

        return data_list
Exemplo n.º 10
def calibrate_fluxes(main_obs_name,dio_name,dspec,Tsys,fullstokes=False,**kwargs):
    Produce calibrated Stokes I for an observation given a noise diode
    measurement on the source and a diode spectrum with the same number of
    coarse channels

    main_obs_name : str
        Path to filterbank file containing final data to be calibrated
    dio_name : str
        Path to filterbank file for observation on the target source with flickering noise diode
    dspec : 1D Array (float) or float
        Coarse channel spectrum (or average) of the noise diode in Jy (obtained from diode_spec())
    Tsys : 1D Array (float) or float
        Coarse channel spectrum (or average) of the system temperature in Jy
    fullstokes: boolean
        Use fullstokes=True if data is in IQUV format or just Stokes I, use fullstokes=False if
        it is in cross_pols format

    #Find folded spectra of the target source with the noise diode ON and OFF
    main_obs = Waterfall(main_obs_name,max_load=150)
    ncoarse = main_obs.calc_n_coarse_chan()
    dio_obs = Waterfall(dio_name,max_load=150)
    dio_chan_per_coarse = dio_obs.header['nchans']/ncoarse
    dOFF,dON = integrate_calib(dio_name,dio_chan_per_coarse,fullstokes,**kwargs)

    #Find Jy/count for each coarse channel using the diode spectrum
    main_dat = main_obs.data
    scale_facs = dspec/(dON-dOFF)

    nchans = main_obs.header['nchans']
    obs_chan_per_coarse = nchans/ncoarse

    ax0_size = np.size(main_dat,0)
    ax1_size = np.size(main_dat,1)

    #Reshape data array of target observation and multiply coarse channels by the scale factors
    main_dat = np.reshape(main_dat,(ax0_size,ax1_size,ncoarse,obs_chan_per_coarse))
    main_dat = np.swapaxes(main_dat,2,3)

    main_dat = main_dat*scale_facs
    main_dat = main_dat-Tsys
    main_dat = np.swapaxes(main_dat,2,3)
    main_dat = np.reshape(main_dat,(ax0_size,ax1_size,nchans))

    #Write calibrated data to a new filterbank file with ".fluxcal" extension

    main_obs.data = main_dat
    print('Finished: calibrated product written to ' + main_obs_name[:-4]+'.fluxcal.fil')
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __make_h5_file(self):
        Converts file to h5 format, saved in current directory.
        Sets the filename attribute of the calling DATAHandle.
        to the (new) filename.

        fil_file = Waterfall(self.filename)
        bn = os.path.basename(self.filename)
        new_filename = os.path.join(self.out_dir, bn.replace('.fil', '.h5'))
        self.filename = new_filename
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_ncc_chan_bw():
    wf = Waterfall(voyager_h5)
    print("test_bcc_chan_bw: telescope_id:", wf.header['telescope_id'])
    print("test_ncc_chan_bw: nchans:", wf.header['nchans'])

    n_coarse_chan = wf.calc_n_coarse_chan(16)
    print("test_ncc_chan_bw: n_coarse_chan [chan_bw=16]:", n_coarse_chan)
    assert n_coarse_chan == 64

    n_coarse_chan = wf.calc_n_coarse_chan(1)
    print("test_ncc_chan_bw: n_coarse_chan [chan_bw=1]:", n_coarse_chan)
    assert n_coarse_chan > 2.9 and n_coarse_chan < 3.0
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __make_h5_file(self, ):
        Converts file to h5 format. Saves output in current dir. Sets the filename attribute of the calling DATAHandle
        to the (new) filename.
        :return: void

        fil_file = Waterfall(self.filename)
        bn = os.path.basename(self.filename)
        new_filename = os.path.join(self.out_dir, bn.replace('.fil', '.h5'))
        self.filename = new_filename
Exemplo n.º 14
def get_NT(FILE):
    Returns number of time integrations in fil FILE; loads one 
    frequency channel (across all time) of file to do this
    fbank = Waterfall(FILE, load_data=False)
    fch1 = fbank.header['fch1']
    f_off = fbank.header['foff']
        f_start=fch1 + f_off,
        f_stop=fch1)  # Read one channel of file to determine n_ints
    n_ints = fbank.data.shape[0]
    return n_ints
Exemplo n.º 15
def diode_spec(calON_obs,
    Calculate the coarse channel spectrum and system temperature of the noise diode in Jy given two noise diode
    measurements ON and OFF the calibrator source with the same frequency and time resolution

    calON_obs : str
        (see f_ratios() above)
    calOFF_obs : str
        (see f_ratios() above)
    calflux : float
        Known flux of calibrator source at a particular frequency
    calfreq : float
        Frequency where calibrator source has flux calflux (see above)
    spec_in : float
        Known power-law spectral index of calibrator source. Use convention flux(frequency) = constant * frequency^(spec_in)
    average : boolean
        Use average=True to return noise diode and Tsys spectra averaged over frequencies
    #Load frequencies and calculate number of channels per coarse channel
    obs = Waterfall(calON_obs, max_load=150)
    freqs = obs.populate_freqs()
    ncoarse = obs.calc_n_coarse_chan()
    nchans = obs.header['nchans']
    chan_per_coarse = nchans / ncoarse

    f_ON, f_OFF = f_ratios(calON_obs, calOFF_obs, chan_per_coarse, **kwargs)

    #Obtain spectrum of the calibrator source for the given frequency range
    centerfreqs = get_centerfreqs(freqs, chan_per_coarse)
    calfluxes = get_calfluxes(calflux, calfreq, spec_in, centerfreqs, oneflux)

    #C_o and Tsys as defined in van Straten et al. 2012
    C_o = calfluxes / (1 / f_ON - 1 / f_OFF)
    Tsys = C_o / f_OFF

    #return coarse channel diode spectrum
    if average == True:
        return np.mean(C_o), np.mean(Tsys)
        return C_o, Tsys
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _update_waterfall(self):
        # Set fil with sample data; (1.4 Hz, 1.4 s) res
        if self.waterfall is None:
            my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
            path = os.path.join(my_path, 'assets/sample.fil')
            self.waterfall = Waterfall(path)
            self.waterfall.header[b'source_name'] = b'Synthetic'
            self.waterfall.header[b'foff'] = self.df * -1e-6
            self.waterfall.header[b'tsamp'] = self.dt
            self.waterfall.header[b'nchans'] = self.fchans
            self.waterfall.header[b'fch1'] = self.fmax

        # Have to manually flip in the frequency direction + add an extra
        # dimension for polarization to work with Waterfall
        self.waterfall.data = self.data[:, np.newaxis, ::-1]
Exemplo n.º 17
def gen_pulse_corpus(FILE, N, OUTDIR, NT=256, band='L', fullband=True):
    Calls get_pulse in parallel to generate a corpus of N batches 
    of pulses in OUTDIR
    if band == 'C':
        fullband = False
    fbank = Waterfall(FILE, load_data=False)
    fheader = fbank.header
    print("HEADER INFO:")
    if fullband:
        fband_range = [
            fheader['fch1'] + fheader['foff'] * fheader['nchans'],
        nu = np.arange(fband_range[0], fband_range[-1], np.abs(
            fheader['foff'])) * 1.e-3
        fband_range = FREQ_BAND_TO_INFO[band]['freq_range']
        fc1, fc2, nus = get_chans(fheader['fch1'],
        nu = nus[::-1] * 1.e-3  # to GHz
    t = np.arange(0, NT, 1) * fbank.header['tsamp'] * 1.e3
    if not os.path.exists(OUTDIR):
    _ = Parallel(n_jobs=8)(delayed(get_pulse)(t, nu, i, OUTDIR, 1, NT, band)
                           for i in range(N))
Exemplo n.º 18
    def get_info(self):
        :return:    dict,    header of the blimpy file

        fil_file = Waterfall(self.filename, load_data=False)
        return fil_file.header
Exemplo n.º 19
def write_fil(data, times, freqs_GHz, hdr, hotpotato):
    # Reshape data array.
    data = data.T.reshape(
        (data.T.shape[0], 1, data.T.shape[1])
    )  # New shape = (No. of time samples, No. of polarizations, No. of channels)
    # Construct a Waterfall object that will be written to disk as a filterbank file.
    base_fileout = hotpotato['basename'] + '_t%.2fto%.2f_freqs%.2fto%.2f' % (
        times[0], times[-1], freqs_GHz[0], freqs_GHz[-1]) + '.fil'
    filename_out = hotpotato['OUTPUT_DIR'] + '/' + base_fileout
    wat = Waterfall()  # Empty Waterfall object
    wat.header = hdr.primary
    with open(filename_out, 'wb') as fh:
        print('Writing smoothed data to %s' % (base_fileout))
            wat))  # Trick Blimpy into writing a sigproc header.
Exemplo n.º 20
def get_data(waterfall, use_db=False):
    Get time-frequency data from filterbank file as a 2d NumPy array.

    Note: when multiple Stokes parameters are supported, this will have to
    be expanded.

    waterfall : str or Waterfall
        Name of filterbank file or Waterfall object

    data : ndarray
        Time-frequency data
    if isinstance(waterfall, str):
        waterfall = Waterfall(waterfall)
    elif not isinstance(waterfall, Waterfall):
        sys.exit('Invalid data file!')

    if use_db:
        return 10 * np.log10(waterfall.data[:, 0, :])

    return waterfall.data[:, 0, :]
Exemplo n.º 21
def get_drift_rate(file):
    # open the file
    obs = Waterfall(file)

    # get the time of obs + make array 15 min into future
    jdate = obs.header['tstart'] + 2400000.5
    JDUTC = np.linspace(jdate, jdate + (60.0 * 15.0/86400.), num=100)

    # get the pointing of the obs
    c = SkyCoord(obs.header['src_raj'], obs.header['src_dej'])
    s = c.to_string('decimal')
    ra_probe, dec_probe = [float(string) for string in s.split()]

    # other needed params
    obsname = 'GBT'
    epoch = 2451545.0
    rv = 0.0
    zmeas = 0.0

    # get the BC vel
    baryvel = get_BC_vel(JDUTC=JDUTC, ra=ra_probe, dec=dec_probe, obsname='GBT',
                         rv=rv, zmeas=zmeas, epoch=epoch, ephemeris=ephemeris,

    # take the derivative of velocity to get acceleration (i.e., drift)
    diffT = np.diff(JDUTC) * 86400.0
    diffV = np.diff(baryvel[0])
    drift = diffV/diffT

    # convert m/s^2 to Hz/s and take the max drift calculated
    drift *= (obs.container.f_stop * 1e6 / 3e8)

    # TODO check SIGN!!!
    return np.max(np.abs(drift))
Exemplo n.º 22
def plot_diodespec(ON_obs,OFF_obs,calflux,calfreq,spec_in,units='mJy',**kwargs):
    Plots the full-band Stokes I spectrum of the noise diode (ON-OFF)

    dspec = diode_spec(ON_obs,OFF_obs,calflux,calfreq,spec_in,**kwargs)
    obs = Waterfall(ON_obs,max_load=150)
    freqs = obs.populate_freqs()
    chan_per_coarse = obs.header['nchans']/obs.calc_n_coarse_chan()
    coarse_freqs = convert_to_coarse(freqs,chan_per_coarse)
    plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
    plt.ylabel('Flux Density ('+units+')')
    plt.title('Noise Diode Spectrum')
Exemplo n.º 23
def get_Tsys_nodiode(calON_obs_name,
    Calculates system temperature from two flux calibrator scans taken without noise diode flickering.

    calON_obs_name : str
        Path to filterbank file for scan ON calibrator target
    calOFF_obs_name : str
        Path to filterbank file for scan OFF calibrator
    calflux : float
        Flux in Jy of the calibrator source
    calfreq : float or int
        Frequency at which calflux was taken (MHz)
    spec_in : float
        Spectral index of this calibrator
    calON_obs = Waterfall(calON_obs_name, max_load=150)
    calOFF_obs = Waterfall(calOFF_obs_name, max_load=150)
    ncoarse = calON_obs.calc_n_coarse_chan()
    chan_per_coarse = calON_obs.header['nchans'] / ncoarse

    ONobs_spec = np.squeeze(np.mean(calON_obs.data, axis=0))
    OFFobs_spec = np.squeeze(np.mean(calOFF_obs.data, axis=0))
    freqs = calON_obs.populate_freqs()

    ON_coarse_spec = integrate_chans(ONobs_spec, freqs, chan_per_coarse)
    OFF_coarse_spec = integrate_chans(OFFobs_spec, freqs, chan_per_coarse)
    cfreqs = get_centerfreqs(freqs, chan_per_coarse)
    cal_fluxes = get_calfluxes(calflux,

    S_sys = (OFF_coarse_spec) / (ON_coarse_spec - OFF_coarse_spec) * cal_fluxes

    #Convert to Kelvins
    T_sys, cfreqs = Jy_to_Kelvin(S_sys, cfreqs)
    return T_sys, cfreqs
Exemplo n.º 24
def integrate_calib(name,chan_per_coarse,fullstokes=False,**kwargs):
    Folds Stokes I noise diode data and integrates along coarse channels

    name : str
        Path to noise diode filterbank file
    chan_per_coarse : int
        Number of frequency bins per coarse channel
    fullstokes : boolean
        Use fullstokes=True if data is in IQUV format or just Stokes I, use fullstokes=False if
        it is in cross_pols format
    #Load data
    obs = Waterfall(name,max_load=150)
    data = obs.data

    #If the data has cross_pols format calculate Stokes I
    if fullstokes==False and data.shape[1]>1:
        data = data[:,0,:]+data[:,1,:]
        data = np.expand_dims(data,axis=1)
    #If the data has IQUV format get Stokes I
    if fullstokes==True:
        data = data[:,0,:]
        data = np.expand_dims(data,axis=1)

    tsamp = obs.header['tsamp']

    #Calculate ON and OFF values
    OFF,ON = foldcal(data,tsamp,**kwargs)

    freqs = obs.populate_freqs()

    #Find ON and OFF spectra by coarse channel
    ON_int = integrate_chans(ON,freqs,chan_per_coarse)
    OFF_int = integrate_chans(OFF,freqs,chan_per_coarse)

    #If "ON" is actually "OFF" switch them
    if np.sum(ON_int)<np.sum(OFF_int):
        temp = ON_int
        ON_int = OFF_int
        OFF_int = temp

    #Return coarse channel spectrum of OFF and ON
    return OFF_int,ON_int
Exemplo n.º 25
    def read_filterbank(self, tab, startbin, chunksize):
        Read a chunk of filterbank data

        :param int tab: TAB index
        :param int startbin: Index of first time sample to read
        :param int chunksize: Number of time samples to read
        :return: chunk of data with shape (nfreq, chunksize)
        fil = Waterfall(self.fnames[tab], load_data=False)
        # read chunk of data
        fil.read_data(None, None, startbin, startbin + chunksize)
        # keep only time and freq axes, transpose to have frequency first
        data = fil.data[:, 0, :].T.astype(float)
        if self.median_filter:
            data -= np.median(data, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        return data
Exemplo n.º 26
def integrate_calib(name, chan_per_coarse, fullstokes=False, **kwargs):
    Folds Stokes I noise diode data and integrates along coarse channels

    name : str
        Path to noise diode filterbank file
    chan_per_coarse : int
        Number of frequency bins per coarse channel
    fullstokes : boolean
        Use fullstokes=True if data is in IQUV format or just Stokes I, use fullstokes=False if
        it is in cross_pols format
    #Load data
    obs = Waterfall(name, max_load=150)
    data = obs.data

    #If the data has cross_pols format calculate Stokes I
    if fullstokes == False and data.shape[1] > 1:
        data = data[:, 0, :] + data[:, 1, :]
        data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=1)
    #If the data has IQUV format get Stokes I
    if fullstokes == True:
        data = data[:, 0, :]
        data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=1)

    tsamp = obs.header['tsamp']

    #Calculate ON and OFF values
    OFF, ON = foldcal(data, tsamp, **kwargs)

    freqs = obs.populate_freqs()

    #Find ON and OFF spectra by coarse channel
    ON_int = integrate_chans(ON, freqs, chan_per_coarse)
    OFF_int = integrate_chans(OFF, freqs, chan_per_coarse)

    #If "ON" is actually "OFF" switch them
    if np.sum(ON_int) < np.sum(OFF_int):
        temp = ON_int
        ON_int = OFF_int
        OFF_int = temp

    #Return coarse channel spectrum of OFF and ON
    return OFF_int, ON_int
Exemplo n.º 27
def plot_gain_offsets(dio_cross,
    Plots the calculated gain offsets of each coarse channel along with
    the time averaged power spectra of the X and Y feeds
    #Get ON-OFF ND spectra
    Idiff, Qdiff, Udiff, Vdiff, freqs = get_diff(dio_cross, feedtype, **kwargs)
    obs = Waterfall(dio_cross, max_load=150)
    tsamp = obs.header['tsamp']
    data = obs.data
    obs = None
    I, Q, U, V = get_stokes(data, feedtype)

    #Get phase offsets and convert to degrees
    coarse_G = gain_offsets(I, Q, U, V, tsamp, dio_chan_per_coarse, feedtype,
    coarse_freqs = convert_to_coarse(freqs, dio_chan_per_coarse)

    #Get X and Y spectra for the noise diode ON and OFF
    #If using circular feeds these correspond to LL and RR
    XX_OFF, XX_ON = foldcal(np.expand_dims(data[:, 0, :], axis=1), tsamp,
    YY_OFF, YY_ON = foldcal(np.expand_dims(data[:, 1, :], axis=1), tsamp,

    if ax1 == None:
        axG = plt.axes(ax1)
        plt.setp(axG.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.plot(coarse_freqs, coarse_G, 'ko', markersize=2)
    plt.ylabel(r'$\frac{\Delta G}{2}$', rotation=90)
    if feedtype == 'l':
        plt.title('XY Gain Difference')
    if feedtype == 'c':
        plt.title('LR Gain Difference')

    if ax2 == None:
        axXY = plt.axes(ax2, sharex=axG)
    if feedtype == 'l':
        plt.plot(freqs, XX_OFF, 'b-', label='XX')
        plt.plot(freqs, YY_OFF, 'r-', label='YY')
    if feedtype == 'c':
        plt.plot(freqs, XX_OFF, 'b-', label='LL')
        plt.plot(freqs, YY_OFF, 'r-', label='RR')
    plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
    plt.ylabel('Power (Counts)')
    if legend == True:
Exemplo n.º 28
def plot_calibrated_diode(dio_cross,
    Plots the corrected noise diode spectrum for a given noise diode measurement
    after application of the inverse Mueller matrix for the electronics chain.
    #Get full stokes data for the ND observation
    obs = Waterfall(dio_cross, max_load=150)
    freqs = obs.populate_freqs()
    tsamp = obs.header['tsamp']
    data = obs.data
    obs = None
    I, Q, U, V = get_stokes(data, feedtype)
    data = None

    #Calculate Mueller Matrix variables for each coarse channel
    psis = phase_offsets(I, Q, U, V, tsamp, chan_per_coarse, feedtype,
    G = gain_offsets(I, Q, U, V, tsamp, chan_per_coarse, feedtype, **kwargs)

    #Apply the Mueller matrix to original noise diode data and refold
    I, Q, U, V = apply_Mueller(I, Q, U, V, G, psis, chan_per_coarse, feedtype)
    I_OFF, I_ON = foldcal(I, tsamp, **kwargs)
    Q_OFF, Q_ON = foldcal(Q, tsamp, **kwargs)
    U_OFF, U_ON = foldcal(U, tsamp, **kwargs)
    V_OFF, V_ON = foldcal(V, tsamp, **kwargs)

    #Delete data arrays for space
    I = None
    Q = None
    U = None
    V = None

    #Plot new ON-OFF spectra
    plt.plot(freqs, I_ON - I_OFF, 'k-', label='I')
    plt.plot(freqs, Q_ON - Q_OFF, 'r-', label='Q')
    plt.plot(freqs, U_ON - U_OFF, 'g-', label='U')
    plt.plot(freqs, V_ON - V_OFF, 'm-', label='V')

    plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
    plt.title('Calibrated Full Stokes Noise Diode Spectrum')
    plt.ylabel('Power (Counts)')
Exemplo n.º 29
def split_file_generator(filename, frequency_dimension=512, count = None, NUM_PARTS = 100):
	wf = Waterfall(filename, load_data = False)
	f_begin, f_end, f_delta = get_f_iter_bounds(wf.header, frequency_dimension)

	leftover = None
	#read NUM_PARTS from wf at a time, to be split after
	for iteration, (f_start, f_stop) in enumerate(pairwise(np.arange(f_begin, f_end, f_delta * NUM_PARTS))):
		wf.read_data(f_start=f_start, f_stop = f_stop)
		parts_together = wf.data.squeeze() #squeeze brings shape from (16, 1, 512 * NUM_PARTS) -> (16, 512 * NUM_PARTS)
		if not leftover is None:
			parts_together = np.append(leftover, parts_together, axis = 1)
		parts_lst, leftover = split_parts(parts_together, frequency_dimension)
		yield parts_lst

		if count and iteration * NUM_PARTS >= count:
	if not count and not leftover is None:
		yield leftover
Exemplo n.º 30
def plot_phase_offsets(dio_cross,
    Plots the calculated phase offsets of each coarse channel along with
    the UV (or QU) noise diode spectrum for comparison
    #Get ON-OFF ND spectra
    Idiff, Qdiff, Udiff, Vdiff, freqs = get_diff(dio_cross, feedtype, **kwargs)
    obs = Waterfall(dio_cross, max_load=150)
    tsamp = obs.header['tsamp']
    data = obs.data
    obs = None
    I, Q, U, V = get_stokes(data, feedtype)

    #Get phase offsets and convert to degrees
    coarse_psis = phase_offsets(I, Q, U, V, tsamp, chan_per_coarse, feedtype,
    coarse_freqs = convert_to_coarse(freqs, chan_per_coarse)
    coarse_degs = np.degrees(coarse_psis)

    #Plot phase offsets
    if ax2 == None:
        axPsi = plt.axes(ax2)
        plt.setp(axPsi.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
             label='Coarse Channel $\psi$')
    plt.title('Phase Offsets')
    if legend == True:

    #Plot U and V spectra
    if ax1 == None:
        axUV = plt.axes(ax1)
    plt.plot(freqs, Udiff, 'g-', label='U')
    if feedtype == 'l':
        plt.plot(freqs, Vdiff, 'm-', label='V')
    if feedtype == 'c':
        plt.plot(freqs, Qdiff, 'r-', label='Q')
    plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
    plt.ylabel('Power (Counts)')
    if legend == True:
Exemplo n.º 31
def calibrate_fluxes(main_obs_name,
    Produce calibrated Stokes I for an observation given a noise diode
    measurement on the source and a diode spectrum with the same number of
    coarse channels

    main_obs_name : str
        Path to filterbank file containing final data to be calibrated
    dio_name : str
        Path to filterbank file for observation on the target source with flickering noise diode
    dspec : 1D Array (float) or float
        Coarse channel spectrum (or average) of the noise diode in Jy (obtained from diode_spec())
    Tsys : 1D Array (float) or float
        Coarse channel spectrum (or average) of the system temperature in Jy
    fullstokes: boolean
        Use fullstokes=True if data is in IQUV format or just Stokes I, use fullstokes=False if
        it is in cross_pols format

    #Find folded spectra of the target source with the noise diode ON and OFF
    main_obs = Waterfall(main_obs_name, max_load=150)
    ncoarse = main_obs.calc_n_coarse_chan()
    dio_obs = Waterfall(dio_name, max_load=150)
    dio_chan_per_coarse = dio_obs.header['nchans'] / ncoarse
    dOFF, dON = integrate_calib(dio_name, dio_chan_per_coarse, fullstokes,

    #Find Jy/count for each coarse channel using the diode spectrum
    main_dat = main_obs.data
    scale_facs = dspec / (dON - dOFF)

    nchans = main_obs.header['nchans']
    obs_chan_per_coarse = nchans / ncoarse

    ax0_size = np.size(main_dat, 0)
    ax1_size = np.size(main_dat, 1)

    #Reshape data array of target observation and multiply coarse channels by the scale factors
    main_dat = np.reshape(main_dat,
                          (ax0_size, ax1_size, ncoarse, obs_chan_per_coarse))
    main_dat = np.swapaxes(main_dat, 2, 3)

    main_dat = main_dat * scale_facs
    main_dat = main_dat - Tsys
    main_dat = np.swapaxes(main_dat, 2, 3)
    main_dat = np.reshape(main_dat, (ax0_size, ax1_size, nchans))

    #Write calibrated data to a new filterbank file with ".fluxcal" extension
    main_obs.data = main_dat
    main_obs.write_to_filterbank(main_obs_name[:-4] + '.fluxcal.fil')
    print 'Finished: calibrated product written to ' + main_obs_name[:-4] + '.fluxcal.fil'
Exemplo n.º 32
def plot_diode_fold(dio_cross,bothfeeds=True,feedtype='l',min_samp=-500,max_samp=7000,legend=True,**kwargs):
    Plots the calculated average power and time sampling of ON (red) and
    OFF (blue) for a noise diode measurement over the observation time series
    #Get full stokes data of ND measurement
    obs = Waterfall(dio_cross,max_load=150)
    tsamp = obs.header['tsamp']
    data = obs.data
    obs = None
    I,Q,U,V = get_stokes(data,feedtype)

    #Calculate time series, OFF and ON averages, and time samples for each
    tseriesI = np.squeeze(np.mean(I,axis=2))
    I_OFF,I_ON,OFFints,ONints = foldcal(I,tsamp,inds=True,**kwargs)
    if bothfeeds==True:
        if feedtype=='l':
            tseriesQ = np.squeeze(np.mean(Q,axis=2))
            tseriesX = (tseriesI+tseriesQ)/2
            tseriesY = (tseriesI-tseriesQ)/2
        if feedtype=='c':
            tseriesV = np.squeeze(np.mean(V,axis=2))
            tseriesR = (tseriesI+tseriesV)/2
            tseriesL = (tseriesI-tseriesV)/2

    stop = ONints[-1,1]

    #Plot time series and calculated average for ON and OFF
    if bothfeeds==False:
        plt.plot(tseriesI[0:stop],'k-',label='Total Power')
        for i in ONints:
        for i in OFFints:
        if feedtype=='l':
            diff = np.mean(tseriesX)-np.mean(tseriesY)
            plt.plot(tseriesY[0:stop]+diff,'r-',label='YY (shifted)')
        if feedtype=='c':
            diff = np.mean(tseriesL)-np.mean(tseriesR)
            plt.plot(tseriesR[0:stop]+diff,'r-',label='RR (shifted)')

    #Calculate plotting limits
    if bothfeeds==False:
        lowlim = np.mean(I_OFF)-(np.mean(I_ON)-np.mean(I_OFF))/2
        hilim = np.mean(I_ON)+(np.mean(I_ON)-np.mean(I_OFF))/2

    plt.xlabel('Time Sample Number')
    plt.ylabel('Power (Counts)')
    plt.title('Noise Diode Fold')
    if legend==True:
Exemplo n.º 33
def diode_spec(calON_obs,calOFF_obs,calflux,calfreq,spec_in,average=True,oneflux=False,**kwargs):
    Calculate the coarse channel spectrum and system temperature of the noise diode in Jy given two noise diode
    measurements ON and OFF the calibrator source with the same frequency and time resolution

    calON_obs : str
        (see f_ratios() above)
    calOFF_obs : str
        (see f_ratios() above)
    calflux : float
        Known flux of calibrator source at a particular frequency
    calfreq : float
        Frequency where calibrator source has flux calflux (see above)
    spec_in : float
        Known power-law spectral index of calibrator source. Use convention flux(frequency) = constant * frequency^(spec_in)
    average : boolean
        Use average=True to return noise diode and Tsys spectra averaged over frequencies
    #Load frequencies and calculate number of channels per coarse channel
    obs = Waterfall(calON_obs,max_load=150)
    freqs = obs.populate_freqs()
    ncoarse = obs.calc_n_coarse_chan()
    nchans = obs.header['nchans']
    chan_per_coarse = nchans/ncoarse

    f_ON, f_OFF = f_ratios(calON_obs,calOFF_obs,chan_per_coarse,**kwargs)

    #Obtain spectrum of the calibrator source for the given frequency range
    centerfreqs = get_centerfreqs(freqs,chan_per_coarse)
    calfluxes = get_calfluxes(calflux,calfreq,spec_in,centerfreqs,oneflux)

    #C_o and Tsys as defined in van Straten et al. 2012
    C_o = calfluxes/(1/f_ON-1/f_OFF)
    Tsys = C_o/f_OFF

    #return coarse channel diode spectrum
    if average==True:
        return np.mean(C_o),np.mean(Tsys)
        return C_o,Tsys
Exemplo n.º 34
def write_polfils(str, str_I, **kwargs):
    '''Writes two new filterbank files containing fractional linear and
    circular polarization data'''

    lin,circ=fracpols(str, **kwargs)
    obs = Waterfall(str_I, max_load=150)

    obs.data = lin
    obs.write_to_fil(str[:-15]+'.linpol.fil')   #assuming file is named *.cross_pols.fil

    obs.data = circ
    obs.write_to_fil(str[:-15]+'.circpol.fil')   #assuming file is named *.cross_pols.fil
Exemplo n.º 35
def calibrate_pols(cross_pols,diode_cross,obsI=None,onefile=True,feedtype='l',**kwargs):
    Write Stokes-calibrated filterbank file for a given observation
    with a calibrator noise diode measurement on the source

    cross_pols : string
        Path to cross polarization filterbank file (rawspec output) for observation to be calibrated
    diode_cross : string
        Path to cross polarization filterbank file of noise diode measurement ON the target
    obsI : string
        Path to Stokes I filterbank file of main observation (only needed if onefile=False)
    onefile : boolean
        True writes all calibrated Stokes parameters to a single filterbank file,
        False writes four separate files
    feedtype : 'l' or 'c'
        Basis of antenna dipoles. 'c' for circular, 'l' for linear
    #Obtain time sample length, frequencies, and noise diode data
    obs = Waterfall(diode_cross,max_load=150)
    cross_dat = obs.data
    tsamp = obs.header['tsamp']

    #Calculate number of coarse channels in the noise diode measurement (usually 8)
    dio_ncoarse = obs.calc_n_coarse_chan()
    dio_nchans = obs.header['nchans']
    dio_chan_per_coarse = dio_nchans/dio_ncoarse
    obs = None
    Idat,Qdat,Udat,Vdat = get_stokes(cross_dat,feedtype)
    cross_dat = None
    #Calculate differential gain and phase from noise diode measurements
    print('Calculating Mueller Matrix variables')
    gams = gain_offsets(Idat,Qdat,Udat,Vdat,tsamp,dio_chan_per_coarse,feedtype,**kwargs)
    psis = phase_offsets(Idat,Qdat,Udat,Vdat,tsamp,dio_chan_per_coarse,feedtype,**kwargs)

    #Clear data arrays to save memory
    Idat = None
    Qdat = None
    Udat = None
    Vdat = None

    #Get corrected Stokes parameters
    print('Opening '+cross_pols)
    cross_obs = Waterfall(cross_pols,max_load=150)
    obs_ncoarse = cross_obs.calc_n_coarse_chan()
    obs_nchans = cross_obs.header['nchans']
    obs_chan_per_coarse = obs_nchans/obs_ncoarse

    print('Grabbing Stokes parameters')
    I,Q,U,V = get_stokes(cross_obs.data,feedtype)

    print('Applying Mueller Matrix')
    I,Q,U,V = apply_Mueller(I,Q,U,V,gams,psis,obs_chan_per_coarse,feedtype)

    #Use onefile (default) to produce one filterbank file containing all Stokes information
    if onefile==True:
        cross_obs.data[:,0,:] = np.squeeze(I)
        cross_obs.data[:,1,:] = np.squeeze(Q)
        cross_obs.data[:,2,:] = np.squeeze(U)
        cross_obs.data[:,3,:] = np.squeeze(V)
        print('Calibrated Stokes parameters written to '+cross_pols[:-15]+'.SIQUV.polcal.fil')

    #Write corrected Stokes parameters to four filterbank files if onefile==False
    obs = Waterfall(obs_I,max_load=150)
    obs.data = I
    obs.write_to_fil(cross_pols[:-15]+'.SI.polcal.fil')   #assuming file is named *.cross_pols.fil
    print('Calibrated Stokes I written to '+cross_pols[:-15]+'.SI.polcal.fil')

    obs.data = Q
    obs.write_to_fil(cross_pols[:-15]+'.Q.polcal.fil')   #assuming file is named *.cross_pols.fil
    print('Calibrated Stokes Q written to '+cross_pols[:-15]+'.Q.polcal.fil')

    obs.data = U
    obs.write_to_fil(cross_pols[:-15]+'.U.polcal.fil')   #assuming file is named *.cross_pols.fil
    print('Calibrated Stokes U written to '+cross_pols[:-15]+'.U.polcal.fil')

    obs.data = V
    obs.write_to_fil(cross_pols[:-15]+'.V.polcal.fil')   #assuming file is named *.cross_pols.fil
    print('Calibrated Stokes V written to '+cross_pols[:-15]+'.V.polcal.fil')
Exemplo n.º 36
def write_stokefils(str, str_I, Ifil=False, Qfil=False, Ufil=False, Vfil=False, Lfil=False, **kwargs):
    '''Writes up to 5 new filterbank files corresponding to each Stokes
    parameter (and total linear polarization L) for a given cross polarization .fil file'''

    I,Q,U,V,L=get_stokes(str, **kwargs)
    obs = Waterfall(str_I, max_load=150) #Load filterbank file to write stokes data to
    if Ifil:
        obs.data = I
        obs.write_to_fil(str[:-15]+'.I.fil')   #assuming file is named *.cross_pols.fil

    if Qfil:
        obs.data = Q
        obs.write_to_fil(str[:-15]+'.Q.fil')   #assuming file is named *.cross_pols.fil

    if Ufil:
        obs.data = U
        obs.write_to_fil(str[:-15]+'.U.fil')   #assuming file is named *.cross_pols.fil

    if Vfil:
        obs.data = V
        obs.write_to_fil(str[:-15]+'.V.fil')   #assuming file is named *.cross_pols.fil

    if Lfil:
        obs.data = L
        obs.write_to_fil(str[:-15]+'.L.fil')   #assuming file is named *.cross_pols.fil