Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_expectation_overwrites_checked_in_metadata(self):
        """Test an entry in an expectation overwriting checked-in metadata.

        When an expectation has no annotation to use checked-in metadata then
        the expectation will overwrite any checked-in metadata."""
        test_name = "external/wpt/test.html"
        expectations = _make_expectation(self.port, test_name, "TIMEOUT")
        mb = WPTMetadataBuilder(expectations, self.port)
        # Set the metadata builder to use mock filesystem populated with some
        # test data
        mb.checked_in_metadata_dir = "src"
        mb.metadata_output_dir = "out"
        mock_checked_in_files = {
            "src/external/wpt/test.html": "",
            "src/external/wpt/test.html.ini": "checked-in metadata",
        mb.fs = MockFileSystem(files=mock_checked_in_files)

        # Ensure that the data written to the metadata file is the translated
        # status, not the checked-in contents.
        resulting_ini_file = os.path.join("out", "test.html.ini")
            "[test.html]\n  blink_expect_any_subtest_status: True # wpt_metadata_builder.py\n  expected: [TIMEOUT]\n",
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_same_metadata_file_for_variants(self):
        """Variants of a test all go in the same metadata file."""
        test_name1 = "external/wpt/variant.html?foo=bar/abc"
        test_name2 = "external/wpt/variant.html?foo=baz"
        expectation_dict = OrderedDict()
        _append_to_expectation_dict(expectation_dict, "TestExpectations",
                                    test_name1, "FAILURE")
        _append_to_expectation_dict(expectation_dict, "TestExpectations",
                                    test_name2, "TIMEOUT")
        expectations = _make_expectation_with_dict(self.port, expectation_dict)
        metadata_builder = WPTMetadataBuilder(expectations, self.port)
        metadata_builder.metadata_output_dir = "out"
        metadata_builder.fs = MockFileSystem()

        # Both the tests go into the same metadata file, named without any
        # variants.
        metadata_file = os.path.join("out", "variant.html.ini")
        # Inside the metadata file, we have separate entries for each variant
            "[variant.html?foo=baz]\n  blink_expect_any_subtest_status: True # wpt_metadata_builder.py\n"
            "  expected: [TIMEOUT]\n"
            "[variant.html?foo=bar/abc]\n  blink_expect_any_subtest_status: True # wpt_metadata_builder.py\n"
            "  expected: [FAIL, ERROR]\n",
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_copy_checked_in_metadata(self):
        # Ensure that ini metadata files are copied from the checked-in dir to
        # the output dir as expected.
        expectations = TestExpectations(self.port)
        mb = WPTMetadataBuilder(expectations, self.port)
        # Set the metadata builder to use mock filesystem populated with some
        # test data
        mb.checked_in_metadata_dir = "src"
        mb.metadata_output_dir = "out"
        mock_checked_in_files = {
            "src/a/b/c.html": "",
            "src/a/b/c.html.ini": "",
            "src/a/d/e.html": "",
            "src/a/d/e.html.ini": "checked-in",
            "src/a/tox.ini": "",

            # Put one duplicate file in the output directory to simulate a test
            # with both legacy expectations and checked-in metadata
            "out/a/d/e.html.ini": "legacy",
        mb.fs = MockFileSystem(files=mock_checked_in_files)

        # Ensure that the duplicate file starts out with the legacy content.
        duplicate_ini_file = "out/a/d/e.html.ini"
        self.assertEqual("legacy", mb.fs.read_text_file(duplicate_ini_file))


        # Ensure only the ini files are copied, not the tests
        self.assertEqual(3, len(mb.fs.written_files))
        self.assertTrue("out/a/b/c.html.ini" in mb.fs.written_files)
        self.assertTrue("out/a/d/e.html.ini" in mb.fs.written_files)
        self.assertTrue("out/a/tox.ini" in mb.fs.written_files)

        # Also ensure that the content of the duplicate file was overwritten
        # with the checked-in contents.