Exemplo n.º 1
def test_th_code():
	src = '''
def main(in_ptr, out_ptr, th):
	y = get_local_id(0)
	x = get_local_id(1)
	index = 16*y + x
	in_v = in_ptr[index]
	out_v = 255 if in_v > th else 0
	out_ptr[index] = out_v

	comp = CompilerDriver(8)
	main_object = comp.run(src)
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm  r2,0
lid  r4,r2
imm  r2,1
lid  r5,r2
imm  r2,16
mul  r6,r2,r4
add  r2,r6,r5
add  r4,r3,r2
memr  r3,r4
imm  r4,255
imm  r5,0
cmp  r3,r0
mov  r0,r5
mov {GT}  r0,r4
add  r3,r1,r2
memw  r3,r0
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_logic_variable2():
	''' Test if a delayed condition captures the correct version of the tested variable. '''
	src = '''
def main(b):
	b_gt = b > 0
	d = 4 if b_gt else b
	b += 1
	c = 3 if b_gt else 1
	comp = CompilerDriver(8)
	main_object = comp.run(src)
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm  r1,0
imm  r2,4
cmp  r0,r1
mov  r3,r0
mov {GT}  r3,r2
imm  r2,1
add  r4,r0,r2
imm  r2,3
imm  r5,1
cmp  r0,r1
mov  r0,r5
mov {GT}  r0,r2
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
def compile_code(src_code, args, block_size, nr_reg = 8, no_sequencer=True):
	''' Compile a kernel and return a codegen function. '''
	comp = CompilerDriver(nr_reg, no_sequencer=True)
	main_object = comp.run(src_code)
	patched_object = Compiler.patch_arguments_before_run(main_object, [args[argname] for argname in main_object.arguments])
	def codegen_func(code, block_size, args):
		for x in patched_object.code:
			yield InstrAdapter(x, use_reg_wrapper=True)
	code = Code()
	code.set_generator(codegen_func, block_size, args)
	return code
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_2D_const_list():
	''' Test code generation with 2D constants list.

	Note that this looks easy to optimise, but it is not
	so simple, because q is only know right before execution. '''
	from blip.code.BlipCompiler import CompilerDriver, Compiler
	src = '''
def main(q):
	a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
	acc = 0
	for i in range(2):
		for j in range(3):
			acc += q*a[i][j]
	return acc
	comp = CompilerDriver(16, no_sequencer=True)
	main_object = comp.run(src)
	patched_object = Compiler.patch_arguments_before_run(main_object, [41])
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in patched_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm  r0,41
imm  r1,0
imm  r2,0
imm  r3,0
imm  r4,1
mul  r5,r0,r4
add  r4,r1,r5
imm  r1,1
imm  r5,2
mul  r6,r0,r5
add  r5,r4,r6
imm  r4,2
imm  r6,3
mul  r7,r0,r6
add  r6,r5,r7
imm  r5,1
imm  r7,0
imm  r8,4
mul  r9,r0,r8
add  r8,r6,r9
imm  r6,1
imm  r9,5
mul  r10,r0,r9
add  r9,r8,r10
imm  r8,2
imm  r10,6
mul  r11,r0,r10
add  r0,r9,r11
mov  r9,r0
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_const_array_access():
	src = '''
def main():
	r = [1, 2, 3]
	b = r[1]
	comp = CompilerDriver(8)
	main_object = comp.run(src)
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm r0,1
imm r1,2
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_patch_arguments():
	from blip.code.BlipCompiler import CompilerDriver, Compiler
	src = '''
def main(q):
	return q + 1
	comp = CompilerDriver(8)
	main_object = comp.run(src)
	patched_object = Compiler.patch_arguments_before_run(main_object, [41])
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in patched_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm  r0,41
imm  r1,1
add  r2,r0,r1
mov  _, r2
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_logic_variable():
	src = '''
def main(b):
	a = b > 0
	c = 3 if a else 1
	comp = CompilerDriver(8)
	main_object = comp.run(src)
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm  r1,0
imm  r2,3
imm  r3,1
cmp  r0,r1
mov  r0,r3
mov {GT}  r0,r2
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_delayed_memderef():
	src = '''
def main(q):
	b = 3
	a = q[b]
	b = 5
	c = a
	comp = CompilerDriver(8)
	main_object = comp.run(src)
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm  r0,3
add  r2,r1,r0
memr  r0,r2
imm  r1,5
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_memderef_inside_condassign():
	src = '''
def main():
	ind = 3
	z = 1
	b = z[4] if z > 0 else 0
	comp = CompilerDriver(8)
	main_object = comp.run(src)
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm  r0,3
imm  r1,1
imm  r2,0
imm  r3,4
memr_imm  r4,5
imm  r5,0
cmp  r1,r2
mov  r1,r5
mov {GT}  r1,r4
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_conv_code_noseq():
	''' Test a simple 3x1 convolution. '''
	src = '''
def main(in_ptr, out_ptr, th):
	coeff = [-1, 0, 1]
	y = get_local_id(0)
	x = get_local_id(1)
	index = 16*y
	acc = 0
	current_x = x - 1
	for i in range(3):
		in_v = in_ptr[index+current_x]
		acc += (coeff[i] * in_v if current_x < 16 else 0) if current_x >= 0 else 0
		current_x += 1
	out_ptr[index+x] = acc

	comp = CompilerDriver(16, no_sequencer=True)
	main_object = comp.run(src)
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm  r0,0
lid  r3,r0
imm  r0,1
lid  r4,r0
imm  r0,16
mul  r5,r0,r3
imm  r0,0
imm  r3,1
sub  r6,r4,r3
imm  r3,0
add  r7,r5,r6
add  r8,r2,r7
memr r7,r8
imm  r8,0
imm  r9,16
imm  r10,-1
mul  r11,r10,r7
imm  r7,0
cmp  r6,r9
mov  r9,r7
mov {LT}  r9,r11
imm  r7,0
cmp  r6,r8
mov  r8,r7
mov {GE}  r8,r9
add  r7,r0,r8
imm  r0,1
add  r8,r6,r0
imm  r0,1
add  r6,r5,r8
add  r9,r2,r6
memr  r6,r9
imm  r9,0
imm  r10,16
imm  r11,0
mul  r12,r11,r6
imm  r6,0
cmp  r8,r10
mov  r10,r6
mov {LT}  r10,r12
imm  r6,0
cmp  r8,r9
mov  r9,r6
mov {GE}  r9,r10
add  r6,r7,r9
imm  r7,1
add  r9,r8,r7
imm  r7,2
add  r8,r5,r9
add  r10,r2,r8
memr  r2,r10
imm  r8,0
imm  r10,16
imm  r11,1
mul  r12,r11,r2
imm  r2,0
cmp  r9,r10
mov  r10,r2
mov {LT}  r10,r12
imm  r2,0
cmp  r9,r8
mov  r8,r2
mov {GE}  r8,r10
add  r2,r6,r8
imm  r6,1
add  r8,r9,r6
add  r6,r5,r4
add  r4,r1,r6
memw  r4,r2
	assert match_code(code, pattern)